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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets, 2 Slot open!

Postby Thunder » 12/18/2011 4:09 PM

As Dave followed the Kuhna closer to the Christmas tree, he got an even better sense of just how fricking big that tree was. It had to be the size of Texas. Or Rhode Island. Or maybe even goddamn Jupiter. Ok, those were highly exaggerated, but it was a still pretty darn huge tree. He took in the lights and ornaments for a second, though the colors looked much more subdued from behind his shades. If John and Jade were here, he was sure that they'd be spazzing over the size of the tree. There was a crapload of boxes underneath the tree, but Dave wondered if the presents belonged to someone else and didn't want to accidentally take someone else's gift, even if the ensuing chaos would be amusing. He returned his gaze to the Kuhna girl and realized that she had moved on without him, though it only took him a few strides to catch up with her. They appeared to be approaching some kind of building that had very aromatic scents wafting from it. Hot dang, whatever it was smelled good.

(Moving to Area 3)

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets, 2 Slot open!

Postby Jaden Wolf » 12/18/2011 8:15 PM

((... :P Not sure how Kia's gonna take this...but I'll try to make her be nice...I wanna find a box ;P))

The anala had commented on Kia's state of mind, but the girl hardly even noticed. She was so used to hearing comments like that that she rarely even recalled them happening. Except when Jaden said it. Jaden was always the exception...her words always seemed to be getting stuck in Kia's head. That's why Jaden was the only person Kia would always listen to and would never, ever talk back to. Even her Mama couldn't do that.

And this Anala was certainly no Jaden. Kia had barely noticed that he'd said she'd only find something average here, but something was something right? It was the comment about the mistletoe and a kiss on the cheek that had made the girl return to her rather nasty mood. Kia didn't like being told what to do...very rarely, anyway...her moods still depended on her personal traits, after all.

And this, she certainly did not want to do. She was about to say something rather rude to the anala when a voice in the back of her mind reminded her of her initial goal. She had wanted to find something to bring back to Mama and Jaden so they wouldn't be mad at her. At this, her face seemed to flicker a bunch of emotions as they fought to take place in Kia's conciousness. Then, her face went blank for a moment before she smiled radiantly at the anala.
"Wow, mister. You must be awfuly lonely to be wantin' a kiss from someone like me. I'm not a very good person to ask something like that to. But okay...but you have to give me a hint like you promised or I'm gonna be very angry."

Ah, this seemed to be one of Kia's more...sane personalities. It wasn't her original one, but it was pretty darn close. This was one of the three personalities that were fully aware of all the other ones. So, she was serious in what she had to say to the anala. Yet, she was true to her word as she gave the creature a little peck on the cheek.

(Searching area (#1))
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets, 2 Slot open!

Postby Kitsumi » 12/18/2011 8:32 PM

As they moved forward, the distinct sound of honking could be heard in the direction they were heading. "What the bloody-" Flit's words were cut off as Todd flicked the ear she had been leaning on, sending her reeling off balance. "Watch what you say, please." Todd shook his head, but gently, not trying to hurt the Quiksylph. "I detest foul language, you know." Flit smirked, and started to chant every word deemed 'naughty' that she knew under her breath. Todd sighed, but continued onwards.

Finally within sight of the fountain, both Khimera and Quiksylph were fascinated by the source of the honking. Geese swam happily in the fountain, and Todd slowed a bit, deciding to stay back and not bother them. Flit, on the other hand, had different ideas.

"I'm sick o' this place!" She said. "I'm just gonna check those ugly birds and see if they've got anything so we can get outta here." Without giving Todd the chance to point out how very unlikely it was for geese to have any of the presents, Flit flew off, leaving Todd to follow, muttering under his breath about the small brain sizes of small creatures.

{Searching Area #7 :: 3/10}

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets, 2 Slot open!

Postby Bug-A-Boo » 12/18/2011 9:37 PM

At the mention of claws, Boo gasped. "Oh, that's what I was forgetting!" She sighed. "I suppose I've been in my human form far too often...I forgot I had claws! At least I remembered my tails though, right?" She giggled. "Well, I guess while I'm here, I'll search the area. Couldn't hurt, right?" The tails she had just mentioned now wagged happily as she scanned the area for any hint of presents.

(Post 1)
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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets, 2 Slot open!

Postby Thunder » 12/18/2011 10:30 PM

As Dave neared the building, it became evident that he was approaching a bakery. There was the strong scent of cookies and bread, and it was really, really tantalizing. He usually didn't eat too many sweets (he preferred chips, especially nacho chips, instead) but...he couldn't resist. It smelled just that friggin amazing. If Terezi were around, she'd probably be drooling gallons at the scent.

"Sorry kid," he said to the Kuhna, "I'm gonna brb real fast. Hang tight for a moment, ok?" He started towards the bakery and entered its doors. Inside, there were rows upon rows of treats and sweets, along with a lot of colorful and bright Christmas decorations. Welp, Dave thought, maybe I should buy something for Jade here just in case I can't get a present for her. He began to browse the shelves, looking for candies and pastries that the girl might enjoy.

(Searching the area.)

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets, 2 Slot open!

Postby MillietheWarrior » 12/29/2011 12:54 AM


Nanao glanced up with a scowl as the boy ran back out of the storage room. “Didn’t you get that thing out?” she sighed, exasperated. Snatching up the thing in his hand, she peered at it closely. “Looks like a Talisman of some sort. These are the things Ceinwen’s been putting in her boxes. But it’s all chewed up. Anyways,” She tossed it back to Talcen. “Looks as though you’ve won. Stay here a sec.” She turned and rummaged around behind the counter, before she pulled out a note that looked as though it had been through the ringer too. “I found this earlier. It was with that totem. Here you go.” As she handed it over, you could tell something had tried to eat the note. It was slobbery near the end, with a few chunks around the edges missing.

Sorry if this present is a little bit too much
I think it has some mental problems going on and such
I hope you have a better time dealing with her fleas
Her bite is bad, her bark is worse, just be careful please
Your hunt is done, it’s time to go, I hope you had some fun
Merry Christmas and all that jazz, you know I’ll miss you tons!

((Congratulations, Talcen! You’ve won a Custom Lucain! Your prize will be sent shortly. Please make an exit post and thanks for playing!))


“I take what I can get,” The Anala grumbled, clearly annoyed at the girl’s impertinence. “Not like I have much choice, you know.” Nevertheless, he seemed rather happy to get a kiss from such a pretty female, and his white cheeks reddened beneath his fur. “Yeah, yeah,” he said, his happiness vanishing briefly. “Hint. Right. If you check over there, in the fire, you’ll find something great. Don’t worry about it burning you; it’s not an actual fire. Just stick your hand in it, and see what happens.”


“I wouldn’t do that if I were you~” A woman, probably in her late teens, lounged about on the bench. Beside her was an assortment of wrapped gifts, each one different than the other. She Placed a protective hand on them, and then smirked at the Khimera. “Best stay away from those geese, mate, or you’re liable to be their lunch. They’re all riled up form the last visitor, and the last thing ya wanna do is make them mad.” She yawned and then leaned back on the bench. “I bet yer lookin’ for that special present, aren’t you?” She smiled wickedly. “Your chances of finding something here are VERY GOOD. In fact, if you answer my riddle, I might even give you an amazing hint.” She cleared her throat. “Ahem. I am the beginning of sorrow and the end of sickness. You cannot express happiness without me yet I am in the midst of crosses. I am always in risk yet never in danger. You may find me in the sun but I am never out of darkness. What is the answer?”


Upon inspection, you’d find that this area seems to have been picked clean. In fact, even some f the guests didn’t seem to want to hang around the bonfire anymore, and were moving on to more interesting palces, like the roasted chestnut stand. As they pass, one of them, a rather amused look Tavil, stops to regard you. “Your chances of finding something around here are VERY POOR you know. It’s been picked through. Why don’t you try somewhere else?”


As Dave browsed the shelves, one of the shopkeepers, Momo to be precise, looked on in vague amusement. She always enjoyed new customers. This man was a bit different, but he looked interesting. “You’re on that hunt, aren’t you?” she asked, quirking a smile his way. “Your chances of finding something in here are VERY GOOD you know. In case you were looking. But besides that, can I help you find anything? I’m Momo, one of the owners here. We’ve got all kinds of things, if there’s something in particular you want.”


((For anyone reading, there are TWO slots open. Those are the LAST two slots of the entire contest, so get them while you can!))

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets, 2 Slot open!

Postby Bug-A-Boo » 12/29/2011 7:31 PM

"Drat!" Boo sighed, but before sadness could even register in her facial expressions to turned gleefully towards the Tavil. "Well, thanks for letting me know! I would have searched here for hours!" Giggling like the little girl that she often acted like, she started skipping a random direction, which was probably the wrong way anyhows. After a moment, though, she paused. The scent of roasted chestnuts in the air was just too good to pass up. Following the scent, she began moving forward...not knowing that she had yet to move through the hot chocolate bar to get there.

((Moving to Area 6, Post 2))
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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets, 2 Slot open!

Postby Kitsumi » 12/29/2011 7:53 PM

At the sound of a feminine voice, Todd glanced around until he spotted the speaker. An odd assortment of packages - gifts, upon closer inspection - caught Todd's eye for a moment, but the woman's defensive gesture assured Todd that these were not the gifts to be given out. "I assure you, madame, that I have absolutely no intention of going anywhere near the geese. My companion, on the other hand, apparently has a suicide wish."

As if summoned, Flit suddenly landed on Todd's head and immediately began complaining. "Those little buggers tried to eat me!" Flit huffed, obviously put off, and Todd choked back his laughter. The fairy-like creature was annoying enough as it is, and he was sure that a suicide, murder, or possibly both would be happening if he were to really get her riled up.

The mention of a hint, though, caught both Todd and Flit's attention. While Todd pondered the answer in silence, Flit began chattering on about her possible guesses. "It could be death, couldn't it? The beginning of sorrow, but the end of sickness. Death, right?" Todd hushed the Quiksylph, and said quickly, "Ignore her, she doesn't know what she's talking about." Hovering annoyingly in front of his face, Flit hissed, "Oh, and I suppose you know the answer?" "As a matter of fact, I do." In a sure, confident voice, Todd said, "The answer is the letter 's'."

{Searching Area #7 :: 4/10}

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets, 2 Slot open!

Postby Bug-A-Boo » 12/29/2011 10:48 PM

"Oh! Look, hot chocolate!" Boo hadn't quite made it to the area with the roasted chestnuts. But a cup of hot chocolate certainly seemed nice at the moment. Morphing into her human form, she grabbed a cup and downed it in a single gulp, promtply burning her tongue and the roof of her mouth in the process. "Outh! Hod! hod!" With her tongue burning, she was unable to speak correctly. While she waited for her mouth to cool, she decided to search the area.

((Post 3))
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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets, 2 Slot open!

Postby Kylo » 12/30/2011 11:20 AM

Talcen stared blankly at the note for several minutes before realization set it. "I...won? I won!!! I atcually found something! Thank you thank thank you!!!" He hugged the grumpy women and spun her around a few times before setting her down. "I'll take real good care of her I promise!" Clutchig the note and totem to his chest Talcen quickly ran off. To where Xai're only knows.

(Exit post. Thank you so so so much!!!!!)

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets, 2 Slot open!

Postby Thunder » 12/30/2011 11:02 PM

Dave heard someone address him and turned to face Momo. "Yeah, I'm on the hunt," he replied. "Very good, huh? I don't suppose you have anything dog-related, do you? Like, I dunno...licorice scottie dogs?" Jade loved dogs and owned one named Becquerel, who Dave affectionately called a "devilbeast".

As he waited for a reply, he resumed browsing through the shelves, picking out a few boxes of chocolates to buy for Jade. He also thought he might get stuff for John and Rose, while he was at it. He had no idea where Rose was right now, though.

(Searching the area.)

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets, 2 Slot open!

Postby jackie125 » 12/31/2011 11:50 AM

Though Christmas had already passed, Niu was still in the Christmas spirit."Burr... It sure is cold here." He was heating he almost frozen wings by the grand bonfire. He was still in his paragon form because it retained more heat then a human. He was walking around a bit trying to get himself warmed up.

He looked around deciding he was warm enough, and taking space from anyone else who was trying to get near the fire. He walked towards a large fountain, which, oddly enough was still flowing even in the freezing temperatures. He looked around the fountain, to find some long benches. He shuffled a little closer to the fountain and stuck a claw in the water. It was warm, it must be heated, he thought.

Move to #7

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