Often called the 'Lover's Triangle' for the trio of waterfalls feeding in to a triangular gorge, the Idalani area is a picture-perfect place to spend time with that special someone, with a beautiful exotic backdrop and countless rainbows dancing across the sky. (+2 Speed)

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A Prolonged Introduction (Private: Kitzu and I)

Postby Abacado » 09/30/2007 2:43 PM


"Do you see them anywhere?"
"Do you see him anywhere? I mean, how far could Ephraim have gone mother? That little jerk."
"Hush dear, he'll show. You know that boy can get caught up in something. He won't betray his word. Besides, we sent Raj to fetch him."
"That makes me feel much better," Ruri rolled her eyed. This conversation with her mother was getting her absolutely nowhere, so what was the point of continuing? Ruri kept quite now, but her mother seemed to decided it was fine to keep talking.
"Besides, why be so worried about Ephraim? You should be exited on seeing your sister, darling. I believe she was bringing friends too. This should be interesting."
Ruri smiled a fake smile. "Oh yes mum, this should be interesting."
Lavender scowled "Don't call me mum Ruri, I feel so old."
A dozen or so responses to this came to Ruri's head, but she decided it would be best to not let them out. She only giggled at the thoughts.

While the mother and daughter pair made conversation, if you call such a thing a conversation, a younger Kuhna sat on a large and smooth rock, skimming her paws on the surface of a wide puddle. Her vibrant coloration made her a lovely sight, as is contrasted so diligantly with her white fur. Her blue eyes stared longingly at the reflection in the puddle, not quite in touch with reality, but with someone else on her mind...

"Make sure the little one doesn't stray off," Lavender yawned, resting her head on her paws,
"Uh! I'm not little m'am, not anymore. I would appreciate it if you didn't label me so," Alyss hissed boldly, daring to cross the Berry Kuhna.
Ruri only smirked in admiration to the young one's spirit. Besides, she knew why Alyss was so off today. The Spektrakuhna's secret or not so secret love was off on his first day of training for the war. She was worried.
This, infact was the reason Ruri invited her along for this outing, to get her mind off such worriesome topics. Then again, bringing her along to the place known for love wasn't the smartest idea either...

So the three waited silently for some more company to show, which eventually would liven up things...

(ooc: 'Kay Kitzu, I finally made the post ^^ I only have my three girls right now, but once you post I'll bring in Ephraim and my other boy Raj. By the way, let's say this meeting was planned =]
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Postby crow » 10/03/2007 8:03 PM

"Hey, sis, wait uuuup!"
An odd-colored Kuhna stumbled across roots and rocks, hurrying to catch up with his sibbling. He was small, even for a Kuhna, with a pelt of pure ebony, and marks of blue, lighter blue, and lightest blue that was almost indistinguishable from white.

"C'mon, Hall, you wimp. Hurry it up! I wanna see the hag's family already!"
His annoyed counterpart looked his splitting image, right down to her size. Yet she wasn't so nearly as hapless as her brother, but had a more certain air about her, and her confidence came to the point where it was downright annoying.

"She told you not to call her that, sis. If she hears..."
Hall said this in a low murmur, looking over his shoulder, obviously intimidated by whoever they were talking about. Though, it didn't take much to intimidate Hallace at all...
"I'll blame it on you, Now let's get going!"
"B-but sis..."

The twins were as different as night and day. If one of them had a certain trait, you can be sure the twin had an opposing feature. Though it might have been physically difficult to tell them appart before, it was a simple matter of reading their body language now.
"Hey! I see someone up there! Hall, who d'you think it is?"
"Dunno... Wait... Oh no, no no no... It can't be... Ruuun! It's 'Toshi!"
Hallace fled, or at least tried to, but Lumi pounced on him, and held him down with a paw.
"Yellowbelly! I dare you to go talk to her!"
The female of the two smiled smugly, her tails waving, but the object of her amusement had eyes so wide, they seemed grotesquely out of proportion to his head. But then, she had him pinned down, and he knew he couldn't win anyways.

"Uh... Erm... L-lady....?"
Hall's voice was shaky with fear, and he kept himself crouched low. This really wasn't good... She'd surely kill him! Hurriedly, the young Kuhna sent a prayer to whoever might be listening to spare him, to let him come out of this alive.


((I'll bring in the rest as they come too xD;))
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Postby Abacado » 10/07/2007 1:37 PM

[center]Lavender glared at Alyss with intense offense, and instead of shouting out something that would only hurt the child she bit her tongue and closed her eyes, pretending to be fast asleep. It was one of the benefits of being older, you could easily pretend to have fallen asleep and get up to date on the latest gossip. Lavender lived for this kind of stuff.

Alyss look over her should to the elder Berry Kuhna and clicked her tonuge in range. How dare she fall asleep on her! Now who was she suppose to tease to pass the time?
"You might as well give up on it Alyss. My mother is a very stubborn feline. She'll warm up to you if you try and show her sme respect. I promise that," Ruri cooed, gently storking the head of the young Spectrakuhna.
Alyss said nothing, and only began to twirl her paw in the puddle again.
"And by the by, you know as well as I know that Maxwell will be fine. So you can stop worrying about that little twit and come back to reality," Ruri mewed light-heartedly while ruffling up Alyss's fur on her ears.
"Yeah...I know"

The bunker kuhna turned away from Alyss and sighed, looking into the grass but somehow looking past it. She sensed they were being watched and for a moment she felt her heart flip at the thought of it being Ephraim and Raj, but no, the scent was unfamiliar...very unfamiliar. Before she had the chance to reveal the mysterious stalkers, she was aproached by a rather frightened looking Spearmint kuhna. He couldn't have been any older then Alyss. "Oh, hello there...can I help you? Are you lost?"
When the going get's tough...well, you know.

Maxwell/Lvl.1/Vast Plains
Ephraim/ Lvl. 2/ Idalani Falls
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Postby crow » 10/07/2007 1:55 PM

Hallace cringed when the Bunker began to speak to him, but when blows and sharp retorts didn't come, he opened one of his eyes warily. Had her tone just now... Been soft? It couldn't be!
"I... Uh... That is... I thought you were someone else! I'm sorry!"
He managed to stammer out this much before ducking his head again. Hallace wasn't a brave Kuhna, by any means, though he was rather thoughtful when he wasn't cringing in fear.

"Huh. Guess you must be the hag's sister."
A mirror image of Hall materialized beside him, but this one had her head tilted to one side and an eyebrow raised. Small though she was, she radiated a confident aura mayhap akin to fire.
"Hall, you moron, it's not her."

"Sis, don't call her that! She'll beat you up for sure!"
Lumi's brother pleaded, his eyes full of concern, but his efforts were wasted. She couldn't care less about other people!

Quietly, something else lurked behind them. His blank, grey eyes stared, almost sightlessly in front of him... He could feel their emotions, like massive waves in the calm ripples of the world he felt around him. Curiousity, one of the few emotions that remained in this hollow Kuhna, bade him go forth.
Did his eyes decieve him? Was it really Toshi? What was she doing here? ... No, it wasn't her. She detested Vanio's kit, the female. Was this the sister she'd spoken of?

Requiem did not feel very social today, so he hung back, in the foliage. Mayhap this would be entertaining...? What, then, entertained him? He couldn't answer his own question, so he simply resumed his observing once more.
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Postby Abacado » 10/09/2007 7:02 PM

Ruri  looked blankly on at the quivering Spearmint Kuhna and couldn't help feeling somewhat sorry for him. But these feelings of sorrow vanished into nothingness when a second Spearmint Kuhna appeared by the first ones side. And oh how they were identical!
The Bunker Kuhna almost felt herself collapse out of confusion but kept a firm grasp on her thoughts and instead just cocked her head forward slightly, but not akwardly, no everything Ruri did was as graceful as she could make it.
She observed how controled the male Spearmint seemed to be by who appeared to be sister.
Twins I suppose. Not the first time I've known a pair of twins. Ruri thought to herself silently, thinking of her mysterious sister she hadn't seen since...well, birth. The Bunker Kuhna looked back to her two companions and noted her mother who was enjoying a nap and Alyss who was staring at her relfection in a puddle.

Ruri turned back to the strangers.

"Okay okay. So I take it you weren't looking for me. But if I may be so bold as to ask, who exactly are the pair of you looking for or who did you mistake me for?" she asked after thought, with a tinge of curiosity in her soft voice.
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Postby crow » 10/16/2007 3:42 PM

Hall stayed silent now, not sure whether he was scared, or relieved, and settled for putting on a nervous smile. Let Lumi do the talking, he thought. She may not be the most tactful, but certainly, she spoke better than he did.
After all, he was still looking over his shoulder like a startled rabbit...

And talk Lumi did. Rudely, of course.
"Ah, nobody. Just some ol' windbag that scares the fur off Hall here. Like you, but bigger, and uglier..."
The female of the twins wrinkled her nose in disgust, and gave her brother a poke with her paw. He swayed a bit, then fell over. One couldn't help but agree with Lumi on the subject of Hallace... He really was a sorry excuse for a Kuhna.

Hall got up alright, he was used to this sort of thing... He always fell over. It wasn't nice, but he wasn't strong like Lumi, so it was only reasonable. And then he noticed the other two.
Curious, or afraid? Confused, truly, as always... Should he ask? What would he say? Oh, it was so exasperating to be him.
"Er... Ah, who would... they be?"
he asked pathetically in his tiny little voice.

"Observing again, good sir?"
Something made Requiem jump. Oh, it was that one... Why hadn't he sensed it coming? He could sense... everything... He never did like this Zarrowan character. There was always a sort of void around it, and Qui felt it, because the Elder simply lacked emotion. That must be why he didn't feel its presence.
Requiem said nothing.

Zarrowan sighed. It knew of the oddly-colored Kuhna's dislike for it, though it hardly knew why, for even it had no knowledge of the child's abilities... Perhaps he wasn't so much a child compared with the poor chap out there, but then again, Zero was a living relic.

Requiem wasn't quite aware of the fact that, it was not as if Zero had no emotions to speak of, but they were all hidden from his senses, though god knew why. He picked up a wash of regret, but no more, from the pale figure.

"Ah, good day, Master Hallace, Mistress Lumirelle. Who are your companions today?"
Zarrowan flashed them all a smile, its elderly aura making him seem kindly. Zero was enigmatic at best, but... well, it tried. It told them not of Requiem's presence so near, for it knew that the elder boy would not like to be disturbed.

The twins' reactions, as to be expected, were different. Lumi put on a bland expression and rolled her eyes, though with her, it was hard to tell if she was honestly displeased.
"You make it sound like we're married. What do you want, old man?"

But Hallace ran over exitedly,his shyness forgotten for the moment.
"Zero! You're here!"
Hall rather liked Zarrowan, for he admired the genderless Elder greatly. It was so composed, and there was an air about it that awed the little Spearmint. In a sense, Zarrowan Eldemair was his idol, and his best friend, and almost like family as well, though he knew his sister hardly saw the strange creature the same way.
"This is Zer- er, I mean... Zarrowan Eldemair, everyone."
Hallace smiled nervously, as he introduced this newcomer, who gave a neat bow.

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Postby crow » 10/20/2007 1:50 PM

((uh, 'Cado, sorry about posting after myself, but... I really need to train for the War...))

Zarrowan was still respectfully awaiting a reply, head tilted to one side, when Toshi arrived. They couldn't hear her, of course, so they were all shocked to see the Bunker arrive. As far as Kuhnas went, she was fairly large, and she wasn't about to waste time with greetings.
"What have you been up to, you shrimp?!"
She was glaring daggers at Lumi, who was doing the same in reply. The two clearly didn't get along, and this was the source of amusement for most back home.

Hallace quailed as he watched, not sure if he was afraid for Lumi, or afraid of Toshi, or both, and then which one more. Zero watched in its slihgtly bemused manner, but did not step in. It was, to be sure, foolishness, but the Elder had long since vowed never to interfere in any conflict.
"Don't worry. I'm sure nothing grave will happen, little one. They are only bickering as they always have, are they not?"
Hall nodded, but he wasn't convinced. If not for his dark fur, one would have seen that he went quite pale.
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Postby crow » 10/20/2007 2:00 PM

"What took you so long?"
Requiem stepped out of his hiding place, onto a branch exposed enough for him to be seel, then stepped lightly down from his perch and landed lightly. His voice was as emotionless as ever, but Hall fancied he saw a smile in the older Kuhna's eyes. And why wouldn't there be? Tthey, Toshi and Requiem that is, went way back...

Toshi gave a shrug, but her own smile gave her away.
"Got held up. Long story. Though from where I am, it looks to me like you're the one that just got here."
She gave the oddly-colored Kuhna an inquiring look, but when he said nothing, she didn't pursue the question. She knew Qui wouldn't answer if she did anyways, and he did love to keep secrets.
"Guess we're all here, huh? You brought mom too. Dad couldn't come."
She spoke to her own sister, Ruri, now, her eyes avoiding Lavender. She'd never met her own mother, having been raised by her uptight and overprotective father. Hopw should she act? What should she do? It was very odd to see the self-assured Toshi seem so uncertain. Would this reunion be a happy one...?
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