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Meeting the Rainforest

Postby SirMax » 10/18/2007 9:54 AM


Only a week ago, Tala had completely refused to get into the breeding room with another female, and her annoying little brother had to force her to go in. Now, however, the female she'd been so reluctant to breed with had become her lifemate, and Tala was rarely more than a few feet away from Rysk. This, however, was one of those rare times, as they'd separated to go back to their respective pens to get their children. Now Tala was waiting- rather impatiently- for Rysk to show up, her two daughters Artemis and Rin eager to meet their 'father' and other siblings.

"Mom, when's Rynn getting here?" Rin asked. She had obviously inherited a bit of her mother's impatience. She had a special link with her twin, and the fact that they lives in different pens annoyed her. "Why couldn't YOU live with dad?" Rin grumbled, looking over at Artemis.

Artemis glared back at Rin, but said nothing. There was no reason to get angry at her sister, since she understood her frustration at being parted from her other half. In fact, she realized, looking at the two, she was the only who wasn't separated from a major part of herself...

[[Artemis: 1 || Rin: 1 || Tala: 47]]
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Postby Kyrit » 10/18/2007 8:35 PM


Rynn raced ahead of her mother, barreling through the bushes. Finally! She'd get to see her twin once again! The last time they had been together was back when they were tiny pups in the nursery. They seemed to cause a lot of damage to anything that they could get their tiny little jaws on.

Coming into the clearing and able to see the others, the darkly colored female lept toward her sister, aiming to land on her rump of course. (One couldn't go for the back due to the wing blades.)

Rysk let out a small chuckle, watching her lovely daughter run about. She slowly padded toward Tala, needing to tell her the news about their son. He would still make it there, but he couldn't come with her.
Rysk: 40
Rynn: 1
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Postby SirMax » 10/19/2007 10:12 AM

A grin spread across Rin's face as she spun around, leaping back and smoothly dodging her twin's tackle, landing softly as she poked her tongue out at Rynn. Even if she'd sneaked up on her, Rin could always tell when Rynn was nearby- it was just part of their innate connection. "Hiya Rynn." she greeted her sister, silky black fur glinting in the midday sun and claws gripping the ground as she looked happily at her twin. Noticing Rysk, she waved and called "Hi dad!" before turning back to her twin.

Rin wasn't the only one happy to see someone they had a special bond with. Giving her daughter an affectionate pat on the head as she passed and saying "Hello, Rynn." Tala headed towards her lifemate, happily reclaiming her place by Rysk's side and nuzzling her, smiling. "Hi Rysk." she murmured, smiling. She didn't even think to ask about their son. She'd only seen him once, after all, and she was much more interested in her lifemate at the moment. She'd get around to it later.

Artemis grinned at Rin and Rynn's antics. "Hi dad!" she called, running over to her 'father' and grinning at her. They're so close... she thought, grinning as Tala nuzzled Rysk. I wonder if I'll ever find someone like that?

[[Artemis: 2 || Rin: 2 || Tala: 48]]
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Postby Kyrit » 10/20/2007 2:07 PM

Rysk's left ear gave a small twtich. "I'm not your dad!" she growled out, standing firm that she was still a female. "You all have to mothers and you can just drop the terms 'dad' and 'father'. I don't care if you call me mom one, mom two, Rysk, or whatever. I am female though, so my children shall address me as such." She seemed to be mad enough about that that she didn't turn and talk to Tala.

Rynn let out a small chuckle, having known that such would happen if they called her Dad. She nuzzled against her twin and spoke, "Sorry it took us so long to get here and that Mommy Rysk is so tempermental." She was happy to be with her twin, for she felt incomplete without her by her side.
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Postby SirMax » 10/20/2007 3:14 PM

Artemis quailed slightly at Rysk's snapping at them. "Alright, alright, mom..." she mumbled, cringing. Rysk could be scary when she was angry...

Rin didn't seem nearly as shaken as Artemis- she just shrugged, said "Okay, mom." and turned back to Rynn, grinning. "Well next time run a bit faster, then." she said playfully, batting at her twin lightly. It felt good to be with her twin again, and it made the ache in her chest that had been bothering her disappear. Why couldn't they have lived with the same trainer? It was so annoying that they had to been split up when they had such a close connection.

Tala blinked. "Um... Rysk?" she asked timidly, nuzzling her again. "You're scaring the children, dear..." she whispered, looking at Artemis, who was still cringing.

[[Artemis: 3 || Rin: 3 || Tala: 49]]
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Postby Kyrit » 10/20/2007 3:20 PM

Rynn batted back at her sister, replying, "Well if I had run any faster mom probably would have gotten lost once I was out of her sight." She looked over at their other sister and let out a small chuckle. Looked like mommy dearest had really gotten to her.

Rysk's ears lowered and her tails drooped. "Sorry... I didn't mean to scare you dear..." She left Tala's side for a few minutes to walk over to Artemis and lick her cheek.
(Rysk: 42 || Rynn: 3)
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Postby SirMax » 10/20/2007 3:34 PM

"I-it's okay..." mumbled Artemis, flushing red. Rin hadn't gotten scared, so why had she? She was supposed to be the tough one! Why was she afraid of her own second mother? That was silly. She wouldn't be afraid any more.

Tala followed after Rysk and smiled. "Your dear mother Rysk has a bit of temper..." she teased, grinning at Rysk. It sounded like a joke, but Rysk did have somewhat of a temper. She had snapped at Aksel, for example.

Rin grinned. "Whatever you say, Rynn. I bet mom was dragging you here and you just ran ahead of her at the last minute just to look cool." she teased, glancing over at Artemis. Weird. She normally had nerves of steel. Rysk must have really surprised her...

[[Artemis: 4 || Rin: 4 || Tala: 50]]
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Postby Kyrit » 10/20/2007 3:48 PM

"Psh! You wish!" Rynn exclaimed. "Or do you think maybe I'm too cool to want to come see my twin?" It was true that the moment Rysk had told her where they were going she was way ahead of the common feyline.

Rysk looked at Tala and gave a small smile. "Yeah... I beat you were just scared to death of me the first time we met." She was rather a good bit different now. She had wandered away from her mother's side and wasn't wanting to kill Aksel.
(Rysk: 43 || Rynn: 4)
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Postby SirMax » 10/20/2007 4:02 PM

Tala rolled her eyes. "Rysk, dear, if you had come out of a clamshell with cherubs flying around you and then bowed to me I would have been afraid of you." she said, nuzzling her. "I was just generally afraid that I had a breeding with a female."

Artemis blinked at Tala. She hadn't heard this story... "How did you and mom meet anyway, mom... um... one..." she said, slightly fazed by the idea of addressing them both as "mom". Tala was definitely mom one, though. Rysk could be mom two.

"Nah, you know you can't stay away from me for very long." said Rin, grinning at Rynn. "But then again, the same's true for me, huh?" she admitted, gently tapping her forehead against Rynn's.

[[Artemis: 5 || Rin: 5 || Tala: 51]]
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Postby Kyrit » 10/20/2007 4:14 PM

"The first time we met?" Rysk asked, looking over at Tala. "Well I was with my mother and Tala was with someone that my mother knew..." she used the word knew since at the time Raksis was still skittish around Aksel.

Rynn bumped her head back against Rin's before whispering, "So.. wanna cause a bit of chaos?" They needed to get back into the groove of causing trouble.
(Rysk: 44 || Rynn: 5)
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Postby SirMax » 10/21/2007 3:14 PM

"And I was scared to death, since I knew my trainer had arranged a breeding with her, and I was not interested in breeding with a female Lucain- not that I had anything against it-" she said hastily, seeing her daughter's face. "-I just didn't think it was something I wanted." Tala smiled. "I turned out to be wrong." Artemis smiled as well.

"You know it!" Rin said eagerly, smiling deviously. "What should we do?" she asked, glancing around the clearing for something they could use towards their destructive ends.

[[Tala: 52 || Artemis: 6 || Rin: 6]]
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Postby Kyrit » 10/22/2007 2:13 PM

Rysk let out a small laugh. "She didn't know she wanted it to the point of even passing out while in a hot-tube." The common feyline could remember freaking out and pulling Tala out of the tub.

"Hmm.. I don't know." she whispered back, eyes darting about. "Any ideas at the moment?" She hadn't exactly planned this, so it was hard to think.
(Rysk: 45 || Rynn: 6)
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Postby SirMax » 10/22/2007 5:11 PM

Tala blushed a deep red and quickly looked at Rysk. "Y-you didn't need to tell her that part!" she squeaked, embarrassed at that. Why did Rysk have to share these little moments from their breeding? "But, yes, I was a bit nervous..." she shot Rysk a 'Say nothing more' look.

Artemis turned slightly red at the idea of her parents in a hot tub. Ew! Not an image she wanted in her mind, thank you very much!

Rin looked around for a moment longer, then grinned, pointing over to a tree with plantains on it. Gesturing for her sister to follow, she quickly ran over to the tree and started climbing it.

[[Tala: 53 || Artemis: 7 || Rin: 7]]
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Postby Kyrit » 10/24/2007 9:50 PM

Her innerds were twisting as she tried to hold in the great laughter that wished to come forth from her, but she wouldn't embarass her mate further. "I promise you Artemis, your other mother was keeping as far away from me as possible at the time. Besides, it wasn't like anything happened at that time. It was pretty large, almost like a pool."

'Climbing'... wasn't exactly the easiest for a lucain, a canine, to do. None the less, Rynn quickly darted after her sibling. Joy! They would finally get to cause some trouble together once again!!
(Rysk: 46 || Rynn: 7)
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Postby SirMax » 10/25/2007 1:04 PM

Tala mumbled something along the lines of 'more like a puddle' before turning to Artemis and saying quickly. "But yes, at the end of the breeding we agreed to be lifemates." and then mumbled. "And I think I fainted again."

Artemis nodded, now knowing a bit more about her mothers that she strictly wanted to know... "Um... thanks." she mumbled. "Erm, I'm going to go check to see there's any good bow sticks anywhere..." she walked off rather stiffly, leaving Tala and Rysk by themselves.

Rin pointed towards the other trees in the clearing and held up a roll of twine, grinning. The Lucain planned to tie the trees together by the stem of the bunch of plantains on each one, then cutting the branches so the the plantains would be draw together into the centre of the clearing, and then, with the twins pulling and spinning all over the place, plantains would go everywhere.

[[Tala: 54 || Artemis: 8 || Rin: 8]]
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