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Re: Finding Love in the Right Places (Akail Hunt, Open)

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 07/18/2009 10:33 PM

Before the fenling could leave the little cave an akail who had gone complete unnoticed popped up (though she kept her face a safe distance, so as not to get scratched).


"My Small Sun-Dweller you are quite charismatic to have kept these two from eating you!" the pale akail laughed good naturedly, "Wandering-Shadow, I am disappointed to see you so bitter about your wonderful hide. Should you not appreciate it enough I'm sure the human hunters would love to make a carrying satchel out of you!" her laugh this time was unbridled and she seemed to have filled out a bit more since their last encounter as she lit up the frills on her body, bathing the rock wall around her in a light greenish glow.

Her attention turned to the other strangely coloured akail and her face brightened, "I'm sorry to say," though really she wasn't because the akail was laughing it up it seemed, "that I have been following you for quite some time. You too are bitter, Bitter-One and you seem to have brought out the worst in Wandering-Shadow."
Obviously the Nameless One wasn't too big on memorizing names herself. She kept close to the cave and dipped her head in slowly, whispering to the angst ball and the fenling.
"Poor little Sun-Dweller. I saw you sleeping and walking. I hope you do not mind that I helped you up here, for you see I was worried for your safety. I hope you are not to frightened and should you need any assistance while you are here I shall do what I can. Poor Sun-Dweller..." her attention was caught by the agnst ball and she giggled in a hissing sort of way that may have been read as a threat. Hopefully not.
"Is this what the Sun-Dwellers call a "Dust Bunny"?"
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Re: Finding Love in the Right Places (Akail Hunt, Open)

Postby MillietheWarrior » 07/19/2009 3:57 AM

The Pale Akail was, to say the least, very startling. Seaspray tilted her head in a confused way. 'What?' her thought voice echoed, sounding quite surprised. She'd been followed? Seaspray wondered at her lack of attention to her surroundings, and fought the urge to ask the Akail just how long she'd been following her. Seaspray turned her head towards Flynn, as if to ask him if he knew this Pale Akail. The Pale-One seemed to know him; she'd called him 'Wandering-Shadow.' Did that mean they were familiar with one another? Why hadn't the Pale ones accepted Flynn into their secret society? Seaspray couldn't deny that she felt a thrill of elation; she'd found a Pale Akail! She'd finally found someone as strange as her...Well, excluding Flynn, of course. But she had to wonder...

Did they even have clans? If Flynn had not been taken in by them, did that mean that...Perhaps this was the only one? Seaspray felt her heart sink with the realization, but her attention was suddenly taken back by the Pale One. She'd helped the Fenling? Interesting. Seaspray remembered her own experiences with Surface-Dwellers. To say the least, her first encounter had been a bit difficult; after all, she'd tried to eat a very kind, very gentle woman. But after she'd spoken with them...Well, she'd come to realize they weren't all bad. Perhaps this Akail had also come to the same realization; maybe that was why she extended such familiar greetings to the Fenling.

'Bitter,' Seaspray repeated in quiet realization, amused by the scene playing out before her eyes. She had a small smile on her face, her frills dancing back and forth on her back. The Pale One reminded her of Sammy, her trainer. She seemed very...Outgoing. 'Pale One...' she said at last, stepping forward slightly. 'I guess...Your right...' She needed to stop being so very Akail, and start being more civil. She glanced at Flynn, as if to offer an apology; but there was still a wary hostility there that would not fade, warning him not to come too close to her. She stared past her at the Fenling, and seemed intrigued. 'My offer still stands, little one. We won't eat you,' she repeated to ease the Surface-Dweller's mind. She shot a glance at Flynn, and felt very odd. She felt as if she were secretly chiding him and warning him, as if to say 'You'd better listen to me.' Her eyes rested on Flynn and his unique skin, before her gaze lingered on the Pale Akail. She was so like her, yet so...Different. 'Pale One...Do you...Have a name?'

[10, 21]

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

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Re: Finding Love in the Right Places (Akail Hunt, Open)

Postby BasilFox » 07/19/2009 5:58 PM

Flynn started as a familiar bell-like voice echoed through the cavern. He turned to see the very face he had...Well he had hoped to see her again, but he had never dreamed that he'd get the chance. His face lit up as though he had just been given a very pleasing day-of-birth-gift. All thoughts of snacking on the sun-dwellers vanished as he once again took in the beauty of The Nameless One.

Of course...as she 'chided' him for being ashamed of his skin, his head ducked as though he were a hatchling being scolded by its mother. He allowed himself a faint smile and a soft chuckle as The Nameless One told him of the option of becoming someone's satchel. If I was a satchel...Then perhaps I wouldn't have to try so hard to get food. After all...Some one would just put it in me!" He thought to himself, laughing mentally.

Outloud he greeted The Nameless One and answered Seaspray's silent question. He was a little more civil now and his tense pose relaxed.now that The Pale akail had come, Seaspray sounded more genuine and he was more willing to trust her, though he was still ready to defend himself, should she decide she didn't want to be so forgiving. "Greetings, once again, O Nameless One." He chuckled, louder this time. "I think I'd make a very nice satchel, don't you? No one would ever loose me for I would still glow quite a bit...But as Seaspray said...You are right. I should not be so bitter. I should not yearn for that which cannot be, but rather accept that which I have." His words had two meanings...Though one could hardly tell from the light-hearted way he said them.

Flynn looked the Pale Akail over discreetly. Her beauty seemed to have doubled...No doubt because she looked to have eaten finally. Did that mean she had found what she had been looking for? Would she tell him what she had found? Where had she been to? What secrets did she now know? So many questions...And he didn't even know if the time he had to ask them would be short or long.

"I cringe.
The sound of my voice rips through me.
They scream.
The sound of my laughter stabs them.
He cowers.
The sound of his breathing betrays him.
I smile.
Only the sound of my music remains."
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Re: Finding Love in the Right Places (Akail Hunt, Open)

Postby Jessari » 07/21/2009 8:49 AM

Astoria had paused at Flynn's question, trying to think up a suitable answer. Although they had accepted her offer to assist them as she had hoped, she had also hoped that they wouldn't question her powers further. In truth, though her cursed pelt gave her added defensive powers, it also clouded the future sight that Fenlings were so well-known for. She had limited sight, true, but it was more of an impulse, or hunch, rather than a clear vision. She had planned to rely upon that to guide her to the Pale Ones, at least until she had found a suitable place to extract herself and Bane.

But with the appearance of the new Akail, the search seemed to be over before it had begun. Three of them now. Lovely. She withdrew her foot, instinctively beginning to shrink back into the cave, when the Akail addressed her of all people! She listened, intrigued as the Akail explained how she had guided her to her resting place during her sleep, and as she listened, she relaxed yet again. If this Akail had taken such care to keep her safe while she slept, then surely she meant no harm now that she was awake. And perhaps she would deter the others if they decided her usefulness was over.

'My offer still stands, little one. We won't eat you,'

Astoria shot a surprised glance towards Seaspray, more than a little shocked by her mind-speech. The expression turned into one of immense gratitude.

"Thank you, Pale One," she said, nodding her head in an odd little bow to the new Akail. Although she had grown used to using proper names, this description-as-a-name seemed somehow suitable for one who seemed to use them so often. "My sleepwalking often gets me into trouble, sometimes more trouble than I can handle alone. Both I and my companion deeply appreciate your assistance."

Bane, who had remained flittering at the mouth of the small cave, let off a sigh of utter depression, although their situation had changed considerably for the better. "Dust bunny indeed. What a disgrace."

Astoria chuckled quietly, flicking him with a soft red and black tail in reprimand.

(Sorry for the rushed post. Work calls. *sigh*)
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Re: Finding Love in the Right Places (Akail Hunt, Open)

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 07/21/2009 6:00 PM

The pale akail seemed infinitely impressed that the dust bunny who wasn't a dust bunny could speak. The nodded politely to the Sun-Dweller and her dust bunny before moving out of the way, giving the Sun-Dweller room to come out and maybe interact a bit more with the rest of the group.
"I don't have a name. I left my name when I left my old life. Though I suppose I am now referred to as "Pale One" and "Nameless One". I suppose it was inevitable I would receive a name of some sort." she laughed, the same as before, tinkling glass, "Call me what you will. As for you, Wandering-Shadow, your skin is lit up through your life and soul, you would make for a dull and heavy satchel after you've returned to where we all come from and go."

Now that the need to make her presence fully known was gone the strange greenish-white light she had dropped off, almost completely extinguished. Akail did love the dark and though their self made light did not hurt their eyes it wasn't always comfortable. The darkness wrapped around them again, the only thing visible were the glow of their eyes and the minimal light each akail was letting off.
"Last time I ran into you Wandering-Shadow you truly were wandering, but now you've come seeking. Seeking me, as have you, Bitter-One. I am confused as to your reasoning's. Both are different, this I know, but what they are exactly I am far from understanding."
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Re: Finding Love in the Right Places (Akail Hunt, Open)

Postby MillietheWarrior » 07/21/2009 7:28 PM

Seaspray backed up a few inches and sat back on her haunches, looking remarkably like a giant, spiked cat. She regarded the Sun-Dwellers with something akin to a smile, her eyes lit up in amusement. Seaspray was astounded at the happenings of the day. She'd not only met one, but two Akail who were as different as her. And she'd also come into contact with a Sun-Dweller crazy, or brave, enough to sleep down here in the dark, where the things that went bump in the night really would eat you. Curling her long tail around her claws, she glanced at Flynn when he remarked about becoming a satchel. She'd never heard of anyone making a satchel out of an Akail, but there was always a first. He didn't seem very happy with his life, but nor had she been, herself.

However, the appearance of the Pale One seemed to have brightened something in Flynn, and he no longer seemed as cold or distant. Seaspray couldn't figure out why, but the appearance of a happier spark in him also sent a happier spark through her. She shook her head. She shouldn't care so much. It would only lead to trouble. Seaspray looked between Flynn and the Pale One, guessing that they knew one another, but not wishing to pry into their own affairs. It wasn't her way, so she let the subject hang between them and then drop to the back of her mind. She turned back to the Pale Akail, her golden eyes glowing as she dipped her head slightly in thought. 'I cannot speak for Flynn...But as for myself...'

She glanced at Flynn and the Sun-dweller, suddenly feeling slightly self-conscious and embarrassed about her reasonings. They were somewhat personal, and she didn't really want to share them aloud. But the Pale Akail had asked, so she would oblige. It was the polite thing to do. Seapspray wondered when she'd become so uptight about politeness and civility. It didn't seem natural, but it seemed appropriate. Maybe there was something to this whole 'Not being so very Akail' business. 'I...I came to find somewhere to belong. One of my own kind who would accept me...Perhaps...Perhaps love me. I want a family, and friends, and a...And a belonging which I have never felt before. I want to have a life filled with happiness, not bitterness and hatred. I am tired of being shunned for who I am. So I decided to take it into my own claws and do something about it...And, well, here I am...'

She paused, considering her words carefully. 'In the land of the Sun-Dwellers, I am accepted and cooed over and thought of as a rare creature. I am looked at and appreciated, not looked at and shunned. But it isn't the same. They don't understand what it is like to be so very different. To be so...Strange as to be shunned by your own kind. I want to be a part of this world; of the darkness, where I can have a life with friends and family that would accept me, instead of turning me away. I am tired of being so alone in a  world where I should be surrounded by creatures whom I truly care about...But I have neither friends, nor family. I am alone.' Her frills glowed with a faint blue light, and her tail twitched. She looked almost uncomfortable, embarrassed and abashed that she'd spoken about her true feelings. It didn't feel right, and it was hard for her to lay them out in the open for everyone to see. She was a very private Akail; her own troubles belonged to her alone. But maybe she'd found someone to share them with... Maybe a friend? Or perhaps even more than one? What about Flynn? The Sun-Dwellers?

She tilted her head slightly. 'That is why I came looking for you, and for your kind. You are as different as both Flynn and I. You know what it is like, I can assume, to not belong with anyone but those closest to you. Many Sun-Dwellers don't understand me, or my ways. They don't know what Akail are truly like. They think we're just creatures to be hunted and sought after...They don't seem to see that we have feelings and needs and wants, just like them. So we're ignored, unless they want something nice to look at...Most of the time. Not all of them are like that, though,' she said, smiling pointedly at the Surface-Dwellers in the cave. 'But I'm just tired of being so alone...I came looking for the Pale Ones so that I may finally find a place I belong...Hopefully.'  She lowered her head slightly, keeping her gaze on the ground. She discreetly glanced at Flynn, as if silently asking him to say something so they could move past her own problems.

[11, 22]

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Finding Love in the Right Places (Akail Hunt, Open)

Postby BasilFox » 07/21/2009 11:10 PM

Flynn'Delmar laughed. It was a low and warm sound, noticeably different from his quiet, reserved chuckles.

"It is my fate to know and talk to those who are perceptive...Basil...The ever annoying Coryn...And now you two." The last words 'You two' were said with the tone often used amongst friends, rather than the usual harsh and abrasiveness usually associated with the distant phrase. And truly, now that he knew he was not alone in his uniqueness...That there were others...Others that presently, he knew, at least by name (or unnamed, as it would be)...A sort of mutual bond seemed to be present. They were made one by that which set them apart.

But her question. Why had he been seeking her, even as absentmindedly as he had? Perhaps it was because he desired the same thing as Seaspray. To know another, like yet unlike him. One who saw his skin...But did not think less of him for it. Or maybe he was drawn to The Nameless One because she seemed to accept her own difference, and he knew, deep within his soul, that he too needed to learn acceptance.

"I must confess...At first, I thought I sought you because I wished for another. I wanted anyone who was of my own kind that I could talk to. I thought my desire was merely that of wanting someone of like beliefs, of like thoughts...Someone whom I wouldn't have to explain my ways to...Someone who was not kind to me simply because my skin was pleasurable to look at. In that, The Sun-Dwellers cannot take the place of my own kind. At the very least, I have common ground with fellow akail. With Sun-Dwellers...Their acceptance is not what I need. Their acceptance... is empty...void...meaningless...They accept me, yet they do not truly know me. The wonders above are numerous to be sure, but what is a wonder if there is no one to share it with?"

The temple-patterned akail shook his head. The Sun-Dwellers...There are many among them who are different...Yet those who are different always seem to find another of their kind who is also different. Seeing so many happy different creatures together...It makes me yearn for this world. To be accepted. Above, I am accepted because of my difference and rarity...But for once I want to be accepted despite my difference. Not to say I wish it to be cast aside as if it does not matter...But I do not want it to matter so much that I cannot even walk...talk...hunt with my own kind."

Flynn gazed at each of the two pale-skinned akail, a happy light in his eye. Truly, he was glad to find others who were as different as he. His started mentally as he realized he was rambling. He decided that it would probably be best to get to the point and answer The Nameless One's question.

"I know now, O Nameless One, that I sought you out because you too were different. You seem to accept me...for who I am...And you accept yourself as well. Family seems like a stretch...And yet at the same time, I know that it is what I will always want: To be apart of something, To be apart of a clan, a pack, a family...That accepts me...But perhaps friends would be a better start? I believe the sayings are 'Start small' and 'Baby Steps'..."

He glanced at Seaspray. He was not sure if he would ever see The Nameless One again...But Seaspray had hinted that she too had a home-but-not-home in the realm of The Sun-Dwellers...So perhaps they could be friends. Good friends. And maybe they could search the caverns for other like them and The Nameless One...And maybe one day there would be a clan. A marvelous clan where all were accepted.

Of course, the clan seemed like a stretch. It was wishful thinking at best.

But friendship? Perhaps that was more plausible.  

"I cringe.
The sound of my voice rips through me.
They scream.
The sound of my laughter stabs them.
He cowers.
The sound of his breathing betrays him.
I smile.
Only the sound of my music remains."
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Re: Finding Love in the Right Places (Akail Hunt, Open)

Postby Jessari » 07/22/2009 10:34 PM

As the pale Akail's light dimmed and shrank into her skin, Astoria left the Angst Ball mumbling unintelligibly to himself in the cave and emerged to join the group. Though she kept a watchful eye on the Akail (old instincts died hard), the Fenling showed no hesitation. Small, incredibly agile paws gripped the rock face, all four tails moving gracefully to aid her balance. Once she had become somewhat comfortable with hanging onto the vertical surface, she settled in to listen as Seaspray and Flynn responded in turn to the Pale One's question. To help her own sight, she fed a small thread of power into each focus orb, creating four small sources of light that she carefully adjusted to be no brighter than the natural light that each Akail currently gave off.

Astoria considerately averted her eyes as Seaspray spoke of being alone. Although she couldn't say she understood what it was like for an Akail to be completely alone, she had an idea. Her sleepwalking, which could sometimes last for two days at a time, effectively kept her from putting down roots in any one spot. Bane was her only company, and although he was a familiar face in strange places, he wasn't exactly the companion she would have chosen had she been given a choice. It was a sad feeling, one that occasionally manifested itself as a hollow emptiness inside. At other times, it was a heavy weight that couldn't be shaken.

Now that the fear of being eaten had passed, Astoria was free to notice how incredibly beautiful the markings on each Akail was: Seaspray with her slender blue frills, Flynn with his exotic black and blue colorations, and the Pale One with a green glow as brilliant as her personality. She could see why the 'surface-dwellers' would admire them and hunt them, though she couldn't agree with the last. As to why the other Akail would shun them, that was something she could only guess at.

Though she wasn't exactly sure how the opinion of a creature of prey would be accepted among a group of predators, she felt encouraged to speak up. Astoria had been invited, if not through words, then through the Akails' glances and body language, to join the gathering. Her voice was quiet at the beginning, but slowly grew in confidence.

"Although I am not an Akail myself, I understand the loneliness you feel, Seaspray, and your desire to belong, Flynn. When I was barely old enough to fend for myself, I was cursed with an unusual case of sleepwalking. Every time my mind sleeps, my body carries me away, so that I always awake in unfamiliar surroundings. Although I sometimes find myself in awkward situations, such as this one, I have luckily escaped harm so far. But it seems that good health is the only thing the gods have blessed me with.

"Family? None that I can remember. Friends? None, unless you count the little ball of depression hovering in the cave. I've gathered many aquaintances during my travels, but none so dear that they would say goodbye to friends and family to follow me during my nighttime wanderings. Sometimes it feels as if the gods intended me to be alone, and so I must find a way to deal with that."

She gazed into the darkness, her nose twitching daintily as she mentally assessed her situation. These Akail were proving to be surprisingly friendly, but once it came time for her to sleep again, they would be gone. Or rather she would. They would be like all the rest, letting her walk her path alone. But Astoria couldn't fault them for that, not at all. Bringing her pale eyes back to the group, she offered them a cheery grin, only slightly forced.

"Oh, and my name is Astoria, although you may call me 'surface dweller' if you wish. I am quickly becoming used to the term."

"And my name is Bane," muttered the Angst Ball from the cave. "Not that anyone cares."
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Re: Finding Love in the Right Places (Akail Hunt, Open)

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 07/23/2009 1:42 AM

The pale one listened to all of them speak in turn. It was actually quite amazing how her very existence seemed to have calmed everything down. Just before she'd revealed herself Wandering-Shadow had been sulking while, at the same time, ready to duke it out with Bitter-One while both had agreed that the Sun-Dweller and her Dust-Bunny were nuisances and would make a good snack. Then she'd come along and it was as if a spell of peace, love and understanding had been cast. What a curious turn of events. The Pale-One as she was now known was not use to having that sort of affect on others; it was flattering.

"... Wandering-Shadow, you are wise beyond your years. Had Bitter-One grown up with you the two of you would not feel so alone. Even our Small Sun-Dweller here knows the sting of being alone. I am sorry if I disappoint you, Bitter-One, but I live alone by choice. There may be others of my colouration, or of yours," she said, looking between the two, head down. They looked up to her, like she knew everything when the reality was she did not. In fact these two knew more on Sun-Dwellers then even she did.
"I'm sure we are not alone in the strange colours of our hides but we are few if there are more." again the akail laughed, though this was a little nervously, "You've all caught me rather off guard, I'm not use to such a warm welcome. And of course we care Dust-Bunny. You should be out here with us."

(( Oh man so many words~ At such a late hour, bad combination. X3 The Pale One is not scared off by your speeches, at least. XD;; ))
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Re: Finding Love in the Right Places (Akail Hunt, Open)

Postby MillietheWarrior » 07/23/2009 9:14 PM

Seaspray remained silent, her head bowed slightly as she listened to Flynn. She hadn't known someone like him existed; for countless time upon time, she had thought she was the only unique one of her species. Turns out, she wasn't. There were a few who differed in the outside world, and it seemed to her that they had all assembled here. Brought together by differences and a quest to find somewhere they truly belonged. Seaspray was struck by how coincidental and lucky she had been to come upon Flynn and the Pale One. Her tail twitched slightly, and she studied the markings and patterns along the appendage, marveling at how similar, yet how different each of them was.

The Pale One, with her soft green glow and brilliantly light skin. Seaspray observed her and realized that she was very beautiful. Then Flynn, with his dark skin and bright blue symbols. He was an oddity in and among himself, but he was so different as to be wondrous, and Seaspray wondered why she'd never noticed how truly beautiful 'different' and 'strange' could be. Then the tiny Sun-Dweller, now known as Astoria, who had shared in the pain of being alone. With her dark fur and glowing eyes, she seemed to fit right into the odd little bunch, and didn't seem out of place at all. Her little floating ball of angst didn't seem so odd either, though his gloomy attitude was slightly amusing.

Seaspray wondered if it was coincidence or fate that had brought them all together. Her gaze turned then, to rest on the Pale One. She had many questions, and many things she wished the Pale One would answer. She seemed to be lost in thought, a slightly troubled expression floating across her face. 'You live alone?' she asked at last. 'By choice? But why, if I may ask? Why would you choose to be alone? It's an awful thing...' She paused, her head tilted to the side, as if considering. Her gaze flickered over and rested at Flynn, though her words were still directed at the Pale Akail. 'You do not know if there are more of you?' she asked quietly, feeling her heart begin to sink.

'I know there is no other like me...Or like Flynn. But it is possible there are more like you.' She turned to look at the Pale One once more, curiously weaving her head to and fro. 'You came to us, Pale One. I don't know what we did to deserve it but...Thank you. You've brought peace between us when we most likely would've have torn one another apart. And you brought hope that we could find somewhere to live with others who, like us, are different. Would you be adverse to, perhaps coming along and helping us find more of your kind? I know it is a lot to ask...But perhaps we can find a place to belong...Together.' She nodded slightly at Astoria and Bane with a beaked smile, including them in the phrase 'together.' She didn't leave anyone out.

[12, 23]

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Finding Love in the Right Places (Akail Hunt, Open)

Postby BasilFox » 07/24/2009 9:14 AM

Flynn could only nod his head as Seaspray spoke. she was taking the words right out of his mouth. Or maybe there was some truth to the phrase 'Great minds think alike'. He gazed at each of the creatures that had gathered. They all knew the pang of loneliness. They all had something that made them different. The Fenling with her curse of sleep-walking. The 'Dust-Bunny'...Well there was certainly something different about a winged ball of dirt and emotion. Seaspray with her brilliant blue scales. The Pale One with her shining, well pale, beauty. And of course him with his symbols.

It was truly a matter of coincidence...or perhaps fate, for what else could have brought them all together.

He smiled as Seaspray looked at him. Who would have thought he would find not one, but TWO, no, no, the Sun-Dwellers had to be included...So FOUR who were as different as he. Sure, the Sun-Dwellers weren't akail...But they knew the same pain of loneliness. He almost laughed as he realized that it was pain that had brought them here...And it was pain that might just bond them together.

Flynn reluctantly looked away from Seaspray as she finished speaking, to gaze intently at The Pale One, waiting for her answer. He could think of nothing to say, nothing to add to what Seaspray had said. She had said it all. Adding more would only tarnish her beautiful words.

"I cringe.
The sound of my voice rips through me.
They scream.
The sound of my laughter stabs them.
He cowers.
The sound of his breathing betrays him.
I smile.
Only the sound of my music remains."
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Re: Finding Love in the Right Places (Akail Hunt, Open)

Postby Jessari » 07/27/2009 11:39 PM

Bane continued to lurk inside the small tunnel, although his half-audible murmurings had stopped. Although the pale Akail's words had done nothing to make him want to join in with the others, they had molified him slightly. Just slightly.

"I'll help you in your search, for as long as I am able. I did give my word, after all." Astoria's voice was quiet, her answer short. She was surprised to find that she truly did want to help these Akail find the others they were searching for. Their expressive frills and beaked faces, though strikingly beautiful, still sent small shivers down her spine. There was some part of her, racial memory perhaps, that still thought of them as predators, still screamed danger at every movement although she knew they no longer considered her a potential appetizer.

And yet she wanted to help find more of them. The five of them, even Bane to a certain extent, had made a connection of sorts. And though they were still in the shaky beginning stages, it was enough to make Astoria want to see Seaspray and Flynn's wishes fulfilled. Then again, maybe her desire had more of a selfish root. If she could help them find the companionship they both yearned for, she could look back on that with satisfaction when life took her elsewhere, living vicariously through them. She couldn't be with her own kind, not in the forseeable future at least, but she could help see to it that they would.

As for the Pale One? Astoria pleaded silently with her eyes for the graceful Akail to join them. No one should be alone; of that she was sure. If the Pale One joined them, maybe she would realize what she was missing by choosing to live alone. Maybe they could help her find a home and a family as they sought for the same things.
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Re: Finding Love in the Right Places (Akail Hunt, Open)

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 07/28/2009 2:25 AM

"More of my kind?" She scratched at her neck thoughtfully with one hand.
"My kind and your kind are the same. Our kind. Just because we appear outwardly different does not mean we are of different species, Bitter-One. I have realized this and choose to live alone because our dark brothers and sisters cannot seem to grasp this concept. It seems that it may be new to the two of you as well."
She was sure that they both understood though, but hadn't really allowed themselves to realize it, so she laughed.
"As for having no other like you, Bitter-One, Wandering-Shadow could be your twin or," again she laughed that same glass shards hitting a hard surface, laugh, "perhaps mates. You two certainly fight like and look at one another like that, it seems. Had I not seen you meet I would assume this to be the case."
The akail seemed to be enjoying herself now.
"If you would like to search I will join you. Perhaps I will keep our Sun-Dweller and her Dust-Bunny here with us. We wouldn't want her falling asleep and running off on us, now would we?"

(( ... Believe it or not I will stop here and hand over the lovely akail to... Lady Erebos. Bitter-One and Wandering-Shadow seemed to have found friendship and people to lean on should they fall into an emo funk but our poorl Little Sun-Dweller here has no friends to keep track of her (besides a Dust-Bunny and as great as that is... ). So yes, I'll send the akail along ASAP. ... Don'teatme. D8 -runs- ))
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Re: Finding Love in the Right Places (Akail Hunt, Open)

Postby MillietheWarrior » 07/28/2009 3:52 AM

Seaspray felt inadvertently foolish. The Pale One was right...It was not 'your kind.' It was 'our kind.' Seaspray should've known that all along. Her, Flynn, the Pale One...They all made up one species...Perhaps one family. She smiled softly, her eyes glowing in the dark as the blue light from her frills seemed to brighten with her demeanor. She weaved her head back and forth, silently agreeing with the Pale One's words until... 'Mates?' the thought speech was rather warbled, as if it had surprised her enough to throw off her concentration. She blinked rapidly, and the blush that soon stained her cheeks was very visible against her pale skin, even in the gloomy darkness.

'I...I...' She huffed, as if she had no idea what to do. She could hardly look at Flynn, embarrassed and flustered by the statement that they were mates. But...Hadn't that been what she'd come down here to find? To look for? She could hardly say their meeting had been pleasant to begin with...She couldn't even say she loved him, or truly liked him...He was a kindred spirit, and perhaps a friend, part of her family...But a mate? She glanced at him in an embarrassed fluster, her yellow eyes trying to meet his, but failing.

'I don't know what to say,' she finished lamely, her thoughts hectic and jumbled. It was almost hard to transmit them to the others so that they knew what she was saying. She shuddered slightly, trying to shake off her embarrassment and focus on the Sun-dwellers and the Pale One. But it was hard, and when she spoke, it was almost too soft to be anything coherent. 'Yes. I'd like for them to join us as well,' she said hastily, trying not to sound as out of sorts as she was. who knew a simple statement could throw one so horribly off-balance? 'But I suppose it's up to them as well...'

[13, 24]

((Hehehe! Congrats, Ere-luff! I had a feeling she would stick wif joo. The Pale one was very connected to them to begin with. -Snugs happily- I'm glad you got her. Thanks for RPing with us, RE2. ^^))

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Finding Love in the Right Places (Akail Hunt, Open)

Postby BasilFox » 07/28/2009 9:47 AM

A wave of embarrassment washed over Flynn as The Pale One spoke. Mates? He glanced at Seaspray. By the tone of her thoughts...and the very obvious blush, she was just as surprised by the statement.But the more he rolled the idea around in his head, the more he liked it. Seaspray was beautiful, far more than any of his fellow 'dark-skinned' brethren. Not to mention she was intelligent...capable of taking care of herself...He shook his head. He was being silly. They had just met not 30 minutes ago. To become mates after such a short period of time...

But what about love at first sight? ...And what about the future? Maybe they had a future together. Starting it now would push the happiness forward.

He shook his head again, his frills rattling. Even to the most dull it wouldn't look like he was saying no to what The Pale One had said...It looked more like he had ear mites or something. Or, if they were more perceptive, that he was suffering from a bad case of confusion.

Fortunately for him, The Pale One's next words gave him a distraction. "Of course the sun-dwellers are welcome to come with us..." UNfortuantely for him, his words sounded rushed. Like he had been waiting for someone to say something that would push the topic of conversation away from Seaspray and him.

ooc: Thanks for roleplaying with us RE2! And Congrats Erebos~ o3o It is only fair that you get the akail, she did seem to care a great deal about the well-being of Astoria and Bane. -huggles-


"I cringe.
The sound of my voice rips through me.
They scream.
The sound of my laughter stabs them.
He cowers.
The sound of his breathing betrays him.
I smile.
Only the sound of my music remains."
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