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Idea Lab

Postby amanda784 » 06/03/2011 2:35 PM

Hey there, this is where I put together all my bright ideas. You will notice that there aren't a lot of pets in here. I've got a lot of empty spots to fill! This is where I've been piling RP ideas and your free to look around. First a couple rules.


1) Don't post here~ PM me with any questions or comments. I'm more than happy to hear from you. I just want to keep this as organized as my messy brain can handle.

2) DO use my ideas! You couldn't possibly play out my idea in the exact same way I would so go ahead and steal my idea. Things you shouldn't use: my characters, my blurb, or any of my writing. Taking my ideas are fine. They were likely to be inspired by someone/something else anyways, but don't cross into plagiarizing.

3) Do HMU if you like one of my ideas and want to join in. Even if a RP is already started we can always throw in a random character or two. As of 12/30/2020 I consider all my RPs needing a serious revamp so I'm down to restart a couple ideas as well. You'll notice I posted an availability section under most my ideas. That will feature what I want for in a partner for that specific RP, but don't let that discourage you from messaging me if you like the idea, but want to change something. I'm open for that! The worst I will say is no, but I promise I won't be mean about it.

4) Do reach out if you have your own ideas, but want a partner or just want to run the idea by someone else. Even if you have an idea for an RP you want to do yourself I would be happy to hear about and give you ideas if you get stuck. I love a good writing workshop partner.
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Female Lucain

Postby amanda784 » 11/10/2016 10:56 AM

Code: Select all


Name: Nala
Information: Once a frequent party goer, now a mother with responsibilities. She still adores parties and dancing, but tends to be on the responsible side of things. She works as an herbalist who specializes in potion work primarily for hunters. She has three children: Terra, Bay, and Ander.
Breeding: OPEN


Name: Bay
Information: Her mother Nala, named Bay after the Bay leaf. Bay leaves are an ingredient known for reducing migraines in Nala's work. Bay herself is known for causing them. Bay is an impulsive person who makes quick judgement and acts. Bay is well educated and smart, but jumping to conclusions is often what gets her into trouble. This attribute has caused Bay to push away nearly everyone close to her, including her siblings.

Bay is extremely envious of her sister Terra's magic ability and angry that she chooses not to use it in a big way. Bay has tried her hand at magic, but is only able to try spells since she possesses no magic of her own. Little to nothing happens because she does not have the patience or discipline to learn magic properly.
Breeding: OPEN


Name: Terra
Information: Terra is a gardener working on her mother's farm. She specializes in creating new and stronger strains of herbs for her mother's potions. Terra is calm and waits to get all the facts before making a decision. The only downside to this is waiting to long sometimes.
Terra contains naturalist magic, but she claims no coven. She is neither witch nor wizard by choice. Instead, Terra is simply herself. Because she is calm her magic is extremely controlled to the point where Terra can not perform large acts of magic. She does not study spells either so her magic is extremely limited.
Breeding: OPEN


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Farley's Finds

Postby amanda784 » 11/10/2016 11:05 AM

Blurb: Hunting Team 1

Farley used to be in informant for the police. He was by occupation a rat. When the police captain was found to be just as guilty (if not more) that the criminals Farley gave information on, Farley was quickly out of a job. He decided to instead try his hand at hunting. For him, this means bounty hunting.


Laura is arguably the most essential person in the Farley's Finds company. She is the resident researcher and "mom". Laura loves doting on the hunters, but this sometimes allows them to treat her as more of an assistant than an essential part of team.


Piper was a small time criminal that Farley had information on. It was all petty stuff that Farley would never report in. Still, Farley threatened as much to get Piper to join the team. It was Laura who made her stay though. She showed her a mothers love and a way to a better life. Piper handles creature hunts.


Maverick "Mav"
Maverick bumped into Piper on her first hunt and helped her with her hunt. Like most hunters Maverick does not make friends with other hunters, but he does enjoy mentoring her so long as she doesn't interfere with his own hunts. He also tends to call for Laura's help before going on a hunt.

Availability: I typically only use these guys for hunts, but I'm open to a joint hunt. I'm not picky on place either.
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Postby amanda784 » 11/10/2016 11:17 AM

Sakana- Hunting Team 2 - Lone Hunter

Sakana dreamed of being underwater all her life, but was unable to breathe underwater. This prompted her to begin hunting to earn money to achieve her dream. She found her place as a hunter and isn't leaving anytime soon. Sakana hunts only in areas with water.

Availability: I can do a joint hunt, but will only RP Sakana in areas with some water. She's not a super strong character for me, but she's growing on me.
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Nala & Family

Postby amanda784 » 07/30/2017 8:30 PM

Possible Hunting Team?

Blurb: Nala is the first female that I own and is having a litter since returning back to evelon. Because of this, I plan to do some kind of family type RP once the litter arrives.

Nala used to be your typical bubbly party girl and tends to switch back into that person when at a party, but she spends most days on her farm with her children. She is now an herbalist who makes concoctions for hunters.

Availability: I'm not really sure. If you have a good idea hmu, but I have no plans yet.
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Re: Home of the Characters

Postby amanda784 » 08/06/2017 11:54 AM

Supernatural Crimes

Blurb: None Yet


[imgleft]NONE YET[/imgleft] Detective Lara
Lara has been blessed with the gift to communicate with the supernatural, though most days she counts it as a curse. She hunts all things supernatural.

[imgleft]NONE YET[/imgleft] Detective Dunkin
Dunkin was with Lara when she was just a regular detective hunting down regular criminals. He misses those days, but still follows her along on her supernatural hunts. Although, she has broken things off.

[imgleft]None Yet[/imgleft]

Availability: This idea is so low on my list right now feel free to pm and I'll get right on it. I post daily (within reason), but because this isn't high on my list I'm totally okay with taking it slow. I don't have a preference on characters played or even keeping any of my characters. Thinking about revamping this to loosely resemble a Haven (TV show) vibe.
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The Bunker - Psych Thriller

Postby amanda784 » 08/06/2017 11:56 AM

"Hurry! Down here!"

Eva did not know why they were running, but they were.

"I have a bunker, follow me!" he said.

Eva did not have time to argue if she wanted to keep sight of him so she ran. She didn't know where she was running or why, but she did.

Down the metal stairs and into the underground bunker she went.

"You're safe now," he said,

He lied.

Basic Plot: Unsuspecting woman follows her boyfriend into a bunker where she learns of an apocalypse (still working out what type) happening outside.  It's all a well planned out lie for the boyfriend to keep her all to himself.

Character List:
About: Eva has been dating him for 3 months now. It's not a long time, but it's been long enough for her to realize he's not like every other jerk she's dating. After the first date he left flowers and a note at her home. When he met her mother he brought her flowers too. He always texts back and answers her calls. Eva has a history of dating jerks and it's nice to be finally dating a nice guy. It's why she doesn't question him when he runs into the bunker. At least, not until things stop adding up...

Availability: I plan on this just being a short one roleplay deal (50-100 posts). I may end up doing a sequel if it goes well. I would like to play either Eva or her boyfriends character, but if you want to jump in that's fine. I ask for main character to post daily (within reason), but I'm okay with having a planned side character that also lives in the bunker with less frequent posting.
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Postby amanda784 » 08/16/2017 12:01 PM

Schrodinger's cat- The concept that the cat is both alive and dead until the moment the box is opened. Two separate realities that either smash into one or go two separate ways never meeting.

Life is not this linear thing. I know this. Most people think choice = consequence. To some extent it does, but there is another you out there that made that other choice and there's a completely different outcome. I know this because I jump. I suppose it's true that most people's singular life is linear. Mine is not. I hop around from line to line. I can't control it and I never know when it will happen.

Every time I jump I never meet myself. That would be weird. I don't know what happens to my other me. I suppose she jumps right into my previous lifeline. Maybe she ceases to exist, but I don't like that idea. That would mean I left all my previous lifes with a "me" sized hole in them.

I can't imagine I'm the only one able to this, but I've yet to find someone who can. Even if I did I'm not sure they could control theirs either let alone teach me. I can't tell you how many psych wards I've been in trying to find someone like me. I haven't yet. I doubt I ever will.

Character list/episode 1:
1) Get to know Amara - her life.
- she has a sister, Natalia or "Tali"
-mother Sarah
- stepfather Frank
-father Daniel (Desceased in some realities)
- best friend Ezra (sister-Lila)
- Mean girl (bully) - Lila
-Research boy - Edmund "Ed" Eddy"

2) Amara jumps to a "normal" life: (all minus Daniel)
- Ezra and her are dating
- No conversation between her and Edmund trying to figure out her "jumps"
- Tali and her had a strained relationship before she jumped and immediately fixed it
- Her and mom aren't close
- Her and mean girl are friends (Lila picks on Tali instead)

Episode Ideas:
- Amara learns Tali jumps with her
- Amara brings Ezra with her on a jump(breeding)
- Amara is dating Lila (breeding)
- Amara is dating Edmund (breeding)
- Amara is a thief
-Amara is murderer (but doesn't know it)
- Amara is a police officer [hunt]

Availability: This idea is my baby right now. I plan on having all the main characters and I plan on doing "episodes" as different roleplays. I would't mind doing an episode including new people though so hmu if you want to join. Keep in mind I have breedings planned to get my characters, but they aren't here yet.
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Postby amanda784 » 12/30/2020 6:32 PM

I plan on totally redoing this plot. It feels so weak right now. I think I want to go a totally different direction. but here was my original idea with him.


Availability: Open! I plan on keeping his origin the same as seen in my RP unless someone has a better idea. I'm open to changing whatever though.
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Re: Idea Lab

Postby amanda784 » 01/18/2021 12:37 AM

Someone hit me with some inspiration to make this idea less blah!

A lone witch starts her own coven in search of other mystical beings

Lotus Coven

Lotus- headmistress

Nanny- Nanny (duh)

Delilah - some insight to others minds - specifically desires

Eden - controls nature to some extent

Aurora - able to control a level of fondness in others

Availability: Anyone out there think they can save my terrible writing? This is what happens when I have no plan going in and try to write the characters out after I started RPing. Anyways, OPEN availability to anyone who wants to start a coven. I don't have to use the same characters and I'm open to someone with witchy knowledge leading the coven.

Here is what I did with these characters/ideas. I don't want to continue it this way so starting fresh may be my best bet.

Here is an example of some of my typical writing style to redeem the blahness of my coven RP.
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Academy That needs a name

Postby amanda784 » 01/29/2021 4:49 AM

Lea (Penthesilea)
Lea runs a small school for magicians without any other home. It was once an all girls boarding school, but has since expanded to welcome in everyone.
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Re: Idea Lab

Postby amanda784 » 03/08/2021 1:18 AM

Test Post 1
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