Often called the claw of Barakka, much of Iiy'lagon is covered in dense rain forests. If you can make it to the heart of the region, easiest to reach from the southern coast, you'll find the quaint town of Nabias and the vast Sekudui farmlands. Scientists from around the world often trek the risky northern waters and rocky shores to visit the islands at the tip of the region and study the great diversity there.

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Free to run around at last! (Closed: Flame, Millie, and me)

Postby Kyrit » 09/10/2008 11:00 PM

Otiephu and Talbot had been taken home for some much needed rest, but Draiz didn't quite feel like sticking around at home. She enjoyed traveling, and at least she still had Yavena to keep her company. Who knew... maybe she'd run in to someone she knew, or even someone that she didn't know and would make a new friend.

"Hey now! Wait up!" the human form Yonyuu called out, running after the young kuhna that was darting about on the ground. The Ociame was so young and new to this world that she wanted to see everything. The world she had come from was filled with so many dangers at every turn, as her species was technically the only one there that was peaceful. The Kirunds and that... other one that no one seemed to know what it was were the worse of them all. Always hunting down the Ociame, which were much more smaller then them at her age.

"Silly little thing. It may be better around here, but there are still dangers. You should stick with me." were her words as she caught up to the kuhna and drug her in to her arms.
(Only one or two other people. Large groups freak Draiz out, that they do. D= )
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Postby Kyrit » 09/13/2008 3:23 PM

Danger? She had seen no danger in this world, other then that caused by creatures from her own realm finding their way here as well. Such as when that Kirund had come after them while they were at the Mess Hall quite some time ago. But that wasn't natural of this world. It was natural of her world to always have a Kirund or... one of those other creatures she hated so much chasing after you.

To her, this world was a heaven, the likes of which she wished more then just she and her sister could be part of. The other Ociame... It sometimes pained her to have left them behind, but it had seemed as though it was what they wanted. Maybe they just wanted the two of them to have better lives. Maybe some day she'd be able to find a way back there and bring them to this world with her...

"But where do we go now?" Draiz suddenly spoke out, more to herself then to the little feline, seeing as how Yavena was unable to respond in the human tongue. "Surely so many things have changed all over the place while we were in the war." Was that tomb still there out in the Wilt'no Desert? What about the Slums? How had they changed? There were so many thoughts running through her head.
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Postby MillietheWarrior » 09/18/2008 8:28 PM

[Human form]

That was it. His eyes were glued to the pages of the book he held in his hands. He wore a pair of dark breeches, with knee high boots. A long over shirt of green covered his body, with an undershirt of light woolen fabric. He wore leather braces on both arms, a tree stitched in silver thread with seven stars surrounding it. His outer tunic, made of leather as well, and dark as bear skin,  was stitched in silver with the same design. A leather belt went around his waist, with the long part of his overcoat and wool tunic flared around his legs on each side, slitting into four parts. A sword hung from this belt, in a sheath of darkest ebony and brightest silver. A bow and arrows rested on his back.

His hood was up, attached to a long, green woolen cloak, the lower part of his face covered by a mask that blotted out all but his gaze. His hair was curly, and brushed the tops of his shoulders. His large red eyes scanned the pages, and he traveled slowly down the path, absorbed in his readings. The history of his kingdom, or rather, the kingdom he certainly wished he could be a part of, was really rather fascinating. It seemed as though it was not only real, but existed in a place that was very close to his own homelands. He simply must visit it someday. How wonderful to see the kingdom of old. To walk the streets as the kings did, and see what they saw, albeit, slightly ruined.

He nodded to himself, and was about to shut the book, when he very nearly collided with something in his path. Instantly, he stepped aside, and closed his book, placing it in his belt. He looked up, and his eyes widened slightly as he beheld the woman she the strange creature she held in her arms. Osgiliath bowed slightly, thinking he had knocked her aside. "Please, forgive me, my lady. I was absorbed in my reading, and was not looking where I was going. 'Twas my own fault. I should be more careful. I hope I did not cause you any harm?" He dipped his head, his red eyes concerned and soft, reaching out a hand in askance.

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

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Postby Kyrit » 09/20/2008 1:48 AM

Quite luckily it wasn't a full on collision. Draiz had been walking still and moved just enough that she, unknowingly, avoided the accident. Instead it was more likely that just their arms or something of the sort brushed against one another for a moment. Once she realized what happened she turned around to make sure the other person was okay, and Yavena found the chance now to wiggle herself free and hop back down to the ground below.

"Oh, it's alright." she spoke with a soft smile, emerald eyes sliding over to look at Osgilath. "I wasn't paying much attention either, so please don't blame yourself. I'm sure if I had been watching where I was going I wouldn't have been in your way." It was nice that he was enough of a gentleman to apologize for running in to her, even if it wasn't fully his fault.

Now that she was on the ground, Yavena was standing between the two humans, eyes looking up at the human-lucain. Her head was tilted to the side, tails flicking back and forth behind her. It was almost as if she were waiting for him to introduce himself, or at least say something further. None the less, it was easy to tell that the feline's attention had fallen upon him.
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Postby Flame » 09/20/2008 4:35 PM

Syrvio in Human Form

The sillouhette of a lean figure meandered seemingly aimlessly upon a path that lacked a destination: The male was clad in simple, yet elegant dress, a long pair of dark khakis with boots cinched about his waist by a leather belt. His broad-shouldered torso was clothed in a loose, ruffed white button-up shirt complete with a neatly-pressed collar. A shock of shoulder-length hair faded from azure roots to a faint, almost luminescent aquamarine at their tips, accented by a pair of long, pink-tinted feathers tied to a lock, fluttering gently in the breeze.

He had an air of calm tranquillity to him as his misty, skyblue eyes wandered from point to point, taking in everything around him with a serene silence. Sure, he had been out and about before, but never under these conditions. Before, he had only been allowed out of the house by previous owners to run simple errands, otherwise never being allowed to exit his near-solitary confinement. This probably contributed to his paleness which complemented his light hair. Although he was not burly, he had a fair amount of muscle on his lean build, possessing a graceful ease in his step that was reminiscent of a panther or other hunter. Today though, he was simply out to enjoy his newfound freedom and simply see what there was to see wherever his feet decided to take him.

A small, dark form padded at his heels with the same quiet dignity, dark velvet paws falling silently against the ground as it matched Syrio's pace. Miniature orange-red wings, formed like those of a dragon, rested half-folded upon his furred back. Obsidian fur was gilt with bold stripes of red and orange, reminiscent of a character out of a Halloween story. Even his name, Hex, reflected such a theme.
This was his first time out of the sight of his mother back at home, his safety entrusted to the human that walked at his side. Pupiless white eyes were unnerving to look at, but in them, there was an innocence that belay his young age and inexperience. Although his step was unhurried, he felt a little uneasy with the idea of being out in such a large, open expanse with no protection besides Syrvio's watchful eye. So, the only thing he could do was stick close to the human's side and hope for the best, trying to soothe his worried mind. As they drew closer to an unlikely trio that had seemingly just met on the road ahead, Hex began to fall behind, his twin tails twitching nervously. He had never encountered any others besides those that lived back at home, and he felt extremely uneasy with the concept of meeting strangers.

{Sorry it took so long to get a reply up x3}
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Postby MillietheWarrior » 09/20/2008 9:06 PM

The man smiled beneath the dark mask, and is crimson eyes seemed to alight with an amused twinkle. He tilted his head to the side, regarding the woman with something akin to curiosity. His hand was on the hilt of his sword, but not in a threatening manner. It seemed to be resting there, as his body was not completely relaxed. He seemed somewhat tense, as though he expected someone to burst from the shadows at him, but his gaze was calm and tranquil. "The lady is very kind," he said in his smooth voice. "But still, I would not feel right if I left without making amends. Perhaps I can accompany you?"

He then seemed to remember himself, and swept into a graceful bow, his eyes twinkling softly. "Forgive my rudeness, though, my lady. I did not offer you my name. I am known as Osgiliath, or, if the lady prefers, Ossy." He then nodded to the cat-like creature at her feet. "It is a pleasure to meet the two of you. Might I inquire as to what your names are?" He then did a half-turn, eyes narrowing as he caught the faint sound of footsteps. This man did not seem threatening, the one that walked along the path, but Osgiliath did not allow his eyes to stray from him, watching him intently as a lion might watch it's prey.

He would repay the kind lady, perhaps by defending her, or perhaps by merely being her friend. But he wouldn't allow this character, if he be unsavory, to come any closer. "Good evening, my lord," he said form his place beside Draiz. "A lovely day for a walk, is it not?" He noticed the strange cat-like creature at his feet. Ah, so this man had a traveling companion as well. Strange, how similar he was to the kind lady he had just met.


I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Postby Kyrit » 09/22/2008 12:20 AM

He certainly was an odd one, speaking in such a formal manor. Then again, she supposed that was a lot better then someone that was the complete opposite. It was better to be around someone like him, someone she wouldn't have to worry about getting in to a fight with. Catching his bow, the female dipped herself in to a sort of bow as well. It was quite the sight to see the little furball at their feet dip down as well, her tail wiggling around. It was quite easy to tell she didn't understand what she was doing, but did it since her comrade was.

"Ah. I'm Draiz..." came her soft words, "And my little companion is Yavena.. Well, she doesn't seem to mind me calling her that. Since she can't talk I've never really been able to ask her what her real name is." As Ossy's attention was pulled away, Draiz glanced toward the others as well. Looked like today was turning out quite eventful, running in to so many people. Maybe this guy would be as nice as the one she had met.

It would appear as though the Ociame's attention was pulled to the other two as well... or rather her attention had fallen upon the other feline of the group. Wings fluttering and tails wavering, she bounded over toward them. It wasn't something that she could help. Just naturally curious at such a young age, and she wanted to meet another being that seemed to stem from the same creation as her. Sure, they had quite a few differences in looks, but at the same time they were both kuhnas when it boiled down. She was... Just not the average kuhna.

A small mewl drew forth from her as she bounded up to Hex, chest moving downward as the rest of her body stayed wiggling in the air. Looked much like a kitten just wanting to play with another kitten. Who knew if this other would be so welcoming though.
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Postby Flame » 09/22/2008 7:49 PM

For the most part, this morning stroll was turning out to be quite uneventful, which suited Syrvio just fine, as tranquility seemed to be something rather hard to come across these days. The faint idea that it might be nice to have some companionship niggled at the back of his mind, and he toyed with the thought for a while before casting it off again. He and the little Hex could make do perfectly fine without more people. After all, the Fear Kuhna still seemed to have an inherant petrification of strangers. When they had first parted from home, Hex had been so frightened upon the unexpected arrival of a curious, rather hyperactive Dalma that he had leapt straight into the man's arms, tails fluffed out to the size of bottle-brushes and eyes round with alarm. It had taken him the better part of half and hour to calm down again, and another before he dared set his feet on the ground once more.

A sudden movement caught the human-formed Serraptor's bright aqua-hued gaze, and a quick flick of his eyes showed a small group standing to the side of the road ahead. He heard a few vague introductions being exchanged, but as soon as he had begun to draw closer with the meandering gait of his, the cloaked man whirled, if somewhat inconspicuously, to place himself between Syrvio and the lady. Although this reaction pricked the man's curiosity, he decided that the best course of action was to just let it go, and act as if he had noticed nothing.

"A lovely day for a walk, is it not?"
The question came close to catching him off guard, as he hadn't really been expecting to get a greeting, but he took it easily in stride, slowing his gait gradually until he had come to an easy stop a few feet away from them, careful to maintain a comfortable distance, in case they didn't like newcomers. The man seemed polite enough, if slightly wary, and Syrvio could find no reason to not be polite in return.
"Indeed it is." His gaze watched the pair with a tranquil, yet intense scrutiny, as if he could read them inside out.
"Greetings Sir...M'lady." He dipped his head in a small, yet gracious gesture, a small, friendly smile touching his lips as he addressed each in turn. He still did not know whether or not his presence was welcome, so he held back on introducing himself, simply waiting for one or the other to speak in reply.

Hex, on the other hand, was not as eloquent when in came to first impressions. At the sight of the strange, Kuhna-like creature bounding towards him, which would be the second stranger that had come bouncing towards him, he came very close to clawing his way back up Syrvio's leg again. This time though, he simply let out a choked sort of squeek and pressed himself against the man's leg, black and orange fur puffed out to its full extent, ears back and small eyes round with fright. The poor creature was so scared that he didn't even see that the Kuhna meant him no harm, but simply wanted to play. In his young, innocent eyes, she might as well have been snarling at him and threatening to tear out his fur, for all he knew. So, he simply put his safety in Syrvio's hands, hoping that he would get to go home today with his pelt in one piece.
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Postby MillietheWarrior » 09/22/2008 8:12 PM

Ossy's red eyes twinkled, and his lips, though unseen, quirked up into a small smile. "A pleasure to meet you, Lady Draiz,"he said with a nod, and then to the creature; "Lady Yavena."His attention was then stolen again by the strange man. He seemed to be safe enough, though looks could always be deceiving. Ossy's eyes narrowed imperceptibly as he studied the man, dressed in casual attire, without, seemingly, a care in the world, if his meandering gait was anything to judge by.

The creature at his side, however, was having a bit of a problem introducing itself, and seemed to cling to the man, scared out of it's wits. Ossy found this silently amusing, but he said nothing, choosing, instead, to comment to the man. "I am Osgiliath," he said, amiably enough. "But if you so wish, you may call me Ossy, if you so wish." He dipped his head in a gentlemanly manner, a far cry from the outright bow he had presented to the kind lady. He was not so formal with this man, choosing, instead, to remain at a distance.

But he still stood close to the Lady Draiz, in case this strange man should happen to reveal his intentions, and they be for the worse. "I fear your companion has been startled by the Lady Yavena, good sir. Though I doubt she means him any harm, from the smile on her face."He tilted his head to the side, studying the newcomer intently, as he rested his gloved hand on the hilt of his sword. "If I may ask, what is your name, kind sir?"


I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Postby Kyrit » 09/25/2008 6:33 PM

The Ociame's brilliant blue eyes blinked a few times. Was he... scared? Of her? Why afraid of her? She was barely his size, if even that. Young and happy were the two easiest ways to describe this rather odd little kitten. Trying to make the other feel a bit more comfortable around her, she did as many animals would do, and flopped down on her back with her violet belly exposed to him. From this position she curled one front paw close to her while she used the other to playfully bat at him, mewling at the same time. The flames, if they touched him, wouldn't hurt. Just like the flames on her tails, the only time they were harmful was if she wanted them to be.

Meanwhile, Draiz let out a small chuckle and smiled as well. "Yavena couldn't bring herself to hurt even a mouse." Of course, who was to say that they had mice where she had been born? If they didn't, it'd be a good reason as to why she didn't have the instincts to instantly kill any rodent that she saw. "The only thing I've ever seen her try to harm, come to think of it, was a Kirund. And... that was because it started the fight by coming after us."

Her eyes moved from the two felines back to Syrvio. "Oh. Pardon my rudeness. I forgot to tell you my name as well." It felt sort of odd to be repeating her name once again so soon, but it was likely that he hadn't heard her name when she told it to Ossy. "My name is Draiz."
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Postby Flame » 09/25/2008 7:41 PM

At Osgiliath's somewhat stiff nod and introduction, Syrvio simply smiled mildly in return, altough his piercing blue eyes continued to weigh up the man. He seemed a polite enough character, if wary, but that was to be expected of any person with half a mind. If he wasn't suspicious of strangers, Syrvio would have been more worried. The discord that the war had brought had not completely died down just yet, so a little extra caution was never a bad thing.

Suddenly, he felt something press, quivering against his leg, and he glanced down to see the petrified little Hex cowering against him, eyes wide with fear at the sight of the strange Kuhna-like creature that had bounded over. He chuckled lightly at the Fear Kuhna's obvious over-reaction, but one couldn't blame him for being shy. This was the first other Kuhna he had met besides those that lived back at home, and it was to be expected that he would need some time to get used to being around strangers.
Bending over slightly, he gave the tiny creature's head a soothing pat or two, settling some of the ruffled, on-end fur.
"Go on, she won't eat you, you know."
Chuckling, he gave Hex a little nudge with his leg towards Yavena.

"If I may ask, what is your name, kind sir?"
Syrvio looked up again, amusement twinkling in his crystal-hued eyes.
"Please forgive me for my lack of manners: My name is Syrvio, and this here is Hex." He gestured with a small flourish of his hand towards the Kuhna. "It's my pleasure to be acquainted with you Osgiliath, Lady Draiz." He turned to her, finally paying the respect due to a lady by bowing at the waist, flashing her a warm smile as he rose again.

At Syrvio's nudge, Hex had literally gone tumbling head-over-heels with an mewl of surprise and indignance at being treated so unceremoniously. With a small squeek, he came to a rolling stop before the Ociame, his dark obsidian now thoroughly ruffled and dusty. He tried to scramble to his paws to dash back behind Syrvio, but with his legs so tangled, he merely succeeded in tripping himself again to fall flat-face on the ground. He felt his pelt grow hot with embarrassment and decided that it would be wiser just to stay where he lay, closer to the floor where he would have a much less likelihood of shaming himself again by falling. He simply blinked up apprehensively at Yavena, afraid to move.
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Postby MillietheWarrior » 09/26/2008 10:05 PM

Osgiliath contented himself with listening for a moment, The Lady Draiz's laughter was light and carefree. He observed her quietly, out of the corner of his eye. He wondered who she really was. Where had she come from, and what had she done in the past? She did not seem the type to harbor any type of dark secret, but one could never be too certain. Her companion, the little Yavena, was quite the carefree type as well. She seemed incapable of any type of negative thought, and, to Ossy's eyes, acted like a child. It was rather amusing and endearing. His eyes then strayed to Syrvio and he frowned beneath his mask, his eyes unreadable.

This man seemed amiable enough, and, to be honest, adding the prefix of 'lady' to Draiz's name and the bow he offered gave him some real brownie points in Osgiliath's books. Anyone who would have the sophistication and manners to speak and offer the same courtesies he did couldn't be all bad, right? But still, he remained on guard, and his hand did not leave his sword. After wondering what he might say to start up a conversation for a few moments, Osgiliath gave up and simply asked the first thing that came to mind; "Where on earth did you see a Kirund, lady Draiz? Those are terribly unnatural creatures. I can't imagine it would be walking about in broad daylight."


I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Postby Kyrit » 09/26/2008 11:17 PM

The young female feline blinked as well, stilled rolled over on her back. Why wasn't he playing with her? Sure, Kyruit wasn't the most playful of siblings, but even she had given her sister some fun times, instead of quivering at the legs of their mother. So why was this guy so different? Rolling back over so she was on her belly, still laying down, the Ociame crept toward Hex, tails flicking about playfully behind her. Another mewl was let out, as if trying to show him that she meant no harm and just wanted him to play.

Syrvio, Hex, and Ossy. Draiz would have to be sure to remember their names. But why did they both keep calling her 'Lady Draiz'? She was used to just Draiz, nothing formal. No need for such formality. Her ears gave a small flick as Ossy questioned about the Kirund, and she turned to him to speak. "Well... You see... There are a few things about the Kirund that most Evelonians don't seem to know. They aren't just some lab pet that Einsor created. Instead, he's helping someone else get them out here..."

She rubbed the back of her head, remembering when she had been thrown against the wall by the attack of the Kirund. "The first one to appear was at the Statue of Mardes when it was attacked during the Purine and Imperial war. The bones are probably still there from when it was finally taken down. The second, that I know of... attacked me in the Imperial barracks per its owner's wishes. Yavena comes from the same place as those awful creatures... And I can quite easily say they don't care to hide themselves in the darkness. They attack head on, not even caring for their own lives."
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Postby Flame » 10/12/2008 11:46 AM

{My apologies for the late reply guys x3}

To Hex's surprise, Yavena neither threatened or attacked him in his embarrasing moment of shame and weakness, but merely continued the same behavior that she had displayed before. Slightly puzzled, he watched with large eyes as she scootched towards him, tails waving behind her. Some of his apprehensiveness began to melt away at her playful posture, and her found enough courage to finally untangle his little paws, finding his feet again, yet like the other Kuhna (or what he thought looked very much akin to a Kuhna), he remained with his belly pressed against the ground. Tilting his head to one side, he regarded her with a cautious sort of curiosity, then, finally deeming her less of a threat than he had originally thought, he returned the mewl, which held somewhat of a questioning tune to it. In a spur of courage, he extended one dark velvet forepaw, claws sheathed, and batted uncertainly at her nose, his blow soft and playful.

Syrvio could feel Osgiliath's gaze boring into him, as if trying to pry him apart at the hinges, but he acted as if he had not noticed. After all, it would be quite rude to confront someone about a matter such as that. He simply held his peace, listening and watching, learning what he could of these new characters. Certainly it had been a while since he had had the chance to make a first impression, but it was nice to be in the company of others again. He half-listened to the ongoing conversation, but kept an eye on the two Kuhnas as well. Hex was obviously not the most suave when it came to first meetings, but it seemed that Yavena's bouncy character was finally bringing the young Fear Kuhna out of his shell. A small, soft smile cross his face at the sight of the male Kuhna trying to play with the Ociame, coupled with a light chuckle.
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Postby MillietheWarrior » 10/28/2008 8:28 PM

The Lucain turned human merely listened and smiled, his blood red eyes the only visible part of his face. The rest was shrouded in shadows. He seemed to be thinking hard, for his eyes were faraway and troubled. He was thinking about what Lady Draiz had said. If it was true she'd seen a Kirund, and indeed, knew enough about them to give him a few snippets of facts that few people knew, then she was definitely something else. "Interesting,"he murmured. "I was not aware of such information. If I had the time, I would ask for more of it. But I will content myself with listening to your conversation."

His eyes swept suspiciously over Syrvio again. he did not feel the need to leave lady Draiz until he was certain of this man, and still, his intent was unclear, no matter how kind he was. he would still be content to play the part of shadow, listening to them speak, but never being spoken to. Perhaps he would join in on their conversation; for now, he was content to watch and listen.

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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