Once home to the Crystal Cities of the Hunter clans, Craiss Caverns is now a hollow empty shell of its former glory due to a strange misfortune in the past. Man-made tunnels now lead to this place, but tales tell of some never returning. (+3 Defense, +2 Offense)

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Re: Hope they Like Bikes [Akail Hunt/open]

Postby Knightdaniru » 02/07/2009 6:15 PM

"I am Paddy." The lucain replied when asked, "And this dalma pup that travels with me is Valentine. She is, in a way, my sister." It was true enough. They were adopted by humans and lived as sisters, Paddy the elder, and Valentine, now a eternal, unaging pup, the younger.
Valentine answered for them when asked if they wanted to go to the cavern. "Theres a candle there? That means light! I'm in!" She wagged her tails in hope of being able to see again.
Paddy nodded, though she very well knew that the other two canines couldn't see it, and said "Then lead the way, Roadinse, sense we don't know it."
You may call, you may call
But the little black cats won't hear you.
The little black cats are maddened
By the bright green light of the moon;
They are whirling and running and hiding,
They are wild who were once so confiding,
They are crazed when the moon is riding
You will not catch the kittens soon.
They care not for saucers of milk,
They think not of pillows of silk;
Your softest, crooningest call
Is less than the buzzing of flies.
They are seeing more than you see,
They are hearing more than you hear,
And out of the darkness they peer.
With a goblin light in their eyes!

The Bad Kitties
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Re: Hope they Like Bikes [Akail Hunt/open]

Postby Celtic » 02/07/2009 6:37 PM

Road nodded, unliking the feeling of superiority coming off Paddy. Road had never lived with other actual dogs, and was unfamiliar with a sense of being undermined in her own place. Well, better get moving before she orders me to do something else Her thoughts were rebellious, but her manner was subservient as she started to trot back the way she came.


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Re: Hope they Like Bikes [Akail Hunt/open]

Postby Knightdaniru » 02/07/2009 6:46 PM

Paddy turned to follow the other lucain, Valentine hopping behind her. It wasn't as if Paddy was trying to be overly dominant. She was trying to be polite to this new lucain as long as she didn't prove to be a threat, but she was used to being in charge, getting what she wanted when she wanted, and she'd fight for that position as she had time and time before.
The side of the cavern brushed her whiskers as she walked. She was comforted by the ability to feel her way despite the lack of sight.
Valentine trotted behind, happy to be headed somewhere she could see and thus wouldn't have to cling so close to Paddy to hear the Luca in's nearly silent footfalls and follow them.
You may call, you may call
But the little black cats won't hear you.
The little black cats are maddened
By the bright green light of the moon;
They are whirling and running and hiding,
They are wild who were once so confiding,
They are crazed when the moon is riding
You will not catch the kittens soon.
They care not for saucers of milk,
They think not of pillows of silk;
Your softest, crooningest call
Is less than the buzzing of flies.
They are seeing more than you see,
They are hearing more than you hear,
And out of the darkness they peer.
With a goblin light in their eyes!

The Bad Kitties
By Elizabeth Coatsworth

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Re: Hope they Like Bikes [Akail Hunt/open]

Postby Celtic » 02/07/2009 6:57 PM

Wow. Road was suprised, being with others was going to prove harder then she thought. Now, being alone didn't seem like such a bad idea. Maybe she would stay down here a while yet! Here we are. Road muttered, and paused when she felt a rock blocking her paw from moving and reached a calculated distance untill she grabbed the candle. When the candle was secure, Road rubbed it against the wall, and the flame sprang to life, revealing two female lucain and one dalma.

This is where I currently reside. It seems that Road had paused momentarily to light a liquid that seemed to run naturally through the cavern, and in doing so the room was bathed in the soft light of flames.


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Re: Hope they Like Bikes [Akail Hunt/open]

Postby Knightdaniru » 02/07/2009 7:05 PM

Paddy raised her head and sniffed. Few knew she was pretty much blind by watching her. Her skill with her other senses and her habit of looking alertly in the direction of smells or sounds made it easy for her to hide the lack of sight. She could see that there was light here, and could see two dim blurry shapes, Valentine and who she assumed was the other 'cain, but that was about it. She smelled smoke though. Like a fire place, and it was warm in the area because of it. A fact that comforted her. She could also hear the flames, a familiar sound.
"Ooh!" Valentine said, looking around. "Not a bad place to stay! I wouldn't mind it." She was friendly, but less polite to the new lucain. She had never been submissive, but was defiantly not dominant either. Paddy had trained her to know the lucain was in charge, but other than that Valentine was pretty free and quite the thief when it came to food at times. The feel of the flames was obviously less familiar to her, as she went and burnt her nose trying to sniff them, but she seemed to like them just the same, though probably only because she could see in there light, and was not as good as paddy at steering through deep shadows.
You may call, you may call
But the little black cats won't hear you.
The little black cats are maddened
By the bright green light of the moon;
They are whirling and running and hiding,
They are wild who were once so confiding,
They are crazed when the moon is riding
You will not catch the kittens soon.
They care not for saucers of milk,
They think not of pillows of silk;
Your softest, crooningest call
Is less than the buzzing of flies.
They are seeing more than you see,
They are hearing more than you hear,
And out of the darkness they peer.
With a goblin light in their eyes!

The Bad Kitties
By Elizabeth Coatsworth

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Re: Hope they Like Bikes [Akail Hunt/open]

Postby Azura Rayume » 02/07/2009 7:19 PM

<-- Miami
Shikai -->

"Come on, sis!" the almost-grown pup called, bouncing on her paws a good twenty feet ahead of her "sister." Miami had been so excited when Cora had spotted the first hint of a marking and hadn't calmed down since. Never mind that they were so dark that they blended into her pelt-- and still faint as her adult coat had yet to finish growing in-- she saw them as a mark of achievement and was, therefore, extremely proud of them.

Shikai, on the other hand, was nowhere near as relaxed as the pup. Her eyes darted about nervously, trying to keep watch of both Miami and nearly everything around her. Watching Miami was hard enough in such a dark place without the added destraction of bats and bugs and what-have-you. Her ears flicked at the slighest sound and her nose was a-quiver and filled with the musty scent of cave life. And... fire? Why was there smoke-scent in a place like this?

"What's that?" Miami called, catching sight of the glow of a flame. "Shane! Shane, some look at th- woah!" The sudden exclimation was because she had tripped, tumbeling down the rough path to just beyond the entrance to the cavern.

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Re: Hope they Like Bikes [Akail Hunt/open]

Postby Celtic » 02/07/2009 7:25 PM

Road nodded, and muttered You are welcome to come here anytime. But I will probebly be elsewhere, I generally change places every month. Please, make yourselves at home. before going into the room and curling up on a cusion that was old and a faded red. Somebody probebly dropped it on their trip through the caverns.

Now, by what means have you ventured into the caverns endless darkness?

Before her question was answered a noise like someone tripping filled Road's already pricked ears. It couldn't be an akail, but one could never be sure. She jumped to her feet, and moved silently to the enterance of her cavern. Oh! It looked like two other travellers that had found their way down this way. Oh! hello there, would you like to come inside?


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Re: Hope they Like Bikes [Akail Hunt/open]

Postby Knightdaniru » 02/07/2009 7:32 PM

Paddy's ears perked and she appeared to stare directly at the newcomer, or at least in that direction, with her one eye. She sniffed the air, able to tell by scent that it was a young female lucain. There appeared to be another lucain a little further off, but through the smell of smoke, it was hard to no for sure. And the smoke made her sneeze when she tried to catch the scent.
Valentine bounded over to see who it was. She doubted it was anyone she would recognize, but she liked meeting new people. And exploring, which was going to be her answer to the question Road asked if their hadn't been the distraction. Even though, you'd think by now adventures would scare her off. Paddy was there to watch her, but she also seemed to think the older canine wanted to meet an Akail. The thought of that scared the pup, but Paddy was always brave.
You may call, you may call
But the little black cats won't hear you.
The little black cats are maddened
By the bright green light of the moon;
They are whirling and running and hiding,
They are wild who were once so confiding,
They are crazed when the moon is riding
You will not catch the kittens soon.
They care not for saucers of milk,
They think not of pillows of silk;
Your softest, crooningest call
Is less than the buzzing of flies.
They are seeing more than you see,
They are hearing more than you hear,
And out of the darkness they peer.
With a goblin light in their eyes!

The Bad Kitties
By Elizabeth Coatsworth

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Re: Hope they Like Bikes [Akail Hunt/open]

Postby Azura Rayume » 02/09/2009 6:44 PM

"Ow-wow..," Miami moaned, sitting up and rubbing her chin where it had struck the stone. She shook her head and glanced around, paw still held aloft. She could make out the shapes of two other Lucain in the glow of the firelight, as well as hear something nearby.

"Hello?" she called to the whatever-it-was near her.


Shane wasn't far behind her young sister, basically sprinting down the hall in hopes of finding her unscathed. "Mia? Miami?" she called into the dark, stepping lightly over the rough terrain. "Mi-oh my..." She had caught sight of the others and immidiatly froze, fearful of who they were. She had never really been very good at meeting others and could tell this was not the day she would suddenly become proficent at it.

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Re: Hope they Like Bikes [Akail Hunt/open]

Postby Celtic » 03/06/2009 3:27 PM

((I am SO sorry that I left you guys stuck! I won't do it again I promise!))

Road instantly turned around and lit the latern that was outside the cave so that the two newcomers could see her and so that she could see them better. "Hello there, I am Roadinse, Road." She muttered, hoping that she had learned enough english for them to correctly understand her.

Then another one seemed to approach, and then stopped. The scent of fear was carried into her nose, and Road decided to speak the the newer newcomer. "[color=lightgreen}Come out, we mean no harm dear one.[/color]" Well, at leaste Road was getting some useage of speaking skills... But now she was beginnign to feel croweded as she had never been around this many before in a cavern.


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Re: Hope they Like Bikes [Akail Hunt/open]

Postby Knightdaniru » 03/22/2009 5:13 PM

((sorry it took so long for me to get back. a bit of stress with school leaving me with little proper computer time. :P))

Valentine instantly bounded over to the new comer who had tripped and fallen into view. "Whats your name?" But without waiting for the answer she saw the other and asked the same question, tails still wagging from meeting others.
Paddy was behind her, walking slowly to greet them, but still wanting to seem friendly. Or atleast see if they were friendly. She was always slow to trusting. Unless they were humans. She had yet to meet a bad human, though she had heard about them from time to time.

((Kinda short...))
You may call, you may call
But the little black cats won't hear you.
The little black cats are maddened
By the bright green light of the moon;
They are whirling and running and hiding,
They are wild who were once so confiding,
They are crazed when the moon is riding
You will not catch the kittens soon.
They care not for saucers of milk,
They think not of pillows of silk;
Your softest, crooningest call
Is less than the buzzing of flies.
They are seeing more than you see,
They are hearing more than you hear,
And out of the darkness they peer.
With a goblin light in their eyes!

The Bad Kitties
By Elizabeth Coatsworth

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Re: Hope they Like Bikes [Akail Hunt/open]

Postby Azura Rayume » 03/24/2009 1:52 PM

Miami stared around for a moment, bright copper eyes blinking in the dark to the pup beside her and the other voice just ahead. Since one had asked a question directly to her, she settled on that one.

"I'm Mia," she said cheerfully, rising to stand on all fours. "And that's Shane. She's not much of a people-person though."


Shikai took a step back, glancing nervously at the figures in the dark. There was no reason for her to be scared- after all, it was just a pup and another pair who said they wouldn't hurt her- and yet that internal drive to stay away, forced her to take a step back, then another. Irrational or not, this was fear, her fear, and she wasn't ready to face it quite yet.

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Re: Hope they Like Bikes [Akail Hunt/open]

Postby Celtic » 03/29/2009 4:25 PM

Road nodded slightly, thats probebly why that one wouldn't come closer. But, Road was fixed on being at leaste semi-polite to the newcomers. "Hello Mia!" She said brightly, before directing her attention to the other one, Shane.

"Shane? Hello there, why don't you come out? We're all very friendly here! Plus, I have food~" Road attempted to coax the shy Shane out into the light, with a grin and a bright wink.


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Re: Hope they Like Bikes [Akail Hunt/open]

Postby Celtic » 04/30/2009 8:06 PM

((Okay... I'm going to leave since this is moving really really really slowly....))

Something on the other side of teh cavern just suddenly crashed, causing Road's head to turn. If one of her candles got knocked down or if something was in there, she had better go check it out. Caustiously, Road peaked her head on the other side of the cavern, and saw just a small black thing dart out the other side. Curious now, Road went to investigate, forgetting all about those canines she had left behind.


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