Often called the 'Lover's Triangle' for the trio of waterfalls feeding in to a triangular gorge, the Idalani area is a picture-perfect place to spend time with that special someone, with a beautiful exotic backdrop and countless rainbows dancing across the sky. (+2 Speed)

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A Final Rush

Postby Jaykobell » 10/18/2007 9:09 AM


"It's about time we get here!"

"Stop complaining."

The Khimera and Lucain were coldly arguing together, the Khimera tired of running and the Lucain tired of the Khimera complaining.

"I'm not complaining, I'm stating a comment!" Sandford said, groaning.

"You two... stop arguing. Remember we're going in war to try and learn how to fight and train together," the Berry Kuhna reminded them.

"Marble's right," Senervel said. "It's our final spot for training before going to register; let's give it our all."

[Senervel: 172, Marble: 114, Sandford: 82]
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Postby Jaykobell » 10/18/2007 9:20 AM

"For starters, we could try to swim upstream," Marble proposed, flicking his tails towards the running stream. "This could train our endurance well..."

"Sounds good," Senervel agreed. "ANd I say Sandford goes first," he barked, turning to the now half-blind Khimera. The Lucain still had a hard time looking at his brother...

"Pfft, fine," Sandford said, walking over to the stream. "I'm gonna swim in there anyway, so now or later, what does it change."

He walked over to the stream and put a paw in, then the other.... up until he was completely swimming into the water, against the current.

[Senervel: 173, Marble: 115 -- Level Up, Sandford: 83]
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Postby Jaykobell » 10/18/2007 9:24 AM

Sandford made his paws and legs swim as hard as his body could, but his armor was getting troublesome in the water, being so heavy. The Khimera gritted his teeth but continued swimming, refusing to give up. He had promised that he would train to become strong, and to one day be able to avenge his love's unfair death. He wouldn't give up...

Senervel and Marble watched him swim like a devil, the water splashing around as the feline was trying to beat the harsh current.

"He seems awfully determined..." Marble mumbled to Senervel quietly.

Senervel nodded, but said nothing. He wasn't exactly here, after all, since his mind was focused on what Sandford had done earlier...

[Senervel: 174, Marble: 116, Sandford: 84]
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Postby Jaykobell » 10/18/2007 9:30 AM

Sandford gasped as he swallowed some salt water, spitting it out as soon as it had entered his mouth. He growled in annoyance, but ignored the bad taste it left in his mouth. It wasn't a small mouthful of salt water that was going to stop him from training. This was perfect for his endurance, indeed.

Senervel thought about the action the Khimera had done while at the Wil'no Desert. After he was done beating him up, Sandford walked over to Senervel and slashed at his own eye willingly, making the Khimera half-blind, the eye constantly opened, colorless and slashed with deep claw marks. He was still trying to understand why the feline had done such a thing...

Marble was thinking about the same subject, but in the same way. He was worried for Sandford, who had never been blind to his knowledge. Was it going to put him into a disadvantage when in battle? Should they ask for another fighter? No, it was too late for that... Sandford would have to manage without his right eye.

[Senervel: 175 -- Level up, Marble: 117, Sandford: 85 -- Level up]
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Postby Jaykobell » 10/18/2007 9:34 AM

"Senervel..." Marble finally spoke up. "Who is... Loraine?" He remembered Sandford shouting this name aloud, saying it was for her revenge... But who was it?

Senervel didn't answer right away. He was still trying to understand, but once he noticed the answer wouldn't come to him right away, he sighed, replying, "Loraine was the name of Sigurd's younger sister. She was... murdered, long ago."

Whlie the two were discussing, Sandford was still fighting against the current, his right eye being injured, he had however difficulties to swim in a straight direction. He would often swim in a zigzag pattern, being unable to see exactly where he was going, his brain capable of seeing but one half of the scenery in front of him. [i]Loraine... I'm going to prove to them that even handicapped, I can avange you, and by my injury, I swear to avenge you,[i] he thought, gritting his teeth and swimming fiercely against the water.

[Senervel: 176, Marble: 118, Sandford: 86]
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Postby Jaykobell » 10/18/2007 9:37 AM

Marble gasped. "Sigurd's... The Sigurd we know!?" he meowed in shock. Sigurd had a sister? "Who... you were the one who killed her, didn't you?" he asked, but he imagined he knew the answer already.

Senervel remained quiet for a second. "Yes," he said simply. He then looked over at Sandford, who was still fighting against the current.

The Khimera wasn't about to give up. He still had a strong spirit, ready to prove his skills to all that were watching. The more he would train, the more ready he would be to fight in the war to defend the weaker... To defend? Of course, he would fight as well... but to even think about defending...?

[Senervel: 177, Marble: 119, Sandford: 87]
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Postby Jaykobell » 10/18/2007 9:42 AM

"He's not about to give up..." Marble noticed, watching the Khimera. He decided to drop the previous topic, not to create another feud between the two brothers.

"He's always been a fool," Senervel said, settling down. "I'm sad that my once kind brother became such an insane killer." Once kind brother...? What did this mean?

"Arrrrggghhh..." Sandford muttered, struggling against the harsher waves of the stream, swallowing more and more salt water. By the war, he would know how to swim for sure, no doubt about it. Of course, this wouldn't be enough for him to be able to defeat the stronger Imperialists. But he wouldn't give up... he wouldn't die before accomplishing his goal!

[Senervel: 178, Marble: 120 -- Level up, Sandford: 88]
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Postby Jaykobell » 10/18/2007 9:45 AM

"Your once kind brother?" Marble echoed. Sandford wasn't born as a killer?

"Yes..." Senervel muttered, setting his head on his forepaws. "He was more easygoing and less addicted to killing when he was younger," he told, closing his eyes. "But an unfortunate event brought this passion into the both of us..."

The Berry Kuhna listened to the words of the Lucain...

Meanwhile, Sandford was more or less training alone, but he didn't care. Being in a life or death situation would increase his courage and make him stronger in the midst of battle. He kept his teeth gritted and kept on swimming more and more against the current...

[Senervel: 179, Marble: 121, Sandford: 89]
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Postby Jaykobell » 10/18/2007 9:50 AM

"We were both abandoned by our mother. We were left out in a harsh environment, and we had no money. Being slightly older than me, Sandford raised me. We were... good friends before." He shook his head in sadness. "But when we were facing famine and were without money, he started stealing and got a liking for it... and then he started killing for food."

"Oh my..." Marble gasped quietly, settling down beside Senervel, deep into his story. So Sandford wasn't born as a bloodthirsty killer after all... "What happens next...?"

After a while, Sandford was thrown away by a wave. He toppled over, getting swallowed by the water. It felt good, however: this would give him a short break to ease the pain in his arms and legs. He would close his still-alive eye and relax for just a moment... but then he would scream at the top of his lungs, seemingly scared or shocked at something. His head came back from the depts of the water, panting, as if in fear.

[Senervel: 180 -- Level Up, Marble: 122, Sandford: 90 -- Level up]
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Postby Jaykobell » 10/18/2007 1:15 PM

Senervel's ears pricked as he heard Sandford panting. He got up and walked over to the Khimera, grabbing his scruff and pulling him up onto the shore. "Gave up?"

Sandford spat some salt water from his mouth. "No I didn't!" the feline retorted angrily. "I was washed away by a wave. If you're so better than we are, than simply go in there and swim!" And without another word, he headed elsewhere nearby, lying down tiredly and resting his head on his paws.

Senervel sighed quietly before turning to Marble. "I'll take a swim," he barked, diving into the water.

Marble nodded. He didn't dare approach Sandford, for he seemed rather... unhappy. He knew Sandford was more likely to attack others than most pets, so he preferred keeping his distance.

[Senervel: 181, Marble: 123, Sandford: 91]
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Postby Jaykobell » 10/18/2007 1:20 PM

Marble glanced at Sandford subtly, but the Khimera noticed the eyes of the smaller feline being fixed on him carefully. "What'd you wnat?" the bigger feline asked rather abruptly, an irritated tone for a voice.

Marble stammered. "A-ah, um... I was just wondering if something was wrong..."

"Nothing's wrong!" the Khimera quickly shouted. "I'm just tired, alright? Now keep to yourself."

"Y-yes..." the Berry Kuhna replied, turning around to look at Senervel.

The Warrior Lucain was doing well, swimming against the waves using a moderate amount of strength, so he was able to give some effort if the waves became too strong. He would glance at Sandford now and then, the Khimera seemingly pouting in his own bubble.

[Senervel: 182, Marble: 124, Sandford: 92]
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Postby Jaykobell » 10/18/2007 1:25 PM

"Sandford..." Marble called, relatively nicely so the Khimera wouldn't get angry. "I was just wondering... why are you entering the war?"

"It's none of your business," he replied, but he had clearly hesitated before answering. As if the answer was alright to be known, but had to be unknown by others... "I don't want to talk about it."

Senervel winced as his paw hit a rock that was underwater. But this was just a small wound, no need to worry about it. His neck was still hurting from Wilt'no, but the water made the itching bearable, at least. He kept on swimming and swimming, glancing at Marble and Sandford every now and then.

[Senervel: 183, Marble: 125 -- level up, Sandford: 93]
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Postby Jaykobell » 10/18/2007 1:28 PM

"I see..." Marble replied, getting up and walking over to Sandford. He settled down beside the Khimera. "I personally decided to join because I wanted to see how strong I had gotten," he told Sandford, curling his paws under his chest fur.

"Whatever," Sandford replied, shifting angles so his back was mostly turned to Marble. "I'm not interested to know," he told the Berry Kuhna.

Senervel thought Marble was mad to just up and walk over to Sandford while his brother was so upset, but said nothing and was relieved when the Khimera did nothing to hurt the Kuhna. He then received a big wave in the face, coughing the water his mouth had caught, the salt leaving a bad taste. The Lucain kept on swimming and swimming anyway...

[Senervel: 184, Marble: 126, Sandford: 94]
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Postby Jaykobell » 10/18/2007 1:31 PM

Marble wouldn't give up. He wanted Sandford to try and open up... "Have you ever fell in love, Sandford?" he asked, forgetting the consequences this question could have.

The Khimera said nothing, as if he hadn't heard. But suddenly, "Yes," came the reply, but then he added no more.

After a short while, Senervel came out of the water, panting. That was some endurance training, now... He walked over to Marble and Sandford, saying to the Kuhna, "Your turn," before settling down.

[Senervel: 185 -- level up, Marble: 127, Sandford: 95 -- level up]
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Postby Jaykobell » 10/18/2007 4:51 PM

Marble nodded to Senervel, running off towards the river to do his own training. He shivering lightly at the cold water, but jumped in quickly, batting his arms and legs with force to swim forward.

"Hah. You could barely swim," Sandford commented, his back turned to the Lucain. "And you gave up on your own. Pathetic."

"Well, I didn't get the heck scared out of me," Senervel replied, his own back turned to the Khimera so he could see Marble training.

Sandford barred his teeth. "Don't speak of what you don't know," he replied warningly.

[Senervel: 186, Marble: 128, Sandford: 96]
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