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Re: To Those Who Love Khimera/Khalmar

Postby Carlie » 01/19/2009 6:57 PM

I'll edit this later.

Pet Number: 4

Pets Name: Rose Madder (Yes, named after a Stephen King book. x3)
Pronounced: Pretty much how it's spelled. xD
Nicknames: Rosie
Gender: Female
Likes: Even though she doesn't even believe it herself, a part of her loves when someone manages to break through her 'shell'.
Dislikes: Becoming insane.
Personality: Rose comes across as very aggressive and mean. This is to avoid getting close to anyone because she is afraid of what could happen. She is actually very caring and sweet. There are times, however, when her cravings for blood take over. Then she instantly becomes savage and cruel. This is why she does not want to get close to anyone, afraid that she will hurt them.
History: At one time, Rosie was very friendly and trusting. That, however, was quite a long time ago. When she was created, she shocked those around her with how sweet she was for a khimera. Then, she was bought by a scientist. He chose her because of how friendly she was- he planned to perform tests on her and doubted she would fight back. At first, he was proved right. Although the tests were painful, she did not fight back. She believed that being created made her unworthy of having a better life. She never would have said this, however. She always forced herself to seem cheerful. Then, one day, she snapped. As he went to give her a shot, she attacked. Being much larger and stronger, she quickly killed him right as he injected her. She is, to this day, unsure what that test was for. It caused her to crave blood at times. She can be incredibly sweet but once these cravings start, no one is safe around her. She becomes vicious and bloodthirsty. Because of this, she is afraid to care for anyone. She tries to act mean to keep others from getting close to her. Although, when sane, she would never hurt anyone.
Origins: Khimera Labs
Other Form? (anthro/human)—Describe it:

A Short RP example: (4-7 sentences will do fine)

When the lit match hit accelerant, we were just two kids back then. Words were few, we let our bodies do the talking for us both. Those days I felt less counterfeit, trouble hadn’t found me yet. Big city love, never sleeps until the skyline sun turns red.
It was always only you, I’m sorry there’s no proof of that, I’ll try to get back to the days you knew, I always told the truth.
It was always only you...


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Re: To Those Who Love Khimera/Khalmar

Postby Celtic » 01/19/2009 8:05 PM

Pet Number: 2

Pets Name: Renticonic
Pronounced: (REN-tih-con-ihc)
Nicknames: Tron (Yes. I did get some of him off of the disney character XD) / Rent
Gender: Male
Likes: A set world, logical answers and problems, his electronics, freedom
Dislikes: Old fasioned things, out-of-date electronics, viruses, commands, danger
Personality: ((This is a bit history like, but its the best way to explain him))
Tron began with absolutely no personality, just a blank slate. But as you will read, over time this poor little Khalmer began to be curious. Asking questions here and there, ever so slightly so his master wouldn't be alarmed. Then, Tron gained intelligence. He started to notice certain things, such as the unfaltering obedience in which he was supposed to serve, and started learning his letters. Tron now knew that in order to remain alive, if you could call his miserable existance that, Xenialus must not know about his new found personality quirks. Eventually as his master grew old, the little Khalmer gained his freedom, and showed his siblings the same.

Now, his master has found out, and has dismatled Tron's siblings. Hatred, greed, and anger finally wedged itself into Tron's life, thought they were never a huge part of his life. After dealing with his unbearable greif, Tron had finally meandered his way out of Europe and found his love of adventure, but the real world has never satisfied him. That was when Tron discovered the endless possibilities of the internet.

Tron had become obsessed and still is with the internet. He set about building a super computer, and found a way to transport his consousness(sp?) into the computer. Tron had done it, and with his love of adventure, he went into the computer. With one slight problem, he hadn't thought of a way out.

As time progressed, Tron had become a system that fought off virus' in the computer's mainframe. When all was safe, Tron discovered that he really didn't like danger. It was much to... dangerous! But, his problem aroused again when he got tired of the logic inside the computer, he still loved it, but it was just to overwhelmingly complicated. During the next ten or so years Tron explored the endless blaack hole we all call internet searching for his much needed parts to get back into the real world.

And thats where he is left off at. Tron has gotton back from the computer and is now wandering around, searching for something new in this world.
History: Originally designed to be a future prediction of a homonuculus (a tiny handmade human that originates from medival times; alchemy), poor Tron came out defected, and all wrong. He was created to be a servant that was more effective because he had more arms, but instead of being obedient, Tron developed a sense for electronics, and freedom. Now, his maker, Xenialus, rejected him and his brothers and sisters, dismantling all but him. Fortunately, Tron had escaped from this horrid fate, and went out to view the world. Now he is hundreds of years old and has aquired much more then a love of technology and freedom. But, viewing the world came at a price. His spots are marks of a depression that had struck where he was living, and so Tron unfortunately fell into disrepair. So now, Tron wears those spots with great pride, and love for it shows that not only has he become a homonuculus with a personality, but he had expierience in the world.
Origins: An alchemists' lab ((The medival Khalmer division of the current lab))
Other Form? (anthro/human)—Describe it: Being a Homonuculus, the boy is extremely small. Standing no more then 5 or 6 inches tall in his human. But, besides being abnormally small, the khlamer boy looks grown up-ish. He ages a year about every 50 or so years, and looks right now about 17 or 18, with all the quirks of a teenager. Tron has had acne, and it has almost all cleared away, so he still has a few angry red spots on his face. He has a creamy looking complexion that rarely burns, and has never tanned no matter how long Tron stays in the sun.

He is of medium build, kinda muscley but not exactly. He is on the taller side of Homonuculi go, and has an average boy cut of dirty blonde hair. Since Tron isn't exactly 'ordinary' he decided that his human form was just a bit too average, so over the years he has gotton together a motly group of tattooes, and has bright blue tips on his bangs, with a streak of green and purple here and there.

A Short RP example: (4-7 sentences will do fine)
Oh What a bother! The khalmer thought, as he saw the door. Tron would never be able to go through it without a fuss! "Hrm... Well I guess I could..." He muttered regretfully. You see, Tron really didn't like that stupid human form. It got on his nerves with only two arms that could do things! "Only for a little while though..." Tron continued his thought, and sighed. Instantly, the khalmer changed into his human form, and had a very sad face on.

But without further ado, Tron uncertaintly walked forward with the human legs and opened the door. "Oh thank god!" And with that, the human hand was quickly replaced with a creamy colored tentacle, and a smiling Khalmer.

Pet Number: 3

Pets Name: Xaviera Tsunata Flecia
Pronounced: (ZAY-vee-era SUE-nah-tah FLEE-sea-ah)
Nicknames: Baal Dragony / BD(A joke used by his adoptive family), Xazi
Gender: Female  8)
Likes: 'Beebee' (blanket), Dattle (Rattle), and her Malt-o-meal with 3 spoons of brown sugar and milk.
Dislikes: People not understanding her, Being wrong, boo-boo's, and big words
Personality: This khimera is a jumbled mess like a five year old child who just learned what 'school' was. She is young still, and likes many of teh younger things. She loves her rattle, specially made for her special needs, and Xazi just adores 'fuffies' or Lucain. Working on her letters and sounds, Xazi is often misunderstood and her little temper tantrums when someone can't understand what she's saying can put a smile on anyones face.
History: The sad truth is that Xazi is a bastard child from a lady-in-waiting and the king. It was a common thing, but this king wasn't particularly found of the way he looked. The poor child began as a kuhna that was horribley disfigured, and the terrified lady-in-waiting took her away from the abusive father. Secretly she sent her prescious kit to a laboratory to rehabilitate her. But, they couldn't do so without genetically altering the poor female. The lab then took the kit, and once she had grown, they fixed her up temporarily, and sent her to the Khimera labs.

At the labs, her caretaker who had been calling her Ex. #33, but after learning her birth name, Mrs. Que dubbed her "Xazi" and she has been called that ever since. After treating the creature, Mrs. Que took in Xazi to rehabilitate her into human care, yet Mrs. Que never found the heart to place the now Khimera into someone else's care, for Xazi was just learning how to be a khimera, and was still confused as to why she was a khimera instead of a kuhna.
Origins: Kinda sorta Khimera Labs, and then kinda sorta from a Kuhna.
Other Form? (anthro/human)—Describe it: A Kuhna either a:
Yeah... One of those kuhnas XD Or a custom one... Which ever one I get first *shot*
A Short RP example: (4-7 sentences will do fine)
The khimera pounded her foot onto the tiled floor as Mrs. Que let out an exasperated sigh. "Darling, please what are you saying?!" Xazi's face instantly went from cream to a bright red, and her lower lip puffed out, trembling.

"I faid tat you are behing mane!" The poor khimera screamed, her mechanical tails lashed out behind her, taking out anything in her way. Then the tears started to stream. Mrs. Que accidently slipped a slight smile at teh poor sight, but she was just so cute! That set her off. Xazi started to bawl, loudly and pounded her paws, tails and head on the floor. "Stoppit! You behing raily mane naow!" the girl yelled at her caretaker, who was somber again, attempting to calm the child down without getting in range of her deadly tails.

"Shh... Xazi stop. Its alright, I wasn't smiling at you, I was trying to think of something to calm you down. Xazi!" Mrs. Que shouted out, ducking a badly aimed metal tail. Now stern the woman carried on, "Xazi! You stop it right now!"

"NO!" Xazi screamed back at her adoptive mother, and picking herself up ran out the door into her personal treehouse in the backyard.

"Oh dear." And off Mrs. Que went to calm the toddler down.

Other: Just thought that I would keep her as a Toddler only for a couple months, she will progress into an adult. Once she is an adult I plan to have her go searching for her original parents and such. It will be 'life-changing' and her likes and dislikes do fluxuate(sp?) just as any other growing animal.
(Along her way, Xazi will aquire a lifemate)

(( just posting to save spot;; Editing rest later --> Sent KS to Dis))

Spring)and everyone's
in love and flowers pick themselves

- e. e. cummings

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Re: To Those Who Love Khimera/Khalmar

Postby Jaykobell » 01/19/2009 9:31 PM

Pet Number: #2

Pets Name: Louis
Pronounced: Loo-ee
Nicknames: Experiment Useless: Prototype #01
Gender: N/A, technically speaking; but considered a male (XY)
Likes: Anything paranormal, ghosts, Halloween, horror movies, all those fantasy stories, being different from the "normal" people
Dislikes: Facts, stagnant things, his job, close-minded people, prejudices
Personality: Named after a grand King (even though said King was beheaded), Louis is determined that he's going to become someone extraordinary. But meanwhile, the young human Khalmar is stuck at his full-time job. Stuck in a store that sells both items and various food menus, Louis works as a cashier rather than working on becoming someone amazing that will go down in history. The kid loves everything that technically doesn't exist out there; ghosts, vampires, walking on water, chickens with teeth, flying pigs... Name it, and if it's impossible, he'll babble about it for hours. "But think about it... Flying pigs! No need for planes anymore, right?" is an example of what he could tell you. Technically, he just looks at things differently... although the way he looks at them doesn't really prove anything. In a nut-shell, Louis could be described with the following words: idealist, simple-minded, easily excited, optimistic, and dense. He's not a bad guy, though. He works like everyone else and earns his paycheck every week. He's an honest Khalmar who'll help his coworkers when needed, even if he is a little clumsy (read that as very clumsy). But even though he tries to stay optimistic... The simple thought that he's stuck in that store for an unknown amount of time drives him crazy. "I could be out there, adventuring, making amazing discoveries!" he says. He'll tend to be extremely moody when he's thinking like that; slapping whoever comes nearby with his tentacles, and glaring at the clients that take too much time to order or pay. "Don't get between a guy and his dream," he also says.
When he's not busy feeling frustrated over his non-existent opportunity to write one of history's pages, Louis enjoys watching horror and suspense movies in his room while eating screws and nails with a good drink of oil (he is a Khalmar, after all). He has absolutely no sense of time, but he's excellent at giving clear and detailed directions without the help of a GPS. ... Well, so he says. His coworkers are pretty sure his creators included a GPS or something similar in that brain of his. Louis also loves challenging his limits, and he absolutely loves trying to do things that are considered impossible, mostly those "dare" bets with his coworkers. "I bet I can put my head in the oven for 5 minutes without getting a short circuit!" he says. Luckily, our mechanics are professional in the fields of broken/damaged robots. The golden ring around his head replaces the pearl he has in his original robotic form. He can't take it off (it'll shut him down completely and erase his memory), and he claims that ring can let him hear spirits and ghosts that try to communicate with the living (but we all know he's making up stories). He also has a tendency of feeding off of cellphone batteries or TVs; considering he's a robot, he has to recharge his batteries. Like us humans, Louis actually goes to "sleep"; he plugs himself in the wall with the two bigger tentacles, and recharges while he's sleeping, like a human. If he's feeling weak or uncomfortable, that's because he hasn't slept enough (aka, he hasn't recharged his battery enough). Most of his coworkers avoid bringing their personal electronics at work.
Despite this weird and somewhat irritating behavior, Louis is a good boy. ... Just keep your heating machines and your general electronics away. For his sake (and his safety while we're at it).
History: Louis can be considered the first Khalmar "born" from two parent Khalmars. While he wasn't born in an egg or something of the like, his memory chip, aka his brain, comes from two chips, a half from chip A, the other half from chip B. The two halves were combined and implanted into a Khalmar, which happened to be Louis. His actual name, the one he got from the laboratory and the one the scientists use to call him, is Prototype #1 from Project Useless. Project Useless (which used to be known as Project Human) is a project that was set up by the scientists of the laboratory to create Khalmars from two "parents" like normal human parents, and to give the baby Khalmars a human form from the moment of birth. Louis happened to be the very first prototype, which was what determined his color scheme, gold and white, which the scientists figured were colors commonly associated with the Holy Triumvirate and the Evelonian religion. The main goal of the project was to create Khalmars using a "natural" way (which was using two parents to create a child) and to motivate the Khalmars in molding with the human society. Unfortunately, Louis was the only successful prototype; the other Khalmars would either die because of a programming error from receiving two incompatible kinds of information, while others would be too stupid to even be able to say and spell their name. The other problem was that, to create the child, the scientists had to take the chip information from the parents, which lead to incomplete Khalmars that ended up useless and broken. While Louis was a success, the scientists became discouraged, especially by the financial lost, with the project, and just decided to drop it completely. Louis was dropped in an alley, right beside the store he works at now. The owner saw the half-broken Khalmar crawling on the sidewalk. A lover of electronics in general, the owner asked for the Khalmar to be repaired and examined. Once that was done, Louis was given his human name, and he was sort of "adopted" by the owner of the store. He was watching a TV show about paranormal things and ghosts when he was little when he decided he would become someone amazing like that one day. And... unlike most kid dreams, his was actually serious.
Origins: The Khimera Industries, the Khalmar Division
Other Form? (anthro/human)—Describe it:
That's the outfit he wears at work (and probably everywhere else). He's got the body of a young adult, between 18 and 21 years of age. His tentacles are visible in human form, and he even uses them as extra arms. Since he has his own apartment and his own bills to pay, he keeps his clothing style fairly simple. He's a simple guy with simple tastes.
A Short RP example: (4-7 sentences will do fine)
[[ Just as a comment; the setting is in his working environment. P= Any names, characters, and whatnot that show up aren't mine, and as just used as examples in this case to show his personality. ]]

You had to admit that a small store that sold both various items and food (just how were they able to do that?) wasn't really the kind of environment would explore to find an amazing hero. Really, what was there to do in a store, especially when you were just a cashier? "You can't do any other work, Louis. You'd trip somewhere, and more than once, boy," his boss had told him. So, instead of selling bad videocassette players and totally not "in" DVD players, he was stuck here, behind this little box with pressure-responding stickers on it. Joy. His circuits were overheating with joy.

Figuratively speaking, of course.

He tapped his fingers on the counter, waiting for someone -- anyone -- to show up and pay or order something from the restaurant. But it's not like you'd be expecting anyone right in the middle of the afternoon on a weekday. Most people were either back at work from dinner, or getting ready to go back home and crash. People should be forbidden to work during afternoons. That would be so much more logical.

Finally, someone was coming along.

The client seemed rather nervous. In fact, Louis was a Khalmar from the Khimera Industries. But unlike other the other specimens, he had a human form, with the only disadvantage that his tentacles were visible, slipping behind his back from under his t-shirt. Said tentacles would sometimes wiggle and move around, they would even grab things; they were all a part of his body, just like his arms and legs. But most people, especially humans who had never seen a Khalmar or a Khimera before, would be rather... distressed at the sight of Louis's wiggling tentacles. Go figure. "Hello, hi, welcome, good day, can I help you?" the Khalmar boy exclaimed, sticking his two main tentacles on the floor and pushing himself up the floor and putting in his hands on the counter. Hey, he could exercise and serve the clients. How amazing was that? "This player, right, yes, am I right?" he asked as he snatched the box from the client's hands with his other tentacles. He used a smaller one to type on the machine and to pick up the money, using the bigger ones to put the electronic in a bag along with the receipt. "Here's your player, here you go, thank you, there's your change, your receipt in the bag, there they are, here you go, thank you!" he exclaimed as he gave everything to the client, whom remained silent throughout the transaction and escaped at the speed of a race horse. Well, there you go. Another order done. Back to boredom and random stretching behind the counter. How dull could life be.
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Re: To Those Who Love Khimera/Khalmar

Postby GrayGriffin » 01/20/2009 2:24 AM

Just curious-can we buy add-ons for these pets if we win them? Also, I have two Khalmar and a Khimera. KS was sent to Kallile.

Pet Number: 2

Pets Name: HAS-0116
Pronounced: Ech-ay-ess-oh-one-one-six
Nicknames: Hash (Later on, after he finds his soul)
Gender: Male (Originally considered genderless)
Originally-Hunting down targets
Now-Talking to Terra, learning about the world at large
Originally-Not being able to locate targets
Now-His creators, other hunter Khalmar

Personality: Hash was originally made to hunt down two rogue robots, and therefore his creators made sure to prevent him from developing a personality. However, there is no beast under the sun that will forever be soulless, and now Hash has changed. He has slowly become open to the world, with a desire to explore it and find out more. Now, he is much more playful, and enjoys the simple things in life-such as rainbows and butterflies. If you get up early, you might be able to catch him running in the morning sunshine, chasing a butterfly, as the dew reflects on his chrome surface and splits it into thousands of rainbows.

History (Very long, lots of extra backstory): Once, the Khimera Labs decided to create an ultimate weapon-a bomb of unimaginable power, such power that it had to be split into two parts. One part, the bomb itself, was secured inside the body of a Rabbot AC1. The activator, the second part, was dissolved into the venom of a Scorpinch v2. But through a packaging mistake, the two were shipped out. However, they never reached their owner, for some strange force pulled their box from the ship and brought it to a cave, deep inside the desert. There, a lonely yet wise Imeut dwelt.

He knew what these robots were intended for, and he detested the creators for it. So, with his magic, he made the two robots into two fine children. A girl with pale blue eyes and strawberry-blond hair, and a boy with eyes of lime green and dark black hair. The two of them grew up with him, and they were happy. The only strange thing about them was that, deep inside them, the bomb and the venom were bound, for even the Imeut could not destroy such a thing.

However, the Labs, of course, wanted their weapon back. So they created a tracking Khalmar, one that would sense the radiation of the two rogue robots, and bring them back to the Labs. And this Khalmar was Hash, then known as Hunting And Searching Khalmar Number 0116, or HAS-0116. So it set out, over sea and sand, to find the targets. But the Imeut knew, and in his knowledge sent the children away, to run. He himself was willing to die, though he was not slain, merely beaten severely.

And there was much fighting and fear. But when all had settled, Hash had realized that there was no need to be a killer. With the help of the gentle Imeut, he woke his soul. Having met another Khalmar who now knew her soul, he chose to settle down with her, and learn to love and laugh and play. But at the same time, he knew the children were endangered, and was ready to protect them if needed.

Origins: Khimera Labs-Searcher robot
Other Form? (anthro/human)—Describe it: None

A Short RP example: (4-7 sentences will do fine)

It slid through the waters, its eyes providing light for it. It had been sent to find the targets, and it would do so. Any who stood in the way would be eliminated. The signals were faint, but the targets had traveled this route. It would have been more efficient to seek them directly, but they were far from its starting point. So instead, it had to follow their own path, until they were near enough. But once it found them, it would bring them back. It could not harm their software, but it had permission to shut them down or do damage to hardware if necessary.

(Also, note that I'm probably going to RP him going from "soulless hunting and killing machine" to "happy and carefree friend.")

Pet Number: 5

Pets Name: Spring-Heeled Jack (Based on the hero in the book by Phillip Pullman, not the villain)
Pronounced: Uh...the way it looks?
Nicknames: Jack
Gender: Male
Likes: Robbing the rich and helping the poor
Dislikes: Snobbish rich people

Personality: Jack is a hero in his own right, perhaps some relation to Robin Hood. He believes that most of the rich have no right to their wealth, and his stealing of it is merely a fair redistribution. However, he is unusual in the fact that he doesn't steal money. He's smart enough to realize that poor people will be suspected if they suddenly have money, so instead he steals rich food and warm clothes. These, he says, are what they really need. And he is right. Also, he is not above taking a little luxury items for himself, if the situation is safe enough.

Jack's not much of a fighter, preferring stealth and trickery and disliking bloodshed. However, if worst comes to worst, those tails of his can cut off quite a chunk of you. His fangs and claws-when he chooses to bare them-can also be quite dangerous, and he has quite a few less lethal tricks up his sleeve. Smoke bombs and gas grenades are his favorite to use, since they do no lasting harm. And of course, he has his signature boots with springs in the heels, which he can always use to bounce out of a dilemma.

History: Jack did not grow up on the streets. He was a rich landowner's son, kept far away from the world of the poor. He grew up believing that all was well with everyone, that everyone had what he had. But one day, when his play grew too rough and knocked out a section of the wall, he saw the truth. He saw the poverty and the disgust. At first, he merely snuck out at night to give the poor children a share of his toys and food. However, he grew bolder and bolder, stealing more and more. Finally, he was caught.

His father beat him and bit him on the arm, leaving a lasting scar. However, little Jack merely twisted away, and declared that he would rather live on the streets than in this house. His father complied, driving him away. But Jack didn't care. Now, at last, he could help everyone. Having lived in a rich house, he knew how to find the food storage and wardrobes. He knew the secret entry points. He had a few "toys" that he had taken with him secretly when he ran away. As he grew, he became a legend, known to all now as "Spring-Heeled Jack."

Origins: Son of a rich landowner
Other Form? (anthro/human)—Describe it: Jack's human form is the one he uses more often. He has dark black hair that is rather long and swept back (he washes it a lot and uses a little stolen gel), with pale blue eyes. He is tall and somewhat thin, but muscular at the same time. He wears a long black cape with a hood, which he uses to cover his face, along with a mask that resembles a Khimera's face. Even in his human form, he has two long, swishing tails, which he usually curls up when traveling, only unveiling if forced to fight or for simple dramatic effect. He has a scar on his right arm, near his shoulder, which is also on his Khimera form, although concealed by fur in the latter case.

A Short RP example: (4-7 sentences will do fine)

"Heh heh heh..." sniggered the man as he snatched a cloak from the closet. It was thickly woven, and would help keep some poor soul warm tonight. His bag already had some bread and cheese, as well as a wrapped leg of ham, in it. But Jack could already hear stirring-he must have knocked something. He stuffed the cloak into the bag and was about to jump out the window when he noticed something. He quickly grabbed a bottle of hair gel, squirting it into his hand and streaking his hair back. There, now he could go. He leapt out the window, landing safely with his cape billowing behind.
Crossing my heart
Open wide
You're my crystal and clover
All of me
Is dedicated to hold you

Swear to God
Double knot
What would you do if I stole you tonight? (Ahh ahh)
Why waste time? (Ahh ahh)

'Cause the world goes on without us
It doesn't matter what we do
All silhouettes with no regrets
When I'm melting into you
'Cause I belong in your arms
I belong in your arms

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Re: To Those Who Love Khimera/Khalmar

Postby Fallen_Snow » 01/26/2009 11:34 PM

((EDIT: Forgot to add this. Sent 60 KS for both my entries to Kallile. :3))

Pet Number: #3

Pets Name: Erngath
Pronounced: Urn-geth
Nicknames: Ernee
Gender: Male
Likes: Oranges, tangy things, exciting movies, cartoons, fighting(for fun)
Dislikes: Really sweet foods, stuff that's made to relax you, yoga/pilates, thinking about his old family, fighting(for profit)
Personality: Alright, how do you describe an enraged nutball who wants nothing more than to a) kill your or b) make you watch cartoons and run around with him all day? Seriously, this Khimera is one crazy dude. He talks like he's from Philly(Fo' sho'. Word.) and acts like he's an eight year old kid whose just discovered Cartoon Network. He finds everything interesting, but if it becomes boring in the next ten seconds of him finding it he leaves it where he found it or if he carried it away where he was standing and goes to find something else interesting. He has one of the shortest attention spans of any Khimera you've probably heard of. If you dissappoint him(which means if you do something the opposite of exciting other than do nothing) then he seeks to hurt you, and maybe kill you.
History: Raised in the Slums, Ernee has only known fighting to keep alive. Because he lived there also, he knew of no luxuries unless he won the fights his mom forced him into as an adolescent. He wasn't very good at them and rarely won, and would not be allowed in their Tree-Cave(a tree at the swamp whose roots had formed a hollow underneath it where he, his mother and his older sister lived) for about two or three days. When his mother got desperate for food, he and his sister would fight. Sometimes they got thrown against each other. Ernee would always let her win because if he won against her then his mother wouldn't let him back to their home at all. Besides, a lot more money went on her than on himself. But one day his sister was found dead a few yards away from the fighting rings, and his mother accused him of killing her, seeing as he always lost to her. She thought he was jealous of her. Ergee had wandered the Slums for days, finally coming across Rena, who had been traveling to see the fights with her Wood Rogue, Twig. She took him in, loving his big Khimera self and his cheery disposition even though he looked half dead. It was there he was introduced to TV. And now he's crazy about all the old cartoons- such as Hey Arnold!, Flinstones, Jetsons, Doug, etc. He's devoted his life to fighting(although Marie and Snowy don't approve, but Rena helps to train him anyways) and to watching TV.
Origins: Slums
Other Form? (anthro/human)—Describe it: He has an anthro form, but it's rough, as he doesnt' use it often. Most of his armor is still there, so he looks like a tan cyborg. He has piercing eyes, and a gravelly voice. He also has a crooked nose and jaw, supposed from fighting. He's not tall, but would not be called short. He's about 5' 4'', maybe 5' 3''. But he's quick- and with that speed he uses it to eat and snag his favorite foods before anyone else. He's usually found wearing a flannel shirt and sweatpants, and with a bag of some kind of junk food in his hand.

A Short RP example: (4-7 sentences will do fine) Ernee looked back at the Slums, then to Rena, whose fiery amber eyes showed ambition, but an odd compassion and respect for him. It was weird; he'd only seen a little boy give him that look when he'd won a fight against the boy's older brother. It was the last fight he'd won since he'd left. "Are you going to come with me or not? I can leave, you know." she shot her words at him, each one biting at him. He looked back again. Could he really leave it all behind? "Sho', lady. You gots food at cho' hows?" he asked, his slurred speech adding to Rena's liking for the Khimera. She nodded, then turned to leave. Ernee looked back once more, then said to himself, "I dun need no fam'ly." and turned to follow Rena.

Pet Number: #5

Pets Name: Resonance Comma
Pronounced: REH-zun-ens COM-AH
Nicknames: Rez, Sonny
Gender: Female
Likes: Music, singing, songwriting
Dislikes: Off-tune, sour notes, being without her iPod, Rap(Gods no!)
Personality: Resonance is a hard core music person. Instead of the usual low-stress musical-enjoying individuals that roam Evelon, she's uptight, persnickety and very intense when it comes to muscial interests and how she sings. Don't get us wrong though- she'll get up in that mosh pit with the rest of the headbangers, but only for the best bands. She's just a music snob, really. She'll go for most music, except for stuff like Hip-Hop/Rap. Eww.
History: Rez had always been pretty uptight about music- especially after she learned three different instruments and had them down really well. She played many a time as a back-up or fill in if one of the band's guitarists, pianists or bassists were absent, and she enjoyed it. But she could not handle a sour note. Her programming, as we're led to believe, has made her incapable of processing said notes. Once she saw how the song was written, it would be imprinted in her hardware and no one could do anything about it- except rewire her, of course, but that'd be very risky. So she was forced to give up her second-hand jobs as fill-in, as she flipped out when people got the song wrong. But people still love her critique, for some reason. She has become more tolerant for tainted music(sour noted or nasally or computer-generated voice) but she still can't take it to an extent.
Origins: Born in the Labs, Resonance was orginally made to  be able to record, store and play music at will- like a live iPod. But she wasn't being developed by the scientists. No, there were the junior trainees coming in to experiment and see if they could build their own Khimera. When learning that the older more experienced lab residents were on to them, they hastily finished her, causing her to turn out less than perfect from what they wanted. ((Just a little add-in: Inspired in a backwards way by the song called Oxford Comma by Vampire Weekend.))
Other Form? (anthro/human)—Describe it: Her human form is a tall, pale woman in her twenties with long and shiny black hair that comes to her elbow with perky curled bangs that just brush her forehead and come down to just above her eyebrows, but it's usually pulled back into a neat ponytail or bun. She has a dark blue underlayer that looks neat when she wears her hair down on occasions. She is usually wearing starched jeans or crisp polo T's. She will occasionally, on off days, wear her favorite band t-shirts. Always with her blue and white converse with the standard bowed shoe-tie under folded over lip, she also wears an interesting bright blue beaded bracelet on her left ankle with a small silver heart hanging off of it, a music note engraved into it. She has inquistive green eyes, along with-usually-black or blue painted nails. She wears a similar silver ring with a blue band across the middle, with little silver music notes floating in it.

A Short RP example: (4-7 sentences will do fine) Resonance watched the bassist pick at the stings along with the guitarist. A sweetly done ballad boomed mutely against her finely-chipped ears. They perked slightly; the music sounded good for once. She was again stalking the cafes of Nabias, trying to find a good band in the vicinity. The ones that she had grown attached to were becoming boring and not as easy to listen to, because their music was sounding a lot like thier old music, only with a few different verses and a chord change or two. She'd left as soon as she noticed that it was the same thing, scowling at how they thought they could trick people into thinking it was new. Uh huh, yeah, riiight. Anyways, this band was sounding good. But the guitarist kept playing a Bm chord, when it sounded like it should've been an F chord. I mean, it was understandable, but it was taking a toll on her ears. Again, he struck the sour chord. She frowned, but held herself. Just one song... but how long could it be?! she thought to herself as yet again the Bm(which was starting to sound like their fingers were leaving their correct position and going up or down a fret) chord hit her microchipped ears. She gripped the underside of the table. This was going to be a LONG night...
About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

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Re: To Those Who Love Khimera/Khalmar

Postby Ander » 01/27/2009 2:12 AM

<< >>

Sorry to interrupt the creative flow. To answer your question, GrayGriffin, I don't see why not. If you win one of the pets in this contest, said pet is yours thereafter to hold and love (hopefully). These are still regular Khimera and Khalmar (I'd say "like any other"... but no two of 'em are alike. So...), and Kal, Cita nor I are placing resctrictions on them other than those stated in the contest guidelines - we just want to see them go to good homes.

So the question of add-ons is really between you and Ticky, not us. ^^; Though I shouldn't think there would be a problem.
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Re: To Those Who Love Khimera/Khalmar

Postby Kallile » 01/27/2009 8:47 PM

While we're interferring with the creative flow--I'd like to announce for all those who have posts waiting to be edited to please begin making final edits by Feb. 1st. We will begin official judging at this time.

Please note that we are still open to entries until Valentines Day--we would just like those with posts already in place to make their final edits. Entries for new pets (even if you have an existing post)--we would love to see them on new posts to make sure we get everyones entries. We would really like to have our winners late the 14th or early the 15th--to give those winners a nice V-day gift, in a sense. Thus the early jump on judging.

Thanks for the understanding--if anyone has questions feel free to track us down on the IRC or PM. I know that I'll happily answer AIM messages as well--just please tell me your Evelon name so I don't have a mini panic attack. ^^;
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Re: To Those Who Love Khimera/Khalmar

Postby Citanul » 01/28/2009 9:51 PM

Just wanted to pop in here and say good luck to everyone! ^^; The Guest Judge is here. And liking everyone's entries so far.
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Re: To Those Who Love Khimera/Khalmar

Postby Boredum » 02/13/2009 9:40 PM

Pet Number: 5
Pets Name: Dryzios
Pronounced: Dree-zee-ohs
Nicknames: Dree, Izzy
Gender: Male
Disability: Schizophrenia, though he doesn't like to show it.
Likes: Dryzios likes a lot of things. For example, he loves to walk in the woods at night; he hides better due to his dark colours. He would automatically protect his friends, and he is one of many few that has a terrible history yet managed to turn out to be an angel. Dree's favourite colour is a sky blue, just like his fur was before he grew older. 15 is his lucky number, and he loves to eat chocolate covered caramel. Mm~
Dislikes: The black and blue Khimera has a few things he dislikes, and almost nothing he hates. Well, he used to detest his father, as you will see in history. He doesn't enjoy eating lettuce very much.. It gets stuck in his teeth.  ::3:
Personality: Dree is a calm soul, though he can easily get excited from almost everything. Shy, unruly, and childish, many would immediately warm up to the kind Khimera. Dryzios will, however, get really annoyed if you insult him or his friends.
History: Dree had been born the usual way, with his father gone but his mother always by his side. The frisky boy had been a light, almost white colour when he was born. His adorable green eyes had a certain spark to them, which was what always made his mother smile. His father, however, seemed to absolutely hate the little guy.
When Dryzios was only 7, his father had left for 'business'. His fur had become a baby blue, and his eyes as happy as ever. The Khimera had been in his own little world when he heard the gunshot. Rushing over, his beautiful eyes widened as he realized what had happened. His mother, the only loved one in his life, had been shot fatally. Dree was finally alone...
This horrifying scene only happened when Dryzios was 17. His father had come back, and treated the young man like a slave. Finally, with his once green eyes completly black and his fur a dark blue, the Khimera had managed to morph into different shapes, his favorite being a young boy with black hair and dark blue eyes. Dree had finally managed to morph, one big stage in his breed.
When Dree, however, was 17, his father had to go do business. Dree was forced along this time. They went to a dark place, with his tails down in a sad fashion. The duo had gotten into a fiery grate of hell, Dree thought. And indeed they did. Several young Khimeras lay scattered, dead in the field of war. His father had been wounded, but they continued to press on. Voices swam into the Khimera's young mind. Frightened, he sought for help from this disease. His father only laughed, pushing him away.
Dree finally lay sobbing in a black corner, voices swimming in his head from the dead.
"Don't cry..." a soft voice murmured in his head; it sounded much like a female.
"Mama...?" Dree asked as he whimpered, raising his black head.
"Shh, I'm here." The comforting voice seemed to cloud over the protesting ones. Dree's eyes widened.
"Mama.. I don't want to die..." He'd cry out in the black room.
"You wont... There's a way to get out..." His mother's voice would continue talking, and Dree listened intently.
Finally out of the battlefield, the black and blue Khimera finally made his way back to the calm, cool forest. He collapsed, laughing as he did so. "Mama... We did it!" he'd say to the rustling air.
"Yes... You did it." A small laugh was heard from his mind, and he forever held that laugh in his immortal memory. His mother never left him since.
--DONE O_O--
Origins: Dryzios was born in a dark forest, nearby a town on the island of Kerkera, Greece.
Other Form? (anthro/human)—Describe it:
Human Form

A Short RP example: (4-7 sentences will do fine) Dree watched as the calm night fell on his home. His dark eyes would narrow at the moving figures, tails twitching as he sat there. A voice ran through the 20 year old's mind.
"What are you doing, Izzy?" Mykahl, the voice in the Khimera's mind asked.
"Nothing, Mykahl." Dree responded, watching the leaves flutter by from the shifting wind. It seemed the man was curious about the moving shadows, though he didn't tell his friend about it.
"Izzy, I know something's bothering you." Mykhal gave out a loud whine, causing the black and blue Khimera to wince.
"Nothing's bothering me. I'm just watching the shadows, that's all." He'd talk once more into the silent air. Black blades sliced at the grass, and the feline would lay down, letting out a sigh. "Mykhal.. It's dark out. I'm tired."
"Oh?? It's ALWAYS dark in here!" Mykhal shot back, though soon fell silent as he heard the Khimera's quiet snores. The young, innocent animal always went out like a light.
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Re: To Those Who Love Khimera/Khalmar

Postby Ander » 02/13/2009 9:46 PM

Just taking this time to mention that if you were planning to enter the Collective Khalmar/Khimera contest, it is still open for another 14 hours!

Past that, the contest will be closed and winners announced. ^^
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Re: To Those Who Love Khimera/Khalmar

Postby Kallile » 02/14/2009 12:11 PM

Contest is now closed!

All entries have been recorded--edits past this point will not be counted.

Keep an eye out for Citanul's post to announce the winners!
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Re: To Those Who Love Khimera/Khalmar

Postby Citanul » 02/14/2009 1:16 PM

And here I am, promptly, with the winners! Yay for Valentines Day!

Anyway - here we go:
Pet 1: No winner--refunds will be given and pet will be kept.
Pet 2: Azura Rayume
Pet 3: Krypto
Pet 4: Freezair
Pet 5: Ravean

Winners of 2 and 3 expect a PM from Dis, and winnters of 4 and 5 should expect a PM from Kal.

Congrats, you lucky people! Everyone's entries were good, so expect another contest in the near-future!
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Re: To Those Who Love Khimera/Khalmar

Postby kabuto_rocks » 02/14/2009 1:34 PM

Congratz everyone!
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Re: To Those Who Love Khimera/Khalmar

Postby Dragon4Life » 02/14/2009 2:52 PM

'Grats all!
Enjoy the new pets! :D
~Era'Za and Lia~
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Sanctus Espiritus, redeem us from our solemn hour.
Sanctus Espiritus, insanity is all around us.
Sanctus Espiritus...

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Re: To Those Who Love Khimera/Khalmar

Postby GrayGriffin » 02/15/2009 3:20 AM

Poor black Khalmar...no one to adopt him... D:
Crossing my heart
Open wide
You're my crystal and clover
All of me
Is dedicated to hold you

Swear to God
Double knot
What would you do if I stole you tonight? (Ahh ahh)
Why waste time? (Ahh ahh)

'Cause the world goes on without us
It doesn't matter what we do
All silhouettes with no regrets
When I'm melting into you
'Cause I belong in your arms
I belong in your arms

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