Often called the 'Lover's Triangle' for the trio of waterfalls feeding in to a triangular gorge, the Idalani area is a picture-perfect place to spend time with that special someone, with a beautiful exotic backdrop and countless rainbows dancing across the sky. (+2 Speed)

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Secrets of the Falls :: training :: semi-open~

Postby QuirkyRabbit » 11/27/2008 8:57 AM

Sketch and Halo

"Oh come on! We're almost there!" Sketch looked over his shoulder for his travelling partner for what must have been the hundredth time. Spotting her mottled fur some distance behind, he dashed through the grass again. Halo bounded after her overenthusiastic companion, while trying to take in the sights. After their mistress had given them permission to go out for a while (Sketch was practically begging to stretch his legs), he had dragged her to this place. Tropical foliage grew everywhere, and the scent of flowers filled Halo's sensitive nostrils. But Sketch didn't seem to be appreciating the scenery, he was just running forth, oblivious to everything else, as he usually was.

Panting, Halo caught up to Sketch, who had slowed his pace. She had no more strength in her wings to fly after him, as she had flown all the way through the jungle that surrounded the river. It had indeed been hard going, made harder by the fact that Sketch was rather hard to see in dim light. They were going up the river, and Sketch had promised Halo that whatever they saw beyond would be well worth the long run. "And besides," he had said, "It would be good exercise for you." Now he turned to the Sahound. "Just up here," he jerked his head toward a pile of rocks that led steeply upward. Halo took a few tentative steps up, but stepped on a loose rock and slid down on her belly. She glanced up at Sketch, who shook his head a little, and used his nose to push her upwards. Though he was somewhat transparent and unreal, his slightly wet nose was solid enough. He gave a little snort, and nudged her upwards again.
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Postby Zheris Altradi » 11/27/2008 6:15 PM

"It's a doggy! Hi doggy!" Dusk said flying overhead Dusk wondered why not use his wings to get up? "Im Dusk, Its nice to meet you, I would help but I have small arms, Who are you?" He asked His antenna twitched
(sorry Brain dead, But Next post will be longer)
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Postby QuirkyRabbit » 11/28/2008 5:23 AM

Halo struggled to the top of the ridge, then looked up to see who had spoken. It was a Whispwing, still fluttering around their heads. "Hello," she said, "My name is Halo and this is Sketch." She looked around, and saw that Sketch had climbed up the rocks after her. Even though he had no claws to help him climb, he seemed to have even less problem as she had getting up the slope. "We're going to see the waterfall," he added. "We'll go first, but you can follow us if you want." Halo shot a cold glance at him, but he was already walking off. In the distance, Halo's sensitive ears could already hear the roar of Idalani Falls.
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Postby QuirkyRabbit » 12/06/2008 12:59 AM

As Sketch walked on, he realized that he could no longer hear Halo's pawsteps behind him. "Where is she?" he thougth out loud. "Probably waiting for that silly insect." He continued walking along the river, towards a rocky outcrop which gave the best view of the falls. After some time passed and he began to worry, he turned around and called out. "HA-LO!"

Sketch's holler reached Halo's large ears. She turned to the Whispwing. "I'm sorry, Dusk, but Sketch is waiting for me." She turned to follow her pen-mate, but couldn't resist turning around after every few steps to see if the Whispwing was still following them.
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Postby QuirkyRabbit » 12/15/2008 9:05 AM

The view from the rocky outcrop took Halo's breath away. The wall of white water gushing over the falls was unlike anything she had ever seen. The water roared below, and ended in a splash that sprayed water as high as where they were standing. Sketch said suddenly, "Well, it's pretty, isn't it?" "Yes, yes it is," replied Halo, still looking around. Sketch got to his feet, and said, "Well, show's over, time to go back." Halo looked around at him. "Already? But we hardly g-"

She was cut off by Sketch's yell. He had put his hoof on part of the rock that was slippery with spray. He stumbled, and slipped off the rock into the falls below. Without thinking, Halo jumped after him. She could hardly see him against the falls. Feeling around, she grabbed his mane in her teeth, and flapped her wings mightily against the humid air. But Sketch was far too heavy for her. Halo's wings gave way, and both of them fell into the spray below.
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Re: Secrets of the Falls :: training :: semi-open~

Postby Kestrel » 12/24/2008 4:54 PM


"Hey, Nivium. You're not afraid of water, are you?" Viritra asked the Flametip Kuhna.
"Nope. Not at all," Malora stepped in for him.
"Kindly let me speak for myself?" he asked his sister.
"Well you were taking to long!"
"Taking to long? You barely gave me a second!"
"Guys, stop it!" the Poison Kuhna jumped in.
"Sure," the Misty Kuhna answered, shrugging. "'Kay. Remind me again where we stand?"
"On the ground," Viritra answered.
Malora threw her a withering look. "Okay. Fine. Be like that. What are our supplies, and how many people have me helped?"
"We have 3 loaves of bread, 2 bottles of water, and 5 keystones," Nivium supplied.
"Exactly what do you do with keystones?" Malora asked.
"You buy things," Viritra answered.
"Why would we need to buy things?" Malora questioned.
Viritra shrugged. "How would I know?"
"Say. Have you two noticed that we're not here alone?"
"We're not?" Malora answered, looking around. "Oh. We're not."
"Now you tell us?" Viritra asked.

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Sketch post 5 ~ Halo post 5

Postby QuirkyRabbit » 12/25/2008 7:00 AM


Water. There was water everywhere, and it was all either Sketch or Halo could see, could hear, could smell, could breathe...

Halo was the first to surface, choking from almost drowning, and fighting to take a breath while still keeping a paw in Sketch's mane, so as not to lose him. She gasped for breath, though her limbs felt so weak it would have been much easier just to let go and let the water carry her away. Just as she was about to be pulled under by the force of the water again, she felt something nudge her towards the bank. Sketch heaved Halo onto the side of the pool, sides heaving, gasping from exhaustion. Halo slowly got to her feet, and shook the water from her fur and wings. Sketch was still standing there, staring at her, ironically a little easier to see now that he was dripping wet. He breathed heavily, "You all right?" Halo gave herself one last shake, and replied, "Yeah... Thanks for saving me."

Just then, they noticed three Kuhnas on the bank. A black-furred Kuhna had been standing closest to the water when Sketch and Halo had made their rather sudden entrance, and was now almost as wet as the two larger pets had just been. Sketch was still wading in the shallower part near the riverbank, but he eyed the Kuhnas anyway. "Who are you?" Halo shot him a cold look. We hardly met them, and you're treating them like that already? She stepped towards the Kuhnas. "Please don't mind him. This is Sketch, and my name is Halo."
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Re: Secrets of the Falls :: training :: semi-open~

Postby Kestrel » 12/25/2008 10:58 PM

Malora shook off the water on her fur, then teased, "Hey, Viritra, looks like you just stole some water!"
"Oh, stop it!" she grinned good-naturedly. "Hey Nivium, looks like your sister doesn't know you too well, after all."
The Flametip Kuhna was carefully dryly every wet spot on his fur. "I just don't like being wet!"
"And, of course, it gives you an excuse to conjure some fire, hmm?" Viritra asked.
Nivium rolled his eyes. "Sure."
"Hello, Sketch, Halo," Malora greeted. "I'm Malora, first ever Misty Kuhna, leader of the Plan to Save Everything, daughter of Sera and Roy, sister of Nivium and someone else, granddaughter of Bright Heart and Kalick, and official spy of the Plan to Save Everything."
"And I'm Viritra," Viritra said, following the same template as Malora, "one of the many Poison Kuhnas, deputy of the Plan to Save Everything, daughter of Legolibri and Onyx, sister of two other kuhnas, granddaughter of Tai'uske, Sera, Milos, and Alana, great-granddaughter of Kalick, Bright Heart, Einar, Frosting, Manikos, Ral'eska, Llern and Lanikai, great-great-granddaughter to Durhai, Wataame, Fallanar, Sellah, Arkaros, and Aesrira, niece, cousin, great niece, great-great niece to plenty of other kuhnas, and official thief of the Plan to Save Everything."
"I'm Nivium, one of the three Flametip Kuhnas, treasurer and secretary of the Plan to Save Everything, son of Sera and Roy, brother of Malora and another, grandson of Bright Heart and Kalick, and official distractor of the Plan to Save Everything."
"Jeez Viritra, no need to spout your whole entire family line to people! They can't memorize it, even if you can!" Malora said. "I won't be surprised if they fell asleep during it and woke up for Nivium's part!"

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Sketch post 6 ~ Halo post 6

Postby QuirkyRabbit » 12/26/2008 9:14 AM

Sketch and Halo looked at each other, as Halo tried to suppress a fit of giggles. "I'm sorry," she said, turning to the Kuhnas. "Well, we can't really... erm... rattle off our family trees like you do." She looked at them closely in turn. "Malora, Viritra, Nivium," she said, tasting their strange names on her tongue. "Nice to meet you." She gestured with her tail. "Sketch brought me here to see the waterfall today-"

"Yes," Sketch cut in, "And now that we've seen it, and had our fill of it," he said with a slightly bitter tone, "we can go now. There are plenty more places to explore."

"What?" Halo asked incredulously. "We hardly got here. Sure, we fell into the water, but we got to meet these... interesting Kuhnas! And besides, I'm not done enjoying the view." She turned her back on the others, and sat down on the bank, breathing in the spray that they had been drowning in not too long ago.
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Re: Secrets of the Falls :: training :: semi-open~

Postby Kestrel » 12/26/2008 4:17 PM

"We...," Malora started, then stopped, looking at her companions.
"Came to see the Falls too," Nivium finished smoothly.
In reality, they had come to see if any rich visitors with too much of something were nearby.
Viritra admired Nivium's talent of coming up with a lie on the spot. Of course, he could've easily thought of something beforehand, but usually that wasn't the case.
"Do you two happen to know if any...," she searched for the right word.
"People with excessive things," Nivium cut in.
"Live around here?" Malora finished.
Malora didn't think they knew anyone, but they could've been here for a while already.
"Oh! Are you two hungry?" Nivium asked, pulling out a loaf of bread.
"Nivium!" Viritra hissed. "We barely even know them!"
"Oh well," he whispered back. "We've given plenty of supplies to perfect strangers before!"
"They're not perfect strangers!" Malora contradicted.
"Oh well! I can't exactly take back my offer, can I?"
"You could've solved that problem by not offering to began with! We always talk about it before we give!" Viritra answered.
"It's too late now!"
"Just remember next time!" Malora replied.

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Sketch post 7 ~ Halo post 7

Postby QuirkyRabbit » 12/26/2008 9:59 PM

"People with... excessive things? We-ell..." started Sketch. "There aren't really any towns nearby, if that's what you're looking for. I saw a couple of huts the last time I was here, but I don't know if there's anyone living in th-"

Suddenly, there was a rumble in the air that drowned out even the roar of the waterfall. The lines around Sketch's face turned a soft pink, and he looked down at his belly. Halo still had her back turned, but that sound had made her head turn. Her mouth was turned down in a frown, but her eyes laughed silently. "All right," he sighed, "I haven't stopped to eat anything since we left." He waded out of the water and went up to the Kuhnas, kneeling down so he wouldn't tower over them. "That smells like bread!" he licked his lips.

"Really now." That was Halo. She had gotten up and joined the others, but she still wouldn't look at Sketch. "Yes, this is my idea of a prefect day. Running for miles to some godforsaken waterfall, not only annoying everyone we meet, but ungraciously eating all their food too!"
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Re: Secrets of the Falls :: training :: semi-open~

Postby Kestrel » 12/26/2008 11:55 PM

"Here," Nivium handed Sketch 1/5 of the loaf. "Don't worry, it's not all of our food. Anyway, we have ways of getting more. Would you two like to be dried?"
"Oh, now you're offering your services as a hair dryer?" Malora teased.
"I'd like to be dry, even if they don't want to be," Viritra stepped in.
Nivium nodded, and handed out the rest of the bread. He stepped towards her, and snapped his fingers. Instantly, a tiny flame appeared, which proceeded to grow in size as he blew on it. He held the flame (now about the size of his paw) over Viritra, then made it grow hotter.
"That's really hot, Nivium!" Viritra yelped. "What'd you do to it?"
"I just wanted to speed up the drying process!" he answered.
"That's why I just leave the water on me," Malora commented.
"I think I'll take a swim instead," Viritra muttered, and dived into the water after she finished her bread. This caused a splash, which doused Nivium's flame, covered him in water, dampened Malora's tail, and splashed over Halo and Sketch.
"This feels much better," Viritra sighed, bobbing up and down. "Even if it does make me more wet," she added under her breath.
"I think I'll join you!" Malora commented brightly, jumped in, and caused an equally large splash.
"Good thing our bag's water-proof," Nivium muttered to himself. "What with all the water around here jumping up at you every so often."

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Sketch post 8 ~ Halo post 8

Postby QuirkyRabbit » 12/27/2008 6:39 AM

((Was in the middle of typing this when my brother barged in and closed the window. >< Looks like I'll have to restart.))

Sketch shook his head irritably as he licked the piece of bread. Thanks to the two Kuhnas who had suddenly decided to go for a swim, his bread was now too soggy to eat. He sniffed at it once more, and decided there and then that he had had enough of getting wet for the rest of the day. From the expression on the remaining Kuhna's face, he didn't want to get any wetter either. This was certainly turning out to be quite an adventure! But he was the least bit worried about Halo. Her anger, towards anyone, usually didn't last this long.

Halo finished off the last of her bread. Fortunately for her, she had shielded it with her wing when the Kuhnas splashed in, so it had been almost completely dry. She padded over to the bank and took a quick sip from the river. She smiled, and said to no one in particular, "The water here seems quite active today!" Then, she reached a paw into the water, and flicked it at Viritra and Malora, spraying them for the second time.
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Re: Secrets of the Falls :: training :: semi-open~

Postby Kestrel » 12/27/2008 5:45 PM

Nivium's bread, too, was now sopping wet.
"Here," he said, and reached out to grab Sketch's.
With his other hand, he set his piece of bread alight. In no time at all, it had been reduced to ashes.
"It's more managable that way," he explained.

"Come on in!" Malora shouted to Halo, splashing water onto her. "The water's nice and warm!"
"With you moving around so much, of course it is!" Viritra called to Malora. "How wouldn't it be?"
"Well at least Nivium and his fire aren't in here! Then it would be even warmer!" Malora shouted back.
"Nivium doesn't like being wet. Of course he isn't in here!"
"Hey! Stop talking about me like I'm not even here!" Nivium shouted to them.
"Well, you're not here," Malora contradicted.
"I'm close enough!"
"Depends on what you think is close."
"Well I think I'm close enough to you two to hear your conversation. That fact that both of you are yelling helps quite a bit, too."
"I have a feeling Sketch doesn't want to join," Viritra informed Halo. "But could you verify that?"

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Re: Secrets of the Falls :: training :: semi-open~

Postby QuirkyRabbit » 12/28/2008 6:37 AM

Halo laughed playfully, and took a few steps backward. Then with a playful yet triumphant cry, she jumped headlong into the river, causing the third splash in as many minutes. She used her wings to beat water at Viritra and Malora, and splashed around with them childishly. After a while, she turned to Sketch, objection to her rather wetting actions written all over his face. Her smile dimmed a little, but she asked anyway, "Are you sure you don't want to join us?"

Sketch pushed his soggy bread towards Nivium, then got to his feet and eyed the three swimmers with slight disgust. "No thanks, I'm fine where I am." He raised his head to scan the area, then continued, "In fact, I'm going to have a look around this part. I didn't manage to come down here last time," with slight bitterness in his voice. "Is anyone coming along?" Already he had turned, and was walking along the bank away from the waterfall. But the sound of Halo's laughter ringing through the air slowed his hooves to a walk.
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