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Re: .: RE2 Updates :.

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 05/27/2011 10:49 PM


I apologize for the lateness of this message, but I felt it only normal that you guys should know.

Due to the fact that me and my partner have both hit a patch where real life responsibilities are overtaking our own online responsibilities, the Event thread will slow down, or possibly not move at all for a little bit. I cannot say when it will start moving again, but I promise, it won't be much of a wait.

Once again, we apologize and thank you guys for putting up with us xD <3

Season in Effect: None
Activity: Active, awaiting hunts.
Most Recent Dossier: Lost Guardians
Discovered Pet Count: 40.9%

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Re: .: RE2 Updates :.

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 06/15/2011 8:04 PM


Hey, hey~ As our event draws to a close, I've released a record list of all the eggs people have gathered up over the hunt, and for your convenience can be located right here. This is going to sound unprofessional, but hey, what ever xD; If you guys don't mind, just uh... double check the list to make sure everything is 100% correct? I've checked over it a few times myself, but I may have missed something. If that's the case, yes you may PM me. You can also trade these eggs but I'd wait for the prizes, if I were you.
And speaking of prizes. A few days after the last slots close up and the eggs are all sent out, I will release the prizes. And yes, they are still a surprise.

I'm sorry the event dragged on, and there were a few issues at the start, but I hope you all enjoyed the event! ^u^ And you should all go back to hunting pets now. =|

Season in Effect: None
Activity: Active, awaiting hunts.
Most Recent Dossier: Lost Guardians
Discovered Pet Count: 40.9%

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Re: .: RE2 Updates :.

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 07/29/2011 12:31 AM



"Pfft what? You're still holding onto those eggs? That's just ridiculous. They aren't going to hatch you know, they're just painted eggs. I guess Terry skipped that minor detail. He does that, he's not too attentive to detail.
Anyway, that aside. I guess you're still wondering what to do with them right? Well. You could eat them. They're pretty tasty, you can take that from me. OR you could hustle over here and try to trade them in for some cool prizes.

...What prizes you ask?

Retro pets of course~! Lovely, shiny pets aren't too tasty too me, but I guess to tamers, other animals might have more worth than just for food. I don't know. I'm not a human.

The record list has also received an update. It now includes the total number of points you've received over the course of the event and how much points each egg is worth for trading purposes. I'd also encourage you to once again double check your totals, since there's a chance something might be off."

Season in Effect: None
Activity: Active, awaiting hunts.
Most Recent Dossier: Lost Guardians
Discovered Pet Count: 40.9%

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Re: .: RE2 Updates :.

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 07/29/2011 8:00 AM


Just letting you guys know~ I've tweaked a bit of information on the records and prize threads. Just so it's easier for you guys the two new additions are:

- For the RECORDS. You are trading EGGS, not POINTS. You have to state what eggs you are trading in the trade thread. I'll be updating it all towards the end, so nothing is conflicting. In addition to telling me what eggs your trading, it would be amazing if you told me the total number of points you're trading too.

- For the PRIZE thread. Roleplay your posts, in accordance with the normal roleplaying rules. It's nothing too.. out of the ordinary, I just forgot to write that part down~

OH! Also. I forgot. There was a bit of technical issues regarding the final lot of egg hunt threads. See... uh. I kind of hit delete instead of move and yeah. xDx They disappeared. I'm sorry about that guys. And I apologize about how long this dragged on for. Hopefully it shouldn't happen too often again.

Now go make me happy and make some hunting threads, so we have some threads to actually post in >:C

Season in Effect: None
Activity: Active, awaiting hunts.
Most Recent Dossier: Lost Guardians
Discovered Pet Count: 40.9%

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Re: .: RE2 Updates :.

Postby Shieba » 07/29/2011 9:07 AM

Is there...a way how we are supposed to do this? I want to buy a prize for me for 450 points, so I now have to get out my calculator and figure out what eggs exactly that uses up so I can trade the rest of my eggs? Isn't that kinda...complicated? Seriously? This makes both trading and getting things for yourself totally complicated. D8 I don't even feel like starting on this now. D8

But yaaay, retro pets! I am, I must say, very happy! <333

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Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: .: RE2 Updates :.

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 07/29/2011 11:55 AM

Bleh. Okay, I see what you're saying. I must admit, I didn't even think about that side to trading when I was working through this system. Originally, the idea of just working with the eggs rather than points seemed to work alright when it came to trading and stuff, rather then to disregard the eggs completely. Maybe now just completely disregarding the eggs and working only with points is the better option.

... Let me get back to you. I'll catch my partner later today, hopefully. o3o

Ignore the previous rule about using only eggs. It just makes lives easier, and I'm all for easier lives xD; Something happened and I lost the record list and while I have a current back-up, I'm not sure if it's 100% correct and it lacks point count. Just go with what the prize thread has, as what your totals are and I'll sort out this mess after I've had some sleep. Homg, I'm sorry. My luck (I... guess?) is clearly waning at the moment.
Season in Effect: None
Activity: Active, awaiting hunts.
Most Recent Dossier: Lost Guardians
Discovered Pet Count: 40.9%

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Re: .: RE2 Updates :.

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 10/31/2011 10:33 PM


Okay. You guys have up until November 3rd, 11:59pm to use up the last of your Egg Points, before I clean up the area and focus on other things.
I realised that I in fact, haven't sent out the most recent orders, so I will get onto that as soon as I have a free moment.

Also, let me take this moment to remind you that we have a suggestion thread for event ideas, feedback based suggestions and whatever else you can think of. I know our primary issue is letting things drag out forever, but I'd still like to hear back on you guys about other things soo. Also hunts are back, so make hunt threads for me~?

I hope you enjoyed that event though. 8U

Season in Effect: None
Activity: Active, awaiting hunts.
Most Recent Dossier: Lost Guardians
Discovered Pet Count: 40.9%

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Re: .: RE2 Updates :.

Postby Kylo » 11/01/2011 7:21 PM

I have a hunt open right now. i just need to stop being lazy and post. Also because yay! I'll have my fellox then! *hugs it*

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: .: RE2 Updates :.

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 12/17/2011 8:14 AM


Sorry for posting at an odd hour. I just got excited and wanted to release it early. :c


Sit tight guys, because I have quite a few small announcements that I'm going to try and fit into this post.
Well, for the Holiday Season, I've been certainly very quiet haven't I? That's because I've been working on a few things, with Draiz and Shrewd's help and I can finally present you guys with an EVENT for the holidays! This isn't an ordinary event, rather I've been tipped off that there's some new WILD PETS roaming around Evelon for this Christmas Season.
I cannot exactly reveal the nature of these Event pets, aside from the fact that there's TWO pets, one a male only species and the other it's female only equivalent. To find out more about these guys YOU will have to make your own hunt threads and find them yourself. They can be found ANYWHERE in Evelon, so it does not matter where you hunt for them.
This event will go for a MONTH and will end around mid January, though the exact date will be determined on the number of hunts and how many of these guys I end up giving out.

- - -

This avatar is subject to change.
In addition to this new event, I'd like to state that there's another three Wild Pets running around out there, independent to the above event, just in time for Christmas. These wild pets are going to be UNNAMED until someone stumbles across them, but there are FOUR in total - one common, two uncommon and one rare - and have been reported to be sporting the colours of the season and the holiday.
However unlike the above pets these pets are SEASONAL and will continue to appear so long as it's close to Christmas. This means, that if you do not happen to snag a pet this year, they will be available next year too!

- - -

Also, remember this little guy?
The Dori Kuni has been sighted again! If you search in either the Dead Coast or the Sa'fir Coast you could chance upon these friendly little guys. I haven't draw the avatar for them yet, but that will definitely be done soon.

- - -

Also I have UPDATED the RE2 Guide. I urge you guys to at least READ the 'How to Start a Hunt' Section because it contains information CRITICAL to setting up a proper hunt thread, because I've changed the way I find hunt threads. As well as that, I've put a list of all current wild pets out there so you guys know what's been found and what hasn't because we still have a few undiscovered species out there.

Season in Effect: None
Activity: Active, awaiting hunts.
Most Recent Dossier: Lost Guardians
Discovered Pet Count: 40.9%

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Re: .: RE2 Updates :. [12/17 - Pets, Events, Updates]

Postby Moofius » 12/17/2011 6:32 PM

Oh~ Exciting. D:> <3 A few people in thwe IRC asked about where the RE2 Guide was so I hunted down a link that RE2 posted earlier. Just for ease of access.
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Re: .: RE2 Updates :. [12/17 - Pets, Events, Updates]

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 12/18/2011 1:26 AM


Well, I sort of got impatient waiting a little longer when it was more appropriate to post so I've gone ahead and kick started the discoveries for this month. But I'd like to announce that Krypto has discovered the RARE Holiday pet. Though, the actual roll itself highly amused me, since I stole the design from her. ANYHO. I'd like to introduce to you all, the Polaryena! ... The name I also stole. I have no imagination.


I'll add this guy to the Guide too (Ugh, sorry about that. Thanks a bunch for posting it though Moofie <3) soonish. Stay tuned guys... I might attack another thread late tonight or early tomorrow morning. If you guys post enough. <33
Season in Effect: None
Activity: Active, awaiting hunts.
Most Recent Dossier: Lost Guardians
Discovered Pet Count: 40.9%

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Re: .: RE2 Updates :. [12/17 - Pets, Events, Updates]

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 12/28/2011 8:20 PM


I can now reveal the first of the Mystery Event pets, as well as the proper name for the said event, thanks to Shieba's successful taming. Below is the Cardinal Wilson, the MALE ONLY species out of the pair. These guys are the more common of the two. As you might have now guessed this event is to be known as the Cardinal Event, and there is one more Cardinal themed pet out there.

Okay, so with the recent downtime, I've decided to extend the Cardinal Event until February sometime, although the date will vary depending on successful hunts. In addition to this, I've reduced the cooldown time for hunts to SEVEN days. Meaning, after I've posted in your thread, it will be eligible for my selection after a week, rather than the usual fortnight.
Happy Posting!
Season in Effect: None
Activity: Active, awaiting hunts.
Most Recent Dossier: Lost Guardians
Discovered Pet Count: 40.9%

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Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 01/07/2012 10:04 AM

Geeze, you guys are getting lucky with rolls. =| We haven't had a fail yet. And with another roll, I can reveal the second of the COMMON Holiday pet, courteous of Mythic Dusk's roll! This guy is known as the Silent Night Sygriff!


I don't... really have anything of interest to announce, but I will encourage you to start more hunts or at least post in those that you're currently in!
Season in Effect: None
Activity: Active, awaiting hunts.
Most Recent Dossier: Lost Guardians
Discovered Pet Count: 40.9%

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Re: .: RE2 Updates :. [12/17 - Pets, Events, Updates]

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 01/16/2012 3:29 AM


The last of the Red Feather pets have been discovered, and with that I can reveal the actual name of the Event thanks to Zap, which is - if you couldn't tell before - the Cardinal Event! Just like the Cardinal Wilson is the male-only version of the pet, the Carbine, is the female only version, and the rarer of the two!


Also, a word guys. I recommend keeping your hunts ACTIVE if you want to get in on these exciting pets. You've only got around TWO weeks left, you know, and I've noticed the number of active threads dwindling.
Season in Effect: None
Activity: Active, awaiting hunts.
Most Recent Dossier: Lost Guardians
Discovered Pet Count: 40.9%

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Re: .: RE2 Updates :. [12/17 - Pets, Events, Updates]

Postby Zoophilos » 02/15/2012 9:51 PM

So, it's been more than two weeks since the above post.  Does that mean the Hunt is over?  Or does it extend until the end of February?
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