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Outings are F-U-N! (Market Night/Carnival- Anthro/Some Quad)

Postby ToxicShadow » 09/04/2007 9:41 PM


((My pets will most likely be in anthro the whole time, but they have the ability to switch between that and quad any time they want, so I suppose both pets are allowed to be roleplayed, though I prefer anthro.))

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Zelosis and Toxicosis

So unusual that such a large event would be hosted in practically the hottest location in all of Evelon. Of course, the traveling carnival-style market night only happened a few times a year. Leave up to the 'time oriented freak' to figure out exactly when, but that's getting way too far ahead.

The sun was hovering just above setting time, less then an hour before the sun would hide away and the moon would come out to party, as some would say. It was when everything was really starting to liven up. Even though tons of structures were all set up, nothing was opening until around this time. Who would want to run around in the heat of the day? The duel mini carnival and market night was in a huge ring shape, or similar. You could start at the entrance, visit everywhere, and be back to where you entered when you finished up. It was all for convenience of the guests, of course. Not to mention there was attractions on both sides, creating an inner ring and outer ring that everyone walked between. There were a lot of shops and places to eat, but there were also some common carnival rides like a few roller coasters, a Farris wheel, bumper cars and so on. What was better yet was that there was really something for everyone. Like and area with a stage and band, people often went their for some dancing and all, or the haunted house or 'magic' area.

Our current start occurred within a small cafe, where the 'time oriented freak' had 'dragged' another from his home out of the house.

"Why of all people did I have to come with you?" The spitefully distasteful words were spat by a fellox of the venom sort as she and another walked into the cafe. Her two tails lashed about, the lime colored cloud-like fog swirling around her and then disappearing. She had the top layer of her hair, which also happened to be lime green, in feminine dreadlocks and pulled back into a high twist. The second layer of her hair, being black, was down and perfectly straight, reaching just below her shoulders. Her short fur was of a dark gray shade, but wasn't dark enough to blend with her actual hair. As for her wear, it was nothing big today. She just had on a black top with a V-neck cut and a bit of black lace along the neckline, selves and bottom. The lower half of her cloths consisted of black pants with a diagonally cut dark gray(almost black but not quite) skirt over them. The higher cut was at mid-thigh and the lower side reached just below her knee and had a lime mist-like swirl pattern crawling up half way. The last detail were her black semi-fancy sandals with a two inch heels. Her expression seemed just as irritated as her voice, her eyes glinting as she glared at the other who was with her.

The other was of the male sort, a lucain. As he brushed back his red-pink volumized hair over his shoulder, it reaching to perhaps mid-back or a little longer, longer then the females, he answered, "Because you were the only one available, that's why. You may not make the best company, but you're still a lady and desperately need to get out of the house." Unlike her, his words weren't nasty and he seemed to have a rather clam, pleasant, if not elegant, demeanor about him. He actually sounded sort of sweet, like he had been worried about her well-being for staying trapped at home so much. He was also wearing black pants, but that was as far as the common-ness went. He had a black zip up vest with a stand-up collar with pink trimming and pinstripes. It was only zipped up part way, however, to show off the most important of what he was wearing- two black collars. One fitted him like a choker necklace and had spaced out pink jewel studs and the other was just black and hanging more loosely then the other. His shoes were just shiny black mens dress shoes. His vest didn't actually cover any of his decently masculine arms. What probably set him a part from a lot of normally furred anthros, was that he only fur he had was his two tails and ears. His skin was pretty odd though, having what looked like tattoos of light pink stars underneath his first few layers of skin. And under one of his pink eyes, he had a half moon mark in black.

[1:1] - To be added to their grand total later]

[Repost; as Okko and I decided to do so, so we'd have the roleplay to refer to as needed.]

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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/04/2007 10:08 PM

Of course, the male just got another death glare from the fellox, which he responded to verbally. "You're here now. No chance of going home without me, unless you wish to walk all the way back, that is...Here, take it." He suddenly pulled a silver chain that had a small rectangular vile of green-ish liquid from his pocket and held it dangling in the air. The woman held her hand out underneath his and necklace and he dropped it in. Just as soon as she received it, she placed it around her neck in a calm, but secretly hurried way, gritted her teeth at him a bit.

Zelosis didn't manage to notice, as he suddenly felt that...cheery feeling that could only really mean on of a few familiar people. "Okko!" He greeted happily. "Its a surprise, but a pleasure none the less, to see you here." His pink eyes diverted from her to the Chaos Albie she'd brought with her, a small amount of shock appearing on his features. "And Areion too. Even more of a surprise." Though he, and most everyone else, was aware that he was the one closest to Okko. "I've taken the liberty of temporarily kidnapping her, only with good intentions in mind." He, personally, wasn't one for being kidnapped and 'tortured'. "What brings you here?"
The Venom Fellox just gave off a glare, her face otherwise blank, when the other two approached. She had no intentions to speaking up at the moment. She was just as much forced into this as Areion was- she was sure he must have been forced, considering.


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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/04/2007 11:56 PM

Zelosis raised a single eyebrow. "That makes sense. Nothing better then a carnival!" His two tails swished around behind him, a bit of his less formal-like side showing up.
All the while, Toxicosis looked away from them all, most likely triggered when Areion's attention turned to her. Whatever he was thinking, she guessed that she would snap at him if she heard. So why give him time of day? She kept herself busy with her eyes scanning a menu hanging on the far wall of the little cafe. The Lucain has insisted them to stop, get something to eat so they could go about the carnival without needing to really stop. Stupid.
When it came to matters of both Okko and Areion leaving the estates, Zelosis shuddered a little. "I see your point. Leaving them in that dame's hands is risky business." Though she would still always be a female treasure, despite her horrid attitude and such. Pursuing her was going to take a lot of work... "There, there. No need to worry about a thing! Yanora already charged me with keeping an eye on her," - cue sideways glance at the anthro woman - "what's one more to add to the party?" There was a good chance he was bluffing. He didn't want to spend time with Areion, when the other option was just Toxicosis, but Okko has asked as a favor. And he surely had his reasons...


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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/05/2007 9:35 PM

The male's eyes grew wide for an instant at the force of Okko's hug, but was none the less happy about it. Sudden bursts of affection were great in his book, depending on what sort of burst... He chuckled heartily. "I know I am! That's why everyone loves me!" He smirked. He was what brought something like a social life to those around him and he always loved social events. His tails soon picked up a faster pace. "Of course. I must get back before it gets too late anyway." He leaned over to whisper into the human's ear. "The girls are making a new wonderful dish for me when I get back." When he leaned away, he also patted the side of his pants. "Don't worry your pretty little head about anything! I've even got my cell, the backup and its backup with me." He held out his newest one, all sleek black with his moon and star symbol in light pink with his name in fancy hot pink lettering. "I believe I've given you the numbers already."

Behind them, Toxicosis still seemed uninterested about everything. Her ear twitched in an annoyed way. But she wasn't really allowed to go home either, not without Zelos. She had a threat against her, and she was mildly surprised that the Lucain had given her one of the antidotes. She huffed. Probably just trying to play her by flattering her. It wouldn't be the first time he tried to trick people that way. "Can we just hurry up. I'm sick of standing here." Here words had some venom to them, in the sense of fierce-ness.


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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/05/2007 9:44 PM

"Pft. Its just to say when we're coming back, so you haven't a worry." Zelos pointed out, not believing Areion would be too much of a problem. He actually liked this chance at some responsibility. At the sound of Bangori possibly coming along, he flinched. "I can assure you things will be fine, really. N-no need for either of them to come up."

To Toxicosis, he pointed a finger behind him in the general direction of the menu. "You have to pick something to eat before we start going." He reminded her, and also mentioned this for Areion too. While he'd rather spend money on girls, a little generosity wouldn't hurt. The Fellox would have hit him in how way, maybe like a flick to Zelos' thick skull, but she couldn't risk touching him. She didn't want him dead, just to get her point and leave her be. It was then that she walked away from the group, taking to the list of various items on the menu.

"Sure thing." He patted Okko on the head with a playful, good natured grin playing on his face. "Have...fun..." He added, unsure of what else to say over her having to miss out on the real fun here to return home to that mass of crazy demons. (As was a good name for them, right?) "I'll bring you back something." He said with his own wink.


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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/05/2007 10:00 PM

Zelosis' nodded to her instructions. "Sure thing." he agreed.

After a moment, Toxicosis took a seat at the same table Areion had chosen, directly across from him and keeping carefully out of touching range, even her feet. She didn't actually look at him, preoccupied by fiddling with the vile of green liquid around her neck. Tonight was dangerous and she, and everyone at the cavern, knew it. The company she was forced with had taken plenty of precautions, knowing they'd be bound to come into contact with each other, even for just a moment.

"Careful though. This place isn't always here, only a few times a year, in fact. But you know me." He was good with dates. But even as mature as he was acting at the moment, he couldn't help but to let out a small squeal of pure childish glee. "Oh goodie! Okko, you're the best!" He said, giving her a quick, tight hug. "Now run along before the whole castle is destroyed." He added, more seriously. He was sure they were capable of it.


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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/05/2007 10:14 PM

Zelos flashed one of his signature smiles, flipping his hair back with a light brush. "Someone has to do it, and I just happen to be the perfect one to do it all." No one else would make the same efforts that he did. They just wouldn't. Very few really cared to do anything social. He gave her a final wave as she disappeared. "Not a problem!" He assured again as she did. He turned suddenly to Areion, blocking the doorway. "No." He said simply, serious as ever. Maybe in a way that the Albie wouldn't expect, since he likely only saw Zelosis' more stupid side, for lack of better word. "She's asked me to watch over you, and she's close enough to being my era. You're not going anywhere for a while. So sit down so we can all try and eat in peace." Not to mention he had his own self on the line. People knowing of his responsible side and he was supposed to be getting a new outfit too. That made it even better.

Toxicosis' attention was given to the two males with a very mild appearing interest. "Now isn't a place to argue." She gave her two cents in that, not needing to raise her voice at all. She clearly meant that people were watching them here. The workers and few other costumers for instance who all, even if not looking directly, were amusing themselves with everything that was going on with the group.


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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/05/2007 11:07 PM

When Areion held up his fist as he did, Zelos, surprisingly, didn't flinched away at all. He didn't know of Areion's powers, but he didn't know him either. It was all that unknowing that made things interesting. The male just shrugged off the hate that poured off of the other in mass amounts. "Very good then. Thank you, Toxicosis. I'd kiss you if I weren't afraid of getting sick." He added the second part, only half serious. Note that he said get sick and not die. He was protecting her secret from Areion.
Of course, this made the Fellox flinch, for more then one reason. "Kiss me and I'll rip your face off." She said with a small growl. But what she was more afraid of then having to kiss anyone, was really killing them. She didn't want to kill any more, no one else, please, no more.
This rolled off the Lucain too. "Oh well. Anyway, what do you two want to eat?" He asked, his attempt at being cheerful working out well.
"Anything organic." It took Toxicosis awhile to answer, just because speaking wasn't always her thing, but her reply was simple.


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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/05/2007 11:30 PM

Zelos rolled his eyes at Areion. "Clearly you are. Hassling poor Okko when she requests that you come here. Some sort of assistant you are." He knew that Areion was really the most helpful to Okko, but he was clearly more loyal to Yanora then the Albie was to the other human. With those words he cheerfully spun around, half jumping half prancing over to where the food was to be ordered. After scanning the menu for himself, he politely rattled off everything that he thought would be good to order, slipping some flirtatious remarks and gestures to the female worker he was speaking with. She was giggling and blushing a little by the time he slid his credit card. With one last remark and a wink, he returned to the table with his two temporary, destruction bound companions. His seat was decently enough away from touching either of them, on a different curve of the circular table, but so he could look at them both at once. "It'll be here in a few moments." He announced, his eyes suddenly moving to Areion. "Such a waste of coming here. You should have asked for something more expensive!"
Toxicosis was still slient.


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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/05/2007 11:43 PM

As an automatic reaction, the little hair that Zelos still had in his anthro form, stood on end. Even some of his real, beautiful hair, stood some. It looked kinda funny. "That most certainly will not be necessary. We'll be keeping this outing to the pure ones that follow what is natural." Translation: No! No way the gay guy was coming here, not at all, subject dropped! That appeared to be something the two men could agree on. "Oh you're not wasting time!" He pointed out, back to his odd cheer, with a wave gesture of his hand. Something like a preppy girl would do while saying something like 'No way Elizabeth, you know Conner likes me more then Lucy.' Or something like that.... "Besides, two is like nothing, three's a party!" He was trying to look on the bright side, despite the fact this could no longer seem like a date between himself and the woman with them.
Toxicosis eyes shifted from wherever she'd be staring, to look at Areion in a somewhat sneaky sort of way, not to draw the Lucain's attention. "Please..." her words were in an undercurrent, but was sure she'd gotten his attention before she spoke. He could probably even read what she said just in the movement of her lips. She didn't like having to ask Areion. However, being alone with Zelos, that was something she didn't want to do. He could understand that, couldn't he? Because of his arrival, she could be spared by some things.


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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/06/2007 12:30 AM

After the subtle agreement had been made, Toxicosis went about her own business again, staring at the table and fiddling around with her necklace, careful not to shatter the glass vial and have the antidote inside spill and go to waste. She couldn't say that she was grateful to Areion, just...content that she wouldn't be with Zelosis alone. She didn't exactly like Areion either, just they had a common ground of not wishing to be here, that was it.
"Its coming you impatient, ungrateful little twerp." Zelos suddenly snapped, picking on Areion for his size. He composed himself directly afterward, remembering that he was trying to play it cool. "Spare the workers, it was a large order."
About that time, the female that Zelos had ordered from came along with a grin, somewhat flirtatious, plastered on her face. Her eyes only for Zelos as she sat down Areion's latte, a fruit smoothie, cider, what could have been wine, and three glasses of water. She was carrying a lot on her tray. "I'm sorry for the wait sir, it should almost be ready." She spoke, still only to one of the three.
"Thank you, Lura." The Lucain responded with a dazzling smile, seeming to mean his thanks. He addressed her by name, having sought the name tag for its purpose. Which was followed be her anxiously going off to fetch their food when it was ready.


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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/06/2007 8:06 PM

Good thing Zelos was taking it upon himself not to look at Areion and be bothered by him, like what he did didn't matter so long as he stayed. He contented himself with taste testing the wine he'd been given. Not the best, considering this was no real restaurant, but he managed to settle with it in the silence.
Toxicosis, however, was looking at Areion through what had been happening, picking up on some strange behavior. What was strange to some people, though, wasn't strange when about any of these few. With that in mind, she brushed it off and snatched up the fruit smoothie that must have been hers.

Before long, the woman arrived with their food. The amount that Zelosis ordered was ridiculous. Toxicosis had a huge bowl of fine fruit, turned into a fruit salad. Plenty more then enough for just her. To top it off, there were five different fruit flavored cobblers. For the Lucain, the dish was shrimp pasta, with tons of extra shrimp on the side, bread, and a birthday ice cream and brownie structure that had lit sparklers in it. He had extra buttered bread and mash potatoes brought in too.


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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/07/2007 4:01 PM

The pink loving Lucain rolled his eyes at Areion's reaction. "Who ever said I got all this for myself? You're clearly not open to the possibilities! He said, twirling his fork into the pasta and carefully putting it into his mouth. After chewing and swallowing it he added, "Just worry about drinking your latte there." - He gestured toward the glass - "Let me worry about everything else." His two tails flicked.
Toxicosis took to eating, one chunk of fruit on her fork at a time. She decided not to complain about the ridiculous size of her meal, what with Areion already doing that for her. Right now, she was actually enjoying what she was eating. It was pretty good. "Ordered all specially...." She stated, eyes shifting between the two males.
"Yep! Exactly!" Zelos almost burst, throwing his arms up. Ever so glad that someone got it. "Only the best for me and my...aquintances."


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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/07/2007 8:06 PM

Both of those from the caverns ate in silence, up until that point that Areion had to open his big mouth again. Zelosis looked up at him, resting his fork. Unusual, but he appeared to be utterly serious at the moment. "Why must you intend on making this so difficult for everyone, Areion? I'm trying to get through this, just as much as you are." He stated. For once, he didn't seem quite like the stupid idiot everyone took him for. "Yanora...Okko, they put up with a lot, don't they? Or am I the only one who notices that they're suffering?" He rose a questioning eyebrow. Just because someone didn't act it, and if usually went unnoticed, it didn't mean that people weren't. He didn't know why or how either of them were, he was just aware of it. "I try to help them, Yanora especially. I know she has enough on her hands as it is. I take charge in doing things like these, for their benefit. For everyones. Even if its against their will. Toxicosis is afraid of people, that's why she needs support. You, apparently, need some social life, or as Okko thinks, couldn't you just humor her in this for once?" He asked. "You don't know either of us, Areion, so quiet assuming. If you can't tell, I'm trying to be civil with you."

The Fellox didn't look up from her food as Zelosis went on. No, she didn't much like the Lucain, but she didn't hate him either. He was trying to help the young woman that allowed them to stay with her. This at least gave her enough of a reason not to snap at him, not right now.

Ooc: Snap. Zelos just got serious. O.o


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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/07/2007 8:19 PM

For the moment, Zelosis was still doing his best to be good. He didn't take being insulted just for being pink, not in anyway, even if Areion didn't mean for it to be insulting. It was definitely difficult not to say something about that. "While I may not know everything there is to know about you, it doesn't so much help that you don't let anyone know. And, while you may have problems, so does everyone else. May not be the same as yours, but the concept..." But the concept of having problems was the same, even if the problems weren't or someone's was worse. But everyone had troubles, in one way or another. "Even if you can't directly be at Okko's side to assist her at this moment, she wished for you to be here. I'm sure that it eases her mind to know that you are. That is helping her, in a sense. Helping in a way I doubt you've ever helped her before." He replied. His eyes drifted to his food, which he then mumbled something about cursing the food for getting kinda cold. He took a few more bites. At least it was still warm.
"Yanora and I's relationship is due to the same understanding. I'm her assistant in whatever she asks of me. She asks it, I do it without questioning. Though she's suffering in whatever way she is, any little thing that I do upon her request can at least ease up everything weighing down on her mind, a little. For example, her worrying of the welfare of this lovely lady beside me, just makes her even more stressed out." He made a gesture to Toxicosis at this time. Who looked up, in the process of forking a strawberry into her mouth. "She never leaves home, hardly talks and is dealing with something that makes her lock herself away. But Yanni took all of us in with the goal of helping us. That's quite a few to worry about the welfare of while dealing with her troubles too. Coming out here, as she wished, eases that load." Pretty long-winded in explanation, but he's a prince, what else could you expect?


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