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Tell me a story...

Postby GrayGriffin » 05/11/2010 2:12 AM


You see these two? Their names are, from left to right, Loss and Gain. Here's the official descriptions from my pen:

Loss is a female Carol Kuhna. Her eyes have been blinded, although she doesn't suffer for it, thanks to Gain's presence. He is her eyes, and she is his body. Although to some it might seem that the vicious Barghest is using the innocent Carol Kuhna, in reality she knows full well what evil he is capable of, but chooses to accept him nonetheless. It is currently unknown how they met, though...

Gain is a male Barghest. He has no physical form, and cannot take one. The most he can do is appear as a pair of glowing eyes, or perhaps whisper in someone's ear. He takes care of Loss, making sure she come to no harm. Most do not know about him, though, and assume Loss somehow manages on her own. Even Tayne and her family do not know about him, despite haven taken Loss in. It is currently unknown how he and Loss met.

What's the contest? I want you to tell me the story of how they met. The one I feel fits them the most will become their official backstory and get a prize, and the most well-written one will get another prize. Yes, they may not be the same.

Official backstory: 50 KS
Best-written: 50 KS

If both are the same, the second-place winner for a randomly-selected category will get the other 50 KS.
Crossing my heart
Open wide
You're my crystal and clover
All of me
Is dedicated to hold you

Swear to God
Double knot
What would you do if I stole you tonight? (Ahh ahh)
Why waste time? (Ahh ahh)

'Cause the world goes on without us
It doesn't matter what we do
All silhouettes with no regrets
When I'm melting into you
'Cause I belong in your arms
I belong in your arms

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Re: Tell me a story...

Postby jackie125 » 05/12/2010 7:01 PM

I'll try! Is not good at long stories.
When Loss was born, she was blind. An old spirit, named Gain, was trapped in their home. He was banished from his realm. In order to get back, He had to gain the trust of, and help, a single person (or pet). Once he saw Loss, he was sorry for her. He knew that he could help her, and she could help him. He gave her sight, in exchange for her trust. He didn't go back when he had done enough because he felt that Loss still needed help. Their minds were linked, everything Loss saw, heard, or scented, Gain could too.
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Re: Tell me a story...

Postby clackno1 » 05/12/2010 8:30 PM

(I might edit it a bit later if I don't like something.)

It was a terrible bus accident that had brought her to the hospital that day with the twenty-three other passengers. Most of them had been lucky, escaping with cuts and scrapes and only minor burns, but Loss had been among those in the front of the bus, the ones that had taken most of the damage from the collision with oncoming traffic. With burns covering most of body and worst on her face. It was unlikely she would make it.

The hospital was one of the best known, but word among patients had spread that strange things happened there, in the E.R. and surgical wing especially. That was thanks to the Barghest, Gain, who had roamed the hospital for as long as he could remember. He didn't know how he had died or who he'd been before. He wasn't even sure if he had died in the hospital. He went from patient to patient, causing complications in surgery or just a little scare in their room, sometimes more serious things. He would choose a patient and stick with them until they left the hospital, whether in a wheel chair through the doors or in a body bag. Sometimes it would be his fault. Maybe the life support of a patient died or got turned off somehow or maybe a their oxygen got cut off. Sometimes it was just the patient's time. This was how he found Loss. The badly burned girl from the bus accident had perked his interest.

Loss was in surgery and the doctors were applying skin graphs when her heart stopped. The doctors were doing all they could but it looked like she was gone. This wasn't Gain's fault. He was staying quietly in the corner, watching the scene play out before him. He almost felt bad for the girl. She was dieing and he'd watched her fight from the moment she'd entered the hospital. He took action. He prodded her mind, encouraged it to keep her heart beating, and helped charge the defibrillator to get her heart going strong again so she would survive. When Loss woke up in her hospital bed he spoke to her, a few whispers in her ear. The doctors had already told her her wounds had caused her to lose her eyesight, that she would be blinded the rest of her life. Gain told her he could fix that if she would help him leave the hospital in return. When the doctors took the bandages off her face she was preparing for complete darkness, but she could see. She could see, but everything was tinged red. Gain had told her of this and told her what to do when the moment came. She was calm, she wasn't panicking, but she had to act surprised and scared for the doctors so they would know everything was going the way they thought. Gain left with her when she was fully recovered. With Loss as his host he could feel, hear, smell, see, and taste everything she did. In return he gave her the ability to see, but she must still act blind. She learned to keep her eyes still and not react as a person with eyesight would have. Even though Gain is with her all the time she can not see all the time. Gain must take away his sight from her eyes every once in a while for he is not strong enough to keep it up all the time.

(Oh my gosh it's so long! I literally wrote a story almost. Sorry, I can shorten it later if you want, I kinda went overboard I guess. Loss is in human form, but if you want that changed I can figure something out. Gain's form isn't specified so it's whatever you think fits best. I saw it as pet form. Anything you don't like or want changed can be edited.)

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Re: Tell me a story...

Postby GrayGriffin » 05/13/2010 5:33 AM

Yeah, I'd like it in story form, please.
Crossing my heart
Open wide
You're my crystal and clover
All of me
Is dedicated to hold you

Swear to God
Double knot
What would you do if I stole you tonight? (Ahh ahh)
Why waste time? (Ahh ahh)

'Cause the world goes on without us
It doesn't matter what we do
All silhouettes with no regrets
When I'm melting into you
'Cause I belong in your arms
I belong in your arms

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Re: Tell me a story...

Postby Draco » 05/13/2010 9:23 PM

Hm... *hits self in the head until an idea comes* This is written before she was taken in by Tayne, ad is set in the slums.

"Ow." Loss said as she ran into another pole. She decided that she really wasn't good at this echolocation thing, and decided to leave it to the dolphins and bats. She opened her eyes and blinked a few times, getting rid of the light spots in her vision. No, Loss wasn't blind. So, why was the Carol Khuna trying to use echolocation? Because she had seen a bat using it to catch a moth. And, curious as ever, Loss had to try it as well. Not the moth part, though.
A single water drop on her head broke her train of thought. She looked up at the cloudy sky, and lightning flashed. It had been a clear night a few minutes ago. Well, Loss thought sarcastically, That isn't foreboding in the least. the forecaster had predicted a cloudless day. This was looking to become as bad a storm as any. The thunder now reached her, and the prediction of a bad storm was proved correct as the windows rattled.
Ears ringing, Loss continued forward at a leisurely pace. Judging by the time it to the thunder to reach her, the brunt of the storm was still a long way off. More drops began to follow the first, splashing down all around her. The Khuna's fur was soon plastered to her, and she shivered. The chill wasn't helped by thee wind, which was quickly picking up. Lighting flashed again, thunder following quickly in its wake. This wasn't right... The storm should still be miles away! She realized that she was still too far away from her apartment, and would have to take shelter somewhere else. Sprinting now, she headed towards an alley. It was better than nothing. She felt something much harder than a raindrop hit her on the head. It had begun to hail. A roaring made Loss stop dead in her tracks, and she was forced to look where it came from.
Oh no.
Anything but this.
A funnel was beginning to form in the clouds, spiraling itself into shape, slowly making its way to the ground. It was pitch black, a thing out of a nightmare.
It was already halfway towards the ground, and sounded like a freight train. It had the sort of destructive beauty about it that only nature could create. It was the kind of thing that would humble any civilized person, breaking the belief that we had conquered the wild, that we were untouchable. So it was that Loss watched in fascinated horror as it touched down, and the wave of destruction began. A few car sirens went off, breaking her of her trance. An alley wasn't any protection against this, but it was her only hope. She took off again, running and gliding as fast as she could.
The tornado began to tear into a house, scattering debris everywhere. A large, torn up piece of wood shot out of the funnel cloud, passing mere inches by her head. After what seemed like eternity, she dove into the relative safety of an alley, the tornado roaring behind her. It was moving away. She was safe.
No sooner had she thought that then a rusty piece of metal piping hit her on the back of her head. There was a flash of pain and then she blacked out.
But what had wielded the pole was not the storm. No, it was a very possessed looking man, who wordlessly bent down and scooped her up. His eyes revealed nothing as he walked away from the storm.  
Loss awoke in a simple bedroom, aloe. Where am I?, she thought, as she opened her eyes.
She must still have been a bit tired. Rubbing her eyes, again, she opened them.
Darker, if anything.
I'm blind, she thought.
And then... she wasn't. It was like a light switched on, but she knew that couldn't be true. It hadn't been the dark of night, it had been pitch black. Then, suddenly, the light was gone again. Someone cackled. It felt like something was pounding against the edge of her mind. "Blind little girl. You don't have to be this way. Just let me in." It wasn't asking her, it was commanding her.
"Who... who are you?" She stuttered, fearing creeping into every crevice of her subconscious.
"I am the Gain I saved you from that little storm of yours. But, who I am matters not. What matters is who you are. You are a blind little girl, and you will stay that way unless you let me in. Just let me in, little girl, and you can see again." Gain cackled.
Her sight flickered back, then left again. The flicking happened in time with the beating at the edges of her mind. "Your home was destroyed in the storm. you have no one. No one except me." It said.
She knew it was true. She didn't know how she knew, she just knew.
"So, what do you say, blind little girl? Will you let me in?"
Shaking violently, Loss just nodded.
And there was light.

((And that is how they met. Yes, the possessed looking man was someone who Gain took over, but only temporarily as it was against the mans will, so he was inevitably booted out. He needs someone who allows him to be there.))
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1. Don't anger a dragon.
2. listen to rule 1.
3. Don't anger me. Trust me, there are less gruesome ways to die.
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Re: Tell me a story...

Postby amapup » 05/14/2010 6:35 PM

A Carol Kuhna lay in the grass, surrounded by white fluffy dandelion puffs and the pretty white and yellow and other colored flowers that sometimes accompany weeds. She couldn't see this, however. Yes, she could feel the blades against her pelt, and smell the sweet scent of plants, but all she saw was darkness. She remembered a little bit of color, slight blurs from when she was young, before her vision had quickly faded.

Loss sighed. It was hard being blind. She'd been this way for about a year now, but there was still a lot of learning to do. She'd come here to try to get away from it all, at least for a little while. She could always follow her scent trail back home.

Loss suddenly felt odd, as if there were another presence there. She perked her ears, her head turning towards the forest she didn't know was there as she scented the air. Nothing. She could not see the glowing eyes beside her. That doesn't make-

Her thought was suddenly cut off as a wave came over her, as two minds became one. Things flashed before her, memories she could not understand or account for.
A young Holeef, floating happily, carefree, through the woods.
She could not move.
A scream. Pain ripping through her entire being.
A family, cowering, in front of her.
Laughter. The flash of a wooden hand.
Blood. Blood everywhere.
Dead bodies.
More blood.

And throughout it all a deep sense of regret.

The Kuhna finally managed a scream, pulling herself away. She must have sat up at some point, for she sent herself crashing onto her side. Her eyes were wide and frantic, and her face was contorted into a look of horror. It had left one word in her mind. Gain. Loss managed to gather her paws back under herself, ableit a bit shakily. There it was again.

Will you take me with you?

She stayed crouched in the grass, her fur fluffed up from fright. She still could not detect a sign of another presence, yet there obviously was one here. "W-ho are y-y-ou?" she said out loud, her voice meek, uncertain, scared. The word came to the front of her mind again. Gain.

Take me with you? I can help you see again.

"W-w-what d-do you wan-nt?" she asked again.


Loss could feel something at the edges of her mind, prodding gently, but not forcing. She was scared. This... 'being', as it couldn't be a Wood Rouge anymore, whatever it was,... it was dangerous. She wasn't sure if she could trust it. But at the same time, regaining her sight would be a huge asset...

She let it in.

All of a sudden Loss didn't feel like herself anymore. Something flickered in front of her... and then she could see. Or was it seeing? Everything was like a chalkboard, outlined but not filled in or colored. Yet she could see the things in front of her. She could tell the depths of objects, which were close and which were far. She could see the forest looming up not too far away, the individual grassblades, and two dots in front of her quickly fade away.

I can't move! she thought franticly, starting to panic once again. What if she was about to be killed? But the whisper came again. Tell me what you need to do. Loss was a bit startled, but she might as well try. Uh... stand up? Her vision moved as the Kuhna stood up. Her fur was lying flat now.

This was confusing, but hopefully it would work. And if she didn't agree she could always kick it out...right? Gain. Slowly, slightly jerkily, the Carol Kuhna turned around and followed her scent home, learning her world anew.

(my entry. :) 632 words... longest post I think I've ever written. using the wood rouge as who Gain was before he was a barghest)

Barely controlled locomotive consuming the picture and blowing the Crows
to Smoke
You set your sights
So high
But this is beginning to feel like the bolt busted Loose
from the Lever

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Re: Tell me a story...

Postby Amellina » 05/17/2010 7:25 PM

Yup, I guess I'll enter since I have no life, oh, and if you really want me turn it into story form I can. That's be sorta fun, actually. I'll do that after dinner  :wink:

Gain was a murderer, a burglar, everything that you could be if you wanted to be evil. That's why he ended up in hell. A trapped soul surrounded by more fiery souls, mourning and crying to be let free. He was one of them for a little over a year.
That's when Loss showed up, sparkling and happy, not realizing where she was. Loss was never a bad person, never evil, nor even mean to anyone. She was always nice. Ending up in hell was one of the last things that anyone who'd ever met her would've thought she would do.
Loss, being blind, didn't even notice when she died, or when she was brought to the underground world. Thinking it was just another place where she could make new friends, Loss ran into Gain, who instantly became interested and curious about Loss. Gain was absolutely amazed by Loss's stories, and about how Loss was actually kind to him unlike anyone else that he'd ever seen before. Knowing he had gained a new friend, Gain decided to try and escape the underground, something that was impossible. Or so he was told. He had to try anyway.
Gain decided he had to take along Loss, because she was his best, and only friend he could rely on. Finally revealing where they were to Loss, Gain helped Loss through the time she mourned over her family, and told her they were going to escape.
Loss didn' think that was right, thought it would be sinning. The exact quote that escaped Gain's lips then was "Nobody notices if you sin in a world of sinners, Loss." He was so sure of himself, so positive he was going to get his best friend out of there, that he pushed his determination to the limit.
He got Loss out, and sacrificed himself to do it.
Now more of a haunting ghost than a friend, he stays with Loss, no matter what, terrified that if he leaves her side, she'll get sent back to where she doesn't deserve to be, because of his mistakes.

Sorry if it's, like, to deep or spiritual or something. It's just the first idea that popped into my head. And sorry it's sort of rushed through  :oops:

EDIT (Story):
Gain glared at the many people that strolled past. Well, actually, stroll wasn't the word to use. More like... floated past. They were only souls after all. Gain was sweating, as usual, because of the volcanic habitat around him. Careful to avoid the hot springs that bubbled up from the ground, he hissed at a few more animal-ghosts that flew past. Other people weren't his thing, especially when he was in a mood. The only thing that he ever did was look around at the wailing souls and endure the bilstering heat. Sighing, he sweeped his gaze over the ever-growing crowd at the bottom of the hill. The breath he sucked in was hot and dry. It was sad to see this many more dead creatures come to this hell. Looking at the new faces, mixed in with some old, one in particular caught his eye. A smile. A smile in a sea of cries and pain. That really stood out to him. Thinking the person must be totally loony, he decided he had plenty of time to hang out up on his hill. An eternity, actually. Swerving through the sweaty prisoners, he easily found the grinning kuhna. Stopping and staring at her for a few moments, he realized she wasn't looking around. Just kind of... sitting there, her head cocked, and staring at the sky. He walked up to her, after bumping into different animals, and growled in his thick, menacing voice, "Why are you smiling?" The kuhna's glazed over eyes trained on his ears, as if not knowing where the voice was coming from. "Why not?" the girl asked him, shrugging. "Well, I don't see smiles here." "Oh... it must be a terrible place here, then. What's it called?" the girl asked curiously. Gain only chuckled a bit, "Hon, people have many many different names for this place. Some call it 'underground' some say 'hell'." "Oh, it must truly be terrible here..." the girl flicked her tails, her head cocking toward the ground. "It is. I've been here for a while." The girl looked back up at him, her eyes only a little off from his this time. Her smile broke through again, and she held out a paw. "My name's Loss." she smiled. "That's a funny name..." Gain smirked. The girl only giggled, "So I've been told. You are?" "Gain." "How ironic!" her smile got impossibly bigger. Gain flinched when her paw came toward him farther, and ignored it until she set it down, her bright grin fading a bit when he didn't acknowledge her. "How'd you get here?" he asked in wonder, thinking how this kind little thing got here. "I... I don't really know!" Loss blinked her unstabilized eyes. "Well, I guess I'll show you around?" he asked in a gruff voice, coming toward the red and green Loss. "That won't do much good... but okay." Loss said slowly. "Why won't it do you any good? I mean, you have to know your way around, seeing how long you'll be here!" "Will I be here long? Hmmm... well, to answer your question, I can't see." she motioned a paw toward her eyes. "Yeah, this place is covered in eternal darkness..." "No, Gain, I'm blind." "Well. That makes more sense, seeing your eyes would've adjusted by now..." Gain cleared his throat quickly to avoid embarrassment. Looking at Loss, he felt he actually met someone who would be... nice to him? Maybe? Truthfully, he hoped that he would have a friend for the first time since childhood. "It was nice of you to greet me here." Loss broke the awkward silence forming around them. "I don't have much else to do." Gain mumbled, inaudible below the cries and wails. "It's really loud..."  Loss raised her voice a bit. "Well, people are angry. Angry and depressed. Mourning is the only thing they can do, isn't it?" "Mourn over what?" "Over... never mind." Gain said, being a bit impatient. He led Loss out of the crowds, and onto a less populated stretch, backing to a cliff that could send someone hurtling toward orange lava. "Whew. It's warm!" Loss blew a strand of air at her forehead as she walked. "What was your life like?" "What it was like? Or what it is like?" "Well, you don't really have a life anymore..." "Well, that's just rude of you to say! I think I'll decide if I have a life or not, thank you!" Loss said, clearly offended. Gain stopped walking in compelte disbelief. She doesn't know where she is? "And anyways, my life was just fine, until it got blistering hot outside!" How did she get here? "I liked Idalani much better than this place! Where are we? Nori?" She doesn't even know she died! "Hellooooo?" Loss asked, punching a small paw into Gain's ribs. Gain whipped around, snapping at her, teeth bared. "Oh... sorry!" he coughed, turning back around. "You... startled me." "I've been talking to you the whole time, silly!" "I was just... thinking!" he snarled back, completely confused. For once in his life, Gain actually felt bad for someone else. Loss didn't deserve to be in hell. She was nice! "Uh, yeah... Loss?" "Mhmm?" she crooned. "... Yeah. We're in Nori." Gain decided not to tell her where they were. It would only hurt her.
((Will finish later! Sorry, trying not to rush, but I am really tired!))

Hard as hard as it can be
Holding on to what we believe
Accepting fact and realities
In the darkness of our soul
Strength is what we need
Hard to receive or to hold on
Waiting to disappear
In the ocean of your dreams
No matter how hard we try
It will always hunt us
You'll know that your dream is over
And your strength you will take with you
Achieving what you want and living free forever

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Re: Tell me a story...

Postby Okura » 07/21/2011 10:04 AM

Loss and Gain

Gain was wandering, floating as absolute nothingness. He had no purpose, he was but a lonely existence. He liked others, it was true, but whenever he got close to anyone they would feel his cold breath and watchful aura. People were afraid of him, he was lonely, he was pointless.
 Then one day his eyes had fallen upon Loss. It was obvious when he met Loss that the kuhna was in fact blind. Gain had watched her for some time, wondering if she would ever fear his presence. Either she couldn't sense it and Gain was slowly vanishing into nothing, or she didn't mind it.
 Gain watched her for some time, in awe of the kuhna. Then he thought of an idea, something crazy but, perhaps he could lead her and be her eyes. At first he was fearful when she heard his voice she would flee, but eventually got the bravery to do so. When he spoke to her, she was not afraid or fearful, but interested in who was talking to her. They befriended each other quickly, becoming faithful companions to one another.

And that is how they met.
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