A dense jungle full of surprises and new places to explore! Scientists are still trying to document species found here, while travelers flock here for a sense of adventure. Be sure to make lots of preparations though, as it can be quite dangerous! (+3 Precision, +2 Offense)

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Return to Tengel Rainforest

Black Mist (Contest RP) {CLOSED}

Postby Sappheara » 01/04/2011 10:01 PM

As you enter Tengel Rainforest, curious as to what the Shamash Yingshee was talking about. You look around the lush green jungle, walking further along an old worn path. You start to notice that the forest is starting to change, the plants coloring turns a darker, more sinister colors. Goosebumps start to form on your arms and down your back. Swallowing a large lump in your throat, you continue on the path. You came to far to turn back now. As you continue pass the large trees that bare some form of fruits. Further pass the trees you notice an old structured temple. It looks to be about 600 years old. As you walk closer to the temple, you notice that some parts of the structure is cracked and other parts have crumbled in dust. You also notice bolders, large and small around the temple grounds. Walking closer the temple, you realized the bolders were once part of the large structure. A small breeze of wind brushes up against you, making it feel more like fingers brushing against your neck and arms. Getting startled by the feeling, you turn around. You notice a yellow Lucain that appeared out of nowhere. Thinking to yourself that there was no one around a few moments ago. The Lucain speaks. "I take it that the Shamash Yingshee sent you here? Not waiting for a reply, he shakes his head. "I knew that he would send out my message. I glad that you came." He gives a twisted smile as he looks at you. "So... I see you came here for some form of entertainment? Right?" He starts to pace in front of you. "I have an entertainment I believe you will enjoy" A sinister smile appeared a cross his lips, making his eyes shine. Walking toward the temple steps, he continues to speak."Do you think you can handle entertainment?" Not waiting for your reply, he starts to walk up the steps of the temple.

(Sorry, post failed. First time holding a contest, so bare with me.)

~* Post your character meeting the Lucain

~* If you have any questions, please post in the Contest Central Section or the Advertise Section.

~* If you missed this contest, there is a second one; A Place of Past Crimes (Contest RP!).

~* No double posting.

~* No whining or complaining. (IC or OOC)

~* These pets are just randomly appearing, and what they have/ask you to do is also randomly determined by me.

~* There is no post limit (A.K.A., you do not have to have so many posts to finish the game, although 5 is a must. Trust me, you will get 5 XD).

~* Don’t worry, if you get stumped, I’m here to help. I won’t let your character be disqualified or anything; my characters are meant to stump you, not keep you from finishing completely.

~* Prizes are determined by the judge.

~* Prizes are determined by how well you do in the contest.

~* You have 3 days to post; if 3 days has gone by, and you still have not taken your turn, you will be disqualified, and someone else will be allowed to join in your place. You must send me a PM a head of time if your going to be gone more than 3 days, it must be a good reason why or your gone.

~* The event doesn’t start until everyone arrives and I make a post saying, basically ‘GO!’

~* If I missed anything, let me know.

~* If you don't like me to move your character, please state that on your next reply. I'm not a mind reader and I don't know how you feel about me moving your character.

~* If you get kick out this contest DO NOT threaten me. I will not stand immaturity for any reason.

~* There's no longer a posting order. Just make sure your post before the 3 days are up.

1. NatureGirl
2. Jackie125
3. Thunder
4. Talcen
5. Firetra
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Re: Black Mist (Contest RP)

Postby NatureGirl » 01/06/2011 9:49 PM

(Human Form)

The Evercold walked through the forest, looking around for a certain Lucain character that Keira had said to find since Nature wanted to see this contest. She had silently agreed and set off, trying to find him and do as Keira wanted. Kristall sighed, and hurried through the trees. Suddenly, she turned in a direction and  bolted after a flash of gold she had seen.

"Are you the one that is holding this contest?" Kristall quietly called after the flash, her voice a whisper. A second later, she had almost ran face to face into the Lucain. He looked at her then walks off. Yes, a voice in her head urged her. Follow him. Kristall sighed and followed right behind him up into a temple.

You'd better be right, Voice, she uttered in her head as the temple finally came into view.
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Click Me!

There's a hate inside of me like some kind of master
I try to save you but I can't find the answer
I'm holding onto you, I'll never let go
I need with you with me as I enter the shadows

Caught in the darkness I go blind
But can you help me find my way out?
Nobody hears me, I suffer the silence.
Can you tell me it's over now?
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Re: Black Mist (Contest RP)

Postby jackie125 » 01/07/2011 6:59 AM

Squark the Squeaker

The little Squeaker was taking a hike in the Tengal Forest. It seemed an odd place for something as defenseless as he, but he was like that always doing what no one else thought he could do. He was walking along and saw a bright yellow Lucain standing a few feet off the path. "What are you doing here?"He asked him. The lucain explained that he was hosting a contest. Squark decided that he was going to enter. He told the lucain, "I would like to enter, please."
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Re: Black Mist (Contest RP)

Postby Thunder » 01/07/2011 4:52 PM


A contest? Again? Why did Azrael keep telling her to do these things? The last time Adey entered a "contest", she had been chased around by wild turkeys and had some of her money stolen. After that experience, the girl really didn't want to enter anymore of these "contests"...but Azrael kept egging her on. So here she was, although rather unwillingly, after being guided by a mysterious Shamash Yingshee.

Standing by this temple was a golden colored Lucain. It appeared that he was the one running this thing. "I'm entering," Adey said, stepping up to the Lucain. I hope this "entertainment" is worth it, she grumbled in her mind. If she had to face more rabid turkeys, or get more Keystones stolen, she thought she might just lose it.

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Re: Black Mist (Contest RP)

Postby Kylo » 01/07/2011 5:14 PM


Kadaj entered the forest as the Yingshee had instructed. He had never entered a contest before and it sounded, refreshing. He walked through the jungle with ease and arrived at the temple. He smirked and went up to the lucain. "Hello, my name is Kadaj I've heard you have some entertainment planned. I would like to join this fun." He smiled cruelly and flexed his claws. He was unuaslly outgoing for a draculi, but certainly fit its form. His love for swords and small size made a draculi the perfect body for him. Too bad he couldn't enter as a human. He had yet to figure out how to change forms.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: Black Mist (Contest RP)

Postby Firetra » 01/08/2011 4:09 PM

Arean Walked into the forest as he was told to do so by the Yengshee. But he didn't expect to see this marvalous place. "Wow." He whispered to himself. So as you can guess when the Lucain appeared he was pretty shocked. "Uhhh what? Sure I'll enter your 'enetertainment' thing. Just what exactly do I have to do? I mean I have so many questions. The Yengshee didn't give much specifics."  He then fiddled with the luckey rabbit foot that he had on him and felt lucky. Then of course when he feels lucky it starts to snow around him. He then grew more confedent. "I'm absolutly sure that I'll join this entertainment with you. So what's it we got to do?"

Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me;
The carriage held but ourselves
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Postby Sappheara » 01/08/2011 5:50 PM

He stopped at the third temple step. The Shamash Yingshee has done well getting the five contestants. A brief smile appeared a cross his lips before he turned around to face the contestants. Looking at each individual, the Lucain spoke. "All of you well be entertainment." He looked at the two humans, then the other creatures. "There are 5 different mazes inside of this temple." The Lucain pointed at the temple behind him. "You all well have your maps and each map is different from the others." He walked up to each contestant, handing each of them their maps. "Each of you must complete your maze to get your prize. Fare warning your mazes will not be easy." Turning back towards the temple, the Lucain started to walk back up the temple steps. "You all may begin when ready." As he got to the top of the structure the Lucain disappeared into the dark temple.
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Re: Black Mist (Contest RP)

Postby NatureGirl » 01/09/2011 2:28 PM

Kristall took the map handed to her. She looked down to it, then back up to the Lucain and nodded.

"Thank you," she whispered as she turned and nimbly hopped down to the bottom of the temple steps. Kristall landed running into the forest, barely making a sound as her bare feet tapped against the forest floor. She opened the map and gazed down at it, pondering.

Left, the voice said abruptly, causing Kristall's angelic wings to flip out and make her bank left before she ran into a tree. A little warning next time, she growled and folded her wings once more.

"This better be worth the trouble, Keira," she sighed and rounded another tree quickly.
~ My Zoo Pen! ~ Wishes! ~ My Clickies! ~
Red - Shadows

Click Me!

There's a hate inside of me like some kind of master
I try to save you but I can't find the answer
I'm holding onto you, I'll never let go
I need with you with me as I enter the shadows

Caught in the darkness I go blind
But can you help me find my way out?
Nobody hears me, I suffer the silence.
Can you tell me it's over now?
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Re: Black Mist (Contest RP)

Postby jackie125 » 01/09/2011 2:30 PM

Squark walked up to the maze he believed to be his. The walls were high, and the maze seemed dark. He wasn't scared, he always tried to prove people wrong about him by doing such things.
He peered at his map and could not make sense of most of it, but he got the general idea of it."Hmmm..." At the entrance he could not decide which direction to go. After a few minutes pondering what path he should choose, he decided to go on the passage to the right. He saw very soon after that all the walls looked the same. He shortly came to a dead end and turned around. When he came to the place he began at he went down the other passage. The one to the left. He hoped he would fare better on this path.
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Re: Black Mist (Contest RP)

Postby Thunder » 01/10/2011 6:51 PM

Adey narrowed her eyes and walked up the temple steps after taking her map. What kind of weird tricks and traps would lie inside? Hopefully there wouldn't be anything too deadly. That would not be fun. Inside the temple, it was pretty dark, which simply made her paranoia grow. Another giant turkey better not jump out at her. She strained to read the map in the dimly lit room, and saw that from where she was standing, there was a passage going left. Adey shrugged and went that direction, walking cautiously.

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Re: Black Mist (Contest RP)

Postby Kylo » 01/10/2011 6:58 PM

The moment the lucain disappeared Kadaj run off into the maze without so much as a glance at the map. "Who needs a map, it's much more fun to figure things out on your own!" He kept his claws out for traction as he sharply turned a corner and nearly ran into a wall. His heart beat excitedly as he followed the classic rule of thumb for mazes, which was always keep a right hand, or paw in this case, on the wall and always turn right whenever you can. He whooped with excitement. Little to say he was excited and ready for the fun to really begin.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: Black Mist (Contest RP)

Postby Firetra » 01/11/2011 10:22 PM

Seeing the others run off without a second though made Arean chuckle. Rushing into things was bad luck so he stayed back and studied the map for a bit. "Hmm interesting, this seems to be made into a pattern of some sort." He said to himself. He then studied the front entrance and looked to the left and right of it. "There must be a secret passage here." He said. He then rubbed his luckey rabbits foot and looked at the lucky right side of the temple again. Then, there in the corner was a small chip in the wall. "Ah ha!" He said. He then went over to it and tried moving it each which direction. And when he pushed it inward then to the left he found a small keyhole. "Hmmmm, I know what to do." He then blew on the lock and a small ice pick formed into the hole, he then twisted and turned it every which way and soon heard a click. " Yes!" He said to himself. Then a door rose up and opened up. Then he went into it, and into the unlucky shade of black.


Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me;
The carriage held but ourselves
And Immortality

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Postby Sappheara » 01/12/2011 10:46 PM

The Evercold was going in the wrong direction. Her maze was inside of the temple. As Kristall was following the direction of the map, which wasn't going to lead her to the end of her maze. The ground beneath her started to shake, making the Evercold unsteady. There were no earthquake in Tengel Rainforest. What could make the ground beneath her shake? It was a question that no one could answer. As the ground continue to shake, large and small trees started to fall over. A large roaring sound came from beneath the earth, it started to split in half. As the ground started to open where the Evercold stood. She fell into the earth. Amazingly the Evercold fell into one of the temples mazes, with the wind knocked out of her.

As the Squeaker continue into the new path, he notice dust particles coming off of the ceiling. Would the ceiling fall? No, that wasn't going to happen, the temple was stronger than it looked. As Squark looked at the ceiling, in the corner of his eyes he notice a light flicker. Was it his imagination or  did it really happen? It caught his attention enough that he continued to look down the long dark pathway. The light flickered on once again. Was there anyone there? Would Squeaker continue down this path? The real question was how was there electricity inside a century old temple?

As Adey took the passageway to the left, the path was dimly lit by torches. As she slowly walked further into the path, Adey stepped on a trigger that was hidden on the floor. The walls started to shake, almost as if the walls were going to close in on her. Then the ground started to shake, making her unsteady, almost making her fall. A loud roaring sound echoed a cross the tunnel. To an untrained hear, it sound like an angry dragon.  Could there be a dragon living in the temple? Lucky enough, there were no dragons in the temple, so far. A large stone door closed behind Adey, locking her inside the tunnel.

Unknown to the Draculi, he was going around in a large circle. The last right he turned, Kadaj bushed up against one of the triggers. Triggering one of the oldest traps the temple had. At the far end of the passageway were large and small arrows hidden behind the temple statues. Arrows started to shoot straight at the Draculi, making him back up against one of the walls. Was he scared? As one of the arrows missed him by inches, it got lodge into the wall, close to Kadaj's head. The arrow triggered another trap. A large trap door opened beneath Kadaj, making the Draculi fall into another hidden tunnel.

As Yengshee opened a secret door into a passageway, a gust of wind blow pass the Lucain. The darkness took over the Lucain as he entered. It was hard for ones eyes to adjust to such darkness. Would Yengshee be able to make it through the passageway with no trouble? What could be hidden inside this passageway? This was one passageway that no one knew about, not even the golden Lucain. To the right side of the Lucain was an unlight torch, there also cobbwebs that decorate the tunnel.

(Sorry guys, I failed.)
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Re: Black Mist (Contest RP)

Postby NatureGirl » 01/13/2011 4:38 PM

((((OOC: No, that was amazing, Sapph!!))))

Kristall stopped dead as the ground began to shake. Uh. . . Voice? Any help? The voice stayed silent. She growled and and took another step. Suddenly, the earth cracked open beneath her and she stumbled.

"What's going o-" she began to shout, but cut herself off with a scream as she dropped down into the pit, to surprised to flip out her wings. She fell for a few seconds before she hit the cold ground. Ouch. . . Kristall gasped as she hit the stone, feeling the air being pushed out of her. She laid there, feeling like a fish out of water, slowly gaining back her breath.

Kristall adjusted her scarf and dusted herself off as she looked around. Plop in the middle of the maze. Right? she wondered and took a step to the right, just in time for the voice to say No. Kristall sighed and jerked to a stop.

Straight then right. Voice corrected. Kristall gritted her teeth and walked toward the path. This was going to be a long time. Might want to hurry, Voice rushed as she strolled along. A very long time.
~ My Zoo Pen! ~ Wishes! ~ My Clickies! ~
Red - Shadows

Click Me!

There's a hate inside of me like some kind of master
I try to save you but I can't find the answer
I'm holding onto you, I'll never let go
I need with you with me as I enter the shadows

Caught in the darkness I go blind
But can you help me find my way out?
Nobody hears me, I suffer the silence.
Can you tell me it's over now?
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Re: Black Mist (Contest RP)

Postby jackie125 » 01/13/2011 5:35 PM

Squark loked cautiously at the ceiling. There was little bits of rubble falling from it. He hoped it wouldn't collapse on him. He had heard that there was going to be traps and other such things, but at the time he hadn't been thinking about that. Now he was thinking that. Something happened that barely ever happened to him. He worried.  Then something he thought was very weird happened. The lights flickered. "Lights! What the heck?? Isn't this supposed to be an ancient temple??" He was trying to distract himself with that thought. He walked into a different room. This room had a higher ceiling  and some large pillars holding up the roof. Thats better, he thought. And he continued to wander and search the large room.
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