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Re: .:The Hobo Corner:.

Postby Kallile » 12/12/2009 12:19 PM


Near the middle of the corner (is there ever really a middle of any corner? Oh well...) was a very strange--and dangerous--sight. Several large garbage bins were precariously stacked in a little makeshift hut, held together by nothing more than luck and faith. Outside, like a dog who had far outgrown her doghouse, lay a Frost paragon with her tail just barely contained in the little garbage bin hut. In front of her fluttered two Kitrells--a Winter and a Candycorn.

"We really need to do better this year, Lucrecia--you know Miss Kallile can't keep KS in her hands on holidays." Said Simia, the Winter. The Candycorn--Marxis-- shrugged, his stomach rumbling hungrily.  

"I'm more worried about our own food intake--what're we going to do?"

The Frost lifted her head suddenly, grinning as she looked around to see what everyone else was busy doing. "I know!" The big paragon nearly yapped, her tail wiggling and threatening to knock over her haphazardous construction. "I'll make people ice sculptures!"

Marxis snorted, laughing and dropping a few inches closer to the ground as he reached one wing around to clutch his aching belly. "You are going to make people ice sculptures? Lu--you can barely make stick figures. How are you going to make people..."

"Like this!" The Frost chimed, opening her mouth to let a spray of ice and snow come flying forth. Second later, a very frozen and slightly shivering Marxis-statue fell to the ground. The ice chipped off his bottom half, leaving his tiny legs to frantically scramble as Simia drifted down to try and help him.

Lucrecia, meanwhile, spotted an unsuspecting passerby. "Hey! I can make you an ice sculpture!~"

The patron seemed interested, until Simia came flying up and did her best to clamp the Frost's mouth closed. "Why...don't we build an ice rink for people to use? Or make them the perfect snowball or something?"

"Oh!" The frost said  though muffled, somehow allowing herself to be silenced by the tiny Kitrell, "I can do that!"

Marxis reappeared in the air, shivering violently and glaring angrily at his Frost-companion. "Next time, find a new test subject. I'm not playing the part of snowball target."

Lucrecia made a slightly sad face at him, then beamed and broke Simia's hold. "That's alright--it can be Simi's turn!"

For a moment Simia beamed, then her little face fell. "Wait...wha--"

One of the brand new "Lucrecia's Perfect Snowball"'s hit her dead center and took her out of the air.

"They work!" The Frost chimed.
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Re: .:The Hobo Corner:.

Postby AnimeTheia » 12/13/2009 2:46 PM


Reap wound his way through the cardboard boxes and crates, picking his feet up and placing them down as delicately as only a cat can, he tried to stay as far away from the beggars as he possible could as if they might carry diseases or something. In truth though he was here to join them, the zoo was running low on money and as self appointed Zoo Manager it was his job to find more funds, there were many mouths to feed and many christmas gift boxes that still needed buying! AnimeTheia had downright forbidden him to use begging as a means of getting money, but he didn't agree with her sentiments (or anything she said or believed really) and so he had made his way down to the 'Hobo Corner' as it had been dubbed to see what he could get. Normally he sent other pets on errands for him, but he didn't want AnimeTheia to find out where the money had come from (if he managed to get any that was), this way only he knew and he had no qualms about lying to her and saying he had earnt it or something like that.

He stopped at an unnoccupied box that looked somewhat more sturdy and cleaner than its neighbouring crate and box, producing a clean (but discoloured - he had to look the part after all) piece of material he spread it half in and half out of the box on the floor, providing himself with a clean place to sit, he then propped up a sign, that had 'Spare some change?' written on it in very shabby handwriting, against the box. Finally he sat down and put his most beseeching look on his face and prepared himself for what might be a very long wait before some passerby with enough money might stop and take pity on him.

Come down from the mountain, you have been gone too long

The world is alive now, in and outside our home

You run through the forest, settle before the sun

Darling, I can barely remember you beside me

You should come back home, back on your own now

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Re: .:The Hobo Corner:.

Postby Azura Rayume » 12/13/2009 3:05 PM

Click for human forms.

The hard times of the past years were evident in this quarter, as anyone could plainly see. Even those normally well enough off were showing up to bother that rare passing stranger for coin it seemed. If those with homes to return to were resorting to such desperate measures to survive the season, how much harder must it be on those with no family for Christmas except those like Morgo and Foul Old Ron?

Two such people were wriggling from their hiding place- a hole in the siding of an old warehouse- on this cold afternoon. The pair were siblings as everyone knew: Helen and David, two orphaned children left to fend for themselves in the streets. Apparently their parents had lacked the heart to leave them in some establishment made for taking in abandoned children and had opted for this horrible existence instead. They lived day to day now, not doing too badly considering the circumstances. Their clothes were worn, yes, but they bore new patches in the knees and elbows thanks to a kindly seamstress who had taken them in to fix their garments, and the butcher or baker often gave them things that were beginning to go bad or just weren't selling. Chalk it up to Christmas, they would always think with a smile. People were always nicer at Christmas.

David, the older of the two, still had a few memories of what their parents had been like and knew what not to do by way of parenting from that. At fourteen, he surely wasn't old enough to care for himself, much less a younger sister. He never blamed his parents for leaving them to this fate; much the opposite, in fact, he understood why they did. Kirtells were not known as the best caretakers in the Lands, especially not the Candy Corn variety like he and his father before him. Still, simply by watching over his shivering little sister, he was disproving the legacy his father had left for him daily. He did his best to keep her under his wing- literally and figuratively.

Helen pulled closer to her brother, arms wrapped around his waist as if to make sure not to let him leave without her. She was only nine, far too young for this harsh existence, and always seemed cold nowadays. She seemed to be the exception to the "Winter Kirtells don't get cold" rule, if such a thing existed. Her slender figure didn't hold much heat, and the thin dress and shrug she wore failed to help.

David noticed that she was shaking like a leaf against his side. Without hesitation, he shrugged off his own jacket, draping it over her quivering shoulders. She stared at him horrified for a moment as the chill breeze tugged at his disheveled brown locks and soiled T-shirt.

"David, no!" she said, trying to give the jacket back. "You'll freeze out here!" Concern shined in her eyes as she watched him smile as always, shivering slightly himself.

"Don't worry about me," he whispered calmly, oddly content for someone standing in the snow with barely any clothing to keep him warm. "You're the one who's always cold, remember?" He pulled his wings closer to his body in an attempt to make up for his lack of a coat then led his sister by the hand to the side of the road, trying his best not to let her see him shake.

Boys and girls of every age
Wouldn't you like to see
Something Strange?

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Re: .:The Hobo Corner:.

Postby Rabid » 12/16/2009 7:06 PM

Coin operated boy
Sitting on the shelf he is just a toy
But I turn him on and he comes to life
Automatic joy
That is why I want a coin operated boy...

Music floated through the air, its source being a miserable-looking bleeder. He really didn't want to be here; he'd much rather be playing with Van or something. Unfortunately, he'd gotten a long speech from the mistress that he just couldn't say "no" to. There were also the threats to dismantle him, but he didn't care about those. Really, he didn't.

Coin let out a sigh as he sat next to his sign: "Will do anything for keystones! Please insert here!" along with an arrow pointing to the coin slot on the bleeder's face. Of course he'd do anything; he didn't have a choice in the matter. At least the brat in charge of him had given him a dark umbrella; it'd protect him from the sun, snow, and rain, at least. He watched, dismayed, as a boy with his pants far too low sauntered up to him. The boy inserted a singular keystone into Coin's face and watched maliciously as the bleeder stiffened.

Gimme all yer money, fool! Oh no. Not a wangster! If he'd had control over himself, Coin would have rolled his eyes. Instead, he released an automated response.


The sign says anything!


Fine! Steal me some money!

Coin stiffly stood to obey the boy's command. He jumped and retrieved a bag of keystones from the boy's pocket and handed them over to him. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE. PLEASE COME AGAIN. The boy let out an angry mumble and kicked the indignant bleeder. He was tazed by said bleeder's security system as he headed away from the corner.

Stupid punk. Coin muttered. He shook his head and returned to his spot underneath the umbrella, making sure to keep his face in the correct place for his sign.

There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: .:The Hobo Corner:.

Postby Remedy » 12/22/2009 11:41 AM

Beetal sighed as he slumped against a street post.  He didn't have anything with him, just the clothes on his back and a piece of cardboard that said, in messy writing,

I'm a hobo.

Well, that was his way of stating the obvious.  Meggan sent him here, because the Valley needed money.  She told him that he couldn't come back until he had money.  To most people, that would be a terrible punishment, but to him, it felt good to be put to some use.  So many others in the Valley had been sent off to far on errands, and he thought he'd never be allowed out of the Valley.  Normally, not many people would be proud of begging in the street, but Betzalel was different, and he knew it.  He smiled at everyone passing by, not upset that some people didn't even glance at him.  He motioned to the sign and said,"Pretty much anything'll work.  Please help.  Thanks."

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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Re: .:The Hobo Corner:.

Postby Rain » 12/22/2009 3:13 PM

A young, blonde girl, with old, ratted clothes, and a very dirty face, looks up to you with very sad, big, blue eyes. "Do you have any KS to spare for me?" She asks. and her stomach grumbles loudly. She waits a little while, before grabing you hand, and leading you to her small, thin car-bored box. And then she just sat down, and started crying. " What's wrong dear?"  You hear yourself ask unexpectedly. 'Well, it's just that, well, my parents gave me up, and They just left me on the streets, and I've barely been surviving, with no clean water, and barely any food," She said sadly.
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Re: .:The Hobo Corner:.

Postby Nico » 12/22/2009 5:44 PM

No stranger to the streets, Alli timed her arrival to Hobo Corner at just gone dusk.  Easier to go unnoticed, and better for assessing her new neighbours, however temporarily that might turn out to be.  This wasn't so bad, one or two she'd keep an eye on, but she decided these were mostly chancers and those who'd had a recent run of bad luck.

She chose a spot from where she could continue to observe the folks nearby.  From hard experience, she sat with her back to a wall and and one which permitted at least three directions in which to flee should she be unable to stand her ground.  

From her jacket, Alli pulled out a well worn plastic cup with a scrap of paper rubberbanded 'round it which read:- "Donations Gratefully Accepted - Will Tend Bar or Wait Tables for Modest Room & Board."  Carefully placing her cup before her, close enough that she could reach it swiftly should the need arise, she hunched down into her jacket for warmth.
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Re: .:The Hobo Corner:.

Postby Toon-Souseiseki » 12/23/2009 2:07 PM

Maria was just walking like a lolligagger and saw a hobo corner.  Maybe I can be helpful with something for everyone back at home, she thought and sat down and with vher forest ability, made a sign that said: Helpful for the Poor.  She sighed and decided, while waiting, make a little flower grow from the street she was at and playe with it's growing by swirling and flipping it without touching it.
The heart wants what the Heart GRIEVES FOR
And that's the TRUTH
Though it may hurt, I give what they DESIRE
What they Desire is my own IMITATION
The reality is, my mind thinks FICTION

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Re: .:The Hobo Corner:.

Postby Shaetani » 12/25/2009 6:09 PM

A homeless Paragon was not something seen every day, but there was one here, a size smaller than most and with no markings. Gothika had managed to find some empty abandoned garbage cans and was using one to semi-shelter herself. Since not all of her fit in it, her front half was out, her wings curled protectively over her back as she watched the people passing by. She'd had a home once, and she was planning on going to a new home but her travelling money had been stolen and she had no way to contact her new home. "Well now, if any of you would be so kind as to spare me some change... I'm willing to work for it you know, I can carry just about anything, and I've got a bit of magic stored up... Please?" Oh how she hated begging, but it seemed the only way to get the rest of her travel money.
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Re: .:The Hobo Corner:.

Postby Krystalolive » 12/26/2009 5:19 PM

In a box in a shadowy corner, a homeless, nameless Kuhna stood, holding out a broken coffee cup. He looked around, pointing the cup to what ever person walked by. A sign beside him stated in bid, bold letters, 'Please help me out. My owner has tossed me out to gather up some money. She says I can come back when I have enough to go to some doctor. She says that a nice doctor named Einsor will make me big and strong.' He looked around smiling. He really wanted to help out in any way he could.
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Re: .:The Hobo Corner:.

Postby jackie125 » 02/10/2010 3:13 PM

         In the winter my little box provides almost no shelter. He was so cold his fingers and toes were starting to turn bluish. He was so close he needed a lot more KS. What was I doing I needed to ask the richer residents of the grand city." Excuse me, sir cou-"he cut me off."Go away!"he shouted.
         So I sit here on the frozen ground with a tiny blanket. Not a single donation in over a week. No food, no water, almost no hope. The street wasn't crowded, but the few people in the street ignored me.The people in this town can be really horrible you know? One time I asked a man:"Sir could you spare a KS or two?"and he said "you filthy hobo leave me alone and give the good citizens of this town a break from your babble." Before that I thought all the people of this city were kind, but apparently I was wrong.
         Today I asked a few people and they all kindly said "no."But I followed one richly looking man and asked
                                 "Could you spare a few KS sir?"
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Re: .:The Hobo Corner:.

Postby Ashes » 06/21/2010 9:57 PM


Ashes paused, seeing something flitting in the corner of her vision. A Rat. Flitting around it, She snared it, her jaws closing, feeling the life drain away from the poor creature. Frowning, she swallowed it, knowing she was destined to live this way unless she could find someone to help her. Seeing the hobo corner, she walked up, afraid, yet desperate. "M-Master, can you..."She trailed off, the look plain on his face making her back away in fear. Ssendrek, Lord of all things hobo-ish, smiled down at her.
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Re: .:The Hobo Corner:.

Postby Nanglow » 04/11/2011 9:39 PM

Elquhart didn't mind looking pathetic if it could get him something he wanted, and as he held up an oversized sign: "FAMILY HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED BY COWBOYS!  98 CENTS SHORT OF RANSOM!" which he had cleverly weighted to make sure was just a few grams heavier than what he could actually handle, he put on a good show of frantic fluttering and flapping trying to stay up in the air.  

"Ik ik Ik ik Ik!" he squeaked.

He'd also seeded the cap in front of him with a few keystones.  It seemed to work on the passerby who for some reason had found themselves in Hobo Corner -- a few tossed some more KS in.
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Re: .:The Hobo Corner:.

Postby Kylo » 04/28/2011 6:13 PM

"Jack the ripper's dead! An' lying in his bed! 'E cut this throat with sunlight soap, oh Jack the Ripper's dead! Khack kack kack kack!" the psychoatic tavil laughed. It was plain to see that the thing was insane and in need of help. Someone had chained the poor thing to the wall of the old building and had srcrawled in chalk a message just out of the tavil's reach."Please help him pay for his medicatrion. I can no longer afford it on my own." - Xaviar Smith A small container lay on the ground with a pitiful amount of KS inside it.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: .:The Hobo Corner:.

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 04/21/2012 8:51 PM


Timothy sat in a cardboard box that was on it's side, and watched the rain falling. His owner was off in another part of town, trying to sell what she had in order to buy food. He knew she wouldn't come back for him though. She couldn't support herself, let alone the two of them. Timothy was skinny, and his fur was dirty and matted. His eyes had lost their gleam a while ago, and he couldn't remember the last time he had laughed, or smiled, or even spoken to somebody.

He sat there, and watched the rain fall, and thought morosely to himself. There were some paragon, kittrels, and other attractive pets sitting in that alleyway, as well as a loud Tavil who was chained to the wall. With all of them, Tim was sure he wouldn't be noticed. He had put his little hat with his meagre few Keystones in it in front of him, just under the lip of the box, and he turned away from it now, to face the inside of the box. Hopefully someone would take pity on him and donate generously, though he didn't believe anyone would notice a small, skinny, grey draculi in a cardboard box in the rain...
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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