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Re: .:Contest #14:.

Postby Pyris » 10/12/2009 6:24 AM

Alright.... As luck would have it, not only am I lacking in anything close to photoshop, my scanner has also gone down.  *sigh*  So, here is a photo of my drawing that I filled with coloring pencil, pen, and paint.  O.o  I might also add that my filling skills are beyond all help.  So without further adieu, here is my submission.

The Krial

Picture link
Species name: Krial
Preferred Habitat: Underwater ruins

Recently discovered by an archeologist excavating ancient underwater ruins, the Krial are very mysterious, unusual creatures.  After a year and a half of studies, scientists believe that much of the veil of unidentified facts surrounding the reptile-like amphibious animal have come to light.

Though the Krial tend to enjoy themselves most in aqua habitats with many caves, tunnels, and cliffs, they also clamber graciously onto land.  The holes at the end of their snouts have small flaps that open and close as they do so, allowing them to breath above water and protecting them from drowning below.  While this curious organism does have horns, it does not possess claws, instead wielding hardened scales pointed at the tip of each finger or toe.  Even the tips of their fins have these shell-like coating.  

Krial can often be seen using the fins flowing from their backs to speed themselves up and slow themselves down while swimming.   To the surprise of our scientists, they found that the fins were semi-morphing, vaguely changing shape and often changing size to the whim of the Krial.  When going onto land, the back fins sheath into the thick, hallow bone jutting from their backs, leaving only the hard coating at the tips sticking out.  The tail fin as well, has interesting mannerisms, folding in upon itself when the animal feels the urge to do so.  Their way of swimming can only be described as ‘flying underwater,’ said the archeologist who discovered the creature.

The coloring of the Krial seems very unusual at first glance, but upon further inspection, it was discovered that the marking colors varied with the light that hit them.  From underwater, it seems, the belly of a Crial almost blends in with the shadowy water, the golden flecks shimmering like glimpses of sunlight that hit the surface.  From the sky, however, the top of this unusual animal looks like the shadows of plants beneath the water as well.  The reason the Krial has camouflage on both sides of its body is still unknown.  It doesn’t appear to have any direct predators.

Also, the maw of Krial tend to be elongated, their jaws jutting out sharply in a bizarre fashion.  Scientists say that this is because they extend their jaws to great lengths, often snagging and eating prey almost its size!  Their rather long, nearly saber tooth fang ‘hooks’ struggling prey before the jaw snaps closed.  Our archeologist discoverer says it tends to be rather gruesome, so she politely refused to give us more details.

Although goofy-looking at times, scientists say, the Krial can be unpredictable and violent at times, as well as docile and collected.  They believe these animals have as vast amounts of personality as humans, and look forward to studying them more in the future.


Anything I've done here can be altered as you see fit, of course.  I was initially going to call it Jiggersnout, because the nose was so long, but I ended up changing my mind, as usual.

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Re: .:Contest #14:.

Postby Fallen_Snow » 10/12/2009 3:25 PM

Might as well stake my claim in this spot here now. o3o;; Will probably work on drawing this on the weekend. :D
About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

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Re: .:Contest #14:.

Postby zapdragon555 » 10/12/2009 4:08 PM

Species Name: Lightnacine (can change)
Plural: Lightnacine
Pronounciation: LITE-na-seen
Entry For: The Thylacine
Habitat: Craiss Caverns
Gender Percentage: Male: 50% | Female: 50%
Size: S

The Lightnacine is a peculier creature that appears to be made entirely of captured lightning, save for its sapphire-like eye. These creatures travel via a bright yellow crystal only found in Craiss Caverns and some choise areas of Wilt'no Desert. A Lightnacine can only be away from these crystals for a short time, lest they dissapate into cyberspace. Some Lightnacine can be seen carrying a bright yellow crystal shard in their mouths, serving as their power source for a little while.

If a bright yellow crystal becomes dull, a Lightnacine must "move out," and zip as quickly as they can to another, more lusterous crystal host. While embodying a crystal, a Lightnacine's back-half seems to dissappear; on the other hand, if it is completely appart from a power source, it somehow gains back feet and a tail.

The Lightnacine has powers over electricity, and can enter any machine to reak havoc. If a Lightnacine becomes angry, sparks will fly from its body and its eyes will glow a neon blue. When angered, a Lightnacine's body chemistry changes so that it is shocking to the touch, delivering 9,000 bolts of pure electricity to anyone who dares touch it.

Adolescent Lightnacine must be near a crystal at all times to aid in their growth. The sound a Lightnacine makes is something related to the sound of metal screeching, and is quite unpleasant to the ear. Lightnacine do not eat or drink, but rather draw energy from electric appliences, their host crystals, and the lightning itself.

Species Name: Venkion (can change)
Plural: Venkions
Pronounciation: VEN-kee-on
Entry For: The Black Caiman
Habitat: Baian Swamp and Idalani Falls
Gender Percentage: Male: 75% | Female: 25%
Size: L

The Venkion is a violent and aggressive creature that will defend its territorry like a truckload of diamonds. It's skin secretes a toxic substance that poisons anything within a 10 foot radius. The Venkions themselves, of course, are immune to such a poison, and most other nuclear/toxic wastes as well. Some have been tamed and trained to help clean up landfills and radiation spills.

A Venkion's diet consists of mainly carrion, or rotting meat. However, a Venkion can eat virtually anything, whether it's fruit, a tree stump, or lead-based metals! Venkions also have a jaw that can unhook from its socket, allowing more space to fit food before it gobbles it down.

Most of the Venkion's skin is hard and rough, but the violet underbelly is extremely smooth and soft. Naturally, not many predators can get to this spot, as they are automatically poisoned before they can even get close. The Venkion's chin, shoulders, thighs, and tail are all covered in spikes; its tail ends in a heavy, dark-violet mace. Venkions' feet are webbed, and there is a retractable, hooked claw on the bottom of each foot. Said claws aid the Venkion in climbing cliffs and trees.

Mother Venkions are very protective, and will often carry their babies in their mouths. Baby Venkions' poison is barely strong enough to kill a fish, let alone another creature, so they spend most of their young life with their mother and father.

Venkions' spit is made entirely of toxic radiation, which is colored a very pale lavender, and they often leave trails of it behind as they walk. When diving, the Venkion will coat its eyes in a protective liquid that is completely waterproof, allowing them to see in even the cloudiest water.

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: .:Contest #14:.

Postby Azura Rayume » 10/12/2009 4:10 PM

The Lucidoyle is a reclusive species that happily makes its home in any body of water- variations have been found in everything from oceans to swamps to backyard ponds. They vary in size from five to a massive fourteen feet in length and can weigh anywhere from 80 pounds to upwards of 500. Their scale patterns and colors vary from creature to creature, but all possess a base made for blending into surroundings and bright glowing markings.

Its movements are reminiscent of both a serpent and a dolphin, that is to say they seem to slither while walking and rise and fall during swimming. The unusual gate of the Lucidoyle is deceivingly slow: they appear to only be capable of a waddle-walk, yet can accelerate remarkably when need be. The axe shaped tail fin plays an important role in swimming. It acts as both rudder and paddle, giving the Lucidoyle a wide range of maneuvers while swimming.

The Lucidoyle's body is built for hunting. The scales act as a natural camouflage while the strong jaws make quick work of prey. They have two rows of teeth at all times similar to sharks: when one falls out another is there to take its place. Even the tongue is designed to aid in capturing prey. It is capable of grabbing onto prey and pulling the animal into the mouth. This behavior is most often seen in while jumping to capture something like a Batti from a branch or even the air. The eyes are capable of seeing in the dark and a clear membrane slides over the eyeball during deep dives to act as "goggles."

A Lucidoyle will go after anything. From bats to birds to deer to humans, it will eat anything it can tear into little pieces and swallow.

Lucidoyles breed in the beginning of spring. The courtship ritual often begins with the males sounding off in the middle of the night, markings flashing in (hopefully) alluring patterns. Females each have an individual preference, be it horns, markings, call, or even (rarely) battle scars, and will chose her mate based on those characteristics she fins appealing. Males often battle with each other when a female enters the area. they smash their heads together like mountain rams and bite and claw at the opponent's legs, tail, and face.

Once a female has chosen her mate, the make will dig a hole in the banks of the area and fill it with moss, leaves, and other debris to keep the eggs warm. If the female finds the nest suitable, she will lay a clutch of six to eight eggs (the highest recorded hatch was twelve). Then the pair will separate and leave the covered nest unguarded.

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Re: .:Contest #14:.

Postby Thessur » 10/12/2009 4:21 PM

The name is kinda silly, but it says essentially what this critter is.  It's (for the most part) a cross between a Black Caiman and a rat, a reptilian mammal that has live young and cares for them but does not nurse them.  They are about 1ft tall at the shoulder and can get to be up to 3ft long from nose to tail. They are semi-aquatic, spending most of their time in the water and/or mud.  Their main diet is fish, but they eat just about any kind of meat they can get.  They only have two legs and use their large tails for balance when on land.  They also use their tails for swimming.  Their tails are considered delicacies by some.  They have only one large nostril on the end of their snouts and it can close to allow them to dive.  The shark-like fin on their backs has green dots on it which they can cause to glow, the top of their tails can glow as well.  They use this natural phosphorescence mostly to attract mates and occasionally to scare enemies.  They make surprisingly good pets (provided you live near a swamp) and can actually be quite affectionate, just don't leave them unattended with pets smaller than they are.

Hope this isn't too late, I'd have had it in sooner but midterms ate me.

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Re: .:Contest #14:.

Postby Yomegami » 10/12/2009 6:39 PM

Beware, the image is rather large. Fear my crappy drawing skills. oPo

Pikemann are rather curious creatures. They look much like crocodilians, but they have fins and gills much like a fish. How exactly fish and reptile came together in one form is something that defies description. They are short and stocky in build, with short legs and tail, crocodile-like scales covering its back, and fish scales covering its sides. Perhaps the most noticeable feature are their jaws - the upper jaw has a hook that curves over the lower jaw. This hook doesn't let anything that a pikemann snares to get away easily. To top it off, this hook is armed with 3 pairs of sharp teeth, enabling a firm grip.

Pikemann have both lungs and gills, enabling them to breathe both on land and in water. Despite this, it seems they prefer atmospheric air and swim at the surface, their elevated nostrils above the surface of the water. Because of their short legs, they are slow and clumsy on land and rarely leave the water.

Male pikemann are the larger of the two genders, but female pikemann are more vicious and more likely to go after large prey than the males are. Both genders have very exuberant colors, but for what purpose is unknown.

They are creatures who will leave you alone if you leave them alone. However, those jaws have a powerful bite and are more than capable of shredding limbs off human bodies, and they are vicious attackers. Even with this risk, some daring hunters go fishing for pikemann due to the profits a pair of pikemann jaws will bring in.

Random stuff:
Plural: Pikemann (same as the normal name)
Pronounciation: PIEK-man
Entry for: Black Caiman
Size: L
Possible Racial Traits -
Passive: Child of the Swamps, Expert Swimmer
Battle: Great Bite, Lunging Strike, Snatch
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Re: .:Contest #14:.

Postby Silverin » 10/12/2009 7:12 PM

http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i264/ ... x/Pet2.png

My first entry 8D

(No name cause I fail at names for them =P)  A odd marsupial that has retained one wing from it's previous haritige. They can not fly because they lack one wing and the wing they have is badly damaged. It romes the forests, jungles, swamps, slums and occationaly the plains of evelon covering a vast rage of habitats.

It bears a odd ear ring that caries a pendent in the shape of a Ttee. It wears a collar, silver bracilets, a choke chain, bandages and a tail wrap that matches the collar (the choke chain and the bandages stand as a symbol of their pain).

They have a liking for Yingshee meat that causes some farmers of Yingshee to try to track them down and get ride of them. They will also hunt Rollbay and they are also their main choice of pray.

Shy because of those that hunt them, they try to avoid any contact with the modern world and often pick sucluded places to make their homes. They make great pets if you can gain ones trust and like attention. They often hold on to pain but some times you can come across one that did not expericence pain and tend to cling more to their positive memories.

(ok so thats what I have in mind for now. Some notes are on my work any ways.)

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Re: .:Contest #14:.

Postby Mojave » 10/13/2009 5:58 AM

Entry #1: Caiman

http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h128/ ... menRef.png
(File is big, be warned.)

General Information: This species is similar to the Caiman in body, temperament, diet, and habitat; however, this species is unique in that it's jaw is on top of it's skull. While at first questions arose of how this could be physically possible, dissection revealed that the head is build normally in that the nasal cavities and brain are in the upper part of the cranium while the eyes and ears are located beneath the mouth. The angle at which the eyes sit allows the creature to see forward and slightly up, though a ridge of scales blocks saliva from dripping into the eyes and limits how much can be seen directly above it. The creature can adapt to live in salt, brackish, or fresh water, though does immensely better in small coves and smaller bodies of water. It cannot swim indefinitely and must have spots available for basking. While it is warm blooded, it still retains some weaknesses of cold blooded creatures in that extreme cold or hot temperatures will send it into shock and kill it. As with caiman, females are larger while males are more aggressive. Their larger than life arm muscles are used to fight, support their extreme weight, and make give them a sturdy foundation in battles and natural disasters such as mud slides and earthquakes. Lastly, the hollow on the top of their skull where eyes would normally be is a defense mechanism so predators will attack there instead of their real eyes. Under this hollow are nerves that can sense pressure and wind changes to alert the beast of threats to this vulnerable spot. However, the species can adapt without these nerves, so it can take damage to the eyes or the hollow and survive- just not both.

Reproductive Information: The specimen breeds similar to common caiman, the females making nests on dry land in which to lay their eggs.

Other information: Size: 12-25' long 150-500lbs Females being the larger of the genders. The frill in the second sketch is optional, it is retractable in that the substance used to fill the spines is a thick gel like substance, only inflating the frill when excited or during the breeding season. Scientists are still debating on what name to assign the creature.

Numbers Translated:
The numbers you see in the sketch are as follows:
1. Specimen with frill showing
2. Inner flesh
3. Teeth/claws/bone
4. Eye highlights
5. Eye base
6. Body base
7. Body highlights

Other Information:
The skull and tail detail shots show how the jaw connects to the top of the skull (It's right above the eye and protected by a curving edge of bone) and how the scales lay on the tail to create a 'bladed' look.

Entry #2: Thylacine

http://zein-duat.deviantart.com/art/Thy ... -141047653

Species name: ??
Genders: Male; female (percentage: M: 60%; F: 40%)
Diet: Mainly carnivorous, but known to eat anything if the individual likes the taste. Never eats man-flesh, but will kill humans. “Chewed in self defense”.
Habitat: Highly adaptable, their habitat is wherever others of their kind are not currently in residence.
Size: 12’ tall, 25’ long 1500lbs
Etc: Mane is for displaying emotions- raised if excited, disheveled if upset, blends into the rest of the fur if not feeling too strong of emotions. However, they are highly expressive and sometimes emotionaly unstable, often swinging into bi-polar mood swings, severely depressed, murderously angry.

~ Tail hair is prehensile, able to latch onto anything in surroundings to prevent falls or other accidents. Also a potential weapon as the hairs are sharp when perfectly straight.
~Claws are hollowed out in bottom center for scooping, this is used for digging, fighting, walking on uneven turf, or hunting. The scoops allow the bowels of prey to be easily removed either during the kill or after.
~Jaws open to a 90 degree angle, but never appear to.
~Neck is 4’5” and able to move similar to a snake’s body. They often twist their heads to an almost upside down position to get better looks at things sort of like birds. However, when they die, their necks do not twist back like birds’.
~The ‘fingers’ on their hands are so short, they use the hollowed out claws in place of them. The thicker the thumb claw, the healthier the individual. You can count how old they are if you cut the thumb claw off similar to a tree trunk. However, you should only do this if the creature is dead as they need the thumb to survive, cutting the claws in half is very painful for the beast, and you will, without a doubt, die if you do not incapacitate an adult while doing this.
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Re: .:Contest #14:.

Postby Zheris Altradi » 10/13/2009 8:09 PM

Reserved for my monster. My mind is very messed up too!

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The Chiron (Ch-I-or-ron) Makes you think of destroying things, It seems to resemble chaos itself,  This Beast has a "Kill now talk later" attitude to the point where It can not talk anymore. Very old one can. They can fly and fire their stinger up to 30 meters! Use crocodile like jaws with wasp like mandibles with their teeth. It's long tail then a wasps abdomen and despite it's looks is an agile flier! A battle heart would have a hard time fighting this creature. However Chiron are not built to take hits. It lives in it's swampy home hunting everything. Or being hunted themselves. (WIP)
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Re: .:Contest #14:.

Postby Owl » 10/13/2009 8:40 PM

ooh, I'll try this...

(SAND cree)
based on Tasmanian wolf, sand cat, and ferret (possibly scorpion or snake as well)  

Sandkree 1 (color swatches)
Sandkree 2
Sankree Details

The Sandkre was at first a perfect normal looking creature, looking much like a ferret or small dog of some sort.
But, it was found out that their DNA was very easy to manipulate. Scientists were eager to start changing the poor beasts on their own whim. First, it was just breeding different physical characteristics into the Sandkre, like height and color, much like dog breeding. Soon after they began cloning, just to see if they could crack their odd DNA code more efficiently.
The government (which government? I don't know, probably the Imperials.) got a earful of this, and decided to use the Sandkra for their armies.

They were made to be more like scouts and weave through even the most unstable or uninhabitable places, usually ones hit by biological warfare.
The gas mask is of course helpful when in toxic areas, but with a little technology it helps the Sandkre switch from heat vision or night vision, gather information from home base through either radio or shown on the screen across its eyes, and a handy chart on how its body is doing psychical. Wires heading from its head all the way to it's tail send detailed information to the brain, much like nerves but much more efficient.
The Sandkre have always had those odd tails, although they're naturally pure bone and used mainly as a knife of some sort when they're hunting. They developed into a hollow point and the scientists bred them to create a sort of spider-web string. Almost like a sewing needle, it could be used to help stitch up clothing, or could be used to stitch up wounds. Poison was the other choice, but it would overall slow them down and wouldn't do much good on a creature built more to flee than to fight.
The oddest characteristic is their split bodies. One half can go on living without the other half, and can still keep information it gained on it's mission even after the other half is gone. The back portion has it's own little mechanized 'heart' to keep it going, but it's little more than a tinker toy in intelligence. Normally it tries it's hardest to escape the situation it's in, or to play dead and hope whatever got the other half doesn't want more.
The splint bodies also help in mobility. It can twist more than most other creatures with vertebra can, and with the added bonus of being able to squeeze itself under tight spots like a ferret it makes it an expert at checking out the places normal creatures wouldn't be able to go.

After a couple decades, most of the 'normal' Sandkres were bred out and replaced by these. They're very intelligent and cunning, and since most of the wars they were made for ended a long time ago, they are free to roam as they please as normal citizens.
They still keep the masks, which are placed on their faces at birth, as a cultural thing. Many can tell a Sandkre from their face, or lack there of. The few who go without masks usually end up dead, as after years of breathing through a mask their lungs can't take the amount of chemicals in the air. Those born with strong lungs and choose to go without covering their faces are normally social outcasts. Sandkres' actual faces are rather unsightly, free of hair, and look almost like a naked mole rat. They also seem to have a serious acne problem, since the skin is not used to being out in the open.

Quick-witted and often considered to have a cold heart, they like doing their own thing and living their own way with a calculatingly brutal mindset. Some say after living in the dessert for so long they've forgotten what alive is. They act with logic rather than with instincts and often act almost robotic in their thought processes.

They're normally small, about the size of a ferret or a cat, with varying sloppy patterns that are from the original Sandkrees that helped them blend in with their natural arid environment. Females usually have a longer point on the end of their tails, and males usually have more brightly colored manes. Their fur is very short, and their paws have thick fur in between their paws to help them walk on hot surfaces. They have retractable claws, much like a cat.
The manes can be strengthened into quills, act like spouts to funnel rain to their skin, or attract mates.
Both genders have a pouch on their back half, between the legs.
she said one day to leave her, sand up to her shoulders waiting for the tide
to drag her to the ocean, to another sea's shore.
this thing hurts like hell,
but what did you expect?

and all you can hear is the sound of your own heart
and all you can feel is your lungs flood and the blood course
but oh I can see five hundred years dead set ahead of me,
five hundred behind,
a thousand years in perfect symmetry...
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Re: .:Contest #14:.

Postby clackno1 » 10/13/2009 8:56 PM

The Zyderrem (zie-der-em)

All colored and pretty for you Baal~


This creature is a creature of the night. It has super sensitive eyes to see in almost complete darkness, but are also very sensitive to light and it can actually be painful for it to be in direct sunlight with it's eyes open. Now I say direct sunlight because sunlight reflected off the moon has no bad effect on the Zyderrem. It is actually more comfortable in moonlight than in darkness.

The Zyderrem is a tree dweller, preferring the canopy to the floor of a forest. It lives mostly in forests, but can protect itself in almost any environment thanks to this strange mist that seems to follow it's every move. The mist is a conjuration of the Zyderrem's mind. When threatened the mist with attack without a thought from the Zyderrem for the mist has created a mind of it's own, or a consciousness at least. It's only thought, however, is usually to protect the Zyderrem at all costs. How the mist does that changes for Zyderrem to Zyderrem. Sometimes it numbs the mind of the foe, or fills it's mind with such evil thoughts it will go insane. It seems to take all the color and happiness out of everything and will sometimes cloak the Zyderrem, allowing it to escape. Or it may even change the actions of the foe. It might control it. The mist isn't just protection. it can sometimes be a companion. Keeping the Zyderrem company, keeping it occupied. Whatever it takes to make the Zyderrem happy the mist with do.

The Zyderrem uses it's mind for everything. Elder Zyderrem can sometimes move objects with their mind, and from a young age Zyderrem can speak with their mind. It can sometimes levitate. If a Zyderrem practices enough it can invade someone's thoughts, taking them over or just search through their memories.

A Zyderrem's sensitivity to the moon allows it to take energy from the light. This energy is stored in the crescent moon markings on it's body. These markings with glow when energy is stored in them. The whole animal seems to glow with power and youth.


female Zyderrem choose mates from those males that have the brightest glow. The brighter the glow, the more energy the male has and so the stronger he is. When too males are equal to the female they will fight, tooth and claw. The mist backs off during these battles. Having the mist fight for the Zyderrem is cheating in the female's eyes for the mist is a totally separate being and is strong or weak no matter the condition of the Zyderrem it protects. The males must fight with their own strength.

Mind Control
This is a rare thing for Zyderrem. It is very hard to completely take over the mind of a living thing. The Zyderrem must be able to control two minds at once. It's own and the one it's controlling. If the Zyderrem focuses too much on controlling the other mind then a mind switch could occur. The Zyderrem could lose control of it's own mind, and, finding a break in the wall, the one it is trying to control may sneak through the Zyderrem's barrier in it's mind and kick the Zyderrem's consciousness out of it's own mind when it is unprotected and confused. This has happened and mayhem usually follows. Zyderrem are cautioned strongly to practice more before attempting mind control.

Physical Traits
The Zyderrem's strong back legs help it jump from tree to tree as it crawls through the branches of the canopy. The long tail with sometimes curl around branches for balance and the Zyderrem can hang from their tail. Poor sense of smell and almost perfect night vision. Black stripes going along the back and tail with silver fur under it. Small black stripes along the legs, four each. A light belly, lighter version than the main fur color. Silver crescent moon markings. Small ears, okay hearing. The body shape is a weasel or meerkat type and is about the size of a large squirrel or small cat.

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Re: .:Contest #14:.

Postby Shaetani » 10/15/2009 9:59 AM

The Valkiiman
Based off of black caiman


First is sketches / notes, second is final drawing in COMMON color and color key.

Parts of it got cut off slightly but there is a side face, a frontal face, a skeletal structure (all circles / dots are joints), tail, back leg and front leg, close-up of plush color key as well as what a treasure colored key might look like, and in the one corner outline of spinal line.
second is color picture of what i thought a Plush Calkiiman might look like.

The Valkiiman has four basic colors and four extra colors.
Body base
Belly stipe - same as membrane ring
Side Spots
Extremity darkening - usually a blend between body base and side spots
Key color
Teeth and whites of eyes
freckles same as shoulder spike
claws match inner nose

The Valkiimans are a reptilian species that lives near swamps and bodies of water. They can grow up to three feet long and a foot tall at the shoulder. Unlike most species, the females outnumber the males and thus will often have fights over 'their' male when it comes close to mating season. Their back tails are very flexible thanks to three joints in it and can be used to help speed swimming, hanging from limbs (Prehensile) or more commonly for leaning back and going into aggressive attack stance. Valkiimans will form a triangle pattern with their weight on their back legs and tail and arch their spine to raise their frontal half up at a 45 degree angle. Teeth will be bared and the porous spike emerging from there back/shoulder will emit a venomous gassy aura. All Valkiimans have a key, a personal item that they will fight to the death over if someone tries to take it away. It is not just for decoration or the love of shiny things, but is essential for the survival of the species. Valkiiman produce eggs that are too hard to crack on their own so the mothers and father must hit the shell with the key when its close to hatching time. Their skin is similar to a snakes skin in texture and the need to be shed, while their body is well suited for both swimming and clinging to debris in the water. (fallen trees, anyone?) They also take a hint from some bird species and have a sort of gullet or throat pouch that they can swallow / store their key in, only to cough it up later. Due to eating mostly fish, their ears have evolved over time into a drum-like membrane that keeps the water out while sensing the vibrations of heartbeats and subtle changes in the currents. Outside of water these organs are delicate, and require a bit of moisture now and then to keep them from drying out and cracking. The keys typically come in gold, bronze or silver, though there are rumors of Valkiimans with keys made from rare metals.

Some possible species traits, bolded are ones that i really think should be ^_^
Passive Traits: Body Pouch, Breath Control, Child of the Swamps, Indomitable Discipline, Prehensile Tail
Battle Traits: Tail Sweep Knockdown, Spiked Body, Great Rend, Diehard, All or Nothing
Element: Acid or Water. Acid would fit since their spikes emmit a venomy gas, or water since thats what they tend to live in / near.
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Re: .:Contest #14:.

Postby QuirkyRabbit » 10/16/2009 5:20 AM

Black Caiman entry - the Taisper
Tasmanian Tiger entry - the Karobane

Detailed descriptions are there :)
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Re: .:Contest #14:.

Postby AnimeTheia » 10/16/2009 12:32 PM

My first entry based on Caiman: Kadil

http://i36.tinypic.com/atr8js.png - Image
http://i36.tinypic.com/2a5aib4.jpg - Sketches

Size: Small

The Kadil are a tribal species, they wear necklaces of bones / shells / pebbles / carved wood etc... and some have tribal tattoos on the sides of their heads. They are equally happy in water as they are on land, and can walk on either all fours or just their hind legs, although they are much more graceful and swift in water.

Their 'tail' splits up into two and then four ends, each part of their tail can be moved independantly, they also have a fexible crest/ridge running all the way up their back. Their tails seem to be used as a wide rudder underwater enabling them to swim very speedily with little effort. Above the water however they seem to use them as a silent method of communication when on tribal hunts, the colour of the tail tips correspond to each Kadil's crest/ridge colour so even when only the tips of the tails are visible it is easy to tell which Kadil is which. They flick, sway and draw patterns with their tails in the air to communicate without alerting their prey, these 'conversations' can be very complex with all four tail tips interweaving and moving at once, suggesting that they are quite intelligent creatures. The ridge along their back is possibly used to distinguish gender and to attract mates, the females have much larger crests than the males and usually in much more vivid colours.

It seems at first that the males dominate in these tribes, with the males choosing a mate from the females with the brightest and largest crest ridge. In reality they are a very equal race, most females do not hunt as a result of being so brightly coloured (even if they fold their crest down the spines would show), but some females with smaller duller ridges happily join in the hunt. If the tribal home is threatened the Females usually defend it rather than the males, using their bright colours as warning signals, it seems the males are best at assassin style killing (sneaking up on prey etc..) but females are very aggressive when it comes to face to face fights.

Generally their bodies are similarly coloured green and black, their crests/ridges however vary.

If they use weapons when hunting then they usually use simple ones such as short sharpened wood spears. Otherwise they use their sharp claws and 'spring loaded' jaws.

When they swim the Kadil hold their 'tails' together to act as a rudder/flipper and usually propel themselves along with strong strokes of this up and down or sideways through the water (imagine a mermaid), they have very flexible spines. They can also spread out the webs on their 'hands' and feet and swim with a cross between doggy paddle and breast stroke (front legs doggy paddle, back legs kick like breast stroke), mostly they do this for exercise and when they need an extra burst of speed for underwater hunting (which is usually a one 'man' job rather than a team effort). They flatten (see swimming sketch) their crest/ridge together to make themselves more streamline.

Second entry based on Thylacine, Ferret* and Centipede*: Thylapede

http://i33.tinypic.com/muexjk.png - Image
http://i35.tinypic.com/35lc2ls.jpg - Sketches

*Inspired by Moofius

Size: Small or Tiny?

Information on Thylapede to come later when I don't have a throbbing headache :(
The Thylapede tends to live in trees, the fact that they have 5 pairs of legs and 1 pair of front arms/legs makes it very easy for them to climb trees, they always have 6 paws clinging on to the bark of a tree at once, and (although you may not see them because they are retractable like a cats claws so they remain sharp) they have very sharp little claws on each toe which bite firmly into wood, so even if it is very smooth they can climb it. On the ground they are quite slow at moving, but once in the trees they are much faster as they don't have grass/stones and other forest/jungle floor debris to contend with.

Common Thylapedes rely on their brown fur to help them blend in to leaf litter and tree bark, Thylapedes from different areas are different colours depending on the kinds of trees they live in, there are Silver Thylapedes which live in silver coloured trees, and Dark Thylapedes that live in dark trees, or trees near volcanoes which are often charred black. The rare Green Thylapede is obviously green coloured, unlike it's tree dwelling cousins it prefers to live on the ground, curling up inside green bushes to sleep, otherwise though it is exactly the same as a Common Thylapede.

Thylapedes mainly live off of nuts much like a squirrel, they will eat meat if they come across it, but cannot hunt very efficiently being so slow moving, they have sharp teeth and if they do hunt they lay in wait until something comes by and then pounce on it using the very back pair of legs which are quite powerful to propel themselves, they have an average 35% success rate with this method of hunting.

Come down from the mountain, you have been gone too long

The world is alive now, in and outside our home

You run through the forest, settle before the sun

Darling, I can barely remember you beside me

You should come back home, back on your own now

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Postby Kyrit » 10/16/2009 9:17 PM

Species name: Cynotela
Plural: Cynoteli
Pronunciation: Sigh-no-tell-uh (Sigh-no-tell-eye)
Contest species: Thylacine
Size: S

Suggested Racial traits
Passive: Climb Like an Ape, Prehensile Tail
Battle: Constricting Body, Elsusive Target(Due to great sight and tiny size), miasma

Excluding its tail, the Cynotela is about the size of your average house Kuhna. They aren't as suitable as pets though, considering they'd try to make just about anything their size or smaller a snack. Most live around Terrace Park, where their favorite prey lives. Anyone searching for one of those adorable little Mr. Wilson better be careful that one of these cunning creatures doesn't snatch it from their grasp. This doesn't mean that they won't stray out in to other areas as well. Many a Drakel has also found itself prey to these sneaky pests as well as anything that they think they can bring down.

With hands on their front legs as well as on the end of their tail, the Cynotela can climb almost anything with great ease, which comes in handy when trying to scurry up a try after a resting Mr. Wilson. If nests aren't watched closely they'll even make off with the eggs of the poor birds. They are also often hard to spot while in trees or bushes due to their earthy coloration and the moss like marking that covers parts of their bodies.

While not exactly a serpent, the body structure of the Cynotela allows them to grab prey using their tail-hand, and then start to wrap first their tail about the creature, followed by the rest of their body. This method of attack is mainly for if they have missed their prey during their first lunge at it.

With two sets of eyes, the Cynotela can look in two directions at once, which can come in handy for spotting prey or running away from that human that's about to throw a rock at them. As a second defense, the 'vents' that line the side of the Cynotela's body can release a miasma to weaken whatever may attack them. They will then try to escape, but they will fight if cornered. This tends to be the only time that the true size of their mouth is seen(can be opened 120 degrees).
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