Nice and peaceful, Nabias offers a great place to start your journey or stock up on supplies before heading out to brave the rest of the wilderness out there. They also have Barakka's largest hospital facility to treat all sorts of injuries you could get out there. (+2 Precision)

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Quiet Contemplation [Open for any-Don't have to ask to join]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 10/01/2007 12:01 AM

Oni - Male Cake Kuhna

Oni had just come from the Wishing Well, and was going about his business, getting supplies and such for the castle. Some of him suspected that this was just make-work to get him outside and doing something, since the castle seemed to always have anything it needed with no help from the residents. Still and all, he was glad to be out and about. And glad to be useful. Perhaps if he came home with some good finds, then Jako wouldn't yell at him. It wasn't that he hated the Prismatic Fenling that was his brother, he just hated the yelling. When Jako's temper got the better of him, everyone in the house suffered, not just Oni - so he supposed he should be grateful for even THAT much.
His mind drifted along with the breeze as he wheeled his chair through the town, taking in that sight, this sound, those people, whatever he could find. It was very rare for the ill Kuhna to be out on his own, and he was enjoying it. The sun was shining, the wind had picked up a little - the passing air played with Oni's hair, and blew it into little eddies. It tickled, and made him feel good. He wondered vaguely if anyone else was about on the streets at this time of day... well, anyone who would stop to say hi, at least.
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Postby Sage » 10/02/2007 5:48 PM

As Sage walked toward the shop where Khe-chan and Becca-chan were, she passed another person-- in a wheel-chair, by the looks of it. "Hey," she called softly. "You went to the wishing well, too, eh?" She grinned and Koku slowed down. "I wished for a beautiful lucain. What did you wish for? Or, what are you going to wish for?"

[1 in Nabias]
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Oni [7]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 10/04/2007 8:23 PM

Oni looked up from his half-meditation, and smiled at the newcomer, smoothing the blanket over his legs, and looking out at the sun falling into the horizon. It was a beautiful sunset.

"I wished for a friend." he replied quietly.

He wasn't a very outspoken boy, and didn't say anything else. All he did was watch the sun setting, and occasionally look back to the one that had approached - almost as if he were waiting to be scolded for something.
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Darian [34]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 10/10/2007 9:35 AM

The Bleached Fellox and his dearest companion came from the Wishing Well, and started to head the way Oni was. Darian - despite coming from the same sentient castle - did not know who Oni was, and had never seen him before. However, that was a dilemna that was solved now, as the doctor caught sight of the ill youth. He paused in his tracks, and almost immediately ran to the boy's side, kneeling by him, and motioning Rukaj over.

"You look awful, kiddo... " he looked up at Ru. "Should we take him back to the clinic and give him a once-over? Seems like it might be a good idea..."
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Postby Kyrit » 10/10/2007 11:29 PM

The human form fellox was soon followed by a doom kitty boy. He wore a white lab coat with regular clothing beneath, as well as some bandages wrapped about his arm. It was a wound recieved from a patient that they had been taking care of at the clinic. The other fellox had seemed to get him rather badly. Rukaj walked over to Darian's side and gave a small nod. "Yeah... I don't think we should just stand around after seeing someone in need."
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Darian [35] - Oni [8]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 10/11/2007 12:58 AM

Darian nodded, and stood, looking back over his shoulder at the other. He then turned to the Cake Kuhna again, and manuevered behind him to start wheeling him.

"Back to the clinic then... What's your name, kiddo?"

"My name is Oni, sirs... Are you sure you wish to help me? Don't you have other things that are more pressing for your attention?"

He looked down at his hands on the blanket, and a blush of embarrassment crept up his cheeks. He didn't like pulling away people from their work just because they felt they should help him - to him, it didn't feel right.
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Postby Kyrit » 10/11/2007 1:09 AM

"We're never too busy to help someone in need." Rukaj spoke with a small smile. "Besides... we were on our way back to the clinic anyways." That was right... They practically lived there now that the clinic was actually set up and ready for use. "Seeing as how we've yet to introduce ourselves... I'm Rukaj and my friend here is Darian. You're in good hands with him."

Always friendly... even for his species.
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Darian [36] - Oni [9]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 10/11/2007 9:43 PM

Darian blushed at the compliment, and sort of half-chuckled as he started to wheel the boy away. It wasn't so much as he was embarrassed by the remark - it was the fact that it had come from Rukaj that was turning his cheeks bright red. He made sure his hands had a good enough grip on the back of the wheelchair to push the boy, and snuck a quick kiss as he was passing Ru. He said nothing. That was comment enough!

Oni didn't miss the silent exchange going on. As a matter of fact, he found it rather sweet, and quite cute that the two were dancing around each other like this. For such a small boy, Oni knew far more than most gave him credit for.

"Are you two going to stand there all day giving each other puppy eyes? I have no problem with it, just let me know."

That shocked Darian back into action, and he pushed the boy again, this time a bit faster, as if to make up for the time he'd been flirting.
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Postby Kyrit » 10/11/2007 9:52 PM

Rukaj's face turned a very light shade of pink upon being kissed by the bleach fellox. "S-Sorry..." he stammered to Oni before begining to walk once again. If asked he would probably admit to liking Dare, but he was still rather shy when it came to showing his affection.

"L-Let's hurry and get him back to the clinic Dare..." That was right. They had to focus on others and not themselves. That was the life of a doctor. Only when no one was in need of care could they tend to one another.
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Darian [37] - Onl [10]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 10/11/2007 10:51 PM

Oni just laughed quietly, and leaned back in the chair. He wasn't too concerned with what the two doctors did. It was rather amusing to him, and he was sorely tempted to play matchmaker. But it seemed as though these two already knew they were a match. As Oni watched them, he couldn't help but wonder what children between the two would look like. He did that from time to time - mentally combined genes and analyzed the result. The result this time was a cute little fellox-kitty with big ears, and a long lashing tail with odd little eyes. It was a mental image that just made him gush. But he said nothing, just letting himself be wheeled back. It was about time someone actually tried to help him, instead of just feeling sorry for him. He could wheel himself, of course, but he WAS tired, and being taken care of was very nice.

Darian's blush deepened a bit, then was gone as he slid back into his professional state of mind, pushing Oni towards the clinic. It wasn't a long way, but Oni wasn't exactly an easy bundle to push. Light, yes, but awkward to be sure. The clinic approached fast, and there was no doubt where either doctor's minds were at the moment. Away from each other, but drawn together for the same cause - someone in need.

"Can you go ahead and get his vital signs once we get inside Ru? You know, breathing, heartbeat, blood-pressure, those sorts of things. I think I have a bit of a test I'd like to run, and it requires some setup."

He smiled, and handed the wheelchair's control over to Rukaj.

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