With temperatures rising over 143°C (289.40°F) in most areas, the only relief is during the nights when it is much cooler. All travelers are advised to keep to the local towns on the desert's outskirts and avoid traveling too far from civilization. (+3 Endurance, +2 Defense)

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Return to Wilt'no Desert

Preparing for WAR!

Postby Kittyms » 10/08/2007 5:32 PM

General Oshiba-------Elle-------Benedicto

"Right you lazy lot, where's Cadoc?" The Battlefield Leebra paced impatiently back and forth in front of the Hollowheart and Tali. "He's another one who was chosen, so he should be here!"

"I don't know," Elle said. "I already told you."

"Sir! 'I already told you, sir!'" the General snapped, her eyes blazing. General Lee Oshiba was not one to be trifled with.


Yawning lazily, a Calamikuhna padded over. "Hi guys, what's happening?" he said in a bored tone of voice, plopping down next to the Bleached Tali.

"You're late," the Leebra snapped, walking over and sticking her face in his. He responded by yawning widely. "Such impudence!" she snarled, and slapped him with one paw. This didn't seem to affect him in any way either, but it made her feel better, so she stood to attention in front of the three pets.

"You three have been chosen to go to war by our owner, Kitty. This is not a burden you should bear lightly. I'm sure at least one of you has been in a fight before. Let me assure you, war is nothing like one of your measly little scuffles. It is pain, bloodshed and death, but it is also your chance to win glory!" During this whole speech, only Elle seemed interested at all. Both Benedicto and Cadoc didn't seem to paying her much attention. This only infuriated the commanding officer even more. "Are you even listening to me?" she yelled, causing the female Tali to jump even though she hadn't been doing anything.

[Oshiba: 1, Elle: 1, Benedicto: 1, Cadoc: 1]

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Postby Kittyms » 10/08/2007 8:49 PM

"Nope, not really," Cadoc replied. Naturally, this is not what the General had wanted to hear at all. Her features went livid with rage, and Elle cowered back, fearful of what her wrath might unleash. Benedicto simply sat motionless and emotionless, not caring about what happened. It was not his choice to be here, but he had been ordered here by the masters, and they had to be obeyed. At least, until his pact was fulfilled. If it wasn't for that pact, they would have been long dead.

"You have been very privileged, young Kuhna, in being chosen to fight in the war," Oshiba said in soft, dangerous tones. "You should be exceedingly grateful. But instead, you sass and talk back to me, your instructor. I have the right to punish you, so long as I do not mar you too badly for war. Come, we will fight now to decide who is the boss."

Shrugging nonchalantly, the Calamikuhna got up and stood where the General motioned him. "Now, we duel," she snarled, then attacked lightning fast. Just as fast, Cadoc blocked with one paw.

"You may have forgotten, but I was once in the army as well," he said. "I won't go down easy." This time, he grinned, showing his sharp little canines.

[Oshiba: 2, Elle: 2, Benedicto: 2, Cadoc: 2]

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Postby Kittyms » 10/09/2007 7:16 AM

"Please don't fight!" Elle cried, rushing between the two. "We should be saving our strength for the war!" She looked over at Benedicto appealingly, but he ignored her.

"Out of the way," the General snarled, her claws bared. "He needs to be taught some respect!" She ungently shoved the Bleached Tali out of the way, and then leaped at Cadoc. The wily Calamikuhna jumped out of the way and struck at her where she had landed, his claws also unsheathed.

[Oshiba: 3, Elle: 3, Benedicto: 3, Cadoc: 3]

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Postby Kittyms » 10/09/2007 7:28 PM

His claws hit home. Blood began to trickle from a slash on General Oshiba's flank. But she didn't even seem to notice the pain. Snarling, she ripped at him, but he narrowly avoided by flapping his wings and flying backwards and away.

"Stop!!" Elle howled desperately, leaping in between the two again. This time, she stood her ground, legs braced. "Can't you see this isn't getting us anywhere? We're supposed to be training, not killing each other!"

"Get... out... of.. the way," the General growled, eager to tear the cocky Calamikuhna in two. Her eyes were fixed on the hovering target, and she was ready to bring him down.

[Oshiba: 4, Elle: 4, Benedicto: 4, Cadoc: 4]

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Postby Kittyms » 10/09/2007 8:30 PM

"Stop." The Hollowheart's voice instantly caused all three pets to pause what they were doing and turn toward him. "The Tali speaks right," he said simply, then lapsed back into his customary silence.

"Fine.. but I refuse to teach if he is going to be one of my pupils," the Leebra said, giving Cadoc another glare. "You will just have to manage on your own." She walked away, her head held high, taking all of her battle plans and notes with her. They were truly on their own now.

"Great.. that's just great," Elle growled sarcastically. "What now?"

"Well, we could party," the Calamikuhna suggested, coming back down to rest in the sand. "Who cares about the stupid war anyway?"

[Elle: 5, Benedicto: 5, Cadoc: 5, Oshiba: 5 -- Level up and Oshiba has now left]

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Postby Kittyms » 10/09/2007 8:47 PM

The Bleached Tali gave him a skeptical look. "We don't really have a choice, Cadoc. We've been chosen, so we have to fight, like it or not. I think it would be better if we train so that we can be ready."

"Training schmaining," Cadoc cried. "Who needs it?" He flicked his tails dismissively, and sprawled back onto the sand. "How about we just lay here and soak up the sun?" Giving her a wink, he closed his eyes, and stretched himself out.

"You'll get sunburn that way," Elle mumbled, but she had to admit that it looked a lot better than training. "What do you think Benedicto?"

The Hollowheart shifted his stance uncomfortably. "I'm here only because I have to be. It matters not what I wish to do."

[Elle: 6, Benedicto: 6, Cadoc: 6]

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Postby Ghostlily » 10/10/2007 5:05 PM


Epoh & Striker

So hot...why did it have to be so hot here? And all this sand! It bugged the depressed Blood Hollowheart, as he made his way through the heat of Wilt'no Desert. He'd roast in here before he'd even make it to the war! The Hollowheart, named Epoh, swished his tail madly, but it only churned out more sand into the wind.
"Dumb, idiotic..." A few swears accompianed these words out of Epoh's mouth.

Behind the Hollowheart trudged a Kamo Kuhna, looking quite bright for being in such a nasty, hot place. When was he not optimistic? Although he greatly preferred jungles and plants to this dry sandy desert, they were training for the war! ...The war! What could be more important than that at this moment?
"Hey, look!" cried Striker, for that was his name. "There's some people up ahead!"

Epoh stopped. The Hollowheart had been to preoccupied with swearing to notice the familar smells on the wind. Epoh hadn't noticed any people, for the Hollowheart was blind, and he hated being so.
But...was it? Could it be? No, no, his nose was playing tricks on him, teasing him...But there it lingered, the scent of someone so familiar, it hurt...
"Elle?" Epoh said, his voice carrying out over the desert.


Heaven's gates won't open up for me
With these broken wings I'm fallin'
And all I see is you.
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Postby Kittyms » 10/10/2007 5:17 PM

Hearing her name, the Tali turned, and her eyes went wide. A Blood Hollowheart and Kamo Kuhna were coming their way. And there was something extremely familiar about the Hollowheart. "Epoh!" she cried, her tail wagging, and a grin on her mouth. "What are you doing here?"

"Who's Epoh?" Cadoc asked, sitting up. "That's 'hope' backwards, isn't it?" He grinned, and got to his feet, shaking the sand out of his fur. "Nice to meet you two, I'm sure," he said, bowing. "I'm Cadoc, that's Elle, and this is Benedicto." The Imperial Hollowheart inclined his head ever so slightly with a hint of reluctance.

[Elle: 7, Cadoc: 7, Benedicto: 7]

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Postby Ghostlily » 10/10/2007 5:54 PM

The smallest of smiles spread itself across Epoh's face. He wished he could actually see Elle...But just hearing her and being with her was better than nothing...
"Elle..." he murmured. "It's been too long...too long..." He tilted his head towards the others. It seemed there was another Hollowheart here, and a Kuhna, probably Calamikuhna. "Who are they?" he asked calmly, curiously.

Striker narrowed his eyes. Who were these people? And what were their motives? And...were they Purine...or Imperial? And how did Epoh know Elle?!
"Wait, who are you? And why are you here?" Striker mewed, narrowing his eyes. He didn't like Cadoc...Striker wasn't fond of Calamikuhnas in general...


Heaven's gates won't open up for me
With these broken wings I'm fallin'
And all I see is you.
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Postby Kittyms » 10/10/2007 6:05 PM

"They're my... companions, I suppose you could say. The Calamikuhna is Cadoc, and the Hollowheart is Benedicto. We're here to train for the war! Or.. we were." She gave the Calamikuhna a quick glare. "Cadoc here drove away our instructor."

"It's not my fault she was such a ninny," he scoffed. "If she really was from the army, she should have stayed and finished the fight!" Sensing the Kamo Kuhna's distaste for him, he turned to it. "So, what's your name? The Hollowheart must be Epoh, I suppose."

All the while, Benedicto simply watched silently, though he did feel a prick of curiosity about the blind Blood Hollowheart. Another of his kind.. was it like him? Waiting for the day when their bondage would be lifted?

[Elle: 8, Benedicto: 8, Cadoc: 8]

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Postby Ghostlily » 10/10/2007 7:37 PM

Epoh narrowed his sightless eyes and glanced in the direction of Cadoc's voice. He was certainly a Calamikuhna. And the Hollowheart...he didn't say much. Well, he didn't say anything. Of course, Epoh had been that way before...but that was when he was alone, so alone...
"Greetings. Yes, I am Epoh..." Epoh's eyes flashed dangerously as he glanced in Cadoc's general direction, although he doubted that this smaller creature was afraid of anything.

I'm Striker," the Kamo Kuhna said, speaking up. His tails flicked softly, for he greatly disliked this Calamikuhna. They all seemed grumpy, just wanting to get into a fight. "You say you have lost your instructor? I'm not surprised." Striker narrowed his eyes, but he wouldn't say more. It was worth getting injured before the war had even started.


Heaven's gates won't open up for me
With these broken wings I'm fallin'
And all I see is you.
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Postby Kittyms » 10/10/2007 8:06 PM

"What?!" Instantly, the Calami's fur bristled at Striker's comment. "Look here, pal, I got rid of her on purpose. I don't need an instructor for anything! That's why I was thrown out of the army - I was too good for them!" His claws were unsheathed and dug into the sand. A long white and red scaled tail flopped onto the sand in front of him, blocking his path to Striker. Benedicto had decided to intervene on all of their behalves.

"Cool it, Cadoc," Elle said, looking over at him. "We don't need to get into a fight. We're supposed to be training, not killing each other.. Speaking of training, that's why you're here, right? Would you two like to train with us?"

[Elle: 9, Cadoc: 9, Benedicto: 9]

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Postby Ghostlily » 10/11/2007 8:32 PM

Striker narrowed his eyes, unsheating claws that glinted in the sunlight. "Too good for them? Yeah, I'm sure." Striker himself hadn't been in a real battle in a long time, but he still remembered his fightings skills and moves.
But before the Kamo Kuhna could say anything else, a gentle tail laid itself upon his shoulder.

"Cool it," Epoh growled, although it was more gentle than fierce. Tehn the Hollowheart looked up in Elle's direction, her voice alerting him to her location.
"Yes, we'd like to train with you, if it will be welcomed..."


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With these broken wings I'm fallin'
And all I see is you.
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Postby Kittyms » 10/11/2007 8:48 PM

"Yay, that's great!" The Tali's tail wagged happily, and she grinned as usual. "So.. I guess we should partner up or something?"

"Sure, but you're not sticking me with that Kamo Kuhna," Cadoc growled, giving Striker a glare. "Anyone but him..."

"Who would I be paired with?" Benedicto asked softly. "I'm too big to fight with the others, and Epoh is blind." Instantly, Elle made frantic shushing motions, knowing that the Blood Hollowheart didn't like others talking about his being blind.

[Elle: 10, Cadoc: 10, Benedicto: 10]

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Postby Ghostlily » 10/12/2007 4:28 PM

Epoh laid a gentle tail on Elle's shoulder. He didn't want her to get worried over him.
"Do not fuss, my friend," he murmured, somehow knowing where she was. Perhaps, in a way, he could see..."It does not matter."
Facing Benidicto, Epoh raised his voice, in order to be properaly heard. [b]"Just because I am blind does not mean I am not able to fight."

"Fine, fine, so Epoh'll go with Benedicto, and but what about me?" Striker glared around. He didn't want to be stuck with that know-it-all Calamikuhna. "I could train with you, Elle...how about that?"
His tails flicked slowy, as he silently wished to be spared from having to fight with Cadoc.

{80---40---Level Up Both}

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