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Re: .:Flight of an Eagle:. [P]

Postby ajforpresident » 07/20/2009 7:37 AM

"What?! Why should I have to do it?" Amethyst asked the Garudor. Too late. The bird had already fell asleep. "Oh, this is just great..." she muttered. She turned to look at the Wombear slowly walking away, sighed and then walked on over. "Hey, wait!" When she caught up to the Wombear(which wasn't hard since it wasn't running) she gave a small smile at it, hoping it wouldn't run off. "Hey there. My name's Amethyst. What's your's?" Man, I hope this creature understands me or can speak.... she thought.

[Amethyst: Level 2; 6]
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Re: .:Flight of an Eagle:. [P]

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 07/21/2009 5:46 PM

It stopped, flicked it's ears and slowly turned towards the batti. Blinking sleepily it took the batti in, rubbing it's eyes. Was it seeing this right?
"chitter chatter squeak squeak chit?" Well it didn't speak English, but it might have understood, maybe...
The wombear sniffed the air, the wind throwing the batti's scent towards the little rodent. Blood, rattegan blood. The wombear stiffened before it's fur bristled defensively, making it look twice it's normal size (which was a considerable amount considering just how fat the thing way!); baring it's teeth the wombear stalked forward in a way that was FAR from friendly.
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Re: .:Flight of an Eagle:. [P]

Postby ajforpresident » 07/21/2009 6:14 PM

Even though it didn't speak english, Amethyst was kind of sure that the wombear understood. Then as a breeze came in and the scent of rattegan blood hit the the other creatures nose, Amethyst realized something. Oh no! I may of cleaned myself of the blood, but the scent's still on me! Amethyst thought that the smell of the blood would scare the wombear but instead, it did the exact opposite. The small bear's fur bristled up, making itself look quite scary, and its teeth were bared menacingly. "Oh boy.." Amethyst said, stepping back a bit. But the wombear started its way to the Batti and it was looking pretty angry. "Nice wombear...good wombear..." Amethyst was stepping back more and more. Great! First I was going to be eaten by a Garudor, now a wombear is going to maul me. Can this day get any worse?

[Amethyst: Level 2; 7]
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Re: .:Flight of an Eagle:. [P]

Postby Draconial » 07/21/2009 7:33 PM

Nice Wombear....... Good Wombear.....

The words invaded the Garudor's mind, and forced it to wake up. When the bird looked down to check on the Batti, it was surprised to see the scene. First it's running for its life from something that wants to be friends, then threatening to maul a different animal in the same situation. Wow, Wombears are confusing. The Garudor jumped down from the branch, and landed near the rodent. She put a powerful claw between the two fuzzy critters on either side of her. "Alright, could you calm down, little fella? I'm not going to eat you, ant your little bat friend here is practically harmless. And please don't bolt again, it takes way too much energy to fly fast enough to catch you. Now, I'm going to move my foot, and everybody's gonna be calm." After about ten seconds, the Garudor took her foot from between the two, and folded her wings to a more comfortable position.
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Re: .:Flight of an Eagle:. [P]

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 07/28/2009 1:57 AM

The wombear seemed ready to leap and tear into the batti's throat when the garudor returned, stopping the wombear in it's tracks. Tentatively the wombear looked up. It seemed to be listening as the garudor spoke and when the great big birdy had stopped the wombear twitched it's nose.

And then it bolted away. GAH! Talk about frustrating, how the heck were you suppose to catch this thing, anyway? It was fast, it could dig (fast) and it had violent tendencies.
Well at least you had something to occupy your time, right?
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Re: .:Flight of an Eagle:. [P]

Postby ajforpresident » 07/28/2009 6:18 PM

The Garudor had thankfully intervened before Amethyst's throat was going to be torn apart. She gave a relieved sigh. "Thank goodness...hey, thanks for saving my butt there. I owe you one." Then the wombear ran off...again. "ARRGH! Why does this thng keep running away?! Can't it be so simple for us? Why is it so difficult?!" She turned to the Garudor, hands on her hips. "Well, what do we do now, miss Garudor?" Amethyst then realized what she just said and said, "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to offend you...if I did." She sighed again. "I mean, I'm tired, I'm cranky and I almost got killed 2 times today! And besides that, I don't know your name..." I should be more careful with what I say. Amethyst thought.
I don't know when she'll get mad and I already know how strong and aggresive she can be!

[Amethyst: Level 2; 8]
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Re: .:Flight of an Eagle:. [P]

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 08/05/2009 4:51 AM

Or maybe you didn't. The thing seemed to have torn off into the distance and never really stopped. Maybe if you waited long enough it would circle the globe and end up right behind you? Yah right, like that would happen. Seems you've lost him which is a real shame. But then again did you want a wombear that was that much of a pain in the butt?

(( Sorry, I'm out. I hope it was a little bit of fun while I was here? Probably not. Sorry again! ))
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Re: .:Flight of an Eagle:. [P]

Postby Draconial » 08/13/2009 8:15 AM

"Well, there goes a lot of work for nothing," The Garudor muttered to herself. "Huh? Oh, no, it's fine. I've gone through some stressful things too. I think one of my left wing muscles is sprained, it hurts so bad. Trying to catch that little fuzzball took a lot more out of me than I thought." She hopped back into the tree, and started climbing until she was about halfway out, then stuck her head out of the tree, apparently lookeng for  something, and hopped back down after a few moments. "We should probably get going. Now that our scents, including the rattegan's, are all over the place, nothing either of us could consider prey will come close. There's a river nearby, but..... uuhh... Do you mind if we walk?"
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Re: .:Flight of an Eagle:. [P]

Postby ajforpresident » 08/22/2009 2:15 PM

"Pshh, tell me about it. I have scratches from the scuffle I had with the rattegan, and my wings are sore as well." Amethyst said, rubbing her aching wing. While the huge bird went up the tree to see if she could find anything, Amethyst thought, Maybe this Garudor isn't so bad. I"m sure, somehow, we could get along. When the Garudor had came back down and said that they wouldn't be able to find any prey, Amethyst muttered, "Of course..." The Garudor then offered to go on a walk with her to a river. "Sure, I guess we could. And yes, let's walk, please!" Amethyst started to walk, but stopped and asked, "By the way, what's your name? MIne's Amethyst."

[Amethyst: Level 2; 9]
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Re: .:Flight of an Eagle:. [P]

Postby Draconial » 08/26/2009 8:02 AM

The Garudor started walking, but paused at the last question from the little bat. "My name? I can't give you my real name of course, but it translates to somthing similar to Dreambeak. And isn't Amythyst a kind of purple gemstone?" she asked as her legs started to move again. Somehow, the bird, the apex predator in the area, seemed nervous of simply saying its name. It was hard to tell from most body movements, but her steps were soft and near-silent, and there was a worried twinkle in her eye. Maybe.... she was afraid of judgement?
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Re: .:Flight of an Eagle:. [P]

Postby ajforpresident » 08/26/2009 9:49 PM

"Okay, since I can't know your real name, but it translates to Dreambeak, I guess I'll have to call you Dreambeak. It's actually not a bad name. Sounds cool." Amethyst simply shrugged her shoulders at the fact that she wouldn't know the Garudor's true name. She continued to move on. "Oh, and yes, Amethyst is a type of gemstone. It's quite pretty-looking, if you ask me. I actually have the gemstone in a box back where I live." Amethyst turned to look at Dreambeak, and noticed the worried look in her eye.
What's wrong with her? She thought.
Amethyst went back to walking. She had broke the silence by asking, "So is there anything you really like to do? Like a hobby?"
Hopefully, Amethyst wouldn't be doing most of the talking.

[Amethyst: Level 3; 10]
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Re: .:Flight of an Eagle:. [P]

Postby Draconial » 08/27/2009 8:57 AM

"You've already seen what I do most days. Get prey, eat it, sleep, and occasionally a sentient pet comes trough and I just scare them off. Not very often with the last one. But, with my great eyes, sometimes I just fly off for a few days to see more of the world." The bird's eyes glazed over for a few moments as she remembered a vast jungle she had seen as a fledgeling. She kept walking, but it started to become more normal steps. "How do you like the taste of fish?"
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Re: .:Flight of an Eagle:. [P]

Postby ajforpresident » 09/17/2009 3:58 PM

"I see. So you don't do much but the same thing most of the time." Amethyst thought, I guess she doesn't go out to do anything really fun.
"You travel? That sounds like fun. Actually, I've never been outside my house. And that probably explains why I wasn't really prepared when you attacked me." Amethyst looked away sheepishly. "I've never really experienced the outside world."
"Fish?" Amethyst took a moment to think. "Hmm...well, I guess it's not bad. I've had fish once before. It tasted a bit strange the first time, but I haven't had some since that time, so I might have a different taste for it." She looked back at Dreambeak. "Why'd you ask that? Are we going fishing or something?" Amethyst asked, curiously.

[Amethyst: Level 3; 11]
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Re: .:Flight of an Eagle:. [P]

Postby Draconial » 09/19/2009 7:25 AM

Dreambeak extended her wings, and lifted into the asir with one powerful stroke. She zipped off towards the lake, and while she was over it, snatched a large, carp-like thing out of the water. The large Garudor curved back around with her prize, and dropped the fish in front of Amethyst. When she landed, her face, or what little of it could actually make an expression, seemed tired, even from tht small trip. "I figured you could use some food too. Sorry, I can't cook."
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Re: .:Flight of an Eagle:. [P]

Postby ajforpresident » 09/19/2009 9:41 PM

After Amethyst's response, she saw Dreambeak soar up into the air. She gave a little jump, but composed herself once she saw the Garudor had only left for a moment. Dreambeak then came back, rather fast to Amethyst's amazement, with a fish. Dreambeak had dropped it and Amethyst nodded and said, "Thank you. Oh, and it doesn't matter if it's cooked, that's how had it the first time. Thank you, very much." After showing her graditude, she took the fish and bit a huge part of the fish off. It actually tasted pretty good than the last time she had.
Guess that after a while your tastebuds really do start to change, like everyone says. Amethyst thought.

[Amethyst: Level 3; 12]
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