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.:Contest #11:.

Postby BaalsBaby » 08/13/2008 4:14 AM



Hahah... Don't mind the crappy pixel arts... For those who use MSPaint!

Oh look, one of these again! Humm... I don't think we had one of these here before on the actual Lands forums, so let's give it a go! 8D


* All entrants may enter two entries (one MAIN marking and one MINI marking). What's the difference between the two? Minimarks only take up a small section of the Lucain where as the main markings cover almost the entire body most of the time.

* One post per person. You may edit your posts until the end date.

* You MUST post a picture (doesn't matter if you're an artist or not.) You may use the given lineart or one of your own.

* Markings/minimarks must be for both genders of Lucain.

What We're Looking For:

Something completely new and exciting! 8D Not just something you like but what you think others might enjoy as well. Think how it would look like combined with some of the other markings!


*First Place - One Custom Lucain with the new marking/minimark OR a choice of the Alonia Prize Pets. (Please note that it may take awhile for the new markings to come out.)

*Second Place - 550 KS and Choice of Wild Pet

*Baal's Secret Third Winner(?) - 250 KS (Cause we all know Baal might crack and choose an extra winner... =3=; )

End Date:

August 24th, 2008 (Sunday) - The last day to submit answers.

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Postby Akida » 08/13/2008 4:25 AM

Ooh Hay! Something Aki can do!! ^^

-reserveth spot ;b-


Mein Minimark: Patches

http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n35/ ... atches.png

Mein Marking: Whatever-name-you-think-of can go here ha!

http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n35/ ... rt/O_o.png

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Postby MillietheWarrior » 08/13/2008 4:39 AM

Here are meh markings.

Wave Marking
(Waves. Like ocean waves and stuff. XD)
Wave Lucain tend to dwell near the ocean. They are excellent fishermen and swimmers. Boats that head out into deep water often employ these Lucain to help haul in the catch. Wave Lucain are always around people, and more often then not, they can be fund in a marketplace, lying by the fish stands, and helping out.

Spirit Minimark
(That's supposed to be a bear claw on the hip. The circle will naturally go on the most visible eye of the lucain. So left for females, and right for males. It's a Native American themed minimark, thus the name.)
Spirit Lucain are very in tuned with the spiritual world. They have a deep connection to the ancient magic of the land. They revere the earth for what it is, and they feel the pain of every creature and every plant that is harmed by a careless trespasser. They are proud warriors and fighters, and would die to defend their homelands.

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Postby Tsukiya » 08/13/2008 4:51 AM

Ooh! Oh!
I have a marking and a minimarking!

Black Koi. (Based off a Koi I saw.)
A Lucain with the Black Koi marking is typically very peaceful, and calm. Often annoying those with raging tempers. Typically, they're nice and generous, but playful at times, as well. Meeting one of these Lucain is a very interesting experience.

Crop Circles.
The Crop Circle Minimark often indicates a love of the paranormal. And with that, comes a believer. They're usually superstitious, believing in spirits and demons and monsters. Some are workaholics, while others study for fun.
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Postby Mirkitsune » 08/13/2008 5:21 AM

Marking- Suddenly Spring

Mini Marking- Feathers
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Postby kabuto_rocks » 08/13/2008 6:02 AM

I'll add the main marking when I come up with it:


Fairly simple. Sorry about the rubbish colouring XD
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Postby Redd » 08/13/2008 6:13 AM

-saves a spot- Entry will come sooon

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Postby Flame » 08/13/2008 1:37 PM

-steals spot-
I'll give this contest a shot, I guess :)
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Postby Krystalolive » 08/13/2008 1:43 PM

Yay, first real contest entry! I used this old Lucain format cause the new one was only B&W on my paint...

Mane Mark
This one's the main mark, and it's called Mane... I got the idea from the Scar plush I have. X3 Mane Lucain are very brave, having the heart of a lion. They look out for their close ones, and will fight to the end. Though it is more common on males, it seems that some females have it too.

Mini Mark
This is the mini mark. I'm not sure if the name should be Socks or Mittens, like the cats who have the white 'socks'. Sock Lucain never get 'cold feet', and like to play around in the cold with another Lucain or two. They're very friendly, and become attached easily.
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Postby Ghostlily » 08/13/2008 1:54 PM

-steals spot and racks brain- Gotta get those creative juices flowing...

Marking: Panda

~Basically, panda markings. Based off of the...well, panda. The markings are in blue.

Description: Panda Lucain tend to be on the larger side, and people mistake them for being fierce or frightening. In reality, these Lucain are gentle and playful. They're great for children and make wonderful family pets.

Mini-Marking: Toxic

~Pretty much just the nuclear symbol on the back leg and eye. I originally wanted to go with skulls, but thought that was a bit too similar to the Paragon marking, 'skulls.' So...yeah. Toxic Lucain.

Description: Toxic Lucain don't like people. At all. They like to be on their own and hate crowds. These Lucain are a mysterious bunch. Not much is known about them.

Heaven's gates won't open up for me
With these broken wings I'm fallin'
And all I see is you.
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Postby DulledOUT » 08/13/2008 1:58 PM

- Basically tentacle-like markings over the Lucain. They're placed on a Lucain's back, leg, eye, and tail.

-Super Star
- The design is basically stars on a Lucain. There's one located on its cheek, around the leg area, and one on a tail.
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Postby Citanul » 08/13/2008 2:00 PM


I'm gonna try to make my marking... But using Paint to do these type of things sucks! I've done it before - and won - but it took me over 8 hours.

...And I made it, but it won't show up. --' So if  Ican manage to get it out of my photobucket, everyone can see its horrific glory.

EDIT: So... Let's try this again.

Ravaged MiniMark

Those Lucain with the Ravaged Minimark have suffered long hardships in their life, but many bear these scars with pride. These Lucain come from any background, but most are hardy with a lot of fortitude to back up their strength.
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Postby Ander » 08/13/2008 2:12 PM

Oh, Lucain markings... I have so many ideas for you...

First minimark idea: Blade Ritual
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Postby SpringsSong » 08/13/2008 2:25 PM

So reserving a spot. *goes off to draw now*

EDIT: And here they are... And of course Baal has the right to change the names~

Marking: Simply Autumnal

Lucain with the "Simply Autumnal" marking are quite the outdoorsy-type of Lucain for sure.  They are playful, kind, and bright: it's very, very rare that you'll see a dark-colored Autumnal Lucain.  They love rolling around on the ground--especially in the leaves in the autumn--and they are very good companions.

Mini-marking: Face Mesh

Mysterious, cunning, and sometimes harsh, Lucain with the Face Mesh minimark often see the entire world as their enemies.  Some say that the Face Mesh blinds them to the truth of what caused their pain, but they often choose not to listen as it is.  It is rumored that if you can befriend a Face Mesh Lucain, you'll have a friend for life.  If you betray their trust, however... they have their ways of getting back at you...
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

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Postby dovewing » 08/13/2008 2:29 PM

-Reserves spot-

And here they are, right out of my mind, and onto here!

Gah, sorry for the grey, but my paint hates me. Or it must, seeing that it's only color that it gives me is... grey... Grr....

[url=http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll123/idk_wat_my_name_is/LucainStripe.jpg]um... this is a striped something or other I made up... marking...

Description: no idea...

Yayness, awsome peocock marking!!! Mini!!!
It's colored now! ... like a peocock.
No idea why it's way smaller than it's supposed to be... anyways...

Description: Lucain with the Peocock minimarking are proud Lucain. They are ignorant, and takes something big to get to their heads. Once upon a time, peocock marking lucain's were once humble, but not anymore.

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