Often called the 'Lover's Triangle' for the trio of waterfalls feeding in to a triangular gorge, the Idalani area is a picture-perfect place to spend time with that special someone, with a beautiful exotic backdrop and countless rainbows dancing across the sky. (+2 Speed)

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18 [1 here]

Postby Kallile » 04/21/2009 4:56 PM

Journeying, Dublin had decided, was simply not for him. He had traveled through the vast boringness of the vast plains—which were just that. Vast. Not, however, empty. Oh no, there had been plenty of smaller beasts roaming around looking for something called a “wombear”. Then through a city, a park, to a boat dock to head home to Jawan.

Yet somehow he was here—having overshot his original destination. Cursing softly under his breathe in a soft Irish accent, he made his way through yet another forest-like location. He hadn’t passed a pub in months and it was beginning to show in his more ill-tempered trudge that he was currently walking.

The roar of the falls began to grow louder—like a storm approaching your home on a dark, cloudy night. His bright green scales, even in this dense foliage, stood out sorely from their neon tint. The sail on the nape of his neck rose and lowered as he breathed, a sure sign of his distress. As the trees around him began to thin, Dublin noticed the moon and…what was that? High above him was something else was glowing. Something that looked oddly similar to a female paragon.

Dublin stopped, admiring for a moment. Her shape alone, from what he could make out of the silhouette she cast against the rising orange moon, was that of a female. To Dublin women were a bit like fine art—best admired first from afar, then examined more closely for their individual beauty.
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Re: Nocturnal bliss {private: Me & Kallile}

Postby Kallile » 04/24/2009 4:01 PM

Dublin watched the moonlit beauty move subtly, as if trying not to let it be known that she was moving. He left his sail flared—both in a curious manner and one to make him look more impressive. Never should there be a lass that would doubt his appearance or strength. Though typically he was a little too under the influence to really know if his sail helped his masculine appearance or not, he had always found it safer to assume that it did.

The idea had already been lingering in his mind, but now his body began moving forward as the rock went tumbling down. If she kept staggering around like this, she was liable to accidentally find an entire section that would crumble. Something the gentleman could simply not allow on his watch. How he would remedy such a problem should it happen was something he would work out if she did take a tumble. For now, his goal was prevention.

“Easy lass!” He called up to her, realizing that his forward motion may cause her more panic. “I’m not out to get you. I just couldn’t help but notice you. You happen to be quite a lovely oasis out here in a bland forest, to say the least.”

Inwardly the Sailfin beast winced. He never had been one for smooth opening lines. But if there was one thing that his years of experience had taught him, it was that woman of any species loved compliments. He hoped that would hold true with this lovely visage before him as well.

((I apologize for the shortness. Today's my husband's birthday, so I wanted to ensure that I kept the RP moving along and did not leave you waiting another day for a reply.))
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Postby Kallile » 04/26/2009 6:14 PM

In no time at all, his current worst fear was realized. The rocks crumbled away to dust and left the beauty he was gazing upon with nowhere to stand. Time did indeed slow to nothing as he pitched his body forward, eyes staying glued on the female. The rocks were already hitting the ground and breaking below her. If she were to land upon them…he dared not thing of what may happen.

He felt the ground pulse beneath his claws as he pushed himself—no, hurled himself-- forward as he watched her fall. Her gorgeous wings here held uselessly around her like a veil. He hoped they would not become her death veil.

The final pounce was made, Dublin landed full force on the jagged rocks with his massive paws and braced, letting out a wicked sound as he did. His eyes were closed—either he had made the leap in time to catch her weight on his back and spare her the rock shards…or they would both bleed here tonight.
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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21 [4 here]

Postby Kallile » 04/27/2009 6:30 AM

As Dublin lay on the sharpened rock bed he had a single thought that ran through his head. ‘Well…that was a painful idea.’ He seemed to be having a moment of shock from the impact—unmoving but breathing fairly normally. He could feel warmth pooling beneath him, and he hoped from the sheer knowledge that he had managed to catch the female that most of it was his. His kind were typically known for their thicken blood—he knew from experience that even these nasty wounds hiding under his belly would not kill him. The rocks were sharp but most were not so sharp they could pass through both thick paragon hide and lean muscle to reach his organs.

He was pulled away from his own musing dreams by her voice, his black eyes fluttering open to try and readjust to the dim light the moon provided. Lifting his head he could feel a few of the cuts and puncture wounds move and ache, but he tried not to let onto it. “Easy, easy.” He whispered to her, trying not to let her see too many of the wounds. “Don’t worry your pretty head over me. It’s just a flesh wound lass, I’ve been in worse scraps than this.”

First thing was first, they needed to get away from these rocks. Moving to stand, Dublin could feel the warmth leave his belly and knew it was blood. It was almost more like a watery paste than just liquid—oozing slowly from the Paragon. No one spot seemed to be too entirely open—the wounds would hopefully begin clotting in no time. He grimaced as little as possible as he moved—to look tough for the lady. Sure, they wouldn’t be the death of him, but it didn’t mean those open places didn’t sting like Hades.

“Come on now,” He said gently, leaning down and offering what might be called a nuzzle to the side of her face. He couldn't stand to see her eyes welling up with tears. All that fuss over him, his heart sunk just a little. He hated knowing a lady was crying over him--not like this. “Dry those eyes and let’s get off this bed of nail and go make sure we’re both in one piece, yeah?”
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Postby Kallile » 04/27/2009 5:46 PM

Dublin chuckled a bit, letting the lovely lady lean against him when need be. Though thick, tar-like blood still seeped from his underbelly. The Sailfin walked away from the rubble to an area where soft grasses reigned supreme. “I don’t need anything in return. Just upholding my upbringing—never let a lady get injured if there’s something you can do about it.”

There was something he could not quite peg about her, but something he liked. There was a genuine innocence about her…and he had to wonder why. She was glowing, literally. He was sure once she recovered her composure from the trauma she had just endured her personality would be just as shining.

“The only thing I want right now is a nice rest and maybe a stiff drink to numb some pain later. But that’s later. You alright, la—Senka?” He corrected himself. It wasn’t often that he actually found out a females name. Most were content with just being called ‘lass’.

“The name’s Dublin, miss.” She said, outwardly ignoring her slight stuttering. There was a lot she could get away with in these next few moments, Dublin was more than willing to write them off as trauma side effects.
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Postby Kallile » 05/02/2009 6:54 PM

Dublin looked to the soft grass, lowering himself down and then onto his back to let the air fully hit the smaller puncture wounds riddling his underside. Hopefully the air would allow things to clot and heal faster and would let them get out of this—to Dublin—rather drab forest scenery. “A rest’ll do us both good for now. I’d have it no other way than to have you with me when we leave here.” He confirmed as he continued to keep an eye on her.

His last statement wasn’t as romantically meant as it may have sounded. There was a code among his once fellow clanmates. A code to never leave the injured (especially if you had done the injuring) unattended until you were sure they were well. He made no exceptions for the lovely lady; as a matter of fact their circumstances only sweetened the deal in his eyes.

His mind whirled as he listened to her, but he began answering before his mind had truly had enough time to analyze her words. “My home is somewhere near Jawan…give me a few minutes to think of who may be between here and th--.”

He stopped mid-word and looked at her as if she might have just sprouted another head. The expression faded quickly, so as to avoid upsetting Senka as much as possible, and he chuckled softly. “Forgive me, I mean no offense. I guess I am a little too used to my usual company. That’s not exactly the kind of drink I’m meaning. I’m meaning more along the lines of a nice, chilled glass of whiskey…”

His mouth watered at the mere thought.
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Postby Kallile » 05/08/2009 6:15 PM

Dublin offered a soft smirk, pleased that she was not offended by his momentary glance. He was equally pleased by the acceptance of a momentary rest. There were many pets at the Disillusioned Estates—someone was bound to be lurking around the falls or somewhere else close. Dublin needed only to wrack his brain to remember the small habits of each creature; a daunting task to say the least.

“Aye, such spirits are a good remedy—though your tongue may disagree with you at first.” He tried to explain. He hadn’t realized that it had been so long since the first spirited liquids had slithered down his throat like a horde of fire ants. “I might suggest you take it easy at first. Spirits have a way of letting out a different side of you if you don’t keep them in check.”

He furrowed his scaled brows together a bit, slightly confused as to why this lovely lady wanted to avoid the daylight. Sure, it was not the most pleasant thing to wake up to after a night on the town—but it wasn’t all that awful. Rather than inquire, Dublin assumed she already feared the bruises and ripped scales she must possess from the fall. He nodded once towards her, giving a wink. “I think we can keep that arranged.”

There was one thing that still puzzled him as his mind dwindled his pen-mates down to the last remaining five who frequented this area. “If it’s not prying too far—might I ask what you were doing up on that old cliff to begin with?”
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Postby Kallile » 05/20/2009 7:59 AM

Dublin listened patiently to her story of her scales, his own onyx eyes moving over them as she spoke. Peculiar indeed—he was willing to consider that she just had exceptional radiance qualities to her. There were few other Paragon that he had come into contact with yet; the majority that he had met were rather on the goody-two-shoe who he already tended to find a little less attractive. They moped and whined or got all high and mighty at a moments notice if they thought criticism was headed their way.

But this—this was a lady who was confident with herself and how she was. Dublin grinned widely. “Afraid of you?”

He repeated, a rather coy look playing on his face. “My dear Senka—and do not take this the wrong way, lass—I could never fear something that turned out so beautiful and self-assured. Besides,” he added, “all the fun things tend to happen at night. You’re not missing much during the daylight hours.”

He meant it, of course as no insult to her pride. At the motion towards and in effect under his face, Dublin nearly nuzzled at her face. My my, she was certainly getting bold—and that quality alone had him more and more mystified with her.

“No truer words could be spoken. I know of someone who fancies themselves as an herbal healer that tends to stay rather close to these falls if memory serves me. We can go get our bodies fixed up there…then go fix up our spirits elsewhere.” His dark eyes moved up to the sky for a moment to check the position of the moon. He was quite displeased when he saw how much time had already passed. His lovely Cinderella would, taking into account her story, need to find shelter sooner than he wished. “But we’d better get moving if we are to find the healer tonight. I doubt she’d make a house call for me.”

He chuckled at her last comment towards him as he turned and began to lead the way, keeping his focus on her to entice her to follow. They were headed back the way he had come in—a little north east of here that would land them in Jawan if they could manage to walk a straight line the entire way. He had to figure the thick tree cover of this place would give them a little more time to find a cave or somewhere else dark should the sun get anxious and rise too quickly. “I have no great story about such as yourself, so let’s hope you’re not bored when it comes to talk of me.”
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Postby Kallile » 05/24/2009 5:21 PM

Obligingly, Dublin slowed so that the lady could catch up to his side. He looked back at the moon, tilting his head just ever so slightly. Huh…he never had been good with that sky-positioning stuff. Apparently his gaze had misguided him. Only four hours? That might not be enough time to find his healer acquaintance…how delightful.

Usually, there was very little besides a few too many drinks that could keep him talking to someone for so long. Maybe it was the shine in her scales that had him entranced…maybe it was a mild concussion from breaking her fall. Whatever the reason, Dublin couldn’t feel displeasure at the idea of being stuck for another day cycle with the young lady at his side. He was so much so lost in these thoughts that her comment about being at his mercy also slipped by him without a signature, playful smirk.

Her questions did bring him fully back to reality, and he shook his head a little. “Ah, the wings. Well, that’s the unfortunate plight of the police-grade paragon.” He shook his head a little, in obvious distaste for human reasoning. “Humans would be able to break their ‘crime’ habits a lot more quickly if you drop the bad seeds from 150 feet in the air, if you ask me. But they just strive from the running power—feel the wings get in the way.”

The forest was indeed thick, some large, mossy boulders were beginning to poke through the Earth’s surface. Dublin kept quiet for a moment, trying to pick the locks on his memory. “They rejected me early on, but I can’t complain much about that. Or else…I might not have been available to catch a certain falling angel.”
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Postby Kallile » 06/10/2009 10:54 AM

Dublin did his best to try not looking Senka directly in the eyes—though he saw that look in her eyes that could only make him smile and wonder what she could be thinking. Truth was he didn’t remember much of his past because he simply didn’t want to. Was it good, bad, or even ugly? He couldn’t tell anyone something he himself had blocked out. He found his past to be much less important than his present; and presently he was side by side with a beauty of royal measures. That information alone did well enough to suit him.

At her comment, Dublin chuckled to himself. Bolder and bolder by the minute, eh? This night…or rather, morning…could prove much more interesting than he had first hoped. He contemplated her question and was formulating his decided answer when he felt his footing slide a few inches to the side and felt scales brush again his own.

By natural response Dublin made a move to position himself between Senka and the growl, while at the same time allowing the lady to stay on his side. He smirked a little at her, giving a wink of his onyx eyes.

“Darlin’, there’s nothing in this forest that can possibly be more frightening than us.” He said confidently. It was true—with both paragon towering at or above twenty feet it was hard to imagine anything short of a completely daft beast trying to attack them. Though Dublin didn’t feel much like fighting with his wounded belly, he would do so if it came to any sort of blows to provide protection from Senka.

“I’m thinking,” he began, turning an eye now to the horizon, “that we need to be finding some shelter for you. The healer is a bit of a nomad and there’s nothing I can do to guarantee we find her before dawn hits.” This came out sounding a bit disgruntled. He inwardly reminded himself to kidnap said healer and force her to tag along on his next excursion in case of such events as tonight.

And strangely enough, looking at the still-glowing lady beside him, he wasn’t so sure he needed to take another trip like this. At least, not for a good, long while.
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Postby Kallile » 06/27/2009 2:58 PM

Dublin kept the area where the growl had come from in the corner of his vision, but did not stare it down. No—he knew much better than that. These wild things saw staring as a challenge and he wasn’t here to look for a fight when he was already trying to heal. Instead he puffed the sail atop his head to span, held his head high, and walked beside his lady companion. A flashy warning that he knew he was tough and any opposition had best think twice about a fight. He kept his pace even as well; they weren’t about to appear as if they were inviting the noise-maker to give chase.

“There’s a fair deal of beasts that’ll do that, daft things that they are. We may be in for a few visits yet, depending on how bold the wilderness is feeling.” His voice held an air of confidence that whatever they may come across would be in for something they may not be bargaining for.  He finally refocused on Senka, then ahead to the areas both seen and yet to be seen that she spoke of.

“Should do us for the day.” He said, looking to the orange tinted horizon. “We can go and get settled, then I’ll see about catching some breakfast.” He was, after all, a male. A hungry one at that—and he knew of no better way that to start off the healing process than with some ale, food, and a nice long sleep. The former would have to wait until civilization was found, of course, but he’d be a fool before he’d let ale slip his mind.

The way sounded easy enough, but Dublin picked up the pace a few steps. Just how harmful the sun was to Senka he wasn’t sure. He did, however, not really wish to find out.
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Postby Kallile » 07/12/2009 11:40 AM

Dublin didn’t need to be asked twice to keep up with the lovely vision before him, and easily ran close behind her. Despite being reminded there were still sore muscles that needed more healing time, Dublin found the climb fairly easy. He needed to, the light was beginning to grow brighter and he knew that soon the sun would crest over the hill.

He wasn’t sure of the effects, but he didn’t want to find out. The past night had made for enough excitement, now they needed rest. He knew that if the sun did rise there was little he could do to shield Senka from it’s rays. Being a Pipe made her naturally a bit larger than Dublin, something not entirely helpful in his quest to keep her safe.

“You’re not going to tie up my day, lass.” He said, keeping one eye on where he was going and the other on the glowing horizon. “Consider all days open.” He wasn't lying. While he dwelled at the Estate he wasn't forced to live there or even interact with any there (unless, of course, the mistress deemed it needed for him to accompany someone to the breeding center). He did what he wanted  when he wanted and currently that was insuring Senka's health and well-being.

He would think about breakfast and such later. If it was true and she would sleep a good deal of the day, maybe he would take the opportunity to go find his healer acquaintance himself and let her rest. He knew her usual partner-in-crime was currently focused on building her lineage, so he had heard, he doubted she'd spend much time at their greenhouse.

But first thing was first, now he couldn’t be thinking of breaks and breakfast and everything else. The sun was slowly climbing. “Here it comes…”
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Postby Kallile » 07/25/2009 9:23 AM

He had watched in shock as the scales on her tail just seemed to wilt and fester at the slightest touch of sunlight and suddenly the real urgency of the situation hit Dublin. He wasted no time in pushing himself to move faster, following Senka blindly into the darkness. Once there the now paling glow of her scales was all that let him keep track of her—his eyes having yet to adjust to the pitch black of the cave.

“Senka, it’s…” He stopped, listening to her changing breathes and smiling sadly. She had slipped into dream. Walking carefully back towards the mouth of the cave, he looked around and pondered for a moment. In any normal situation, this would be the part where he left without a word and let the lady wonder what she had done wrong to make him leave. But this was different—this was the first lady he had saved. Maybe it was that small fact, or the fact he had promised her breakfast and some healing aids. He didn’t dwell too long on these thoughts before he set out.

The fawns and assorted rabbits had not been hard to catch, even for the brightly colored Dublin. Using the distorted colors of morning to his advantage he had had successful kills and brought them all back to the cave. They were not so close to Senka that the smell of blood would awake her, but not so far that it would be easy for other creatures to scent them and wish to explore the caves for them. There was one thing left—healing materials.

One plant in particular caught his attention—many thanks to the fact that the kuhna and Lucain team of Acai and Jande kept the Estates filled with the things. Aloe plants; something the Estate had enough of to cure an entire army. That plant he was very familiar with the look of, and it was not too difficult to find after a few small hours of hunting. Finally he came upon a spot where they were growing wild and huge—easy for large Paragon claws to harvest. He, however, was not entirely sure how to use them, and so he dug up one huge plant roots and all.

It was after this venture that Dublin felt a disturbance on his way back to the cave. Some dark shadow was moving through the trees—something just as large as Dublin himself—and its red eyes were thirstily fixed on him.


Cursing under his breath Dublin looked upon a creature he knew all too well, the fin on the back of his skull raising in anger and alarm. He should not be out here…there was something very wrong happening since he was.

Quil’lian moved closer, dark features glistening in the sun and dark red eyes fixed on Dublin. He smiled widely, displaying large fangs rarely seen on Sailfins. He twisted his head around like a serpent, looking over the wounded neon male. His movements were deliberately sketchy and misleading—something one often did to intimidate. But in his eyes it was all blood thirst and anger. Dublin’s thoughts flashed back to the cave and he could feel himself puffing up for battle. This one—he could not find Senka.

The dark one moved forward, coiling his neck around so he and Dublin were face to face. Black eyes looking into blood red ones.

"Hello, brother.”
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Re: Nocturnal bliss {private: Me & Kallile}

Postby Kallile » 08/20/2009 9:18 AM

Dublin narrowed his eyes until they were nothing more than miniscule slits in a sea of neon green scales. His stance was finding it difficult to find a comfortable medium between alert and relaxed; all while trying to hide the fact he was wounded and no longer an even match for his brother. “Quil’lian.”

The name came out in more of a growl than anything. It was hardly secret that the two brothers were anything but friendly towards each other. ‘Tolerate’ was probably the kindest word that could be used and even that was stretching it. “What brings you out here—it’s hardly your style.”

Quil shook his head, ‘tut’ing slightly at his brother. “And here I thought we were past all that. You know just Quil is sufficient, Dublin.” The dark male looked around him, making disapproving faces at the flora and fauna that flitted through the air. “Yes…hardly.”

Red eyes fixed on Dublin again, and the slightly larger male looked suddenly dark and unforgiving. “You see, I’m not out here by choice, dear brother. It seems my most…how shall I say…precious charge is missing. Missing with words of seeking out her dear ole Uncle Dublin to protect her.”

The two were nose to nose in a mere second, black eyes staring into red. Both seemed to bristle—nearing some sort of breaking point. That point, for now, held off. “Where is she, Dublin? That girl is mine by blood.”

Dublin scoffed, titling his head almost comically in his brother’s face with a look of mischief. “Ah, so that’s it then. If she’s missing, she hasn’t found me yet. When she does, I’ll be sure to finally treat her well.”

There was a sharp connection of claws as Quil moved to swipe Dublin and Dublin blocked. That was all it took for Quil to notice something very important. “My my, Dublin, it seems you’re a little out of commission.” He inhaled deeply, snaking his head around Dublin’s. “And with blood other than your own. If that the delicate scent of a lady I smell on you?”

Dublin did bristle, but his movements were too late. His blood, while thickened thanks to his species, still had managed to drip some and leave almost a strung out map of syrup behind him. Quil was already following them…right back to the cave. “Quil!”

Wearily, Dublin took off after his brother. Quil only chuckled. “If I can’t have my charge…perhaps I’ll take one away from you.”

Leaping into the air, Dublin tackled his brother and sent them both into a heap of gnashing teeth and flying claws. Right at the mouth of Senka’s cavern.

"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Re: Nocturnal bliss {private: Me & Kallile}

Postby Kallile » 09/02/2009 10:52 AM

The two brothers were tangled in a deadly dance, Quil using his razortipped wings to try and slash at Dublin. The neon green male was doing all he could just to keep Quil pinned and unable to do much damage. Senka’s voice was almost lost to him, but the sound of something heavy flying through the air was not.

Barely looking up in time, Dublin rolled to the side as the rock landed a few feet beyond then, shattering from it’s own weight as it hit the cavern floor. The pair of males found themselves showered in dust and what were now effectively pebbles. Dublin winced, looking through the cloud of dust to try and locate Quil.

Quil, on the other hand, was already dusting himself off and had made it flirtatiously close to the line between shadow and sun. His red eyes gave a scrutinizing look over Senka and a final nod of his head seemed to mark his approval of her. “You have better taste than I first assumed, brother. What a gem you’ve dug up from this forsaken forest.”

Dublin rose slowly to his feet, fatigue showing as muscles quivered beneath his scales. Black eyes glared furiously ahead of him as he began moving. “She is none of your concern, I suggest you go find your daughter rather than waste your time here.”

Quil chuckled, not casting an eye back to see what Dublin was doing. Velvety red eyes were both pinned on Senka. “I hardly think finding a new acquisition is a waste of time, especially if she can be taken from my own flesh and blood.” He spoke as if Senka were not there—merely an object Dublin had happened upon during his travels. He flared dangerous looking wings for a moment, sail still raised from the adrenaline of the small skirmish. “My dear,” He said to her, finally acknowledging her living existence, “why ever belittle yourself on such a poor specimen as that great green brute? Your purpose could be far greater…”

Dublin was beside Senka now, muscles still quivering as he took a protective stance. He knew this game—he had seen it played many times before. If Senka didn’t give the answer Quil wanted, Quil would not think twice about trying to take her by force.

"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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