Welcome to Aldrect! Here you'll see vast, towering buildings of pure alabaster and marble, and the business of the townsfolk. The religion of the Holy Triumvirate was begun here, and in the center of the city is a grand fountain of the gods. (+2 Defense, +2 Fame)

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Re: Fall from Grace to His Proper Place [Self]

Postby FieldsofIris » 10/21/2017 10:51 PM

Barry's laughter rang out into the crisp morning air as his grouchy uncle dragged him through the streets. "Come now, Uncle, what happened to that cheery smile from just before?" The young man huffed, breathing all out of sorts from the rushed pace and his uncontrollable laughter. Seeing his uncle forcing himself into pleasantries would be something he would remember (and laugh at) for the rest of his life.

Though he was still grinning widely, Barry was soon distracted by the small, yet bustling village around him. Luckily, Vincent was leading him through the crowd, so he wouldn't have to focus on that. Instead, he took in the muscular woman with the large sacks of grain striding down the dirt street, and the lithe man doing what seemed to be card tricks for change on the corner of the alleyway.

Then, he caught a glimpse of a round-bellied girl, who couldn't have been more than 16 years old. She looked tired, and braced one hand across her swollen torso while the other guided a young child through the crowd. Barry felt his stomach twist, and he nearly stumbled in his haste to hide from the sight. Guilt washed over him as he thought of his mother last night at his party...

As he thought about Mary, his betrothed, only 15 years old. He shivered as guilt and relief warred within him on the subject. What would happen to her now? Then, a more striking thought nearly caused him to run back to the train.

What would happen to Uncle Vince if they were caught? ...What would happen to me?

And is there a God up there? 'So,
where does he hide?
'Cause the devil is raging inside my
And is there a moment where it all
makes sense?

~Amen by Amber Run~

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Re: Fall from Grace to His Proper Place [Self]

Postby FieldsofIris » 11/27/2017 12:03 AM

Vincent felt in his element, though it was taking some time to warm up to the sights and sounds of the village again. If he had to describe the feeling, it would be similar to returning home after working abroad for many years. He actually felt himself begin to relax as he and Barry made their way through the crowd.

Suddenly, the older man felt his nephew cling to him tightly, shoving his face into the elder Bartholomew's jacket. Alarmed, Vincent scanned the area, assuming Barry had seen someone related to their denounced family. Though, to his confusion, the only people he himself knew were villagers that Barry hadn't seen since infancy. With a concerned frown, Vince pulled his nephew tighter into his side and quickly led him off the main square.

The elder hurried them onto an old, dirt path, praying it held the same solitude as it had many years ago. Vince set his bag down carefully before wrapping both arms around Barry. "Nephew, what happened?" He spoke lowly and used his body as a shield against the bustling village, hoping to soothe the frightened young man. "Breathe... slowly, now - that's it!"

Vincent's breaths became exaggeratedly slow, urging Barry to fight through his panting and calm his body. Scanning the area, the elder Bartholomew gauged their location as he pulled his shivering nephew closer.

And is there a God up there? 'So,
where does he hide?
'Cause the devil is raging inside my
And is there a moment where it all
makes sense?

~Amen by Amber Run~

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Re: Fall from Grace to His Proper Place [Self]

Postby FieldsofIris » 12/03/2017 10:38 PM

After a long moment, Barry felt himself begin to calm down, and he took comfort in his uncle's embrace. Soon enough, he pulled away from the warmth, but only enough to meet Vincent's concerned gaze. "Sorry about that, uncle," he murmured sheepishly, then glanced around quickly, his newfound paranoia already affecting his behavior.

After doing a thorough sweep, Barry stepped back a bit further, satisfied. Though, the young man still kept a grip on Vincent's jacket. Looking up to the other man's eyes once more, Barry grimaced. "Uncle Vince," he voiced quietly. "What happens if we get caught?" The younger Bartholomew was straightforward in his question, wishing to address his fears as soon as possible.

How far were they from their estranged family, anyway? Would they be looking for them? There was so much Vincent had yet to explain to him, and the sooner that was done, the better he would feel.

... At least, he hoped.

And is there a God up there? 'So,
where does he hide?
'Cause the devil is raging inside my
And is there a moment where it all
makes sense?

~Amen by Amber Run~

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Re: Fall from Grace to His Proper Place [Self]

Postby FieldsofIris » 12/14/2017 1:04 PM

Vincent looked down at his nephew with a sad ghost of a smile. "Come, Barry, I will explain when we arrive at our destination." The elder Bartholomew quickly swept up their bags, then hurried them down the dirt path out of the town. He was reluctant to continue this conversation out in the open, but he wanted to soothe the boy's fears as soon as he could.

After a long moment of silence, a small cottage appeared on the horizon, spurring Vincent to quicken their pace. A tight feeling encompassed his chest as he approached the small building, his grip on the bags turning his knuckles white.

Oh, Laura, Vince sighed to himself, a familiar longing welling up in his throat. The man's pace only slowed as he passed the rickety fence guarding the small yard, almost as if he was hesitating. Holding his breath, the elder Bartholomew slowly opened the blue wooden door.

Suddenly, it was as if Vincent was transported to the past. Warm laughter echoed through the halls, and the smell of dinner called out to him. Taking a deep breath, the memories vanished along with a violent sneeze, the dust reminding him that the happiness he recalled was of a time long passed.

And is there a God up there? 'So,
where does he hide?
'Cause the devil is raging inside my
And is there a moment where it all
makes sense?

~Amen by Amber Run~

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