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Return to Ree'ne Sea

Postby ToxicShadow » 11/25/2008 7:16 PM

Spearow's grip tightened around the handles of the ores as the boat was sent rocking. She'd stopped rowing when Rip stood up. Now her arms were stiff, the ores held sternly outward as if to act as a balance for the little boat. He was upset and she was staring right at him, but could never forget the danger if she got wet again.

Rather then flinching away and listening to what he commanded- yes, she interpreted his words to be an actual command- she held stead fast.  It was a command that she couldn't follow. If it had been anything else, she could have, anything else but this. She was looking at it all as if there was no other choice to stop from putting him too far into danger. She couldn't have him hurt. So, this one time, she'd made the decision that it was okay to disobey the command of one higher than she.

"I won't loose my life!" she retaliated, her words as stubborn as her was expression stern. "I'm the one out of the two of us who would fair better in a fight like that!" Had she not been griping the ores, she would have thrown her hands up. "Who ever said I was sane anyway?! I'm a mermaid who hates the ocean so much I became a pirate. My life is at risk by my own crew mates every second of the day because I'm secretly a mermaid. I put myself in the worst place a mermaid could ever think to be, because I wanted to. That's not sane!"
A heavy breathe escaped her lips. "If something isn't done, nothing will change. I can hold my own in a fight, even if I'm out numbered. Or do you believe I'm not capable enough to hold my own? I did save you, Sir. And I'm not about to drag you too far into this feud."

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Re: Lets Destroy the Customs! It helps being Peculiar

Postby Kyrit » 12/19/2008 11:47 PM

Was he honestly that pathetic of a pirate? Was he so pitiful that those he was in command of didn't follow his commands? Well... It had already been obvious just by the fact that he had been thrown overboard, but Spearow just stuck it to him rather hard. The one person on the entire ship that seemed to always do as told had just refused to carry out an order. Fun....

"Fine. Just do whatever you want. Don't blame me if you come out of this with a missing limb or something." He was far from happy, but the Draculi knew it was a fight that he wouldn't win in a million years. He was a pathetic pirate, probably the worst fighter on the ship with his luck, while she was used to fighting. It just didn't feel right to let her take care of all the problems though. He started it all that day by telling them all to back off, so it felt to him as though it was all his fault and nothing should be put upon her shoulders. Sure, she saved him, but that only showed that she was a decent person. There was no need to put her in trouble once again when surely he could have taken care of it.

Finally, he had taken back to sitting down, only this time looking away from her. He had grown rather quiet too as he waited for them to just reach the ship and get everything done.
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Re: Lets Destroy the Customs! It helps being Peculiar

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/20/2008 12:26 AM

That time, Spearow flinched. She knew full well that Riphest wasn't going to be pleased to hear what she had to say. She could easily expect that something he would say could end up sounding harsh, yet...she still didn't expect it. He just didn't seem understand why she was so willing to put herself into danger this time. Likewise, she also didn't let it click into her head why he didn't want her to do it. They were both just dense and wouldn't admit it.

"Fine, I won't!" He wasn't happy, she wasn't happy. It was like one of those stupid fights people got in from time to time. Even if you want to apologize, because you do actually care, you wouldn't, because you also wanted to be the winner of the disagreement for some reason. That's how it felt, so Spearow's words came out with a solitary 'I don't need you anyway' attitude. She would have never blamed him for any of this anyway, so his statement had been redundant.

Rowing. Yes, that'd be her excuse for looking away. Rip didn't have one, but she would. Ha! Oh yea, that'd show him~ wouldn't...But still!
They got closer, and closer to the ship. They were into it's shadow now, when all of Spearow's thoughts began to be spoken aloud to herself. Not all of it was audible, but some of it certainly was, "Stupid, inconsiderate...! Men are just all the same, thick headed-" She was looking at her hands, watching them move in the endless circular motion, it not robbing her of her ability to think of something entirely different. From the sounds of things, she didn't think too highly of men...

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Postby Kyrit » 12/24/2008 1:06 AM

Stupid? Inconsiderate? All the same? So he was no better than the filth aboard the ship in her mind? How lovely. And to think that he thought she saw him as at least a tiny step above them. Had he bullied her just because she was a woman that thought she was a pirate? Had he decided to turn her over to his father just because she was a mermaid and they could make a hefty sum off of selling her? No. He hadn't even wanted her to take the blame for anything! Did that show how 'inconsiderate' he was?

Sad thing was... he could think of no words to return criticism for about women. A woman had given birth to him, raised him for most of his life, and done all she could to try to give him a happy life. Lovely... Nothing at all to come back with. Instead he just gave her a quick glance that seemed a bit... hurt? It was true. Those words had hurt him a bit to think that he was just the same as the pigs that she hated on the ship.

His hands took hold of the ladder like netting that ran down the side of the ship. "Go ahead and head on up..." he muttered, not bothering to look back at her. "I'll take care of hooking the lifeboat back up to the ship..."
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Re: Lets Destroy the Customs! It helps being Peculiar

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/24/2008 1:55 AM

Okay, so Spearow did end up feeling guilty for what she said. All it took was the look Rip had given her. It wasn't really that she meant it or that she intended to say it out loud, but it happened that way. When you got mad someone, it was very easy to say something that you didn't mean. And, because Spearow honestly did hate practically every man she'd ever met, excluding the one sitting across from her now, her words of dislike came out so easily simply from habit.

She glanced up at the ladder he held for her, then away. She lifted the ores up, placing them safely inside the small boat. "You're free go now. Thank you all so much..." Her attention was first turned to the three Werebettas that had assisted them so much during their little journey. "Or...if you'd like, you can trail the ship. It'll probably be worth it, with how much those idiots waste."

Upon that, the bettas released the rope that they'd been pulling with, they all diving under. She thought they'd decided to leave, until she watched them all poke their heads back up. One of the Fighters and the Goldclaw were closest to her, the other Fighter, the female one that first took to Riphest, up nearest him. She patted their heads and smiled, despite herself. "Good to have you as part of the team."

Then came a sigh. She was fully capable of talking like a normal person, but that didn't change her guilt. She glanced to Riphest, though he wasn't looking at her. "Thank you, Sir... Please don't take what I said to heart." She took hold what was to be their ladder then, standing up. One foot after another, she was scaling the side of the ship. Now it hit her, the worry of what was going to happen when she was back on board. It really wasn't worth worrying about, though, since something was going to happen, either way.

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Postby Kyrit » 03/31/2009 12:01 AM

Once Spearow was gone and up the ladder Riphest bent down and reached out to let his hand stroke the female of the Werebettas. "Thanks guys... For everything." In his mind the phrase 'especially not eating me' was tacked on, but he knew that wasn't the best word choice to say to them. "I'll try to make sure the left overs tonight are really good." With that he stood back up and set to work on hooking back up the row boat. It helped him try to forget Spearow's comment since he really did know she didn't mean for him to take it to heart like she said.

Meanwhile back on the deck everything seemed rather quiet. Ridu was, of course, at the helm where he tended to spend a lot of time around to make sure they weren't going off course. Spearow went unnoticed to him as he was too busy fussing at himself for some minor error or something. Anything that was audible from him sounded like just a curse as he looked from the map to a compass and from that to the wheel, this line continuing over and over.

Seemed like things couldn't go perfect though, as a pair of lesser seen pairs of eyes happened to catch sight of her. He had always made it a point to sort of stay away from the rest of the crew most of the time, keeping to his sails and only coming down when it was by order of the captain. He was rather touchy about the fact a woman was part of their crew though, as he held himself to the pirate standards. Girls brought terrible luck. They needed her gone.

A tapping was now heard at Tariet's door made by the metallic tail of the watcher, interrupting his game of poker with Asaine. "This bettuh be good..." the humanoid Mekkayena growled out as he opened the door only to look down at the somewhat smaller and paler male. "Tha gurl is back. No Rip yet." His works were quick and few so that once he had told them he could leave once again.

A bright blue eye fell upon Asaine, quite the creepy grin spreading across Tariet's face. "An' tha wentch came back." That pretty much meant that it was time to start up a bit of trouble.
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Re: Lets Destroy the Customs! It helps being Peculiar

Postby ToxicShadow » 03/31/2009 6:22 PM

One foot after another, Spearow slipped up over the edge of the ship, landing on deck quietly on her bare feet. She was alert, eyes shifting all about in order to detect someone before they got to her, if anyone was about. She could vaguely hear Ridu from her position, though determined from the sound of it that he was far too preoccupied with his navigation to bother noticing her. One thing she missed? The one who did in fact catch her coming aboard. Well, at least until it was too late. He had to come down from his perch to inform Tariet of the happenings, and that was when she caught on.

With the tapping of the door, Asaine's ears had moved forward, watching Tariet rise from his seat. An interruption was usually an annoyance, but with a mischievous glint to his eyes, he reached over to take a peek at his partner's cards. That was, until he heard the news; his intentions of cheating were no longer on his mind. With his own grin and a flick of his lion's tail, the gunman rose from his seat. "Let da fun begin again."

In all due respect, their plan had been first to get rid of Riphest. Finding that the woman went after him was another thing, it killed two birds with one stone. But looks like those birdies were coming back from the dead. Their target had moved back to the more problematic woman. If she had managed to save that man, then perhaps she really was more trouble then they first anticipated.

While the two concluded it was time to shake things back up and made their way out, Spearow had found herself leaning over the edge of the ship. The better part of her mind told her to get out of sight, to inform the captain of what happened, or at least inform him that they were back. Out of sight, out of mind. Or maybe no one else would see them. However, the mermaid-gone-human couldn't bring herself to abandon Rip. She couldn't leave him to possibly be confronted alone.
"Just leave it there for now!" Oh, there she went commanding him again.

Waiting, waiting...

When the man came close to the top, she offered a hand out to him to help him up over the edge. "We have to hurry, before anyone gets out here. I think I was spotted." By the look on her face, she was one unhappy camper when relaying this information.

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Postby Kyrit » 04/15/2009 3:59 PM

Well, even is Asaine had managed to peak at Tariet's cards he wouldn't have blamed him. They were pirates and some of the worst of the bunch. Cheating at a card game? Well, it was sort of expected really. Tariet wouldn't come out and say it to his face, but there had been a few times he had cheated to get a good hand. It was how they did things after all. Playing fair was just no fun.

"I dun think she brough back tha kid." the Mekka spoke as he left the room, leaving his cards where he had put them down. They could finish up the game later, but for now there was something more important to take care of. "If sha did, he ain't come up yet." It almost wasn't as fun without Rip to pick off as well, but if Spearow didn't have him with her that just meant one less fool to take care of and they had managed to pull the plan off even with her trying to foil it. And if Rip did show up... Well, they could still take care of him. The most important thing was to make sure it was done before they reached the Captain.

The little boat came back up along with Riphest, the Draculi using his arms to pull on the ropes and bring it back up. Tying things off, he took Spearow's hand and got off. "Didn't have to fuss. I was almost done before you said anything. Why the rush...?" Obviously it didn't click in his mind that they could have someone watching their every move already, reporting to the other scum that they were back. This was brought up by her words though, bringing a frown to his tanned face.

"Alright... Well... Yeah, let's get going." He didn't know what to say really, so he let his feet do the talking by starting to walk toward where his father would be resting. "Any clue who it was..?" If they were lucky it could have been one of the few people he really did trust on the ship.
(I figure'd I'd wait on Asaine to be nice and ready before I have them run in to one another. They'll stop them before they get to the Captain and drag them off to the side or something? *at school, so lame post* )
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Re: Lets Destroy the Customs! It helps being Peculiar

Postby ToxicShadow » 05/03/2009 8:43 PM

Hurrying along, Spearow shook her head to answer Rip's question and replied in a hushed voice, "No, Sir, I didn't see anyone except for Ridu, and he did not leave his post." Which meant it had to have been someone that couldn't have been seen just by looking around the deck. With that eliminating thought, it must have been someone that could see from above. That was still more than one crew member though, so it was hard to say just who it might have been.

Alongside Tariet, Asaine was hustling even more than the others were. "Oh, look what we have 'ere~" Indeed, he spotted the woman and their pathetic excuse of a First Mate. They were in a hurry, they were, but they only both started moving once he and the master of arms had already spotted them. In his mind, he saw the two targets much like he would see a mouse if he were pure feline- they were prey, victims.

Rather than waiting to create a plan of action with his friend, the Leebra simply made a signal with a motion of his head- this being an instruction to go around them in the direction opposite of the one he was taking. Going around them in a wide circle, keeping out of sight. Being sneaky wasn't that difficult of a task for any trained pirate, so it was a piece of cake for the gunman. The only thing he hesitated upon was which one to go after, and it was solved by quick action. Which one seemed more troublesome? Which one would definitely stay if the other was in danger?

From the side, he suddenly snatched Spearow up by her hair, yanking her backward with quite a bit of force, trapping her in his arms.
"Aah!" The mermaid had taken it upon herself to be on her guard, but being pulled in by her hair was not something she had been prepared for. Instinctively, just after being snatched, she bit down on one of Asaine's arms, though this did not give her any freedom.

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Postby Kyrit » 07/04/2009 12:33 AM

(Homg. DX Toxie, I forgot it was my turn. T ^T You should've kicked me.)

So it wasn't Ridu... Great. That knocked out one of the few people he knew they could trust. The Dire Fenref had been part of his father's crew since the day it was formed, and he had been very loyal in those years. While he wasn't the easiest guy to get to know, he did show a soft side from time to time. "We better hurry th-" His words were cut off very quickly as he witness Spearow jerked back, wheeling around to face Asaine. Seconds later he was running forward, aiming to strike him in the face. He had already broken the rule against striking others while onboard the ship to resolve an argument, so he wasn't against breaking it again. It was within his job to settle disputes anyways, so maybe it wouldn't hurt if from time to time he broke a rule or two to keep them in line.

Sadly, his plans would soon be ruined. Tariet had indeed gone around them as well, and he wasn't about to let Asaine take on the two of the trouble makers. "Well I'll be. Lookie 'ere~ Tha Captin's pet made it back afta all." Maybe this was where all the trouble came from. The Master of Arms was supposed to maintain order and discipline, but he was part of the little uproar they were having. The one that was supposed to take care of order and disipline didn't quite listen to the rulings of what was the order of things.

The moment Riphest had made his move for the Leebra, the Mekka made his own move, dashing forward with a sweep kick to knock him flat on his face. Had Rip been expecting it, he might have been able to at least move out of the way in time, but it seemed as though this time he didn't quite make it. He could feel his face burning as the slightly larger male bent down and grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him back to his feet.

"Looks like we caugh' two littl' lost lambs, eh Asaine?" Tariet's lips had twisted in to a large, slightly open grin that showed his canine like teeth. "Wonder wha' we oughta do with 'em." He seemed to be unphased by the human form Draculi trying to escape his clutches, as he only tightened his grip on the back of Rip's neck.
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Re: Lets Destroy the Customs! It helps being Peculiar

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/21/2009 1:36 PM

It all unfolded quickly. Spearow watched Riphest act in order to free her from Asaine's grasp, only to be ambushed by Tariet. Unprepared and against them both, they did not have the upper hand. They were both already apprehended, but the woman would not ever go down without a fight. She was sick and tired of most males treating her however they wanted just because she was a woman and because she was different. She'd left the ocean for a reason and, by damn, her life here was going to be better than that life, even if she had to force it.

Angry now, the woman's hold on Asaine's arm grew tighter and tighter, her teeth sinking in and breaking his flesh. As blood began to seep out, the pain was finally enough to get the Leebra to falter. She used this moment to shove back into his body, knocking him backward and freeing herself from his grasp. He cursed, stumbling backward.

In that same instant she ran and jumped at their Master of Arms with her full-force, her stregnth more than what the typical woman would have. She intended to pin him and, in the process, also have Riphest freed. None of these men had ever truly seen her fight. It was against the rules to fight against shipmates, but she would fight them now. Though she did not start this fight, she would finish it if she had to. She certainly wasn't about to let her only friend, yes, friend, get hurt. She considered Riphest her friend now.

By the time Asaine had regained his footing, the Hydrolisk lady had already sprung. He could only moved forward to try to yank her back off Tariet. In that moment, he did not consider that Riphest may have very well just escaped and would be able to stop him.

Spearow, well, she was planning to land a few punches, if anything, before letting anything else happen.

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Postby Kyrit » 12/09/2009 3:28 PM

Focusing on the squirming Draculi withing his grasp, Tariet wasn't quick enough to notice Spearow's escape right away. He had allowed himself to look away, which left Asaine and the girl on his blind side. That said, he was very open to her attack as she ran for him. The only thing that almost saved him(oh how he would come to wish it wasn't just almost) was the sound of her movements. Making a quick, last minute attempt to keep her from getting at him, the Chaotic Mekkayena flung Riphest in her direction, trying to sway to the side himself in order to get away.

What he wasn't expecting was for Riphest to purposely fall and do a quick roll to the side in order to get out of her way, since he had been able to see her before being shoved. Quickly turning to look toward them all as he tried to move, Tariet finally realized he had been too late after all. If he had noticed her coming at him sooner he probably would have been able to get away. Possibly, he would have even drew his blade on her. He could have always called it self preservation after all since she was coming after him first. Not to mention he and Asaine could have made up some story to go along with it. The captain would be more likely to believe them than some woman.

As Spearow collided with him, Tariet tumbled backward, falling under almost instantly. Two loud cracks could be heard as his back and then head hit the floor, although there were thankfully(at least for him) no broken bones. The cracks were soon followed by a whistling noise as well as some sort of buzzing. For a moment his pupil dilated before he closed his eye. When it opened again it seemed... soulless. Rather, pupil-less. Even with the woman now on top of him, a wide grin slowly spread over Tariet's face, though he didn't make any other movement yet.

Meanwhile, after hitting the floor and rolling out of the way, Riphest did his best to get back up as quickly as he could. He staggered for a moment, but once back up he wasn't going to let Asaine get past him. Trying to make sure that Spearow would land her goal, Riphest ducked down slightly and went to tackle the Leebra. He wasn't sure how well it would work since he wasn't the most built of all of them, but it wouldn't hurt to try.
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Re: Lets Destroy the Customs! It helps being Peculiar

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/20/2009 4:57 PM

Asaine wasn't prepared for Riphest to spring at him, much too focused on getting the fleeting Spearow back into his grasp for his and Tariet's own good. His negligence lead to his own punishment when the human-form Draculi smashed into him and knocked him backward. Even if Riphest wasn't the best built of the crew, the element of surprise had clearly switched sides to give the ambushed party the advantage.

Much like what happened to Tariet, the smashing of his body into the hard wood of the deck wasn't the the prettiest sound in the world. The large cracking sound from Asaine's own skull colliding with the floor buzzed in his ears as he struggled beneath his enemy. He would try to push Rip off, of course, but there was no telling if it was to any avail just yet. He wasn't all there as of yet, still being thrown off from the shock. Unlike the Mekka, he didn't have any special triggers that gave him more strength and resolve.

Oh, triggers... What a brilliant idea! I still had faith enough to believe that he and Tariet could trick the captain into believing they were the innocent ones, even if he ended up killing someone. But Riphest was the captain's son, so maybe just a shot in the arm or the leg would do. Either way, he'd still have to get his gun first...

Having found herself successfully pinning the Master of Arms, Spearow was little more than creeped out by the strange array of sounds coming from Tariet's body. She had never witnessed the change before when he lost it. She'd seen that smile, though, and it was something that started this mess. He always had that smile when he was chasing her skirt.

Instead of being fearful, Spearow was unreasonable. She hated him for starting this. It was he and Asaine that were at the bulk of the cracks against her and now she let all of her anger out without considering the outcome. Her legs pressed down against his arms in attempt to disable their movement and she slid one hand up around his throat. While her eyes weren't pupil-less, they raged.

In one swing, Spearow aimed her punch to knock the smile right off of his face. Maybe she'd get lucky and knock out a few teeth. Maybe it was not so possible, but she could hope. She was tired of these bastards ruining her chances! She already had more than enough men trying to shove her around and get in her pants when she was a mermaid [so-to-speak, as mermaids didn't wear pants]. She was going to take it here, not when everything was finally starting to look up.

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Postby Kyrit » 03/17/2010 12:06 AM

Riphest couldn't see what was going on between Spearow and Tariet. If he could, he probably would have been terrified of the look on his face. Whenever the Mekkayena snapped, it was almost impossible to tell just exactly what he might do. Maybe he wouldn't even do a single thing at all. Maybe most of the circuits had blown or something, leaving him helpless yet frightening. None the less, the Daculi didn't see his odd appearance and couldn't tell Spearow that they needed to get out of there as quickly as possible.

Instead, he kept his attention on Asaine. In truth, he was absolutely amazed at the fact he had managed to at least knock the larger crew member over. He did feel a bit bad about the pain he was sure the Leebra was feeling thanks to his skull meeting the deck. This didn't cause him to simply let go though. He knew that this would leave him off his rocker so to say for a bit, meaning he'd be easier to keep pinned down. While Asaine tried to shove him off, Riphest did his best to hang on while he could. After all, he didn't know what else he could do. Sure, he could hit him... but he was pretty sure that wouldn't do much. Stab him with a dagger maybe? No, that would only cause trouble for them later. Instead, Rip just did his best to hang on and hope that someone would soon come through and help them.

Tariet, unlike his partner, didn't seem to be doing much to escape Spearow's grip since she had knocked him down and pinned him under her. He seemed to just lay there under her, unresponsive save for the rather disturbing grin plastered on his face. Even when she struck out against him, the Mekkayena made no move. There was a faint cracking sound as her fist met with his jaw, yet his head remained completely still. Blood trickled down his lip, which had busted open due to her fist slamming skin against teeth.

Finally, he made some sort of reaction. His tongue flicked over his lip before spitting out a bit of blood in her direction. He didn't care if it managed to hit her or not, so long as it was no longer within his mouth. His visible eye still seemed to be pupil-less, yet looking directly up at her. No movement was made from his arms yet, but he did speak up. "Looks like a woman, hits like a man. Maybe the Cap'an let her aboard because she really is a man beneath those pretty looks." Instead of trying to free his arms from underneath her legs, he wiggled them around enough so that his palms were facing up, trying to rub against the flesh of her legs. "Eh Asaine! Think we ought'a check what's under the hood?"

Regardless of what any of them were going to decide to do next, it seemed as though they would soon have another member joining their current party. Letting out a few chirps, the captain's pet owl landed on the railing near the four of them. Head tilting to the side and body fidgeting around, he seemed to have come there as a warning of who would be with them shortly. Too bad the owl couldn't tell the captain exactly what had been going on when his footsteps stopped a few feet away from them. Instead of speaking out, he simply cleared his throat and waited, looking down at them all.
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Re: Lets Destroy the Customs! It helps being Peculiar

Postby ToxicShadow » 05/06/2010 2:01 PM

Asaine's weary attempts didn't seem to be doing any good for him. His head was throbbing from the pain of smashing into the hard wood of the deck, making it very difficult to focus on just about everything, really. He tried to shake off Riphest, though all the thrashing only doubled, if not tripled, the pain in his head. Oh, he was going to have a headache for the rest of the day, at least. To add to the mess, the guy pinning him down as pretty much like a monkey clinging for dear life. In this state, shaking him off would be a real pain.

Spearow, on the other hand, was now wiping blood off of her face, Tariet having successfully spat the blood from his mouth onto her. Great. He was back to reacting now. She knew there was certainly going to be more to come. And, sure enough, he began to speak his insults.  "I'm more of a man than you'll ever be," she growled, "and don't need a-" She was cut short, first by the man now attempting to rub his hands against her legs and, when she was about to retaliate in another streak of anger, the owl's squawking quickly followed by none other than the captain joining them.

The woman cursed her luck, springing off of the Master of Arms in a hurry. She had wanted so badly to be a good pirate, now to only get caught up in this mess. She didn't want to be banished from this ship, no matter how much trouble some of the other crew caused her. She did at least have one friend here now, Riphest, and that was enough of a reason to want to stick around. On none of the other ships she had ever sailed had she met someone she actually got along with well enough to consider them a friend of hers.

"C-Captain," she spoke her respect, bowing her head just slightly. Pirates had no formal salutes, so this had been her common way of showing her respect to the Captain when he came forth.

At the same time Spearow moved, Asaine now attempted to sit up himself, knowing fully well that Riphest would do the same as she did and he would be free to move.

[Not exactly my best work, but I've been trying to get something out for awhile now. Sorry that it took so long. Dx]

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