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Postby Azura Rayume » 12/02/2008 6:04 PM

Hm.. Sounds like fun..

I didn't feel like using that whole form. I just wrote a story-esque personality/history combo for ex-Krypto. Plus the whole name thing.

True Name: Krypto (-shot'd-)
Given Name: Oro
Nickname: --
Personality: Ancient Lucain: always cool in stressful situations and can easily communicate with others. Um... Not so much. Oro tends to freeze and shut down when times get tough, no matter how hard she tries to be brave. She's extremely shy and often finds herself avoiding contact with others out of sheer embarrasment.

Dingo Lucain: very rambunctious and full of exploration. Again, not so much. She'd quite level-headed, not to mention outright calm most of the time. She'd also not one for exploring at all. She'd much rather stay home with a good book or television show than trop through the muck or meet others in a crowded city street.

Coontail Lucain: adept foragers and kleptomaniacs. Er... Oro's a horrible sneak and couldn't survive one day alone because she's so disorganized. She doesn't really collect things and her room is fairly neat, if you call bookshelves jammed to bursting and bins stuffed in corners and closets neat.

Psi-Eye Lucain: withdrawn, knowledgeable, and psychic. This one hit the nail on the head! Almost. While she is a social recluse and quite intellegant (in certian areas, namely TV, books, and manga), she's not psychic. At all. She wishes she was, though. Her main problem with others is the fact that she has no idea what they think of her. She fears ridicule above all things, and fervantly believes that she could get over that if she had been born with some psychic power.

History: "Hm..." The elderly Lucain peered closer to his granddaughter, wrinkled eyes narrowed in concentration. The girl looked rather skeptical about the whole ordeal, but her parents had insisted. Besides, she trusted the old man.

He leaned back in his chair and sighed. "I'm sorry, my dear. You don't seem to have it."

"What?!" the young Lucain exclimed. "But the entire family's had the gift! How could I not have it?"

The old man shook his head. "I don't know, Krypto," he muttered in his sagely tone. "I just can't find it in you. I know you have the mark, but the power isn't there."

Krypto blushed furiously and scowled, then turned her back on her grandfather. What did he know? Of course she had the gift. How could she not?


Her family stared in disbelief. Her father, who had been raging at first, had new settled into a stunned silence.

"I told him he was wrong," Krypto said in a matter-of-fact tone, arms crossed in a defensive pose.

Her father's blank face became a scowl. "I don't think he was," His statement was greeted with outcries of "But she has the mark!" and "Never in seventeen generations!" He loosed a growl that silenced the entire company.

"My father has not been wrong once. He is the greatest seer of our time, and many agree on that fact. Thought I hate to admit it, I must believe his judgement. My daughter does not have the gift."

Her father hung his head and left his speechless daughter standing alone, her jaw slightly open in shock.


A small knock on the door.

"Go away," called the grumbeling voice of Krypto.

Her father sighed. "I'm sorry, my dear, but there's nothing I can do."

"You could have stuck up for me."

"No, I couldn't."

The door was wrenched open. His daughter's face peeked out from the darkness of her room. "Oh, right. Your pride wouldn't allow it. I'm sorry for forgetting that your stupid ego is more important than your daughter." Her voice was dripping with an uncharacteristic sarcasm.

Her father ignored the comment. "What are you doing in here anyway?" He tried to push past her, but she simply squared her shoulders and blocked his way.



"I'm leaving. This family doesn't seem to want me now that they realize that I've been left out. The oddball of the gene pool."

"Don't say that..."

"Why not? It's true, and you of all people must know that." With that, she slammed the door and returned to her self appointed task.


It was a strange feeling, leaving on her own for the first time. Her family had always lived in the estate that she was now turning her back on, and she'd never been outside it's walls. She'd never thought that she would ever wish for such a thing but... she hoped to never see the blasted place again.

'A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step," she murmured, trying to calm herself. She'd been rather brash with her father last night, but seemed necessary. She only hoped she could summon that courage she'd felt before now to help in this blasted trip.

She closed her eyes and took a step forward, the bottom of her foot making a tiny cloud of dust in the dirt path. Many others followed that first step and soon her feet had carried her out of sight of the family compound.

She was free at last.

Boys and girls of every age
Wouldn't you like to see
Something Strange?

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Postby Tsukiya » 12/03/2008 3:29 AM

True Name: Varionte
Given Name: Marianne
Nickname: Marie, Annie
Gender: Female
Species: Dingo/ Ancient Lucain
Element Dark
Blood Type: O
Form(s): Anthro, Quad
Appearance: -Erm, I think you should have free reign o3o-
Size: Medium (M)
Personality/Background: Marianne was raised as a dignified lady, forced into the role of the proper princess. However, when she reached fifteen, she witness her mother being murdered. Shortly after, Marianne changed. Drastically. She began acting more masculine, learning how to fight, and shoot an arrow. With that, she began cross dressing as well.
However, one day, something in her head clicked and she began studying the dark arts.
She slowly became more and more powerful, and began to crave using it more. One day, she finally used her power, killing the remainder of her family, and her step-mother.
Unfortunately, there was the aftermath of her magic using.
No matter what, now, she can hear her mother's scolding tone as she guilts her, slowly driving her closer and closer to insanity.

True Name: Karikosa
Given Name: Evelyne
Nickname: Eve
Gender: Female
Species: Myuu Reaper
Element: Dark
Blood Type: B
Form(s): Quad, Anthro
Lineage: N/A  
Size: Small (S)
Personality/Background: Evelyne was once a famed dancer, until Marianne showed up. When Marianne showed up, people began getting sick, causing Evelyne to lose business. Over time, she eventually had to leave. Broken, tired, and beaten, she waited for death.
Until Marianne picked her up off the ground. Marianne gave her the form of this small creature, offering to take her in. Evelyne had no other choice, but to oblige, and now survives as the pet of a mass murderer.
I'm going in for the kill. I'm doing it for the thrill. I'm hoping you'll understand and not let go of my hand.

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Postby Redd » 12/05/2008 9:36 PM

:/ I'm going to have to take the Kuhna part out of the prize, but I hope that won't stop people from submitting things :3
Contest will definitely close on the 12th of December. (pushing it down cause I can :3)

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Postby Sixpence » 12/06/2008 5:47 PM

I'd like to give it a shot, if I may. This is a character concept I've had in my head for a while now, although I never really got around to finalizing it. It -is- a concept more so than a bio, so it's a tad disjointed. Of course I'm going to try to explain myself to the best of my ability, but if you have any questions please feel free to PM me.

That being said, let's do this =P


Concept subject (what idea I based my concept around)- "You can try to hide it, but the body is honest."
*snickers* It sounds like it came out of a...well, nevermind.

In essence, my idea summary would be this:
A magic-using girl whose thoughts/feelings form and shift as actual physical (indelible) statements just underneath her skin.

An in-depth and fleshed out explanation of my idea:


So we have a girl whose thoughts/feelings (you pick, one, both, whatever) write themselves just underneath the surface of her skin, where they can be seen as though living tattoos for all to behold. The thoughts erase and write themselves and in my mind, I always imagined them appearing letter by letter, as though being written by someone invisible, but already, we have some possibility for variation:
- The phrases all appear/disappear at once (sudden)
- The phrases write/erase themselves out letter by letter (fade)
- Font type/size depends on the emotion behind the thought/feeling
- Placement of the phrase on the body could be loosely dictated by the emotion ie. If she is feeling sadness  the words of her emotion might write themselves down her cheeks.
- Plus the language choices for the actual words. Could be Sanskrit, English, Arabic, some made up alphabet etc...

Okay, enough ideas for that- moving on.

The words may write themselves and erase themselves as they are writing, or they may last for hours, days, years, depending on the type of thought/emotion; whether it is a fleeting thing, or one that makes up a significant part of her psyche. The more relevant the emotion is to the character, the more likely the phrases relating to it will stay under her skin for a longer portion of time. For example, the phrase describing her emotion of fear (specifically fear of abandonment) would stay much longer as opposed to the fleeting feeling of hunger which (at most) would probably only stick around until she was no longer hungry.

The phrases themselves can be written however you like: your imagination and grasp of the English language are the only limits to what her skin might say, or how she might express how she is feeling in words. Thoughts are often fairly arbitrary things, with strange connections between ideas, so the language you use for her phrases may be as ambiguous as "Thus the posies of the field turned to ash and sang no more" (A blatant reference to the nursery rhyme and its connection with the Bubonic plague) or they may be as precise and direct as "Why do I feel like crying?"  The first example references fear of death, while the second references the emotion of sadness (it could arguably be happiness but to keep things clear we'll say sad).

Now, I mentioned that this character is a magic-user and it's the best part because it ties directly into this strange physical phenomena of hers that we've been discussing.


Now, this character is an incredibly powerful sorceress/mage/witch/insert magic-use here with virtually no limit to what she can and can't achieve, but there's a catch: She can only work magic as related to her emotion. So, let me explain.

Let's imagine that this character has lately been feeling weighted down by responsibilities she feels she can't handle and so the phrase "Ah, these chains!" has been on her body for a week now. If she needed to do some magic while in this frame of mind she could easily summon some type of chain, since that is how her emotions are manifesting, but how she used the chains would be limited by her emotion. For example:
- She WOULD NOT be able to conjure up a chain ladder to help herself and her friends out of a pit they had fallen into (lol, wut?) because rising upward out of something goes against the emotion of feeling weighted down.
- She WOULD be able to conjure up chains to bind or restrain, since that is what her emotion is doing to her, OR she could possibly make a chain barrier to stop someone from escaping or moving forward, again because that is what the emotion is doing to her.

Moreover, the intensity of her magic would depend greatly on the language of the phrase she is using the power of. So, the more ambiguous the language, the more versatile her capabilities, but ambiguity is related to uncertainty and uncertainty to confused emotions. The more confused or unrealized the emotion, the weaker the resulting magic because of the lack of force behind it. That seems like a harder concept to grasp, so let's make an example. We'll go back to the death and sadness quotes from before:

Fear of death: "Thus the posies of the field turned to ash and sang no more"
- Possibilities for magic as dictated by the phrase could include: Summoning flowers/vines/plants to strangle, creating ear-shattering noise, creating fire, creating a barrier out of any of these three things, forcing someone to hallucinate (poppies = opiates), blinding walls of ash etc....again, limited only by what you can connect to the words.

HOWEVER, because the phrase "Thus the posies of the field turned to ash and sang no more" is so vague, it's not immediately evident that the character is feeling afraid of death. Since that emotion is buried underneath ambiguous language, she can't feel it as intensely, so the magic she creates with it will be versatile (on account of the ambiguity) but will be weaker than if she had used an emotion she identified immediately with (again because of the ambiguity). So, in short, more possibility for use means she sacrifices power.

Feeling deep Sadness: "Why do I feel like crying?"
-Possibilities for magic as dictated by the phrase could include: ...can pretty much only be some type of manifestation of water. Maybe shrieking or creating sound waves, too.

Do you see what I'm driving at here? So the power of this emotion is obvious: she's really, really sad. So there's no ambiguity here, but also because there is no ambiguity in the phrase, there is not a whole lot she can do with it. The resulting magic when using this phrase will be very strong, but not very imaginative.

Naturally, the more depressing the emotion, the more harmful to others her magic would become....which leads to a very real possibility of her being used/manipulated by others trying to force her to feel things for their own ends. Of course, this would depend entirely on what type of personality you'd want her to have. She could just as easily be a weak-willed child as a strong minded individual, or anywhere in between. She may have confidence in spades, or sorely lack it...she may be bitter, lonely, in love, a kleptomaniac...etc...this choice is entirely yours to make because the best thing about this character concept is how well it fits every personality type. Basically, the best about this idea is its sheer versatility (Heh, have I used that word enough yet?) of her capabilities, which are virtually limitless, and the thousand-and-one ways in which you can use them to supplement the personality you choose for her.

Plus, her abilities can shape, shift, and grow as she does as a person, so they will never confine her, define her character, or become boring and repetitive. Yay ^^
IE: She may start out as a weak willed little brat who doesn't believe in herself and is easily manipulated. But then she finds love, or a steadfast friend, comes to believe in herself and as a result turns into a confident woman. In this scenario, you can see how her abilities, thoughts and emotions would grow and shift through each major life turn point.

Also, something to keep in mind is that emotions/feelings with which she may be stuck for life (so say she was a slave at one point, and as such, she's never been able to shake the perpetual feeling of being trapped) are the ones she would be most readily able to call on. Fleeting emotions/feelings/thoughts would be good for adding flourishes and interesting new techniques/ideas, but everyone has something they rely heavily on, or fall back on, and she would be no exception. These feelings (in this case, the feeling of being trapped) is so ingrained into her persona that it's only second nature for her to call upon she would have attacks/uses/defenses that she would use more readily than others. She's certainly not limited to them, but she feels most comfortable using them, if you see what I mean ^^

Personality & History

I'm hoping my my concept will help you spark some ideas of your own in your head because I think this is something that needs to be tailored to fit the player as much as the character. Nor can I give you a name for her since she's your character, not mine. I wish I could say more on this subject, but I really hope something will just burst out from you, and your creativity will return.

Random ideas to maybe help jog your creativity
- Hated by people because they tend to revile the truth and that which they cannot understand
- Revered as an oracle of the truth, mistaken for the mouthpiece and avatar of God(s)
- Manipulated by a two-bit magician who uses her for parlor tricks and doesn't understand her full potential
- The 'Atlas' of (enter a city here), who carries the weight of the hopes of people on her shoulders as a heavy burden. If she fails, they fail etc...
- The physical manifestation of the Apocalypse; once out of control and feeling emotions she can't handle, she becomes deadly enough to possibly destroy the world.
- Simply a comedic character who has strange thoughts, and does -strange- things with the resulting magic in order to spice things up. Loves life. A very random, wacky personality who marches to the beat of her own band.
- A very, very little girl who simply doesn't understand what is happening to her although everyone else understands her immense power. She's innocent enough and some want to save her innocence while others want to use it to manipulate her for their own ends. Only uses her powers for things like...making herds of unicorns or cotton candy clouds, or whatever makes her happy etc...but can be easily coerced to do things she doesn't know is bad.



Anyway, I hope that helps you out some :3
Good luck finding a personality that you love for your lady there!

PS. Oh, I don't think I mentioned it, but the glowy marks on your Lucain? I'm imagining those are the letters xD. So like, her body color would be brown with fluorescent blue lettering appearing and disappearing like mist. OOooh, like the movie Atlantis! Except that they move and shift and fade.

Also, design works for anthro, partial anthro, or quad. Yay!
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Postby Redd » 12/12/2008 2:22 AM

Ohkay, this is the last day to submit answers.
Just make sure they are in before the 13th your time. Time zones are confusing, (since there is like a major difference comparing to Australian time) and I try my hardest to stick to American/European time zones, but I will post a warning as to when it is finishing. :3

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Postby Redd » 12/13/2008 1:22 AM

Contest is finishing in an hour from now. I'll get a mod to lock this, so make sure what you got is in before then.

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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