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Gathering Storm (Open)

Postby cmf25 » 06/17/2009 1:58 AM

Pain tugged and coursed through her body with every movement and with every beat of her mighty webbed wings. She was exhausted lost and hungry. She could fly no more and her strength was rapidly waning. Landing  heavily and awkwardly she found herself in a sea of sand. The sand was coarse but warm. The sun was setting and soon it would be dark. Her hunting trip had failed miserably and her knowledge of these new lands was costing her dearly.

Magenta eyes scanned the vacant land for a shelter of sorts or food and water. Nothing but sand as far as she could tell met her gaze. At least only a tiny air current moved the air along which meant no sand storms or sand in her eyes. Exhausted she slumped down to the sand and curled up. She had her tail neatly wrapped around her body and under her paws. She laid her head upon her tail and stretched out her battered wings. She would soak up what heat she could from the sun and then fold them tightly against her body and fall into a deep sleep. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the warmth from the sand beneath her and the sun.

(Pets in siggy. I'll bring the Kirtell later.)
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Re: Gathering Storm (Open)

Postby Esy » 06/17/2009 10:36 PM

Racing through the unfamiliar, deserted desert landscape, Fellom felt more alone and utterly lost than ever.  Usually he would cherish being by himself with nothing around, but not when it means being completely clueless. Fell could just barely stagger as he came to a large mountain of more sand, to see another figure close by on the horizon. Picking up the pace again, he continued forward to meet the first sign of life since he came out here.  ((It can be either of your pets))

Slynk wandered warily through the treacherous mountains of sand.  She had been wandering for several long and dreary days in the boiling hot desert. There weren't very many signs of life. Settling down, Sly saw a strange but hopeful thing at the bottom of the sand hill.  There was another creature here, so she wasn't alone anymore.  Forgetting how tired she was, Sly jumped up with new energy and almost catapulted down the steep hill to great the creature.
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Re: Gathering Storm (Open)

Postby cmf25 » 06/19/2009 11:34 AM

((Sorry I forgot that I promised my Kirtell to some one else in a rp, but we can rp with my Shielupe, I hope you don't mind.))
Image Purine Sheilupe

A muscular beast stood atop a small dune of sand. Cerulean eyes watched a nearby Fellox running to towards him. His pale ethereal ribbons continued to move like a flag in a breeze. He would let this stranger come to him. It would be nice to speak with another for once.

Moving down swiftly with the greatest of ease the creature's powerful muscles drove him at a good clip. His fur was short and his pale blue markings resembled that of a Doberman Pincher. His body was a pure and spotless white. Ashkii carried himself with a great sense of respect and honor.

As he neared the Fellox he slowed his pace and came to a smooth stop close to but a respectful distance away, giving themselves plenty of 'elbow room'. The Shielupe dipped his head slightly and clearly stated his name in a rich deep voice. "My name is Ashkii and what might yours be friend?"

Sliding sand and stumbling legs forced her to open a magenta eye. Still groggy and half asleep she tried to focus her vision upon the red and gold blurry creature. Serrya raised her head and uncurled her tail, lashing it from side to side angrily. A deep, scratchy growl rumbled in her throat. She would not let this creature have the element of surprise, besides she could easily crush the little creature.

Using her though speech ability she projected her thoughts out to the intruding creature. "Who goes there and what business do you wish with me?"
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Re: Gathering Storm (Open)

Postby Esy » 06/21/2009 12:33 AM

((OOC: you can rp really well.. i'm jealous))


Galloping down the sand hill, Fell halted gracefully just in front of the Shielupe creature. "My name is Fellom, but I prefer Fell for short." He soon informed the creature, "Can I ask how long you've been out here?" As he slowly tucked his legs under him and sat down, Fellom waited patiently for the response as he quickly studied Ashkii, taking in his markings and figure with his cool, ice blue eyes. His ribbons and tail were flowing softly even though there was absolutely no wind in the blistering heat.

Slynk slid to stop, rolling on her side into a goofy position, at the sound of the other creature speaking. The creature hadn't so much as moved it's lips, yet it spoke so easily. It must have a speech ability. Sly thought, still somewhat surprised even though the answer was very obvious. Oh, I'm sorry if I'm bothering you," Sly explained, stammering a little at the other beast's intimidation, "It's just that your the first creature I've seen since I came out here." Pacing in a small circle, she laid down several feet away to give some space. "My name is Slynk, or Sly for short," Slynk said, "What's your name?"
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Re: Gathering Storm (Open)

Postby cmf25 » 06/21/2009 11:48 PM

"Well it is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance Fell." The Purine Sheilupe's lips pulled down words in a frown as he puzzled over the question. How long had he been out here? A few days or weeks? "I'm afraid I've lost track of time and can not give you an accurate answer. I would say less than two weeks. And if you don't mind my asking what has brought you out here into this waste land?" Ashkii's expression was calm and cool while his mouth hung open and his tongue hung to the side. The heat was causing the canine to pant in an effort to help him cool off since canines lack the ability to sweat.

The canine's relaxed ears came forward and he stood alert. He closed his mouth and stood poised, stone stiff like a statue, listening. He had heard something and it hadn't been too far from their current position. Had Fell heard it too or was he just imagining it? Maybe they were not here all alone as first speculated.

Serrya studied the creature carefully. Clearly this 'Sly' hadn't meant any harm according to her words. That’s all they were though words. Words were meaning less unless backed up with an action. Then again the Carol Slynx was being submissive. The paragon still made no moves to answer Sly and continued to evaluation of her. Well if she got passed all the fur she might make for a fine snack. Then again there probably wasn't much under all that fur and she had no water to wash it down with. Perhaps company is what she truly desired more than food. Well for now she would let this creature live and chat with it, perhaps with her voice versus her mind, it seemed to have startled and confused it.

"Greetings Sly. Sorry for the greeting but you did disturb my sleep after all. Names have no meaning and thus I care not for them. Many have called my Serrya in times past." The Frost Paragon folded her wings in and curled her tail around her paws and rested her head again, with both eyes wide open and watching. Her voice wasn't exactly soft or friendly but no snarl or growl remained.

Why thank you, you aren't so bad yourself.
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Re: Gathering Storm (Open)

Postby Esy » 06/23/2009 3:19 PM

"Adventure, even though it's strange, is the answer to that question." Fellom replied, "I've always gone to places that suited me best, and it's time I let the collar off and try something new." Fell gazed up to blinding ball of scorching heat in the sky. Was there no end to it's killer heat wave? Trying to sniff out any source of liguid, Fell stuck his masked face to the ground in a wasted effort to sniff out water. "I wonder when night fall will come so we can be freed of the heat." He laid down stiffly to finally try and rest. His energy all but evaporated out of him thanks to the sun.

"Oh, sorry about that Serrya. I hope you don't think badly of me." Slynk was starting to sweat, and hard, since she wasn't adjusted to the heavy heat just yet. Digging a small hole, she managed to create a tiny bed for herself to try and cool down. It seemed to be helping. That or she was beginning to hallucinate. Sly hoped she didn't go crazy with heatstroke. "So, what brings you out here?" She asked in a bit of a higher voice than usually.
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Re: Gathering Storm (Open)

Postby cmf25 » 06/29/2009 5:46 PM

"Night will soon fall and besides there is something over this dune..." His voice trailed off as he moved and crested the dune. The sand was hot and and coarse under paw making it uncomfortable to walk on.
his eyes widened in shock at the sight that greeted him. Below was dragon like creature known as Paragon.  The creature had apparently found something. and was creating.. water? It wasn't the liquid form of the life sustaining substance but given the heat of this place it would melt quickly. Thing is they had to be quicker about drinking it before the parched soil absorbed it. The Sheilupe raised his maw and took a deep breath to make certain that his eyes weren't lying.

Serrya watched the little creature dig in the sand in an effort to find cooler sand and get out of the blazing heat. Serrya gave up her watching and made no move to answer her question. Instead and she rose from the sand. Her enormous teal bat like wings spread to their full extend, but she didn't flap them. They helped to shade the little creature instead. She arched her neck and with her though speech ability commanded Sly to move out of the way. Taking a deep breath she opened her jaws to an impressive spand, revealing the countless sharp teeth tucked behind her lips. Her pink serpentine tongue was pressed against her bottom jaw tightly. With a mighty roar a sheet of pale blue flame sprouted from her jaws and toward the hole Sly resided in. A thick layer of rapidly moving ice now coated it. She had used her freezing touch abiblity and had made sure she wouldn't hit the Slynx. "Cooler?"
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Re: Gathering Storm (Open)

Postby Esy » 07/25/2009 8:37 PM

Fellom followed the Sheilupe up the dune. It was scorching hot from the almost endless sun and a bit rocky, so it was quite difficult to climb. "Woah! Is that ice? Here?" Fell exclaimed, then relizing the paragon down there had created it. "It looks like there's also a, Slynx?" As he wondered whether his eyes his were telling the truth, he slipped on a loose patch of sand and almost toppled down the side. Boy, that was close. I hope the paragon didn't notice. Scrambling back up to the top of the dune, Fell turned his head to check if he had been seen.

Sly leaped out of his small ditch just in time for Serrya to blast her ice touch. Where there was a sandy hole, was now thick ice. "Wow! Thank you!" Sly was so grateful as she touched her nose to the block. "This tastes great." She added, and licked the ice a few times resting her head on a corner of it. She still wanted to keep most of it clean so it could be licked. "Do you want some?"
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Re: Gathering Storm (Open)

Postby cmf25 » 08/08/2009 9:11 AM

Ashkii could hardly believe his own eyes at the sight and neither could Fell apparently. His eyes weren't lying and his nose proved this, there really was ice here in this oven. Ashkii's blue eyes widened in horror as he watched the ground give way under the Fellox and disappear from view. Thinking quickly he lunged forward to grab the Fellox but his jaws closed on empty air.

Ashkii looked down and saw Fell catch himself. Relieved he decided that perhaps it would be best to help him up. Carefully he began his descend. The Sheilupe was walking carefully diagonally, which made it easier to climb down the incline. The lose sand suddenly shifted and gave way beneath his weight and with a startled yelp he too slid down the slope. Unlike Fell thought, he was unable to catch himself and slid all the way down to the bottom. As he feel he caused more sand to fall and the loose sand quickly began to burry him. Ashkii panicked and he tried desperately to escape his sandy tomb but to no avail. The sand quickly swallowed him.

Serrya nodded to the little cat, accepting its thanks. She wasn't all that thirsty now and she felt rather cool herself. A yelp and sliding sand alerted her that they truly were not alone any more. Her eyes narrowed and she struggled to see amongst the gathering cloud of dust. Well what ever it was there were two of them. One resembled a black fox of sorts with two tails and blue flames. What ever had fallen the sand was trying to cover up.

Annoyed at being disturbed she turned to leave Sly and see about the two intruders. Serrya growled but did nothing else aggressive. Instead she decided that she'd better help who ever it was buried. She couldn't use her claws to dig it out because she could accidently hurt it with her powerful talons and letting Sly and the fox thing dig would take to long. Using her though speech again she projected her command to both. "Keep your eyes shut." Using her massive bat like wings she began to beat them, trying to clear the sand away. With each beat of her powerful wings more and more sand was kicked up into the air until they were all incased in a thick cloud of sand. With in minutes a white and periwinkle dog was unearthed and she stopped flapping her wings. The sand began to settle once again. And the sun had disappeared over the horizon.
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Re: Gathering Storm (Open)

Postby Esy » 08/23/2009 5:59 PM

Sly was so excited and happy she almost didn't hear a yelp from not to far away. Looking up, and also blinking from bits of scattered dust, she thought she saw dog-like creatures. Company? Slynk thought with curiosity. She saw her newly made friend get up and move to the sand mountain, so Sly decided to follow.

Fell panicked when Ashkii lost the sand underneath and started pummeling down hill. The sand around him made begining to make a suffacating current. It was going to drag him under. Fellom sat down on the side of haunches and slid quickly, while still trying to go carefully. The last he needed was to end up the same as Ashkii. Reachin near where Ash fell, Fell looked up to see the Paragon towing over him, with the Slynx near by. Hearing the Paragon's words, he quickly darted out of the way and protected his eyes and hoped his friend was okay.
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