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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby clackno1 » 11/04/2009 5:07 PM

She waited for him so say something, for his reaction. She focused on the feathers that brushed the grass. She could move her wings at least, even if she couldn't feel or touch them. They looked almost completely solid, but she cold still see the outline of what was behind them. Eventually they'd fade probably. She wasn't sure, but why shouldn't they fade? Her last connection to what she was might as well leave her. She didn't know what would happen then. Would she start to fade entirely? Just disappear completely, like she never existed.

She still kept the tears at bay. She'd had too much time to think. She was an angel, but she was fallen. She was fallen, but she didn't feel completely fallen. Cut off from everything she knew, yes, but she wasn't filled with hate for what she knew. She sighed, "I'm an angel, I fell. I feel alone and abandoned, but I'm not evil, no matter what you may think." Fallen angels were said to be evil, so that was why they fell. But she didn't know why she fell. She'd thought she was being good, doing everything right. Apparently not. She'd been given no warning, not at all. She'd just fallen. Just like that. "I'm a bit dark because I'm angry, sad, confused, heartbroken. I could go on." There was no end to the number of emotions she was feeling. And then he said something about her destiny, and she turned to face him, ignoring the gun. "What I should be? You mean a demon? Or just something evil in general? And who gives you the right to say my destiny? You don't know me, or why I fell. I'm just some stranger out at night. Let me ask you something. What happened to you that made you such a psychotic killer?" She was forcing herself not to scream at him. her hands were in fists at her sides and she was angry. Iylene didn't care that a huge gun with paragon scales on it was pointed at her by a killer. This guy couldn't understand her or what happened to her. What she was feeling. He would never understand her.

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby Silverin » 11/04/2009 5:38 PM

Raven stopped in his tracks, lowering his gun back to his side. What made him a killer? He forgot why he had hated the world with a passion, nothing he could see was worth any thing to him anymore. His eyes wide in shock as he rolled her words around in his mind. For a long time he said it was the nature of a void to kill with out a care, but maybe his hate for people lay deeper in his heart locked away."What...made me....a killer?" He finally said slightly stuttering. "I truly have no clue.... but to kill is the nature of a void." He said using the personality of most of his race as a excuse for what he was.

He shook his head "I would not say I knew your destiny...." he said his voice becoming less threatening. She had managed to get past his intimidating behavior and make him loose the aggression he normally showed. "You might not be just a fallen cause they kicked you out, maybe some one disliked you and so trapped you down here or they sent you on a mission of some sorts...." He said now with a scowl on his face as he put the gun away, turning on the safety lock with a click.

He spread his wings out and let the moon turn his scales into a celestial display as the light reflected off them. This incounter with this young girl was getting odder by the minute. He wished to know the name of the girl and he was sure she would like to know his. "What is your name?" He said in a calm voice, his red eyes took on a less enraged took to them.

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby clackno1 » 11/04/2009 6:18 PM

Iylene wondered if he'd just get mad and shoot her, but when he lowered the gun she wondered if she'd hit something. He was shocked, she could see that. Did this guy have a heart after all. he didn't seem to know how to answer her question. It looked like he was actually thinking his answer through and taking it seriously. He repeated her question, and she wondered if he was asking himself more than her. "Void...You called yourself that before. Killing may be the nature of a void, but what is your nature? Did you ever think that there's more to you than just a void?" She kept her voice quiet, but loud enough for him to hear. She was calmed down from her little temper tantrum. Iylene wasn't an angry person at all, she just had a pretty good reason to be.

He didn't know her destiny. And even if he did there was no way he could make her believe him. She wasn't a demon and she would never become one. She wasn't evil. So she was a little mean. He was threatening to eat her. Who wouldn't be just a little mean in her situation? Maybe someone with common sense and a clear head. So she wasn't perfect. Not even angels were perfect, even though they tried to be. Every angel tried to make everyone think they were perfect. Now that she was fallen there was no point in that. "I'd never thought about it that way." She said when he gave her alternate reasons to why she fell. She passed her fingers through a few feathers on her wings. Just another reminder of what had happened to her. She sighed. "These aren't real, you know." She stretched one of her wings out a little. "Just an illusion." How she wished that wasn't true.

She watched as he spread his wings. They were beautiful, if not a little scary. She would like to know his name. Wouldn't you like to know the name of the person who had almost killed you? She wasn't really surprised when he asked hers. "Iylene. And you are?"

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby Silverin » 11/04/2009 6:40 PM

What was his nature, that was a odd question. She was making Raven realize that he had known almost nothing about him self other than the fact that he was bitter towards the world. He was a void what need did he have for pity and emotion. Obviously even a monster had emotion even though most people thought they did not, it is just that the people tortured the poor critter into acting the way the people thought they should.
" I don't know my nature, I don't really know who I really am." He said as he grit his teeth fighting back a shower of emotions that moved through his mind.

He was almost always alone and close enough to a sign of death and darkness next to the grim paragons. Even his name was filled with a dark and sinister ring. ''Iylene.... My name is Raven.'' He said as he thought about his self. She had a interesting name one which he never heard of before, if had a mythical ring to it.

He was still buried in his own thought about him self, how long has he him self lived with out knowing a purpose for his existence. Others in his pen seemed to be fine with there lack of knowledge about them selves, why did those questions bother him so much like some one had pierced his flesh with a wooden spear. Even if she did get him to discover him self he would still more than likely live his life as a killer, it seemed to be his life now. To destroy people and watch them kill one another, like one who sided with hell.

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby clackno1 » 11/04/2009 7:33 PM

How could someone not know who they were? Well, if they based their own personality on what was said about their species then maybe. He must know something about himself. Favorite color, favorite food, something. He really didn't see anything of his true self come out while he went through life? "Maybe it's time to start trying to find it. Wouldn't you like to know who you really are?" To go through life not knowing who you are is like living a lie. But what happens when you find the truth. The confusion and emotion must be terrible, she thought. But to not know must be pretty hard too.

She didn't like being angry at all and she couldn't imagine being constantly angry, to live in darkness and deception your whole life. Just thinking about it made her sad. "Raven. If I remember correctly then in one culture the raven is a protector and savior, also a trickster and a fool, playing jokes on everyone all the time." She couldn't remember what her name meant, if it meant anything at all. It probably had some meaning, unless her name was like herself. Meaningless. Everyone always told her that names were no accident, that they always meant something about the person they were given to.

((Small post))

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby Silverin » 11/12/2009 9:26 AM

Raven had spent so much time focusing on his hate for others that he had forgotten about him self. Was it even possible for some one to be so bitter that they pay no mind to them selves? Maybe it was time for him to forgive the world of the unknown crime he had always been convinced that the world had committed against him. He had forgotten why he was so bitter towards the world for so long, that he had no reason to continue feeding that hatred. Most likely even if he had tried to move along he would still be the bitter void that he always was for as long as he could remember.

“I would like to find my self some time…” He said as he straightened up and sighed. He could maybe start by hanging around people more often, after all how bad could it be, he could always kill those who got totally on his nerves. His emotions had been tossed into chaos and out of habit he grabbed another cigarette and stuck it into his mouth, lighting it up again with the purple flame. He needed it to calm his frayed nerves and keep his own emotions from flowing out of him in explosive bursts. That’s what happens to most smokers and he was not different.

“Names do not always match the one they are given to but most of the time they do.” He said, as he looked down but in a voice loud enough for her to hear. Some people he had seen had names that did not fit at all or had name most people would hate to have. Her name sounded lovely but she did not seem like she was happy with her own existence let alone her name. She had reminded him so much of a placid paragon so small and fragile although not all of them fit that description.

(Sorry I did not reply sooner I got kicked off the PC and my muse was low but it is back up again ^^)

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby clackno1 » 11/12/2009 5:04 PM

It wasn't really a huge surprise to her that he wanted to find himself, but that can involve remembering the past and some are afraid of the past. Some are so afraid of the past that they block it out of their minds and make themselves believe that it never happened, make themselves forget it. "It's just one step at a time." He might not know those steps, though, or have any idea where to begin. He wanted to go on what might be a life altering journey. He could always get a psychiatrist to help or something. She could help him, but that would just be her being nice. It's not like she wanted to spend more time with him...or did she?  Iylene didn't want to lie to herself since it'd be on her conscience until she told herself the truth probably, but what was the lie and what was the truth? or were there any lies at all? Did she really want to spend more time with him?

Iylene looked up as a cloud covered the moon and she felt her silvery wings disappear. She felt like any other normal person when that happened. She was far from normal in that world. When she looked back at Raven she noticed he was smoking again and sighed. That was one battle she probably wouldn't win. But then she came up with an idea. Compromise. Quitting cold turkey seemed almost impossible for some people, but replacing the old habit with a new one worked for some people. "You smoke when you're stressed, right? Have you ever tried chewing gum?" A lot of people used gum for a stress relief. She happened to be one of them. She never went anywhere without a couple sticks of gum in her pocket. A pack was sitting in her jacket pocket at that very moment.

"I do think that some names are not coincidences." She thought about her own name. Her mother was probably thinking about a pretty sound and a nice meaning when she picked her name. Maybe about how much she and her name were alike, but maybe not. She sort of liked her name. She didn't think it was very modest, but it's not like she'd change it. "Would you like to know what my name means?"

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby Silverin » 11/15/2009 1:21 PM

One step at a time right? It was going to be way harder than most would think, just like going up a ladder when you are affraid of hights. He sat down on one of the smooth rock that sat around the falls crossed his legs and looked down at the ground. It will be a long time before he got any where, he should find some one he likes, maybe that will help along with friends. Only one problem he was not sure what gender prefured either. As he thought his face turned a slight red and he pulled the collar of his coat over his face draping his hair to covor the rest. He normaly did not think of such thing and every time he did he got emberessed, unless he was just teasing Alex, he was just fun to mess around with.

Raven continued to smoke, his red eyes focused on Iylene. Chewing gum might make a diffrence but the suff just seemed to frustrate him when ever he did chew it but take a piece would not make much of a diffrence. He sighed, letting streams of smoke come out his nose as he exhailed. "I guess it could not hurt to take a piece." He said as he took the cigaret out of his mouth and insinrated it.

Humm her name what could it mean he thought as he walked over to the crystal clear water. He dipped his hands into the cool flowing stream, taking up some water and rinsing his mouth out with it. "I am a tiny bit curious as to what it means... so yes I would not mind knowing" He said looking back up at her from the corner of his eye.

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby clackno1 » 11/17/2009 6:42 PM

The first step could be changing something about himself. Getting rid of a habit, for example. Like smoking. Nasty habit, even if it didn't "effect" you. Iylene didn't really believe Raven when he said it had no effect on him. It may not have any effect on his health, but what about his personal life? His friends, his family, if he had any that is. Unless they all smoked too, which she highly doubted all of them. So when he agreed to take some gum she felt like she'd won another battle. If he didn't care about his cigarettes like he did then it shouldn't be too hard to get him off of it.  She started to take out her pack of gum from her jacket pocket and walked forward to hand him a stick and then took a seat on a rock near him. He didn't scare her that much anymore. It didn't look like he wanted to kill her anymore.

Her mother had always talked about how pretty her name was and how much the meaning fit her when she actually knew the meaning. Iylene never really cared about the meaning her name. "It means light," She said. "Sadly, that's the opposite of what I've been feeling." She hadn't felt like her name is a while. Even before she fell. The fact that her mother wouldn't stop trying to make the perfect angel out of her and make them powerful had always weighed her down. But falling had released her from her mother. One of the good things was that she could finally be hr own person, if she chose that.

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby Silverin » 11/22/2009 4:36 PM

Raven took the piece of gum and had put it into his mouth rolling it over with his tongue till he had gotten the piece into a position to blow bubbles. He had calmed down the most now and was easier to handle yet his red eyes still had a frightening fire to them. It was the species he was and the coloring of his marks that made him so intimidating to others.

He stretched his wings and looked up at her. "I don't think you should think that cause your light enough to me... I have seen no lighter creature than your self... Although I have not traviled far." He said as he crossed his arms over his chest. It was not like him to chear some one up but he seemed to be compelled to do so with her. Although he looked like a cold and bitter beast he did have a soft spot in a small place in his heart, so deep and hidden with in.

"Sooo have you ever tried the at least plesent parts of life?" He said as he looked at the moon reflecting waters. He took his paragon form again, beating his wings in the air and thrashing his flame tail. He still held the gum in this mouth grinding it in his teeth. His masive body hit the ground as he moved from standing on his two hind legs to all four.

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby clackno1 » 11/26/2009 1:28 PM

"I might be light compared to y--others. But another angel might consider me a demon." She didn't want to make Raven angry, since that side of him scared her. She hoped he didn't notice the trip in her voice at the last part. She was not going to cry. Not anymore. Not over this. She put her elbows on her knees and rested her head in her hands and stared at the ground.

The pleasant parts? She was going to say what pleasant parts, but then she thought about it. She hadn't been there for that long. She'd hid her depression from anyone she met and hadn't gone out long. She hadn't stopped to think about if she could be happy there. Even a little bit. She had thought this had been her living hell on earth. "I haven't been able to see many of the pleasant parts." She admitted. Then she looked at the falls. "I guess this scenery is quite pleasant." It was really pretty. Iylene smiled slightly and then looked down at the ground again. She didn't know why she'd come here in the middle of the night when she really should have been sleeping. The lack of sleep was really draining her. Since she was thinking of sleep she yawned and covered her mouth as she did. She wasn't going to fall asleep here, was she?

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby Silverin » 11/29/2009 8:29 AM

Raven laughed when he had cought what she had almost said. "Well well I don't think the other angle I know of would call you a demon, infact he would call you lucky." He said with a chuckle in his voice. He swished his large flaming tail with slight amusement, she had started to entertain him. "I know I am close to the equivalent of a demon and compairing me with you would be a big jump in the scale." He said as he spred his wings and yawned. Raven knew of an angel that hated being stuck up in the heavens and would do any thing to get down here, he even cursed a little but who could blame a person who was locked in a room.

"So you never stopped to smell the flowers down here all you did was mope around... " He said raising an eye brow if he had any in his paragon form. He picked up a delicet flower between his claws, rolling it a few times between his fingers then burned it to a crisp. "So would you like to fly?" He asked as  he spred his wings. He was not the least bit sleepy because he had slept for a while before and had just gotten up.

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby clackno1 » 12/04/2009 5:31 PM

((Sorry for the wait, my muse needed to recuperate))

Lucky? Lucky! Was that what he'd really said?! She was far from lucky. Very, very far. But her temper had burnt out long ago and it would take up too much of the energy she didn't even have to get angry. She ignored the comment, not able to come up with a reply that didn't involve anger or sarcasm. Lucky, that was a laugh. She turned her head to look at him when he said he was a demon. "Your not a demon, at least not to me," Then she paused, "Not at the moment, anyway." She could be wrong, of course. And in this situation, being wrong could probably be fatal for Iylene. She could put her guard down a little, turn her back on him for a moment, and get a knife in the back. Or in this case a bullet. Iylene picked up a small twig on the ground, running her fingers over it, examining it. "Of course, you could just be playing with me," She said as coolly as she could. "Just waiting for the right moment..." Her sentence trailed off and she snapped the twig. She knew that he knew what she meant.

"Moping actually isn't all that bad really. It's not like a never ending shower of needles in your heart like it is sometimes described as. I think some lie about it because their afraid of what it might mean. being heart-broken, depressed, whatever you want to call it, is more numbing than anything else really, you feel emotionless. That seems worse than constant pain sometimes, though." She said that last part softly, afraid that if she said it too loud something awful would happen. She didn't know what, she just felt it. She almost didn't hear what Raven said next since she was lost in the memories of her time on earth. Iylene was close to tears as she tried to see the true meaning of his words. The words behind the words. Of course she'd like to fly, she'd love it! But that small voice in the back of her head whispered doubt and fear to her. She hadn't tested it yet, but she'd had this feeling that she had this fear of heights. But she missed that feeling. The feeling of being weightless. The wind in her hair. She wouldn't ever feel the wind under her wings again, that was obvious. But it would help her remember. He would truly fly her? Seriously? But then that voice came back. Could she trust him enough? "I would." She said cautiously.

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby Silverin » 12/12/2009 7:08 PM

(naw it's ok I took a long time too XD)

Raven looked at her his four red eyes glowing in the dim light as he stretched his body, preping for flight. His large wings unfolded stretching out ward, each scale sparkeling in the dim lights. He knew that she had avoided his answer and so avoided saying any more then what he needed to after all why waste his breath when she would not listen. "I may not be a true demon but I do know a few who are." He said knowing that he knew nothing of his true haritage and he could very well be related to a demon as far as he knew. Not knowing his mother or father he had not a single clue to tell him what he was but like others in his pen he loved the smell of freshly spilled blood in the morning. "I could play with you but I don't think I have will to do so at the moment" He said with a slight yawn as he still had to fully wakeup from his nap even though it seemed like they were standing here for hours his body told him it was but a few minutes that they conversed with one another.

He looked at her his eyes narrowing. "Yes but you are the one who contols the needles that perice your heart." He said as he tilted his head from side to side. He then lowered him self lower to the ground so that she may get on to his back, stretching his wings out to thr ground. "So you want to fly... then climb abord my back." He said in responce to her.

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby clackno1 » 12/14/2009 5:13 PM

Even though he annoyed, angered, threatened, and scared her, Iylene had to admit that his scales were quite beautiful. They had the same purple shimmer as his wings, if not a little lighter in color. The purple flame on his tail was very pretty. She might ask him if it had any other purpose than lighting cigarettes and intimidation. "Do you mean demon as in someone from the pits of Hell who dwell in darkness and shadow and have no soul, or someone who is just considered evil because thy do things that are also considered evil? I don't use the term demon too loosely, unless I'm joking about it." She traced Raven's silver markings with her eyes, noting how intricate they are. She smirked to herself as a thought came into her head. Those who did not like life often saw death as a sweet release and would describe it as a glittering dark angel come to take them to peace. He did look more like a dark angel than a demon.

Iylene sighed. He did make a good point. "That's true. But when you're in a new world that you barely know there isn't much to distract you. There isn't much to do other than think. And sometimes you just can't stop the thoughts." Her eyes went to that spot in between his wings where she would sit if he did decide to climb aboard his back. She got up from her seat on the rock and started to take hesitant steps toward him. Her heart sped up as the reality of what she was doing hit her. This man...dragon was offering to give her something she never thought she'd ever have again. She lightly touched his scales and a shiver went down her spine. Iylene took a deep breathe as she hoisted herself up onto his back and tried to make herself comfortable without making him uncomfortable. She made sure she wasn't going to slip and just continued to take deep breathes and calm herself.

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