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Here Come the Sand Wave [P][Lavvers + Dulled]

Postby DulledOUT » 06/19/2009 3:58 PM

"Whoo! I'm at the Dead Coast! The land of sand~! . . . Oh hey that rhymes. Wheeee~!" a crazy light-teal Lucain spun around and around in the glittering sand. "Now all I have to do is wait for someone to show up so I can go walking around and around and around the place with them~! . . . Well probably because I get so lonely . . ." the Lucain sighed for a moment as she brushed her feet against the soft sand, "pull it together Tackie, this isn't the time to get all sappy-wappy. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out!" The lucain continued this procedure for some time until her head grew fairly dizzy from all that breathing.

"Okie dokie, time to get started on my new adventure. The Land of Sand, harharhar. Yes this will be the greatest one yet~!" Tackie then set off to begin her . . . "grand adventure."


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Re: Here Come the Sand Wave [P][Lavvers + Dulled]

Postby xLavenderKisses » 06/19/2009 4:26 PM

Lassa padded along the coast, occasionally dipping her paws into the ocean.
"Wonderful day today," she sighed happily, "So peaceful~"
The sun on her pelt felt wonderful, and the gentle breeze ruffled her fur just a bit.
Yapping happily, she plunged into the crystal clear water, chasing after imaginary fishes.
She came up for air, and instead of the lovely silence, she heard another Lucain's barks.
Lassa winced.
"I wonder who it is," she muttered, "Disturbing my perfect afternoon..."

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Re: Here Come the Sand Wave [P][Lavvers + Dulled]

Postby DulledOUT » 06/19/2009 4:58 PM

"Cupcakes~! Pudding~! Apple pie~! Oh my~!" Tackie loudly sang as she skipped along the shoreline, her tails high and swishing about happily as if they too, had a happy mind of their own. Tackie then changed whatever random song she was singing to, "BINGO," or at least what it sounded like it was. You could never ever tell what on earth the girl would be singing.

Tackie then came to an abrupt stop.

She looked at the coast.
It didn't seem as if she was the only one enjoying the coast on this day.

"Har har har, yes . . . this person shall be my companion on this adventure~" Tackie said to herself, low enough so the person swimming wouldn't recognize.

Tackie waited for the person to swim back up shore, but waiting made her rather . . . well . . . bored. "C'mon person, I need to get started on my grand adventure to tell everyone about~~~" she whined.
Well it didn't seem like they were going to get out any time soon, of course they wouldn't get out since the water temperature was at its best today.

So Tackie did what any other . . . abnormal . . . Lucain would do . . . sing at the top of their lungs. She inhaled and sang out loud, "THERE WAS A FARMER WHO HAD A DOG AND BINGO WAS HIS NAME-O. B I N G O. B I N G O. B I N G O. AND BIIIIINNNNGOOOO WAAAAS HIIIIIIIIIIS NAAAAAAAMMMMMEEEE-OOOOOO~!!!!"

Soon after her rambuctious singing, the person finally swam upshore. Tackie immediately sprang up from behind the palm trees and dash towards the person, not even bothering to figure out what sort of species they were.


((LOLOLOLOL Oh Tackie eUe ~ ))

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Re: Here Come the Sand Wave [P][Lavvers + Dulled]

Postby xLavenderKisses » 06/19/2009 5:17 PM

With smooth strokes, Lassa quickly touched land again.
Shaking off the worst of the water logged in her fur, she started to groom herself.
Once she got most of the tangles out, she looked around, trying to find the source of the voice she had heard before.
Then she heard shouting really close to her.
She whipped her head around, towards the palm trees, just in time to see a bundle of light teal fur running at her at full speed.
"What? Argghh-" her yell got cut off half way as the Lucain slammed into her, knocking her breath out.
Lassa groaned.
"Tackie?" she echoed weakly.

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Re: Here Come the Sand Wave [P][Lavvers + Dulled]

Postby DulledOUT » 06/19/2009 5:43 PM

Tackie nodded wildly as the stranger weakly muttered her name.
"Yurp! Tackie's the name, adventurin' be my game!" Tackie exclaimed happily. "Oh woops! I forgot that not all people have a tackle-resistant build like me. . .  harhar . . . S-sorry," Tackie apologized as she got off and helped the stranger to their feet. "Oh hey! You're a female Lucain just like meeeee~! Only more blue than teal and more girl-looking and stuffs. So anyways, my name is Tackie~! I like to adventure, crawl around, be hyper, and be really happy as well as making other people happy too! I hate it when people are sad because then it makes me sad, and I hate being sad because it makes to think the worst of the worst, which isn't the best thing to do. Am I talking to rapidly for you? Well I guess I am since I'm rapidly speaking at the speed of light. Hey, did you ever wonder how fast light goes? I don't, maybe I should ask some brainiacs. But in order to do that I'd have to go home, and I don't want to go home because right now everything is a huge mess and you so completely do not want to be around a huge mess when you have so much more important things to do. You get what I'm saying? Well probably not, so I guess I'll shut up now," Tackie gave one of her "sunshine" smiles and zipped her mouth shut.

There was a slight moment of silence.

"Oh hey do you want to go exploring along with me too? I need a companion because I'd always find myself in a sinking mud puddle one way or another, I'm guessing it's one of my 'special' techniques. Woops, I just talked again I'll be quiet now."

Tackie's tails swished side to side in a happy-like manner, and she still had that "sunshine" smile on her face.

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Re: Here Come the Sand Wave [P][Lavvers + Dulled]

Postby xLavenderKisses » 06/19/2009 7:12 PM

Lassa shook herself and winced when her side hurt.
Oh just a broken rib or two, nothing too bad, she thought sarcastically.
During Tackie's long speech, Lassa didn't say anything, nor did she move. She just stared.
Lassa blinked.
She searched for something to say, it felt like this Tackie had used up all the available words around.
"M-my master talks like that too, she called it Katieing. It's because her friend Katie always does that, and it's like her trademark or something," she managed to get that all out in a single breath.
She blinked at Tackie again.
"Oh, and uh, my name is Lassa."

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Re: Here Come the Sand Wave [P][Lavvers + Dulled]

Postby DulledOUT » 06/21/2009 8:50 PM

"Ahahaha! Katieing! That's hilarious~ Well really my master couldn't speak this fast in her short life, but she wishes too. So I'm giving her lessons on how to 'expand the tongue.' Or something like that, aharharharharhar. Oh and your name is Lassa~! Such a pretty name, I wished I had a pretty name like that, but nope! I don't. Well nothing much to do about that now, huh? Unless I get traded off and my new owner decides to name me, but I don't think that will be happening anytime soon. Ahahaha!" Tackie said just a little less . . . rapidly.

"So anyways, do you want to come with me to explore around? Hey! We might even find some wildlife around too! But maybe not, who knows, huh? Only time will tell~! Well that's what my owner said to me, she always says that when she doesn't have anything to answer with. She's such a lazy bum~!" Tackie swished her tails around, waiting for some reply.
"Oh, did I talk too rapidly again? Man I really have to stop doing that. Okay Tackie, breathe in. Breathe out, breathe in, breathe out. Okay I should talk at a somewhat regular pace now?" Tackie asked Lassa.

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Re: Here Come the Sand Wave [P][Lavvers + Dulled]

Postby xLavenderKisses » 06/22/2009 6:48 PM

Expanding the tongue? she thought, bewildered.
Her tails swooshed happily at Tackie's compliment to her name.
Yes, Lassa is a pretty name.
Her master had told her someone named Rosie had helped chose it. This Rosie must be very smart indeed.
"Errr..." she found it hard to come up with a reply, "Okay then... But I do hope your regular pace is quite normal."
She started to walk down the beach, wondering if a Lucain like Tackie could ever keep their jaws shut for even a minute.
It wasn't that she didn't like talking, she found it intriguing.
It's like a whole new species of Lucain! she thought, I'll be like a scientist, and I'll discover this new species!
She grinned at her own folly.

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Re: Here Come the Sand Wave [P][Lavvers + Dulled]

Postby DulledOUT » 06/23/2009 12:40 AM

"A'ight! Let's get this started~! Don't worry about my regular pace, it's very normal. Everyone back at the pen basically understands it. The ones who don't like listening can't understand it, so, meh. Anyhoo, off we go!" Tackie shouted enthusiastically as she jogged over to a forest of palm trees, unaware of Lassa's grinning.

As she pressed through the palm trees, Tackie's stomach seemed to . . . talk. "Ruh oh, chow time for the Tackiester. Lassa are you hungry? There's probably a lot of trees around here with some sort of fruit on it," Tackie turned around to Lassa. "You can just stay here, while I go around and find some food. Or if you want to have a big party of food we can split up?" Tackie suggested.

[[short post is short ||OTL]]

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Re: Here Come the Sand Wave [P][Lavvers + Dulled]

Postby xLavenderKisses » 06/23/2009 7:36 PM

"Food?" she asked.
Except just at that moment, Lassa's tummy grumbled too.
She glanced down then back to Tackie then yapped cheerily, "Food party~"
Without a backwards glance, she skipped off into the neighbouring palm trees and followed her nose.
"We'll meet back here in ten minutes!" she yelled over her shoulder.

((Mine is shorter? 8D))

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Re: Here Come the Sand Wave [P][Lavvers + Dulled]

Postby xLavenderKisses » 09/23/2009 11:31 PM

Happy with her cache of coconuts and berries, Lassa skipped back to the big palm tree where they had agreed to meet before.
"Helloooo." Lassa called through the vegitation.
Someone Tackie dissapeared off to nowhere.
After waiting for quite a while, Lassa decided that it was time to go home.
She grumbled, annoyed, and began her long trek back home.

((Pulling Lassa out. We'll RP next tiem c: ))

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