A wide open area of flat, grassy land and rocky trenches, supposedly a wide range of ancient civilizations once lived here. Species that like wide, open areas, such as Gyrophants, Serraptors, and Sahound, thrive here, though only the agile survive. (+3 Speed)

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Return to Vast Plains

First Family Outing {Private Wombear Hunt}

Postby Kallile » 08/05/2008 1:01 PM


Today was going to be exciting, that much Drent was sure of. Here he was: perched on the back of Kallile's Dreamsnare Hollowheart with his toddler daughter Rikku held snuggly against him. Beside her were a pair of oddly and sloppily wrapped gifts—one for his son and another for Nacht. His daughter couldn't see, but her father's open jaw hung quite close to her head. This was all too much—first he had gotten word that Nacht and his son were going Wombear hunting. Then, more news followed that they were requested to come as well—a type of first family get-together if you will. And he got to arrive there on a beast worthy of only a powerful, high leveled summoner—fantastic.

They were finally here—the Vast Plains. As the large winged beast landed, Drent picked up his Sour colored daughter by the scruff of her neck and gingerly leapt onto the ground below. This was...so different. Wriggling his toes around in the grass a little, Drent observed the strange green stuff. Sure, it was in just about every video game he had ever played, but that didn't mean he himself had ever ventured far enough from his room to actually feel it. His verdict—it tickled. Giggling a little as he sat an equally confused Rikku down, he retrieved the gifts from the Hollowheart as well. "Thanks for the lift Behe---I mean...Balsith."

The Hollowheart merely rolled her eyes and took off again. Drent turned back to his daughter, giggling at the sight he found. The little muddled kit was standing precariously on top of her Viva Pinata plushie (Pauly Preztail, to be exact) batting away at an especially tall blade of grass that was shaking at her in the breeze. Chuckling to himself, Drent pranced over to her. He would have blamed the prancing on the funny feeling the grass gave him between his toes—but that wouldn't be the whole truth. He finally got to see Nacht again. He'd be floating on a silver lined cloud nine to her if he could.

Setting the gifts down, he observed Rikku as she continued to try and fight off the grass blade monster. Daddy killed stuff like this in three or four hits all the time on his special TV screen—why wasn't this one 'poofing' away? She gave him a worried look.

"It won' go 'way, Dad..." She whined, giving it another mighty swat just for good measures. She looked back, hoping to find it gone. Drat, still there. Standing on her tiptoes, she arched her back and hissed at it to try and scare it away. Drent wiped a tear away from his eye, finding it hard not to laugh at her antics. "It'll be fine...how about we use the Flee option instead? It seems pretty tough..."

Rikku instantly perked up and nodded, jumping off her plushie and onto daddy Drent's back. Leaning to pick up the now three items, Drent looked over his shoulder at her.

"Uh huh...down, down, down, FLEE!"

With each "down"came a tiny tap on Drent's back as Rikku used him like a controller. Ah, it would seem he was teaching the young kit well in the ways of the geek. He grinned, springing (but not too quickly) away from the terrifying blade of grass and onward. Nacht and Payne had to be arriving soon, he was sure they'd find them once Rikku was convinced they had fled far enough.

{14, 1}
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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HN3.15, Pn1.1 (AC8.31, Ks1.2)

Postby Ander » 08/06/2008 12:36 PM

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Hallow's Nacht...............Payne

(Christa the Seraph Sahound and Kaesar the Mekkayena not pictured.)

"Womber, mommy! Womber!"

"Stop moving, Midget." The snarl was a little less forceful that could be believed, given to the small Sour kit sitting atop a frightening Mekkayena. The kit, his eyes barely open, and covered with a thick, soft fuzz that was just barely beginning to show the future colors of his coat, was a comical sight upon the mechanical creature's back. A Calamikuhna walked beside the Mekkayena, taking a break every so often from chatting with the Seraph Sahound at her side to keep an eye on her son. Her little Payne had hit it off with Kaesar from the moment they met each other - it was a mystery to Nacht, the way the cruel creature and her son got along. But she didn't worry about him too much. Her was her blood; he could take care of himself. And as long as Christa was here, hopefully Kaesar wouldn't be too much trouble?

"Thanks for making the walk with us, Christa," Nacht said gratefully, turning away from Payne and Kaesar for the moment, though her ears still faced them. Payne's purrs of delight mingled with the Mekka's half-hearted grumblings. It was cute, in a peculiar way. "I don't know if Payne would have made the walk by himself. Especially since we have so much to do today already." Nacht had readily agreed to her son's Wombear hunt in the Vast Plains - it wasn't far from the rebuilding Terminal, if something went wrong. But it was still a bit too far a jaunt for his small paws.

The Sahound smiled. "No problem, Nacht. I hope you find what you're looking for out here." Her wings fluttered, stretching out and toward the sky before settling on her back. Payne watched them intently, every flap of the way. "It would be nice having a new face around the Terminal. Never too many, you know."

Nacht smiled in return as they stopped walking - the Terminal was no longer visible, and this was just about the spot were they were supposed to meet Drent and Rikku. Oh, Nacht smiled at the thought of meeting her daughter, to see how she had grown; but Drent! The Calamikuhna had to fight not to beam at the thought of seeing the Cake male again. The last time, she had made kind of a fool of herself. But he had wanted that, hadn't he?

"Come on, Payne," she cooed gently at her son, bracing her forelegs on Kaesar's side as she pulled Payne from his humped back. The Mekka seriously looked like he was debating tossing the kit to the ground, so Nacht made it quick. Her tails wove together in discordant harmony as she watched him take his first few steps through the Plains' tall grasses. "Wave goodbye to Christa and Kaesar, they have to go home." She smiled as Payne immediately reared up on two legs, only able to support himself for a moment, but hopping up and down in a effort to be seen by his friends. "Bye, Auntie Cursa! Bye, 'Nuncle Kaesar! Bye!"

Nacht sighed. She wouldn't able to get his attention until they were out-of-sight. When they were, however, the Calami mom hugged her son close. "Let's go, now. We've got to get to a meadow further in, were your father and sister are waiting for us." Besides... she didn't trust Drent around grass for too long. Chuckling at this thought, Nacht and wriggling young Payne swept deeper into the Vast Plains.
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Drent- 15 :: Rikku- 2

Postby Kallile » 08/07/2008 7:37 PM

The grass did indeed seem to be winning. Twin tails dipped in vanilla and chocolate colors bobbed just above the long blades—as did the small and curious face of Rikku. While Drent's face could not be seen, it could only be assumes that his daughter was calling the shots. Her face instantly lit up as she spied what looked like another set of twin tails in the distance.

"'Der 'dey are! Go left!"She chimed in blissful excitement. Drent furrowed his eyebrows as he felt her small paws tapping on his right shoulder to urge him that way.

"I think we need to work on your navigation skills, Cid." He chuckled. Crossing his eyes slightly, he watched his daughters face appeared above him. Her expression was now curious, her head tilting slightly to his statement.

"That's right,"
"I know, 'dat's why I said it." She chimed back, smiling. Drent closed his eyes and laughed a little aloud. She was certainly getting a little bit of a cocky streak to her personality, though Drent was still debating whether she had gotten it from him or Nacht. For a moment he considered clarifying...but he just let it go. She was a kit, after all.

"Alright then, left it is." Drent said, making a sharp left turn. Rikku's face instantly disappeared and the paws that had been gently thumping on his right shoulder began to move at a more frantic pace.

"No no no!" She shrilled, paws working furiously to make her father turn the other way. "Wrong way! 'Dis is 'da wrong way!" By this point, Drent would have loved to be rolling on the floor in a fit of laughter. He turned again—this time in Rikku's intended direction. The little kit instantly calmed down once he did so.

Drent paused after they had walked a little while, looking over his shoulder to Rikku. "Grab a better seat, going up." He urged her. The sour kit scrambled up between her fathers ears as he hoisted himself up onto his hind legs. Small wings flapping to keep his balance—he looked around for whatever Rikku had seen. It seemed maybe they had lost the trail, but then—green and red tipped tails. "Nacht!"

The word was both though and spoken aloud as Drent felt himseld bubble over with joy. This, in turn, was followed quickly and unexpectedly by anxiety. Wait—what kind of entrance was he supposed to make? Did they have to do a slow motion run? Something fancy? He wasn't sure. Nothing in his vast video game reunion cut scenes really gave him a definite answer.
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Postby Ander » 08/08/2008 12:44 PM

"Mom? Mommy! Mommommommommom...!"

"Payne!" Nacht pulled the bouncing boy closer, unsure of whether she should scold him for the outburst or hug him for being so cute when he was excited. She decided on the latter. Who was she kidding, she couldn't help thinking, lifting her small son onto her shoulders. He settled inbetween the four wings, his usual spot, his paws fidgeting against her fur. It was never a contest.

"Okay. You have Mom's attention. Now, what?"

The kit pointed, fully returned to hopping on his mother's back now. In the back her mind, Nacht could only be impressed with her son for having such good eyesight at such an early age. But the fore of her mind what completely taken up by...

"Drent!" She heard her own name spoken a few beats earlier, and was already bounding toward the cream-furred Kuhna. He looked better than he had the last time they had met, and on his back! Was that gorgeous ball of fur hers? A deep purr welled up in the Calamikuhna's throat, two-toned eyes fixed on Drent and her daughter. Even through the joy, she had to laugh at Payne's rusty attempt to match her purr's depth. He was really concentrating... but the dear boy sounded like a snoring Torken...
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Drent [16] :: Rikku [3]

Postby Kallile » 08/08/2008 1:18 PM

There was that angelic face he remembered—looking a little less like the final boss and a little more like the leading lady. Drent melted back onto his haunches for a split second before pushing off towards the mother of his kits. Funny—he still had a hard time seeing her as that—she had so many more titles to her. He felt Rikku dig her tiny needle pointed claws into his fur to hold on. For a moment he feared he might throw her off, and then he heard her.

"WHOO! Go get mommy an' bruver!" A dancing fit of excited laughter followed the statement, and Drent willed himself to move faster. He was so focused on Nacht, he even forgot a few key buttons to the super speed cheat he was trying to type as he ran. But, could that be? There between her quad wings—it looked like a handsome version of Rikku. His son? Drent felt his heart well over with bliss.

As they neared each other, Drent slowed himself a little. The thought finally had entered his mind that with a kit on their backs, a tackling hug would not be the best option. He did not need to look back to Rikku this time—the little kit had already slid back between her father's wings for a little added safety. Prancing like a colt who had just found his legs, Drent made his final approach to the Calami and Sour, a wide grin plastered on his face. He couldn't believe he was seeing her again—this made walking in this strange grass more than worth while. He moved his head towards her as Nacht came within range, hoping to feel the warmth of her fur. It felt like so long since they had first met.
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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HN3.17, Pn1.3

Postby Ander » 10/02/2008 6:12 PM

Nacht seemed to have the same thought, slowing her pace as she neared her mate - oh, how odd that was to think! - from her bounding steps to an odd, skittering sort of prowl. No sooner had she neared the Cake male than she had pushed her head against his, nuzzling his cheek with deep, rustic purrs. Her tails lashed furiously. It had been long since their last meeting, that far-ago breeding room and afterwards, in the Szarkan center. She had been so tired then, but had overjoyed in his help... She had so missed him! There was a bright, happy glint in her dual eyes. "Hi there." she purred, mischieviously.

Crouched between his mother's wings, Payne took this precise moment to poke up his tiny, downy-furred head. Small twin tails waved furiously as he jumped up, managing to plant two paws over the top of Nacht's head. One of his eyes narrowed as he scrutinized the Cake kuhna and the other kitten before him - she looked just like him! How strange!
"Da'?" Payne remarked curiously. "And Sis'a?
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Drent [17] Rikku [4]

Postby Kallile » 10/03/2008 8:45 AM

Drent, unknowingly, had allowed the gifts to fall from his mouth. They were just a step or two behind him by the time he was cheek to cheek with Nacht, temporarily forgotten in this moment of bliss. Here she was again...how long had it been since they had barely met and instantly fallen in love? The breeding room, then to the identification center with her Keeper and their newborn kits. Drent had been less focused on them then (but no less excited)—having needed to focus his attentions on a still very sore and sickly feeling Nacht. And just like that they had been separated; yet here she stood before him again.

He purred back at her, his rumble a little lighter and higher than hers. This was a little strange as well, this purring. Sure he had done it before, but never for such an event as this. He had to try not to laugh as he tickled his own throat from purring. "Hey." He said back as he found himself at a sudden loss of words. She was here next to him—their family was complete.

Rikku peered over her father's head, looking intently at Payne. Daddy had told her that she had a brother and here he was—imagine that! Drent told her a great many stories (mostly about the video games he let her play) but none had ever actually happened or been completely true. After all, he had told her that her Viva Pinata Preztail was a princess, and she needed to kiss a frog to get to go to her castle. Well Rikku had tried that, but her Preztail and Lickatoad had only gotten in a fight. There had been no castle at the end—much to her disappointment.

"Uh huh."She mewled back to the other small figure on her momma's back. Her momma looked exactly like Drent had described her. Even the young kit found her to be very pretty. She wondered if she would look like her mom when she got bigger...But there were more pressing matters at hand. This brother of hers.  "You's my bruver?"

She clambered to the top of Drent's head--wiggling her behind as if she may pounce her brother playfully at any moment.
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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HN3.18, Pn1.4

Postby Ander » 10/27/2008 9:39 AM

"Yeah, sis'a!" Rikku's wiggling appeared to make her brother even more excited; he was now drumming his paws so quickly against his mother's head and neck that he threatened to topple off (not that Nacht could feel any of it, of course. With Drent so close, focusing on anything but him was a bit difficult, not that she minded). So he had a sister! Of course, he had known that there was another Kuhna that looked like him, his sister... Mom had mentioned her and her papa once... twice.... a bajillion times a minute. But were there other others? Like, other Kuhna that looked like he and Rikku?

The little one shook this thought off, losing interest in it almost instantaneously.
"Let's go play, sis'a!" Payne called joyfully, leaping from Nacht's head and wriggling to the ground. He wove happily through the meadow grass, rolling in it for a moment - this was all so much fun! They were all going to play!

Nacht was happily occupied, nuzzling Drent one last time, keeping one ear on the kits.
"How have you been?' She managed to ask at last. Their time apart seemed unbearable, and Nacht had not realized how much so until just now. Yes, the kids might be looking forward to a Wombear - but Nacht? She had all she needed to make this trip worthwhile, right here.

In the midst of purring this bliss, Nacht's eyes drifted to one side, looking around Drent slightly. She frowned.
"Drent...? Did you drop something?" She asked, inclining her eyes toward the path Drent had run.
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Drent [18] Rikku [5]

Postby Kallile » 10/28/2008 8:05 PM

Rikku followed her brother's lead—taking the seemingly great leap off Drent's head. Her landing was not as graceful, though her actions did mimic her fathers. She landed and immediately tucked herself into a barrel roll. Unlike Drent, she was still unpracticed and stopped with her paws wiggling in the air. She giggled aloud before flipping over and watching her brother disappear and reappear in the grass.

She was amazed for a moment how easily he could do it without getting lost‚Äîmaybe Daddy was hiding a lot of great secrets from her that Mommy was sharing with this brother of hers. She would have to find out. Pressing her chest against the ground and wriggling both tails in the air, she waited until Payne was in view again before springing after him. Or, as it was, at him. When she landed among more grass, she let out a shrill of surprise and joy before bravely announcing (in a giggling and breathless voice), "I'mma get you, bruver!"  

Drent looked to his lovely Nacht with nothing short of adoration as they pulled apart from their embrace to actually talk. How had he been in their time apart? Oh...where to begin. "Busy, I guess is the easiest way to sum it up. I was the first real father on the Estate—so everyone after us had tons of questions for me. It was very...strange talking to them without a headset."

He opened his maw to ask her a similar question when she mentioned him dropping something. Dropped? What could he have---OH! Their gifts! Lashing his tails to either side of his body excitedly, he made one pounce back to retrieve them and another pounce to return to Nacht. Placing them between their paw, he grinned over to her. "Gifts!" He announced simply.

Flickering his ear he could hear their children having a grand time already—Payne could wait to open his. Pulling back a dark blue box with Transformer ribbon, he instead nudged a black box with silver and white bows towards his mate. "This is for you...I hope you like them."His voice almost cracked like a teenage kits in his nervousness and excitement. He had never gotten a girl a gift before...he hoped he had gotten her something she would like.
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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HN3.19, Pn1.5

Postby Ander » 10/29/2008 11:12 AM

Payne watched his sister wriggling, laughing happily at her barrel-roll. He wanted to learn to do that! He thought about what he had seen her do, flopping in and out of the verdure. And then that laughter turned into a shocked mew as Payne fell, landing heavily on his side; an action mirrored by his sister, as she missed him by a paw-length! He hadn't even noticed her move! Payne giggled, tails wrestling among themselves happily. His sister was a good pouncer! "You'll have to catch me first, sis'a!" He cried playfully, lifting himself to his paws and hopping off into taller grasses.

Nacht smiled blissfully at her mate. How much did she love him, this unorthodox Cake who had taken her heart?
"I know what you mean. I was the first mother at home, too," her smile softened, cheeks darkening beneath her fur at the admission, "and I still get asked for help. Everyone loves Payne, though. They tell me he looks like his daddy." This made her laugh - but even as she did so, she was trying to see Drent in a headset. Such a gorgeous face - others needed to see it! The Calami tilted her head at his departure, smiling indulgently at him as he returned.

"Drent? Gifts?" Laughter. "What did you do?" She pulled toward her the gift that Drent offered, her paw falling over his for a moment; Nacht looked up at her mate and smiled. Then she had both paws on the box, watching it's ribbons and bows carefully. The colors were perfect; how well he already knew her. She lifted the top from the box after a last glance at her mate, and her voice was warm with emotion.
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Drent [19] Rikku [6]

Postby Kallile » 10/29/2008 3:30 PM

Rikku laughed as her brother toppled over. She could now see just how close she had been! Wriggling her tails as if they may help propel her forward, she lurched after Payne as grass brushed by her cheeks. Such rough and weird stuff—this grass. She caught only a glimpse of a lime and hot pink tipped set of tails as she leapt after Payne's laughter and paws drumming the ground as he ran. Oh, she would catch him! This was just like all those racing games she watched Daddy play...only this game didn't have a cheater map anywhere that she could see. And no colorful dot to tell her where Payne was either. The real world really wasn't like Daddy's video games, was it?

"Marco!" She called as she leapt straight up into the air, trying to catch another glimpse of her brother. She hoped she had the right game...it was Marco Polo you yelled a name out in, right?

As the ribbons fell away and the box lid was let to fall aside, the contents of the box shone through—glistening in the bright sunlight. Two neat bracelets and a necklace—all made from sleek and sparkling silver chain. But adorning them was a rather strange (if not oddly pretty) sort of stone—die. Yes, multi-sided die of onyx and diamond shimmered on their silver tether. Each was accented with red rubies as number markers. How authentic the gems were Drent would never tell—though their sparkle and luster was enough to make most any lady not care for too deep of details.

Drent felt his skin flush as she said his name with surprise and shock. He hoped that was a good sound; he had heard gift-giving to girls could sometimes end rather tragically. "Do...do you like them? I wanted to get you something as beautiful and unique as you..."And, of course, something fit for a geek gift. Though that part went without saying.
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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HN4.20, Pn2.6

Postby Ander » 12/20/2008 4:27 AM

The grass tickled his cheeks as Payne raced deeper into the Plains. His paws skimmed over the earth, nimble with his youth and experience. He wanted to see his sister, but that would slow him down. But then... maybe she would pounce on him again, and they could wrestle! The thought of play was too strong for the young kit to ignore, and he turned at once; only to find that his sister was not behind him, as he had thought. Payne turned one way, then another, tails rising as the first stirrings of alarm made his fur prickle. "Rikku?" The kit started to say.

And then...
"Polo!" His sister's name turned into a much louder, much more jubilant sound as he saw her, flying above his head! Wow! Payne leapt up, not quite as high as she, but high enough that pink-and-green paws touched the grass' tops. But, oh! What was he doing? You were supposed to run in this game... right? Thought turned to action as Payne grinned cheekily at Rikku, and raced off once again.

Nacht couldn't even comment on the gift. Words choked in her throat, her cheek fur darkening again as she drew the necklace out for the sun to see. It sparkled so brightly... How much had this cost him? She wanted to ask, but couldn't bear to ruin the moment. Then again... she could think of nothing that could ruin this. Words still failing her, Nacht suddenly clenched the necklace in her paw, and tackled her mate with every ounce of the emotion washing through her body. She nuzzled him fiercely.

"Dear gods, Drent. Of course I like it, it's so beautiful. But oh, I didn't bring you anything..."

((DX Oh gods Kal forgive me. DX;;;;))
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Drent [20] Rikku [7]

Postby Kallile » 12/27/2008 12:50 PM

Rikku was a little surprised to find her brother floating in the air with her for those few fleeting seconds. She saw the expression on his face change as he realized what was happening; she was equally quick to return the mischievous grin. ‘Game on!’ as their dad would say if he were playing. Her paws touched the ground again as the world turned back into blades of grass. She could hear the faint rustling of grass as Payne made his speedy get away, and took off in that direction.

She soon found out that her brother was probably a bit more athletic than she was—for the rustling noises were disappearing from her quickly. “Marco!” She hollered at the top of her lungs, trying another leap above the grasses to see where they were wiggling. This attempt was a failed one—wingtips dared to break the surface but never quite succeeded. She tried not to slow as she worked her ears mercilessly to listen for his response.

Drent was preparing to say those three special words—he truly was. That is, until the three sweetest, dearest words turned into an audible “oof!” as he was toppled over by the very emotional Nacht. He laughed aloud as a young child might, wrapping a paw around her and tried to nuzzle her back.

“It’s alright! Really!” He said breathlessly. This was the second greatest day of his life. Here he was—tackled and nuzzled to death by the most beautiful girl in the world while their kids played. What more could a humble gamer ask for.

Though you still owe me that game day to play Final Fantasy—that can be your gift to me.” He said with as sly of a smirk as he could muster before he laughed again and buried his face in her fur. Mauled (lovingly) to death by a game boss turned goddess. One word: amazing. Alright, alright, maybe two words: 'Thank you'.
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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HN.4.21, Pn.2.7

Postby Ander » 01/14/2009 10:52 AM

If Payne was more athletic, it was purely his mother's doing - even sometimes against his desires, he would find himself being dragged outside, practicing jumping and fighting amidst the stony reconstruct of his home. These Plains were new to him, though, and slowed his pace considerably. Even though he had seen it from afar, he had never imagined that just grass could grow so big!

The Sour boy leapt up, pouncing on an especially springy blade that bent beneath his paws. He jumped away again as his sister's voice reached his ears - she was closer that he expected in this grassy maze.
"Polo!" He cried in reply, trying not to give away too much as he fled from her sound.

Nacht ceased mauling her mate for a moment, lying next to him with her head on his chest. Her mis-matched eyes gleamed brightly; paws tucked adoringly around Drent's gift. How could she forget their game day?
"You've got it," she purred, the sincerity evident. "Any game you want." Final Fantasy. The irony was nearly enough to make her laugh - even though in her current state, that laughter would probably emerge in a series of uncharacteristic giggles. What more could a girl ask for?
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Drent [21] Rikku [8]

Postby Kallile » 01/21/2009 7:11 PM

Drent, cheeks burning red under his fur, could not remember a day he had been happier. His first introduction to Final Fantasy? Never. The release of his beloved Xbox? Dream on. Playing his first video game with his daughter? Not even close…well, maybe just a little. Placing his paw over Nacht’s shoulder he looked up at the clear sky and gave a deep and content sigh. This was perfect—they should just stay here and cuddle the day away.

And that, baring an interruption from the kits, was exactly what Drent planned to do.

Meanwhile Rikku had been much closer to Payne than she had known. No sooner had she heard the word “Polo!” than something came whistling through the air. Before she could make out what it was, she met it head on.


Blinking and squinting her eyes, she looked back to see the swinging blade of grass and feel the slight sting between her eyes. That rotten brother! She rubbed delicately at her nose, eyes closed as her head pointed towards the ground. When she opened her eyes, she noticed something in the dirt. A footprint. She placed her own paw next to it, then lifted up. It looked nothing like her paw print—which must mean it was something other than her brother.

Then she remembered as quickly as she had been blindsided by the blade of grass. They were here looking for something! What had daddy said it was? Wom…something. Bee? No, that didn’t sound right. A small smirk grew on her face, and she found her voice again.

“Wom!” She called, hoping Payne would catch onto the word change of the game. Daddy always called for her—why couldn’t they call for their new friends?
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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