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.:Spring Tournament APR 2012:.

Postby Kodai » 04/01/2012 8:38 PM

Once again, the populace was in a collectively good mood. The weather was getting warmer, flowers were beginning to pop up everywhere, and the Easter holiday was just around the corner. Really, was there anything about springtime that wasn't pleasant and peaceful? ...Aside from violent sneezing attacks due to allergies?

Well, there was at least one thing.

Lamenolai's battle dome had prepared for the next stage of the seasonal cycle, freshening up from its last tournament and replacing the old banners with new ones. "Spring's Awakening Tournament!" read the first, with a smaller "Be like the flowers and reach up towards the light of victory!" There were even bright patches of colorful orchids next to the doorway, as if to encourage those who walked in.

"Hello, and zhank you for your continued interest in zhe tournaments."


A familiar voice carried out over the crowd, the female Lusikross having once again taken up registration duty.

"Velcome to zhe Spring Seasonal Tournament. Vunce again, please be sure zhat you have read and understand zhe rules before entering, and please give me your information if you decide to participate. Spectators are velcome, as alvays."

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Re: .:Spring Tournament APR 2012:.

Postby Kodai » 04/01/2012 8:42 PM


.: Entry Rules :.

ONE (1) entrant per person.
Roleplay your entry post.
– Your entry post must include your pet's Level, AP, Element (if it has one), Diet (if it has one), stats (Offense, Defense, Precision, Endurance, Speed, and Fame), and Battle Traits.
– No whining.

.: Battle Rules :.

– When you are paired with a battle partner, please begin the battle as soon as possible. You do not need to make introductory posts with your pets' stats; that is what the Stat Bank is for.
– You have THREE (3) days after your partner's last post to reply to the battle. If you do not post after three days, you will be disqualified and the win will go to your battle partner.
– Each battle has a maximum of FIFTEEN (15) rounds. If both pets are still standing at the end of the fifteenth round, the pet with the highest percentage of Endurance remaining wins.
– For a general overview of battling, please refer to this thread.

.: Restrictions :.

– This will be an eight player single round-robin tournament. There is room for EIGHT (8) fighters total.
– Your pet's DEFENSE stat must be between 20 and 30 (inclusive). Traits are not counted for this restriction.

.: Prizes :.

1st Place:
ONE (1) Editless Non-Breedable Custom (Markings Accepted) OR ONE (1) Alonia Ranch Pet OR 1000KS
2nd Place:
ONE (1) Elder Kuhna OR 750KS
3rd Place:
ONE (1) Seasonal Pet (Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas) OR 500KS

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Re: .:Spring Tournament APR 2012:.

Postby Kodai » 04/01/2012 8:49 PM

Tournament Grid
The bolded player attacks first.

Current Player Match-ups:
Round 1
Ares vs. Volfax
Navvi Ione vs. Mira Mizaki
Leader vs. Sedimus Shinra Kronos
Tennessee vs. Chaotic

Round 2
Navvi Ione vs. Leader
Volfax vs. Sedimus Shinra Kronos
Mira Mizaki vs. Chaotic
Ares vs. Tennessee

Round 3
Chaotic vs. Ares
Sedimus Shinra Kronos vs. Mira Mizaki
Leader vs. Volfax
Tennessee vs. Navvi Ione

Round 4
Sedimus Shinra Kronos vs. Tennessee
Mira Mizaki vs. Leader
Ares vs. Navvi Ione
Chaotic vs. Volfax

Round 5
Volfax vs. Navvi Ione
Leader vs. Ares
Tennessee vs. Mira Mizaki
Chaotic vs. Sedimus Shinra Kronos

Round 6
Leader vs. Tennessee
Mira Mizaki vs. Volfax
Ares vs. Sedimus Shinra Kronos
Navvi Ione vs. Chaotic

Round 7
Sedimus Shinra Kronos vs. Navvi Ione
Mira Mizaki vs. Ares
Volfax vs. Tennessee
Chaotic vs. Leader

Win/Loss Records:
Player 1  –  [x]  [x]  [x]  [x]  [x]  [o]  [x]
Player 2  [o]  –  [x]  [x]  [o]  [x]  [o]  [o]
Player 3  [o]  [o]  –  [x]  [o]  [x]  [o]  [x]
Player 4  [o]  [o]  [o]  –  [o]  [x]  [o]  [o]
Player 5  [o]  [x]  [x]  [x]  –  [x]  [o]  [o]
Player 6  [o]  [o]  [o]  [o]  [o]  –  [o]  [o]
Player 7  [x]  [x]  [x]  [x]  [x]  [x]  –  [x]
Player 8  [o]  [x]  [o]  [x]  [x]  [x]  [o]  –

1st - Chaotic
2nd - Leader
3rd - Ares and Navvi Ione

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Re: .:Spring Tournament APR 2012:.

Postby Kodai » 04/01/2012 8:51 PM

Stat Bank
All entrants' stats are listed here; please do not repost them in battle. They are listed in alphabetical order by player.

jackie125 / Volfax
Level: 20
AP: 30
Diet: Mentivore
Element: Electricity
Endurance: 56 (+6 Combat Endurance, +4 Fame)
Offense: 34
Defense: 24
Precision: 36
Speed: 29
Fame: 24
Battle Traits:
- Combat Endurance (Endurance bonus)
- Lightningstorm (7 Electricity damage to all, ignores Defense / 9AP)
- Lunge (+3 damage / 5AP)
- Sharp Vision (+10% chance to hit)
- Spectral Strike (Negates Go Ethereal)
- Voltage (7 Electricity damage, ignores Defense / 7AP)

jobiehanna / Ares
Level: 25
AP: 35
Diet: Piscivore/Carnivore
Element: Light
Endurance: 40 (+6 Fame)
Offense: 45 (+5 Extended Claws)
Defense: 29 (+4 Guerrilla Fighter)
Precision: 40 (+7 Veteran Mind)
Speed: 48
Fame: 33
- Blinding Blaze (7 Light damage to all, ignores Defense / 9AP)
- Extended Claws (Offense bonus)
- Guerrilla Fighter (Defense bonus, first move)
- Lunge (+3 damage / 5AP)
- Ray (7 Light damage, ignores Defense / 7AP)
- Team Defense (Ally Defense bonus)

Kitsumi Mahon / Navvi Ione
Level: 20
AP: 30
Diet: Carnivore
Element: None
Endurance: 51 (+6 Combat Endurance, +6 Fame)
Offense: 30
Defense: 41 (+4 Guerrilla Fighter, +7 Tough Hide)
Precision: 26
Speed: 28
Fame: 30
Battle Traits:
- Combat Endurance (Endurance bonus)
- Guerrilla Fighter (Defense bonus, first move)
- Lunge (+3 damage / 5AP)
- Soundproof (Negates Horrific Moan, Horrific Wail, Rousing Speech, Sonic Waves)
- Spiked Body (Opponent takes 2 damage when hitting with physical attack)
- Spit Poison (Opponent takes -4 Defense penalty / 8AP)
- Tough Hide (Defense bonus)

Kodai / Leader
Level: 21
AP: 30
Diet: Carnivore/Silicivore
Element(s): None
Endurance: 47 (+6 Combat Endurance, +4 Fame)
Offense: 37 (+5 Extended Claws)
Defense: 37 (+7 Tough Hide)
Precision: 34 (+7 Veteran Mind)
Speed: 28
Fame: 23
Battle Traits:
- Combat Endurance (Endurance bonus)
- Efficient Commander (Ally gains Endurance bonus)
- Extended Claws (Offense bonus)
- Rousing Speech (Ally gains Offense bonus)
- Spiked Body (Opponent takes 2 damage when hitting with physical attack)
- Tough Hide (Defense bonus)
- Veteran Mind (Precision bonus)

MillietheWarrior / Tennessee
Level: 17
AP: 25
Diet: Herbivore/Mentivore
Element: Dark/Water
Endurance: 43 (+5 Endurance, +4 Fame)
Offense: 17
Defense: 26
Precision: 23
Speed: 25
Fame: 24
Battle Traits:
- Combat Endurance (Endurance bonus)
- Creeping Shadows (6 Dark damage to all, ignores Defense / 8AP)
- Deepening Darkness (Recovers 1/4 of Dark damage taken)
- Deluge (6 Water damage / 6AP)
- Dodge (Opponent has 25% to miss on next attack / 6AP)
- Power Sap (Opponent loses as much AP as attacker expends)
- Tsunami (6 Water damage to all, ignores Defense / 8AP)

Shieba / Chaotic
Level: 24
AP: 30
Diet: Affectivore
Element: Dark
Endurance: 49 (+6 Combat Endurance, +5 Fame)
Offense: 40 (+5 Extended Claws)
Defense: 40 (+4 Guerrilla Fighter, +7 Tough Hide)
Precision: 34
Speed: 46
Fame: 26
Battle Traits:
- Extended Claws (Offense bonus)
- Guerrilla Fighter (Defense bonus, first move)
- Horrific Moan (Opponent has 40% chance to hit
- Shade (7 Dark damage, ignores Defense / 7AP)
- Sonic Waves (Opponent has 50% chance to attack self for 3 turns, 10AP)
- Spectral Strike (Negates Go Ethereal)
- Tough Hide (Defense bonus)

Talcen / Sedimus Shinra Kronos
Level: 10
AP: 20
Diet: Omnivore
Elements: Electricity, Air
Endurance: 25 (+4 Fame)
Offense: 20
Defense: 20
Precision: 15
Speed: 23
Fame: 20
Battle Traits:
- Dodge (Opponent has 25% chance to miss on next attack / 6AP)
- Lightningstorm (6 Electricity damage to all, ignores Defense / 8AP)
- Lunge (+2 damage / 4AP)
- Soundproof (Negates Horrific Moan, Horrific Wail, Rousing Speech, Sonic Waves)
- Spiked Body (Opponent takes 1 damage when hitting with physical attack)
- Windstorm (6 Air damage to all, ignores Defense / 8AP)

Thunder / Mira Mizaki
Level: 16
AP: 25
Diet: Piscivore/Carnivore
Element: Ice
Endurance: 44 (+5 Combat Endurance, +5 Fame)
Offense: 27 (+4 Extended Claws)
Defense: 33 (+3 Guerrilla Fighter)
Precision: 20
Speed: 24
Fame: 28
Battle Traits:
- Balanced (Negates Earthquake Stomp and "x% chance opponent will miss its next turn" effect, halves damage from Bull Rush, Earthquake Stomp, Powerful Strike, Staggering Strike, Tail Sweep)
- Extended Claws (Offense bonus)
- Frost (6 Ice damage, ignores Defense / 6AP)
- Guerrilla Fighter (Defense bonus, first move)
- Puncture (+3 damage / 5AP)
- Sharp Vision (+10% to hit)

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Re: .:Spring Tournament APR 2012:.

Postby MillietheWarrior » 04/01/2012 9:55 PM

Name: Tennessee
Level: 17
Species: Diosol
Element: Dark/Water
AP: 25
Offense: 17
Defense: 26
Precision: 23
Endurance: 34
Speed: 25
Fame: 24
Battle Traits: Dodge, Deepening Darkness, Tsunami, Deluge, Creeping Shadows, Combat Endurance, Power Sap
Diet: Herbivore/Mentivore

This looked promising. Tennessee didn’t often forego her human form, but right now, it seemed like the best time to do a bit of walking around in the ol’ bunny fur. Her little wings flapped frantically as they kept her aloft, and she had to take a deep breath as she realized how fat and out of shape she was as a rabbit. Huffing to herself, she flapped on over to registration desk. “Fightin’, eh?” She grinned, which looked more like a wrinkling of the nose in rabbit form. “Sounds like my kind a’ deal.” She reached out a paw and grabbed one of the forms. Now, to figure out how to fill it out with bunny paws…

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: .:Spring Tournament APR 2012:.

Postby jobiehanna » 04/01/2012 10:11 PM

Name: Ares
Level: 25
Posts: 121
Diet: Piscivore/Carnivore
Offense: 40
Defense: 25
Precision: 40
Endurance: 34
Speed: 48
Fame: 33
AP: 35
Element: Light
Battle: Team Defense, Extended Claws, Lunge, Ray, Guerrilla Fighter, Veteran Mind, Blinding Blaze

A tournament? Ares hadn't been in a good battle in ages, but this seemed to be as good of place as any to try his hand at it again. Heck, maybe he could win something. He smirked as he walked towards the sign up place. Sure, he was really little, but he knew how to fight. Ares had been doing it nearly his whole life. He reached the desk and began to fill out the form for entrance. This would be an interesting battle.

((Edit: Stat correction.))

And I was runnin' far away
Would I run off the world someday?
Nobody knows
Nobody knows, and
I was dancing in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain

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Re: .:Spring Tournament APR 2012:.

Postby Thunder » 04/01/2012 10:11 PM

Name: Mira Mizaki
Diet: Piscivore/Carnivore
Element: Ice
Level: 16
AP: 25
Offense: 23
Defense: 30
Precision: 20
Endurance: 34
Speed: 24
Fame: 28
Battle Traits: Extended Claws, Sharp Vision, Combat Endurance, Frost, Balanced, Guerrilla Fighter, Puncture

Mira had done well in her last tournament. She was surprised that she had came in second, considering that she had not fought for a while before she went in. And now, she heard, there was yet another tournament going on. She supposed it wouldn't hurt to try.

The tournament dome was certainly colorful, decorated in lots of spring related things like flowers. It seemed a strange contrast to the fighting that would occur inside. But it was a friendly tournament, so perhaps a friendly setting wasn't as strange as expected. Mira walked inside and smiled at the Lusikross before taking a slip and filling it out.

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Re: .:Spring Tournament APR 2012:.

Postby Shieba » 04/01/2012 10:23 PM

Name: Chaotic
Gender: Female
Element: Dark
AP: 30
Posts: 115
Level: 24
Offense: 35
Defense: 29
Precision: 34
Endurance: 38
Speed: 46
Fame: 26
Battle Traits: Shade, Sonic Waves*, Combat Endurance, Horrific Moan, Tough Hide, Extended Claws, Guerrilla Fighter, Spectral Strike
Diet: Affectivore (negative emotions only)

"Oooooh!" Chaotic bounced into the tournament area again. She had been here before! Twice, even! And she had won both times, though she couldn't really remember that since she never noticed it was a tournament in the first place. "I had funnnnn here last time! There were people who liked moss! It was soooo chaotic! I want to enter again! I'll be here and jumping! Jumping and being here! Until it starts, I promise!" She looked at the flowers near the entrance. "Is this mossssss? Colorful moss! Yay, how chaotic! I like your moss a lot!"

Well, it seemed like Chaotic was back for a third tournament. Was there no getting rid of the insane Fellox? How horrible!

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: .:Spring Tournament APR 2012:.

Postby Kitsumi » 04/02/2012 2:33 AM

Name: Navvi Ione
Gender: Male
Element: None
Level: 20
Diet: Carnivore
AP: 30
Offense: 30/100
Defense: 30/100
Precision: 26/40
Endurance: 39/100
Speed: 28/100
Fame: 30/40
Battle Traits: Combat Endurance, Guerrilla Fighter, Lunge, Soundproof, Spiked Body*, Spit Poison, Tough Hide

Navvi had been training precisely for this moment. He had worked on his fighting techniques, learned how to protect himself against certain types of attacks, and had even incorporated poison into his fighting methods. Now, he thought that he was finally ready. At least, he hoped he was. "I would like to sign up," he said, trying to sound confident. "Mark me down as Navvi Ione." Well, it was time to see if his training would pay off, or if he still needed some more work.

EDIT: Added Diet

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Re: .:Spring Tournament APR 2012:.

Postby jackie125 » 04/02/2012 6:20 AM

Name: Volfax
Gender: Male
Level: 20
AP: 30
Element: Electricity
Diet: Mentivore
Offense: 34/100
Defense: 24/100
Precision: 36/40
Endurance: 46/100
Speed: 29/100
Fame: 24/40
Passive Traits: Independent, Iron Reminder
Battle Traits: Spectral Strike, Lightningstorm, Voltage, Combat Endurance, Lunge, Sharp Vision

Volfax had seen the sign and the Lusikross with the funny accent, with meant almost indefinitely there would be a tournament. It had been quite a while since the last tournament. He was extremely excited to be participating in it. He had been practicing for many months to join one. And this time, he would finally get to be in one.

Edit: added missing information
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Re: .:Spring Tournament APR 2012:.

Postby Kylo » 04/02/2012 6:42 PM

Name: Sedimus Shinra Kronos
Gender: Male
Diet: Omnivore
Offense: 20
Defense: 20
Precision: 15
Endurance: 21
Speed: 23
Fame: 20
Level: 10
AP: 20
Elements: Electricity, Air
Battle Traits: Spiked Body, Lightningstorm, Windstorm, Soundproof, Lunge, Dodge

Sedimus walked in and smiled at the lusikross charmingly. He had already practiced battling here before and wished to try it out in the real arean. Sliding a paper over to the strange host he waited for the creature to nod in acceptence of his entry. He had made sure to double and triple check all of his stats before writing it down and now felt confident in his ability to win. Hopefully he wouldn't be going up against someone who was crazy strong. He didn't need any permenant injures now, mind you.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: .:Spring Tournament APR 2012:.

Postby Kodai » 04/03/2012 6:05 PM

Name: Leader
Level: 21
AP: 30
Diet: Carnivore/Silicivore
Element(s): None
Endurance: 37
Offense: 32
Defense: 30
Precision: 27
Speed: 28
Fame: 23
Battle Traits: Combat Endurance, Efficient Commander, Extended Claws, Rousing Speech, Spiked Body, Tough Hide, Veteran Mind

He'd always known there was something strange about that rabbit – really, everyone at the House did – but this was beyond anything he could comprehend. Somehow Baron had managed to persuade him to enter into the springtime tournament being held in Lamenolai, despite the fact that he would much rather put his fighting days behind him. "I've been in enough battles," he'd said, but the rabbit had assured him that these were simply friendly matches, and he really ought to get out more, and it was always good to stay on top of your training, yes? So here he was, the Leader of the Hunters, standing in front of the Lamenolai battle dome's registration desk. Giving a nod of recognition to the attendant Lusikross, the Leader quietly filled out the last entry sheet and went to wait for the tournament to begin.

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Re: .:Spring Tournament APR 2012:.

Postby Kodai » 04/03/2012 6:45 PM

After the last entrant had signed up, the Lusikross announced, "Entry is now closed," and began to busy herself with a chart of some sort. Likely it was for the match-up order, since the tournament style was different and thus not quite as straight-forward. Eventually she figured it out, and turned back to the participants.

"Again, please refer to zhe tournament grid for your match-ups. Zhose in bold have zhe first attack, and so are responsible for beginning zhe fight. Remember, you have zhree days to respond to your opponent's attack before you vill be disqvalified. Each round is fifteen turns. If bozh combatants are still standing, zhe vun vith zhe highest percentage of Endurance remaining is zhe vinner. Zhe best of luck to you all."

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Re: .:Spring Tournament APR 2012:.

Postby Kodai » 04/29/2012 4:44 PM

This tournament had taken quite a bit more time than the previous one, but that was to be expected with a round-robin format. Now that it was over, the participants were likely looking forward to the announcement winners, but the Lusikross knew that there was still more work to be done after that. Each tournament was a learning experience for those hosting it, and this one had proven to be no exception.

"I apologize for the short delay, but zhe vinners are now ready to be announced!" she called. "In zhird, ve have a tie, vizh zhe Specktrakuhna, Ares, and zhe Lucain, Navvi Ione! In second is zhe Hunter, Leader! And in first is zhe Fellox, Chaotic!" Making a motion to the prize list, she added, "Please decide vhich prize you vant and zhen message Kodai vizh your decision. Remember, you may only choose vun of zhe items listed." The Lusikross then nodded politely to the entire group of entrants. "Again, ve hope you have enjoyed participating and decide to return in zhe future."

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