In contrast to the Dead Coast, Sa'fir Coast is jokingly referred to as the world's largest pepper deposit because of its black sand beaches. They attract tourists, who can enjoy the tropical landscape of Barakka without facing its harsh environments. (+2 Endurance)

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Foggy Day For a Kidnapping (PALMIE EVENT)

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 10/01/2010 9:31 PM

The door creaked open and the woman jumped back a little, chains clinking along the old wooden floor boards. Behind her veil of brown hair Court looked up, relieved to see it wasn’t the first mate; the captain wasn’t much better.

“Court,” The captain said, dipping his hat and giving a comical bow her way. A wolfish grin played across his lips, making Court shrink away, feathers seeming to appear from nowhere along her cheeks.
“Captain,” she murmured her reply, fingers nervously playing over the compass in her long, delicate fingers.

“We’ve reached Sa’fir Coast, but there’s a deepening fog. Can you...?”
The young woman shook her head, feathers growing in her hair and along her neck now as the captain frowned, “S-sorry Captain Double Cross, but even I can’t navigate in pea soup... We’ll have to wait it out here...”

The man dressed in the finest of pirate duds (which were nice... once upon a time) scowled at the woman who turned into a, rather frightened magistrey who fluttered onto her bed.
“Tch...!” There was nothing more he had to say to that useless bag of bones and feathers. He had what he wanted and once the weather cleared they would leave with their latest haul.


You’d heard of the black beaches and had decided to go today because the weather was foul. Who would go to the beach on a cloudy day?

Apparently quite a few people. If you think white sand is hot in the sun, try sand that is black, huh? So there they were, crowding the beaches. Well, no, not crowding. It wasn’t a great day, true but the news had also forecasted fog and though the sand wouldn’t burn your feet in the fog, you’d be wet, cold and miserable.  But a few brave souls were here, a few packing up to leave before the fog.

Unfortunately they wouldn’t get much of a chance as something approached the breach. The steady sound of paddles plopping into the water, pushing against it and being drawn out, repeated over and over until the bow of the boat hits sand. The sound is noticeable in the sudden silence; sand grating against black sand.

A moment of silence as the beach goers watched the boat and those in the boat watched the beach goers. Those in the boat, rough clothes, rough faces gave off shark like grins, wolves counting the sheep in the pen as their heads moved side to side. The beach watched in dumbfounded silence.

All hell broke loose.

You try to escape, to run. The sand is loose under foot and it’s like those dreams where you’re running and running but you’re not getting anywhere. A child, has to be a child no adult screams like that, runs past, or tries. He’s knocked down by the blunt edge of... what was that? Black, a blade that was decently large. It wasn’t metal what was...?

Didn’t matter, whatever it was or is has hit you upside the head. You fall forward, dark sand rushing up as the dark comfort of passing up rushes forward, both coming together to leave you blissfully unaware.


Your head throbs and you wake up, the world swaying nauseatingly side to side. Looking around you notice, hey, everything is shifting in this lazy side to side sweep and you realize that you’re on a boat. As you sit up, head still thumping you hear a familiar sound. It’s the sound of paper crinkling and you look to see that there’s a rather old piece of paper rolled up and tied with a silk black ribbon. You unroll the scroll to find a map of a ship, the ship that you’re on. In the lower left hand corner is a small note.

“Greetings Insufferable Dumb-Dumb,

I suppose you’re wondering where you are and who this is. You’re on The Amethyst Shadow a pirate ship which is controlled by a pirate by the name of James “Double Cross” Wolf. You may meet him, and other crew members aboard this vessel as you... do whatever it is you think is worth doing (escape being one of many options you may be considering since you’re a prisoner that might be the best one). I suggest staying clear of Double Cross and Shanks, myself. Really if you can’t bet a bit of an idea on what their like I suppose you can keep “Dumb-Dumb” as your pirate name.

Whatever you do be sure to consider in the fact that I’m watching you to be AMUSED, not bored to tears.

~ Zed”


R1: Use: Storage/Slave "Quaters". Where the room connects to R2 are canned goods such as food and the like, taking up about half of this very large room (this half is in varrying degrees of being full, depending on when the last time they were in port). This half is kept in good shape, unlike the second half which is partly squished together benches for prisoners (chains and all) and partly cages for any animals they may have on board... or prisoners if required. This area of R1 is usually quite a bit dirtier and stinkier. There's a covering of straw on the ground which is old and does nothing to hide any gross body odors.
Attaches To: R2

R2: Use: Storage. Here are foods that need to be used soon, such as fresh bread, fresh fruits or any damaged goods. There's also some barrels, boxes and chests crammed under the stairs. There could be something interesting tucked away under there.
Attaches To: R1 , R3

R3: Use: Kitchen/Galley. This is the kitchen and galley. Along the far wall is a long table since, well, there's not a lot of crew on this particular pirate ship and three of them don't eat with the rest of the crew. So those that do eat together eat in the kitchen. There's no fridge on this ship and most of the food is kept in the lower levels so the vast majority of the ships kitchen is counter space, a large sink (almost a tub) for washing dishes and a stove/oven set up.
Attaches To: R2 , R4

R4: Use: Get to Deck /Storage. There is a ladder here which leads to the deck.There are boxes, ropes, hooks and other parafenalia. Most olf the stuff here seems to be things the crew uses on deck day-to-day and also items used to board other ships? There could be something interesting here.
Attaches To: R3 , Deck ,  R5

R5: Use: Cleaning Supplies/Closet. Crew members leave their heavy/water resistent coats out here and boots. Primarily this room is filled with cleaning supplies. Mostly mops, brooms, ropes and scrub brushes. There are also items used to keep weapons in tip-top shape.
Attaches To: R4 , R6

R6: Use: Crews Quarters (empty). This room is easirly empty. The bunks (lined up on either side) are made but there are no signs of anyone really using this room. There is also a dark stain on the floor.
Attaches To: R5 , R7

R7: Use: Crews Quarters. Ah! Signs of life! A few beds here seem to be in use, though about half are empty. One bed is a mess (is that a whooppee cushion and an old piece of bread?) but the others are clean with a "lived in" feel to them. Each bed that is in use has a large trunk at the end where the owner of the bed probably keeps their possessions.
Attaches To: R6

R8: Use: Treasure Room. Anything of great value is kept here! It's locked up pretty tight, though.
Attaches To: R9

R9: Use: Navigator's Room. Here is where the ships navigator is kept. Yes, kept, as she is a prisoner of the Captain's. There are many feathers strewn about the room, all of them brown and white. There are pens, paper, maps along with other tools used to navigate and plot courses. Beyond that there is not much is this room besides a bed and dresser drawers beneath it.
Attaches To: R8 , R10

R10: Use: First Mate's Room. This room has a dark feel to it. Upon entering it is noticeably darker then all over rooms on the ship, even the rooms at the very bottom of the boat. It's not so much a lack of light but a lack of... life? This places gives most the creeps, even if all it is is a bedroom with bed and side table, even a book shelf (though the shelf itself does not contain many books, but instead weapons and strange devices). It is spotless but has a smell that is sour, like fall leaves that are wet and well into the rotting stages.
Attaches To: R9 , Deck

R11: Use: Armory. This room contains all the swords, cutlasses, daggers, throwing knives, guns and ammo you could ever wish. It's kept locked, for the most part, but all of the crew can get in without the key. The lock is more for show, anyway.
Attaches To: Deck

R12: Use: Crows Nest. A quick climb up the mst and you're here. There's enough room for two, maybe three people. It seems there's somebody already up there, looking down on all the Dumb-Dumbs aboard....
Attaches To: Deck

R13: Use: Captain's Quarters. You don't want to be in this room, honestly. It's locked up tight but even if it wasn't I wouldn't suggest coming in here. Sure it's nice with a big, fancy bed, a large wooden table with paper scattered over the top, some pinned down with daggers to show they hold some importance. But if Double Cross catches you here you better home he makes your death quick because Double Cross loves a good kheelhaulin'.
Attaches To: Deck

Deck: Use: ...? Seriously? The deck is the deck, end of story. Mind, it's foggy on the waters and thus visability is limited which has it's ups and downs.
Attaches To: R4 , R10 , R11 , R12 , R13


*Post only when a slot is open
* Once you join one event thread and leave you CANNOT join the other. You can only join ONE event thread and that's it! Keeping it fair guys.
* You can start in any room you please~ Just so long as you can justify it~ Like...  give me a reason why on earth you'd end up in the Captains Room, which is supposed to be locked tight?
* You can only move ONE ROOM a turn, maximum. So if you start in the kitchen you can't magically end up in the crows nest. You have to go room by room.
* CLEARLY state what room you are in by either BOLDING or COLORING your selection. This goes for when you start and when you wish to go to a new room!
* You get FIVE (5) posts in here, before you are able to be kicked out. I won't kick you out before then, providing you follow all the rules.
* If you complain, whine or break the rules, I will make ye walk tha plank, and yarrr better be hoping there's no sharks.This is a game of chance, it's free and whatever you get has already been predetermined by a dice roll. So... yeah. Just don't do it~
* The crows nest is a NO START ZONE. That means you CANNOT start in the crows nest. You can work your way towards the crows nest (heck, you can be on deck and say you're moving towards the crows nest if you want!) but you can't start there or I'll kheel haul yah.
* This is the most important rule of all, so listen up. HAVE FUN! Seriously, if you don't Zed will force you to have fun. And his idea of fun is not what you'd expect to be fun.




1. Sappheara
2. GrayGriffin
3. Elektra
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Postby Sappheara » 10/01/2010 9:46 PM

Iolana woke up with a headache, shaking her head to try to clear it, it wasn't working. Getting up slowly, she looked around the room. She wasn't to sure how she ended up in a room full of ropes, boxes, and vairies other things. The Khimera slowly walked around the room trying to find a door. Knocking over a box with her tail, it that was stacked up on top of other box. The items that fell out of the box was what looked like pirate stuff. Her heart started to beat fast, as she realized that she was kidnapped, taking a deep breath to try to calm down. Iolana felt a motion of slow movements beneath her, moving back and forth. What is going on here? She could be sure, but it felt like a ship of some kinds. To think about the falling box filled with that pirate stuff. My goodness can this be a pirate ship? Finding the wood door, she slowly opened it. Slowly sticking her head out of the door, she looked around to see if anyone was outside. Iolana couldn't see anyone.

(She in room R4)
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Re: Foggy Day For a Kidnapping (PALMIE EVENT)

Postby GrayGriffin » 10/01/2010 10:08 PM

"Ughh..." moaned Langlin, struggling to sit up. What had just happened? He'd been on one of his rare excursions out, had decided to check out the newly-opened beach...and now this. His head was throbbing, and he reached up a hand to check. Drawing it away, he felt stickyness, and holding it in front of his face...blood. The sticky red liquid trickled slowly down, and he felt sick. He hadn't wanted to come out!

However, there was no use dwelling on what he wanted. He had to devise a plan to get out. Folding up the paper and stuffing it into a pocket of his labcoat, he stood up, allowing his tail flames to illuminate the room. was so dark.


Crossing my heart
Open wide
You're my crystal and clover
All of me
Is dedicated to hold you

Swear to God
Double knot
What would you do if I stole you tonight? (Ahh ahh)
Why waste time? (Ahh ahh)

'Cause the world goes on without us
It doesn't matter what we do
All silhouettes with no regrets
When I'm melting into you
'Cause I belong in your arms
I belong in your arms

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Re: Foggy Day For a Kidnapping (PALMIE EVENT)

Postby Elektra » 10/01/2010 10:32 PM

"Hey, wait, what?  No, get off me!" Her screams were cut off from a sharp slap from her kidnappers.  She was thrust into a sack, and thrown onto a hard, swaying surface.  She had slipped on the hot sand, and whoever, or whatever for that matter, must have seen her as an easy target.  They came out of no where, and yet...  to tired to think, and battered from the fight she had put up, she blacked out...

After what seemed like hours, Ceanna was awoken with by gruff voices, and trying to sit up, she found there were heavy little shackles around her.  "Really!?" she said, loudly enough to disturb someone.  Hoping that hadn't happened though, she tried to think of where she was.  Not only that, but who would do such a thing to her.  It brought back the painful memories of being captured in the Slums by that Hollowheart.  She could only hope it wasn't like that this time...

(She's in R1)

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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Postby Remedy » 10/01/2010 10:46 PM

Bryan got up.  He shook his head and could feel somethingclanking around... whatever it was that had striked him on the head must have dislodged something.  Since his arms were to short, he used his tail to reach into his mouth and pull a short metal rod from the emptiness of his head.  I'll have to figure out were that goes later... he thought to himself, swallowing it to put in his stomach compartment for later.

Bryan looked around.  The room he was in was full of cleaning supplies and rain jackets, along with some muddy boots that had been tossed carelessly into the middle of the floor.  Why was he in here?  It couldn't be that someone had mistaken him for cleaning supplies... though that was sometimes the case.  His girlfriend was often referred to as an 'irobot' or something, one of those high tech cleaning devices.  But seriously.

He got up and walked to the door, but of course, he was too short to reach the handle.  Better find a solution...


I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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Re: Foggy Day For a Kidnapping (PALMIE EVENT)

Postby HunnyBun » 10/01/2010 10:52 PM

Creet woke up, dazed and confused, where was he? He wasn't sure, but it was dark and the only light that he could see came through one slit in front of him. He tried to peer through it, but could barely make out what exactly he was seeing.
"Help? Can someone help me?" He called out, calling for anyone.
What he didn't know was that he was in R2 of a ship, in a barrel. He had fallen asleep and accidentally shipped out. Now he needed to find a way out and off the ship or be at risk at being made to walk the plank. Now that wouldn't be any good.

We're waiting every night
To finally roam and invite
Newcomers to play with us
For many years we've been all alone

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Re: Foggy Day For a Kidnapping (PALMIE EVENT)

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 10/02/2010 12:02 AM


The trap door came down hard on Lolana's head, knocking her back down the ladder.
" 'Ello there! I see you're awake!" The hydrolisk said, opening up the trap door and jumping down into the pit with quickly, eyes never leaving the khimera/woman. He turned his head away long enough to spit before grabbing a rope, taking this opportunity to tie Lolana's front paws/hands together. He worked with quick, sure motions, typing her hands together tightly with a couple of complex knots.
"Pleasure tah meetcha', babe. The name is Spitz," The hydrolisk said, turning his head to, again, spit. Hmm, I wonder where the name came from. "and I don't wan'tah see you tryin' anyfing funny, rite? Rite! Prisoners are suppose to be below deck... I mean WAY below deck!"

(( Welcome~! Also I don't know if she's in human or khimera form. Also you're still in R4 ))


The place was dark and damp, the sound of rattegan scurrying about underfoot as the light came to life. Somewhere at the back of the ship something groaned. Chains clanked noisily against something metal, the sound echoing in this rather empty part of the ship.
"Oh my head..." somebody groaned from the dark. Apparently Langlin wasn't the only one with a head injury, "Where am I...? Is anybody else there? Hello?" the voice called, the small sound bounced about the room. It didn't sound very threatening, in fact it sounded plaintive if anything.

(( Welcome to the thread~ 8D Also, I'm putting you and Elektra together. 8D Also, try and make it clear what kind of form your character is in, please and thanks?))


Ceanna would come about right next to Langlin. Whether she was still to groggy to register the plaintive voice of somebody further back in the ship is not for this writer to decide. However Ceanna's unbelieving cry was heard by the other in the ship. Whoever or whatever it was jumped, chains clinking and clattering noisily.
"Oh! So there is somebody else here? Fri-friend or fo-foe? I-I wo-won't be t-taken so ea-easily a se-se-second ti-time!" it shouted, any attempts at sounding brave were squashed by the voices terrible stutter.

(( Arr, matey! Welcome to my thread! I'm sticking you and Gray together since you're both in R1. o3o ))


There were two doors on either side of the velix and, well, they looked exactly the same with a long door handle. If the little robot could get something hooked on the handle and pull down he could open the door. There were lots of supplies in here, too. Not only cleaning supplies but broken weapons galore. There must be a big hook like object around, or even something weighty to tie to one end of a rope and throw over to weigh the handle down.

(( Welcome, welcome~ Feel free to use your own imgagination here. Also here's what the handle looks like but a bit older and rustier. xD; <333 ))


creak creak creak ... creak... creak...?

"Whuh...? Hello?" A small voice called, somplace above Creet. Since all visuals were blocked it was impossible to tell who or what was speaking to him, but whoever it was they were above him and had been creaking down... maybe... stairs? Yes, they seemed quite possible.
"Did one of the prisoners get out...?" the voice mumbled, the words were barely audible, "M-maybe I should tell Shanks...?" Bu the little voice already didn't like this idea it seemed as they continued their way down the stairs, shuffling around outside the barrel without knowing that somebody was in it.
"Hello? I promise I won't hurt you," the voice said, "I'm only the cook. Jim. They call me Meeky. Nobody named Meeky will hurt you, honest."

(( Welcome~. Barrel, huh, that's cool. Good luck! ^o^ ))
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Postby Sappheara » 10/02/2010 12:46 AM

(She in khimera form)

The heavy trap door fell on top of her head, making her see stars for a moment. Her large purple paws let go of the top bar of the ladder,  falling straight down to the wood floor. Iolana hit the wood floor hard, knocking the wind right out her. She felt the pain shoot up and down her spine, hissing from the shock. "Ouch! What the..." The khimera could fill a large  bump forming on the top of her head. Rubbing her head to try to subside the headache, Iolana could fill the nasty bump. Great, that's what need at this moment. She looked up as the trap door open once again, and a voice drifted down into the room. Ok, this is not good. Iolana was staring at a hydrolisk, breathing hard, she watched as he jumped into the room. She started watching as the hydrolisk grabbed a rope that hang from the wall. He got to her before she thought of moving out of his way. "Get away from me!" Iolana tried her best to fight off Spitz, snapping her jaws at him as he started tying her up. Apparently , even her twin bladed tails didn't help her. Feeling helpless, she watched him closely. "Why have you kidnapped me!" Not waiting for an answer. "Where are you taking me, you ugly cretin!"

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Postby Remedy » 10/02/2010 1:17 AM

Bryan looked up at the handle.  He peered back around the room, trying to figure out what he could do to open the door.  First thing he did was pull a large metal bucket over and flip it upside down so he could get on the top.  He was still too far away from the handle to reach it, but he was closer at least.  Looking back around, Bryan grabbed a mop and lugged it over to the door, then with some difficulty he tied a few of the mop strings together so they made a sort of loop.

Climbing back on top of the bucket, he lugged the mop up with him and attempted to get the loop around the handle.  If he did it should be able to pull down and let him through to the next room, so hopefully this would work.  When it finally looped around Bryan churred with joy.  That surprised him, since normally he could talk.  Uh-oh.  Did the rod that broke off have some connection to his voice cables?  That could prove to be a serious problem.  Better not worry about it at the moment.  He yanked down on the mop handle as hard as his little arms would let him and the door popped open.  He quickly climbed down off the bucket and cautiously entered  the next room.


((I think I'm doing this right, just let me know if I got something wrong.  ^3^))

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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Re: Foggy Day For a Kidnapping (PALMIE EVENT)

Postby HunnyBun » 10/02/2010 1:28 AM

(( Not sure if there's a posting order or not o3o ))

Creet shut his mouth, did he say prisoner? He defiantly said prisoner! Was this a prison? Or a slave ship? He shook lightly, how did he end up here? But he knew it would be best to keep quiet. He didn't want to risk being caught and end up a prisoner, that would be terrible. He tried peeking through the hole again, but still saw nothing.
Then he heard that he was the cook, and that he wouldn't harm him. Creet almost coughed sarcastically if it wasn't for the fact that he was trying to keep quite. But he weighted his options, should he keep quite or trust him? He could be telling him the truth, and could also help get him back on his way. Maybe he could get him out of where ever he was and home safely. But then there was the fact he could be lying and would take him to the prison and lock him up.
Creet held his breath for a good while, thinking over what would be best to do. Then, not thinking it to be good to wait any longer, made his decision.
"Yes? M-Meeky? Please, help me. I do not know where I am, it's dark." He called out, a little quieter.

(( Thought I should mention Creet is in his Human Form ))

We're waiting every night
To finally roam and invite
Newcomers to play with us
For many years we've been all alone

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Re: Foggy Day For a Kidnapping (PALMIE EVENT)

Postby GrayGriffin » 10/02/2010 2:04 AM

(In human form, but with Kuhna tails and ears. Imagine a tall, lanky scientist, type.)
"Oh...who are you?" he asked quietly. He didn't want to talk to anyone, but if the whoever-it-was could help him...he'd gladly do so. But not much. He didn't want to talk to them too much. Nonetheless, he stepped forwards, one tail curling around his legs, reaching out to give more light.

"Come closer...?" he murmured.

Crossing my heart
Open wide
You're my crystal and clover
All of me
Is dedicated to hold you

Swear to God
Double knot
What would you do if I stole you tonight? (Ahh ahh)
Why waste time? (Ahh ahh)

'Cause the world goes on without us
It doesn't matter what we do
All silhouettes with no regrets
When I'm melting into you
'Cause I belong in your arms
I belong in your arms

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Re: Foggy Day For a Kidnapping (PALMIE EVENT)

Postby Elektra » 10/02/2010 10:36 AM

At first, Ceanna thought there was just one in the room with her, but suddenly a second voice, much softer, began talking.  But after a moment, she decided not to answer it.  The original one though had sounded scared.  Served them right.  If they were foolish enough to make her mad, they would have to deal with it.  She still wasn't clearheaded though, and didn't realize how scared the speaker was.  Turning her attention to the first voice, she said, "Look, if I'm a prisoner here, that's your bad luck.  But, if..." she faltered, but only for a second, than raged on, "But if this is a slave ship, than you're gonna have one heck of a slave here, since I don't plan on serving any of you blasted bilge rats!  You must have been licked by the captain on to many times to think that you can turn me into a lowly wench!  You can't do anything to make me change, I assure you."  With a smirk, she lashed out, but forgetting that she was still shackled.  The minute she reached the end of those chains, they yanked her back, slamming her head against the wall.  A warm substance began to run down her cheek.  Blood.  Thank goodness Cargan wasn't here though.  He would've gone crazy at the sight of that.  But no one was here to save her this time.  Only she would be able to get out of this mess.

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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Re: Foggy Day For a Kidnapping (PALMIE EVENT)

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 10/03/2010 11:33 PM

A man in this particular career couldn’t just be rude. He drew his own sword, quickly, and rather expertly knocking them away. Hey, not all swords men are dashing and handsome, alright?
“Capn’s orders, Luv. Though why on Evelon he thought capturing a cat with knives welded to the ends of her tails I’ll never know nor understand. Yee’d have to ask him, ha!”

As for where, he wasn’t sure. Shanks had clearly not hit this one on the head hard enough and getting her down all those stairs while thrashing those tails of hers around... He’d have to try and keep those under control. Hmm... He turned his head thoughtfully and, you guessed it, spit. Spitz was in the wrong room for handy kidnapping supplies. The room was scanned quickly as he stepped around the large cat. What could he...? Oh! Perfect!

The hydrolisk, with one hand grabbed an old potatoe sack and, with the other hand a rope.
“Okay kitty kitty, lets play REAL nice, alright? Don’t want to give me an excuse to cut up that pretty-kitty face oh yours, right?”

(( Tossing Pickle into our RP. XD <3 So please read my reply to Pickle aswell. =3 ))


((Sappheara is now part of the same scene, just so you know. ))

Brian had made it into the next room safe and sound, only to see a rather strange sight. A hydrolisk was apparently man handling a pastel purple chimera quite roughly. He stood against the cats back (who was laying unceremoniously on her side, front paws tied) with his whole body stretching out and trying to reach the cats tails while holding onto an old “Yukon Gold” potato sack and a rope.

“Whuh?” The Hydrolisk asked, head turning towards the velix. His balance was already precarious and with his already spread thin attention turning to Brian it was only a matter of time before something went wrong for the pirate. The floor boards on the ship were a bit wet from the coming and going of the crew and the foggy, damp weather above. The boat lurched and Spitz, with a surprised hiss, fell forward onto Lolana.

“Oh! Something seems to be happening out there!” Spoke the duster from the cleaning closet who was now standing behind Brian, “Hey, do you think you could help a palmie out? We got kidnapped and we were hoping to hide out here until somebody came along to save us. I guess you’re not here specifically for that reason but, you know, while you’re saving your own butt you can save ours too, right?”
Intense green eyes seemed to glare into the blue eyes of the velix. Maybe you won’t help it out of pity, but helping for fear of losing all your limbs was also a good reason, right?


(( No posting order. =D <333 ))

The voice outside the barrel let out a terrified, girly scream when Creet finally spoke up. Meeky had been beginning to believe he’d just heard things, ready to trudge back up stairs and forget. But now the thing, the voice had spoken and he was scared. Oh Xai’re, what was a cook to do? Again the cook contemplated finding Shanks and letting the beetankee deal with this little “problem”. Again the idea was tossed, Shanks was a scary guy and he wouldn’t be invoking his wrath.

So the cook poked around the storage area until he got to the barrel. He wrapped on the barrel, the sound telling him it was full. He knew he’d just emptied that barrel this morning. Oh dear...
“Ah... Alright... I-I’m going to le-le-let you ou... out! But-but if you tr-try an-anything Sh-sh-shanks will get... getcha’!” The cook pronounced before grabbing the lid in both hands and yanking it off with all his might.

The baby faced chef with the curly black hair screamed, again, and stepped back. Oh my gawd! The... thing in the barrel was a hideous beast! ... Well maybe not that bad but he was spooky, you bet!
“Oh-oh jeeze. Hey, mister, please don’t kill me!” He was just the cook, after all!


“Well I can’t come closer!” The voice managed, the sould of wind through leaves floated towards the two captured kuhna, but there was no wind down here and there were certainly no trees... right?
“I’m trapped in this blasted cage or something!” The voice, once scared and upset, had turned to one of anger. There was a long pause as Ceanna spouted her disapproval of being becoming a slave which meant... They were... all prisoners?

“Hey, if we’re all trapped and not trappers, then we can help each other out, right? You help me get out of this cage and maybe I can help you both get free. How does that sound?” already turning to bartering, apparently.

(( Gray and Elektra. I’ve smooshed your post together. Hope you don’t mind. Also Elektra has told me that she won’t be able to post because she’ll be away. So we’ll probably be going on ahead without her pretty soon. ))
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Re: Foggy Day For a Kidnapping (PALMIE EVENT)

Postby Elektra » 10/03/2010 11:56 PM

(Yeah, this'll be my last post until late Wednesday, maybe early Thursday.)

Finally coming to her senses, Ceanna listened to what he had to say.  "Fine." was her only reply.  Looking around, there wasn't much of anything in the room, but then again, her vision was beginning to blur from the hit she had taken from the chains pulling her into the wall.  "So who's in here besides me?"  Before she had begun her rant, another softer voice had said something. and she aimed to find out who had said what.  They were all going to have to work together if they were going to get out of here, so they might as well get to know each other.  "So, who are you all anyway?  And where do you think we are?"

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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Postby Remedy » 10/04/2010 12:38 AM

Bryan was surprised to see the hydrolisk and the khimera in the room before him.  He was about to turn around and run back into the cleaning room when a palmie pretty much appeared out of no where.  Of course Bryan couldn't just leave the poor fella there, so he nodded, still unsure about his voice.  He tried speaking, but only a few beeps came out.  He pointed a metal claw to his throat, hoping to show the problem.  After all, wasn't that the gesture that humans used when they 'lost their voice'?  He had seen a few of them do it sometimes after they screamed their heads off about something.
Bryan stumbled a little when the boat lurched but was able to regain his footing.  He looked over at the Khimera who was all tied up by the Hydrolisk and felt like he should help her too, though he wasn't sure if she were friendly or not.  He may be a robot, but he still felt some guilt in leaving someone in need.
Bryan motioned for the palmie to wait there as he scurried over and cut through the ropes binding the Khimera with his claws, trying to keep his distance from the Hydrolisk who had fallen.  Once he had set the Khimera free, he scurried back over to the palmie and pointed at he hatch that led to the deck that the Hydrolisk appeared to have left open.  He hoped his message got through as he motioned for it to follow to the hath where he climbed up with difficulty, wiggling his way onto the deck above.


((This will actually be my last post until I return from my Texas History Trip, but the second I get back I'll be making a post.  That should either be Wednesday afternoon or evening. :3))

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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