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..::~A Change of Heart (Contest)~::..

Postby Redd » 11/30/2008 6:45 PM

So I haven't been able to roleplay this girl, and after a bit of discussion, I have decided that she needs to start a clean slate.
This Lucain, formerly known as Krypto, to me hasn't for some reason or another, doesn't fit her personality, so I am leaving her fate in your hands.
Design another personality/history for her and you shall win a prize. Simple, no?
If your personality catches my eye, you shall win 100KS. Also due to the larger prize, I ask that the personality be a bit more in depth than just "Happy, Calm, Relaxed". I need details people~
Here is the Lucain:

True Name: --
Given Name: -- (Pro:--)
Nickname: --
Gender: Female
Species: Dingo/ Ancient Lucain
Element Dark

Traits: -
Battle - -
Passive - -
Appearance: -

Blood Type: --
Form(s): --
Lineage: N/A
Mate: --
Offspring: None
Siblings: None
Size: Medium (M)
- -

Also, I might as well chuck her little "pet" in here as well. This one needs a personality as well~

True Name: --
Given Name: -- (Pro:--)
Nickname: --
Gender: Female
Species: Myuu Reaper

Traits: -
Battle - -
Passive - -
Appearance: -

Blood Type: --
Form(s): --
Lineage: N/A
Mate: --
Offspring: None
Siblings: None
Size: Small (S)
- -

You can enter four times. Two for each pet, which comes to four :3

Contest Closes on the 12th of December. All entries must be in by then. It will then be judged soon after.

Have at it? :3

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Postby Fallen_Snow » 11/30/2008 7:48 PM

Oooh, this sounds fun. 8D And could you include how many entries you'd like us to enter? Just because I may come up with more than one. 8D
About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

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Postby Redd » 11/30/2008 7:52 PM

Uhm, I would say no more than two? :3

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Postby Indigo » 11/30/2008 7:58 PM

I'll enter in a little bit. (Will edit)

What are you looking at?

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Postby clackno1 » 11/30/2008 8:30 PM

I will enter. For Lucain:

Personality:Lumana has a great mind, often taking small problems to the extreme. She will let her mind wander to come up with a problem that she will spend most of her time trying to solve. It will usually be how something works. It could be a machine, or something living. She will do experiments and come up with large equations that can barely be understood. She will sometimes ponder how to fix a worldly problem, like world hunger for example. She will make small models, sometimes almost exactly like the actual thing it is built after. She will sometimes come up with inventions that could make the simplest tasks easier, using things that nobody else would have come up with. If she doesn't have any paper with her then she will do her work on whatever she can. A wall, a door, a table. Anything that she can write/carve on. She likes to practice small skills from different cultures, like origami or grass weaving. She has figured out how to make many instruments, most very simple, but some extremely complicated. Her mind is so complicated no one really knows how it works.
History:Lumana doesn't have much of a history. She barely had anything to do when young so she allowed her mind to wander and ponder different problems, allowing it to grow and have different ways of thinking. She liked to spend a lot of her time outdoors, experimenting with different plants and rocks. She never took notes, but just stored it somewhere in her immense mind to use later if needed. She will store things and forget about them, usually having it come back up later. Sometimes some information comes back up that she never even knew she had discovered. She spent most of her time alone to allow herself to concentrate. She would barely stay in one place for long, often travelling to get more information to store in her head. She would use a lot of the skills she learned as past times, sometimes doing them without noticing. If she gets distracted with a piece of paper in her hands she will start folding it into something with a lot of detail by taking measurements with her hands. Her senses are so concentrated she can notice someone sneaking across a room by smelling the change of the air, hearing every movement they make, and feeling the vibrations from their footfalls or when they move the air with a body part. Some people have even told her she should join the police, but she has dedicated her life to discovering information, even if some people might see that information as unimportant.

It's not really much of a history. I couldn't come up with anything that good to match her personality.

One day men will look back and say I gave birth to the twentieth century.
Jack the Ripper

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Postby Redd » 11/30/2008 8:36 PM

The form is just copied from my pen. You do not have to follow it :3

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Postby Skyspirit » 11/30/2008 8:47 PM

Given Name: Miaska
Nickname: Mia
Gender: Female
Species: Dingo/ Ancient Lucain
Element: Dark
Traits: besides the ones she has for her markings, here are her other traits:
Battle: Subduing Strike  
Passive: Deep Vision, Shadow, Cover Your Tracks
Form(s): only quad  
Size: Medium (M)
Miaska is trapped between her instincts and her compassion. She is dark, but she doesn't want to hurt anyone. She feels at home in darkness. Staying hidden, secretive, is what she does best. She could be very dangerous if she let herself, she could hurt others and no one would know what she was doing or be able to stop her. She could use the darkness to make others fear her, to attack in secret, to sneak around undetected. But she doesn't want to. Given a choice, she wouldn't kill. Mia deosn't want to use the darkness to harm other people or pets. She likes to be alone, and is very secretive. She is worried that she might hurt someone. She is careful not to get too close to anyone, and does not have a mate, or many friends, just her small pet, a Myuu Reaper. What she needs is someone who can bring her out of the darkness.
And, to top it all off, she can't remember anything about her past and who she is.
Mia doesn't remember anything before she awoke outside the Basantha Shrine, with the Myuu Reaper next to her. She was found by her current owner, and can't remember how she got there. She wants to find the truth, but is afraid of what she will find.
(sorry i haven't written much of a history, but how much history can you write when she doesn't remember anything?)

Given Name: Zriki
Nickname: Zri
Gender: Female
Species: Myuu Reaper
Battle: don't know  
Passive: don't know
Form(s): Quad only
Size: Small (S)
Zriki loves to have fun, and is pretty laid-back. She doesn't understand how Mia shuts herself away from other people. Why not run around all day and get into mischief and have fun? Zri wishes Miaska would open up more. Zri doesn't remember any more than Mia does, but that doesn't really bother her. She doesn't really get upset by much. Her idea of a perfect day is running around following Miaska, getting into things she's not supposed to, and relaxing. She tries top get Mia to open up more, but Mia is only really friends with her.
History: Same as Miaska's, pretty much.
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Postby Kallile » 11/30/2008 8:50 PM

Reserving my space for entries--will edit later this week.
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Postby Fytoria » 11/30/2008 8:53 PM

Hmm....I'll take a crack at this
I'll edit this soon once I can find a good idea because I have tons >.<
Oh and one question, does the Lucain have a name yet or do we give her a name?


Name: Rahia
Gender: Female
Species: Dingo/ Ancient Lucain
Element: Dark
Personality/history: Rahia is an intelligent Lucain. When she is in danger or being attacked she always thinks it out than just attacking. Her mind is wide and large and is always filled with ideas she gets with dreams from her sleep or from a random time in the day. Even though she knows a lot she doesn't know everything. Ever since she was a little kit a fairy has blessed her with intelligence but with that she took her sense, the sense to feel what others were feeling. Rahia could be doing something that angered someone but she wouldn't know. With this everybody stayed back from her hoping she wouldn't do something. Rahi then became lonely because she was shunned by everyone. She just hopes one day this retched little "curse" would go away.
Battle: Deft Opportunist, Great Bite, Guerrilla Warrior
Passive: Charlatan, Fast Healing, Lightfeet, Keen-Eared Scout
Medical: Healing Touch, Restore Senses, Herbalist, Augment Healing, Antivenin
Lineage: N/A
Size: Medium (M)
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Postby Redd » 11/30/2008 8:56 PM

You can give her a name :3 Same with the Myuu. They both have a clean slate.

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Postby Juniperstar45 » 11/30/2008 9:35 PM

True Name: --
Given Name: Midnight
Nickname: Coco, Maddie
Gender: Female
Species: Dingo/ Ancient Lucain
Element Dark
Level: 1
Posts: 4
Loyalty: 9/40
Toughness: 7/100
Exploration: 7/40
Endurance: 8/100
Intelligence: 8/100
Righteousness: 0/40
Darkness: 0/40
Fame: 10/40
Battle: Powerful Jaw  
Passive: Silent Stalking, Long Walker, Sticky Pads  
Appearance: --

Blood Type: AB
Form(s): Quad
Lineage: Custom
Mate: --
Offspring: None
Siblings: None
Size: Medium (M)
Personality: Prudent and reserved, Midnight is all about safty first! She knows how to spot a danger miles around. She loves adventuring into the wild but she is quite resentful to travel into an unknown place or to give in to advances of strangers. She is skitish and shy around other pets too. When Midnight first meets a male, she is sly and cunning but still observe you with a critical eye. A totally different personality! But when she starts to know them she eases into her normal self, shy and kind.

Background: When she was young, she was aboandoned and left to die. She was later found by and unknown Lucain who nursered back to health. When she was old enough, she left the Lucain. Midnight lived in secracy, hunting for anthing she could eat. She is quick on her feet and ready to react when a preditor comes by. When she reached adult hood, she found a nice owner and settled down with that owner.

(Hope I did ok...)
I watch asleep,



All I fear...means nothing...

Avi made by Krypto~Lyrics by Utada Hikaru
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Postby AmberGlaze » 11/30/2008 9:40 PM

With us, there is no such thing as individulaity...

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Postby Fallen_Snow » 11/30/2008 10:21 PM

True Name: Arya
Given Name: Mitchie
Nickname: Mits, Mitch
Battle- Spiked Body, Clever Wrestling, Deft Opportunist, Prone Attack
Passive- Chartalan, Diligent, Human Form, Self-Sufficient
Appearance: When in anthro form, her hair is in a spiky dark brown bob, and she has piercing blue-grey eyes. She's also usually found wearing skinny jeans with purple threadwork, and an off-white blouse or t-shirt. Her skin is very lightly tanned, like the color of the inside of a tree, maybe a bit darker. She has more rounded features, but she's not heavy at all. She has a heart shaped face, and rounded curves. Her fingers are long, as if she was a piano player. She sometimes wears polish, but it's usually a dark purple or black. Not to say she's morbid, it just looks good against her pale-ish skin.
Blood Type: AB+
Form(s): Anthro, Quad
Personality: Mitchie is very plain when it comes to most matters. She can handle things calmly and easily, and it's not hard to see that she's comfortable in her skin. She's also honest, and easy to be around. That is, until you mention love. She'll suddenly become very uncomfortable and stiff, and won't talk to you. She closes herself up at the mention of that word, and no one is curious to find out what happens when she sees/experiences it. She lashes out if you try to talk to her about it. Some people wonder if it has to do with her name change, or her past.
Background: We're not sure what Mitchie has done before she came to live with us. But we do remember the night she changed her name.
It was stormy, and she was out late. We stayed up, worried about her for hours on end. She'd never stay out in weather like this unless she was in trouble. It wasn't until she came home, bewildered and half-awake with her lip fat and the side of her face bloody. Before she changed her name, she was a little hotheaded too. But it surprised us so much that one of us jumped up and said, "Arya, are you alright?"
She told us, "Don't call me Arya. That's not my name anymore. Please... just call me... Mitchie. Yes, Mitchie, please." her voice sounded harsh and dry, like she had been yelling. We also found out later that she also had gained a black eye, and her lip wasn't as bad as we'd thought. She convinced most of us that she'd just gotten into a fight and her opponent's nose started to bleed, but she was never a very good liar, and some of us know that something went down that she doesn't want to tell us about. (feel free to change; wasn't sure how many characters you have that run your zoo. ^^;;)

True Name: Unknown
Given Name: Brady
Nickname: Braids
Battle- Spiked Body, Blindsense(Psi-Eye), Clever Wrestling
Passive- Extended Life Span(Ancient Marking), Grass Trekker(Dingo Marking), Urban Stealth, Natural Scavenger(both from Coontail), Diligent(Psi-Eye), Chartalan
Appearance: When in anthro form, Brady has shoulder length light brown hair, with some darker brown lolights. She also has bangs that hang down to her eyebrows. Her grey-blue eyes are warm and inviting, but can be cold when she's angered or double-crossed. She has a lithe and angular figure. She usually wears ripped jeans(preferrably ripped at the knees) and sweatshirts that are one size too small so that they stay on her body instead of hanging off it.
Blood Type: AB+
Form(s): Anthro, Quad
Personality: Brady is a rough but friendly girl. She'll gladly give you a hand in learning things, but she's more of a learn and do than read to learn person. She also likes to learn on her own terms, meaning she's only learning what she wants to. She likes for people to think she's tough, but she's really only what she says she is- a girl with a big mouth. She loves to creep people out with how she can see their auras, and tell their personality from them. She loves to discuss things that she knows, and if you know something that she wants to know, then she'll pester you until you do.
Background: Brady was brought to us from a good friend from another part of the country. We weren't sure what to do with her when she was a pup; she caused so much trouble that we almost got rid of her. We decided that we'd give her the cold shoulder for a couple of days and see what happens. Turns out she became stubborn in getting us to talk, and by the time she was quiet enough that we talked to her, she was over the moon and it was kind of hard to get her to settle down. From then on she kept her cool, but was always our blabbermouth.
About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

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Postby Celtic » 12/01/2008 3:29 PM

Ooo... I always loved Krypto! And I have too many ideas to pass this up~ Reserving

Spring)and everyone's
in love and flowers pick themselves

- e. e. cummings

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Postby dragonflyINN » 12/01/2008 11:38 PM


True Name: Ayeth Erisen
Given Name: Ayeth (Pro:ā-ETH)
Nickname: Aya
Gender: Female
Species: Dingo/ Ancient Lucain
Element Dark

- Life Drain- Your pet drains some of its enemy's life in order to heal itself.
- Diehard- Your pet is still alive at 0 stamina but is severely wounded.
- Blindsense-Your pet can sense invisible opponents.
- Witchlight- Your pet can create witchlight or foxfire.
- Spirit Sense- Your pet can see and communicate with spirits.
- Undead- Your pet has seen death and come back to the world of the living.
- Human Form- Your pet can take a human or anthro form when they would otherwise be quad.

Human: Ayeth is a tall (6'5"), slender woman with irregularly pale skin. She has straight dark brown hair that flows to her hips, and both of her eyes are an odd light gray color. She usually wears a black tank top and dark violet kapris and boots that reach halfway up her shins. A thick rope belt wraps around her waist. All over her body there are multiple bluish tattoos; one is more noticeable than the others - a bright, sky-blue eye on her right shoulder.

Blood Type: AB
Form(s): Human + Quad
Lineage: N/A
Mate: --
Offspring: None
Siblings: None
Size: Medium (M)

Ayeth, normally, is a very quiet and shy girl. She is easily charmed by others, and sometimes keeps to herself. However, she often lapses into odd trances, in which time seems to go incredibly slowly and she sees the dead. She talks to them often, and after these trances she reveals an alter-ego - a somewhat violent, deceptive, seductive and power hungry woman who seems to be bent on disrupting the peace and creating chaos in the environment around her, justifying by saying that she's "punishing the sinners". The only person who can snap her out of these trances is Teriel.

Ever since she was a young child, Ayeth was "special". She was put into a mental health facility after one of her trances caused her to nearly strangle  her own father to death. She broke out after rendering a security guard unconscious with nothing but her bare hands. Soon after she escaped the facility she met Teriel. Instead of talking a little bit with Teriel and then going into her crazy mode, she grabbed Teriel's hand and caused the dead spirit to take a physical form - a Myuu Reaper. Ever since they have been best friends.

Myuu Reaper:

True Name: Teriel
Given Name: Teriel (Pro:TEAR-ē-el)
Nickname: Elle
Gender: Female
Species: Myuu Reaper

- Blindsense- Your pet can sense invisible opponents.
- Diehard- Your pet is still alive at 0 stamina but is severely wounded.
- Deft Opportunist- Your pet is exceptional at harming the opponent at a critical time.
- Spirit Sense- Your pet can see and communicate with spirits.
- Human Form-  Your pet can take a human or anthro form when they would otherwise be quad.
- Great Charisma- Your pet has a commanding aura and can influence the morale of others.
- Fearless- Your pet's morale cannot be lowered.
- Fast Healing- Your pet can recover its health quickly.
Human: A petite girl, she has a similar appearance to her friend. She has short black hair that reaches her chin and large black eyes. She wears a white T-shirt with a faded gray logo on the front and wears torn blue jeans.   She has bright gold eyes that seem to have some affect on Ayeth's trances. She never becomes a human unless Ayeth goes into a trance.

Blood Type: O
Form(s): Human + Quad
Lineage: N/A
Mate: --
Offspring: None
Siblings: None
Size: Small (S)

Teriel is a loud, outgoing individual who's always following Ayeth like a puppy. She's energetic and joyful and is runs around a lot, as if she's running on some sort of unending battery. When she transforms into her human form she retains the same personality, but is somewhat more serious. Her eyes have a sort of hypnotic ability that can affect other people - especially Ayeth's - personalities dramatically.

Teriel used to be a spirit, a sort of troublemaker of the undead. She was one of the many people that Ayeth saw in one of her trances. However, instead of snapping out of the trance almost immediately and going berserk, Ayeth reached out and took Teriel. The moment that there was physical contact, Teriel took a physical form - she was now forever confined to the body of a Myuu Reaper.
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