If you're looking for beautiful seaside scenery, this is the place for you. Home to the world's largest collection of fishermen and fishing pets, this city is well known, as it provides much of Barakka's fish exports. You should try the famous Broiled Sea Scalla, it's delicious! (+2 Fame)

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Unexpected Reunion ((Cynder and I))

Postby Knightdaniru » 07/15/2009 5:10 PM

Terra, Female Preluhna
Melanthios, Male Revelate Kuhna
Markandeya, Male Revelate Kuhna

Terra trotted happily through the streets. It had been a little while since she had been in a city like this. She was normally content with the amount of people at the Meadow, but sometimes it was just kinda fun to get out.
This time she had brought her two kits along. Both had become handsome young revelates. Sometimes she wished their hearts reflected their coats. She'd heard somewhere that Revelates were known to do good, work in churches, all that. As for hers, she had to keep glancing back to make sure they hadn't stolen something out of someones pockets, or even a full purse. And she didn't even know where they had learned such behavior.

"Why are we here again?" Thios asked, for probably the tenth time since they arrived in the city.
"You were the one who accepted Mom's invitation to follow. You shouldn't be the one complaining," his twin answered.
"Yeah, yeah." Thios replied. There was a few minutes of silence, save for the noise of the city streets, before he continued, "Sheesh. She looks kinda paranoid."
His brother smiled slightly at this.
"Its not like we would go as far as to hurt someone... But the fish on that stand over there looks awfully tasty, I must say."
"We'd have to wait till she stops looking, though," Mark advised.
"Of course." They fell back into silence as they walked.
You may call, you may call
But the little black cats won't hear you.
The little black cats are maddened
By the bright green light of the moon;
They are whirling and running and hiding,
They are wild who were once so confiding,
They are crazed when the moon is riding
You will not catch the kittens soon.
They care not for saucers of milk,
They think not of pillows of silk;
Your softest, crooningest call
Is less than the buzzing of flies.
They are seeing more than you see,
They are hearing more than you hear,
And out of the darkness they peer.
With a goblin light in their eyes!

The Bad Kitties
By Elizabeth Coatsworth

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Re: Unexpected Reunion ((Cynder and I))

Postby Cynder » 11/06/2009 12:53 PM

Static, male Rejection Kuhna
Achlys, female Darkflame Kuhna
Auxibio, male Calamikuhna

In the approaching twilight, the shapes of the three kuhnas seemed to merge into one, and it blurred around the edges as they continued to move foreward. The one at the front of the group was larger by quite a bit, his coat having the shiny, full quality of an animal at least several years old. The two smaller ones, however, still had coats that were almost kit-like, and quite fluffy. In their manner of walking, all three kuhnas had a different stride. The rejection kuhna almost seemed to slash at the ground as he walked, and he either stared at the ground or snuck glances into dark alleys, sulking in a way that made it seem like he hated the world and everyone in it. His fur prickled at the nape of his neck, though there didn't seem to be anything to be nervous about.
The largest of the two smaller kuhnas, a male, had a powerful, almost godlike way about him. Each paw struck the ground as if he was completely sure of where he was going, even though he was following another, and he held his head high, a defiant challenge to the world. His dark coat brushed that of his sister beside him, who was skulking about even more than their father. Her stride was low to the ground, careful, and so light that you wouldn't have been able to hear her even on the quietest night. She had a scrawny, underfed look about her; even the flames on her tails and flank didn't shine as bright as they should have. Her ears were constantly twitching every which way, and her eyes shone a eerie milky blue. The darkflame always stuck close to her brother, and her pawsteps lined up with his. When he turned even the slightest bit, so did she. He seemed almost annoyed by her clingyness, but the rejection kuhna glanced back occasionally, as if to check on her, but then he would turn back and sink into himself again. The darkflame just stared sightlessly into the distance.

Together, they made a pretty dismal group.

Occasionally the siblings would say something to each other, just a few words, never a whole conversation, and it was usually the darkflame to the calamikuhna. Now the darkflame raised her head suddenly, staring at nothing but obviously concentrating hard. Her forehead wrinkled as if she was troubled, and she turned to her brother to speak.
"There's a group of three kuhnas over there."
It wasn't a question, it was a statement. He just nodded and glanced foreward and to the left a ways. "Yep. They're revelates. Following a preuhna."
"I don't like them much. The revelates."
He shrugged. "So?"
"They're theives. They take money."
"Not our problem."
"It is if they steal something valuble."
The calamikuhna just snorted. "Like what, a fish? Stop snooping into other people's business, Achlys. It's not even a big deal."
"Okay, but what if they--"
"You're so annoying."
"Do you have my--"
The calamikuhna made a final disgusted noise and sped up as to join his father. Achlys didn't hasten to join him, but wandered on just behind them, lost in though. She twitched her ears, trying to sort out all the noises around her. Without realizing it, she began to drift sideways, away from her father and brother and towards the edge of the boardwalk.

I listen to the wind
to the wind of my soul
Where I'll end up well I think,
only God really knows
I've sat upon the setting sun
But never, never never never
I never wanted water once
No, never, never, never

I listen to my words but
they fall far below
I let my music take me where
my heart wants to go
I swam upon the devil's lake
But never, never never never
I'll never make the same mistake
No, never, never, never

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Re: Unexpected Reunion ((Cynder and I))

Postby Knightdaniru » 11/06/2009 4:25 PM

((Yay! Now let's see if I can bring myself back in character as these three.))

Slowly and stealthily, as Terra had relaxed, the boys turned off onto a separate path of travel. Terra didn't notice till she instinctively glanced back to glance at them. And they weren't there. Realizing this, she turned around, looking for any sign of where they would've gone, cursing herself under her breath for loosing them. It wasn't like they couldn't take care of themselves, in fact, she was quite impressed at how independent they already were at their age. But she was scared for anyone who would cross their paths.
Ears perked, she moved to ask around as to if anyone has seen them. She didn't bother calling their names. They wouldn't have heard her in the bustle of the city. Or so, that would be the excuse they used. But no one was yelling about some pesky feline thieves, so surely they haven't gotten into trouble yet.
A familiar face caught her eye briefly and she turned to look. It was Static. The father of her kits, none the less. And with a young calami, surely their young son that went to live with them. Instantly she changed course to their direction. Though how much it would help her find Mark and Thios.

"Act casual," Thios reminded his brother.
"Don't haveta tell me twice," Mark answered, though something had him distracted. There was a scent in the air. Another Kuhna it seemed. But something about it was familiar. He couldn't place it, but it gave him memories of when they were the smallest kits.
Glancing around, he spotted the sickly looking darkflame. "Now who could that be?" he asked, though to no one in particular.
"Hm?" Thios asked him, and instinctively sniffed the air himself, and glanced at the kuhna. "I don't know. But if you're so curious. Lets split. You quench your curiosity, I'll grab the fish, we'll meet in that ally." He gestured with one of his tails to the dark space between the buildings he meant.
Mark nodded and they headed off into the separate directions.

((Look at that. You gave me too much to work with. XD))
You may call, you may call
But the little black cats won't hear you.
The little black cats are maddened
By the bright green light of the moon;
They are whirling and running and hiding,
They are wild who were once so confiding,
They are crazed when the moon is riding
You will not catch the kittens soon.
They care not for saucers of milk,
They think not of pillows of silk;
Your softest, crooningest call
Is less than the buzzing of flies.
They are seeing more than you see,
They are hearing more than you hear,
And out of the darkness they peer.
With a goblin light in their eyes!

The Bad Kitties
By Elizabeth Coatsworth

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Re: Unexpected Reunion ((Cynder and I))

Postby Cynder » 11/09/2009 10:27 PM

Static hated the city. Even a small seaside city like this was too crowded, bustling, and just too...cheerful for his liking. He already wished he was back at the camp, where he could find his own corner and just be by himself. But as much as he hated being here, he felt the responsibility to his kits, who had been antsy and needed to get out. This was there first time out of the camp since they were born. Great father I am, eh?
Father. Static just couldn't get used to the idea of being a father. There were still times when he looked at them and failed truly percieve them as his children. But he knew they were, all right. He remembered. There were some things you just couldn't forget, and Terra was one of them. Static shook his head, lost in thought and remembering the way Terra, apart from anyone else he had ever met, hadn't shrunk away in the face of his aggresive angst and meanness, not much anyway. He hadn't ever met anyone like her. Although, sometimes when he looked into the sightless eyes of Achlys, his...daughter...he saw Terra there. It wasn't that they had the same personality. Achlys had a slightyle detatched manner of interacting with the world, and lacked Terra's sweetness. But all the same, he looked at Achlys and thought of her.
Looking up for the first time in ages, Static glanced at the surrounding creatures. He had nothing in common with them. Nothing. He felt Auxibio walking beside him and was about to turn to him and ask if he'd had enough and would like to go back to camp now, when he did a double take. A preluhna. Terra? No, he was just seeing things because he'd been thinking about her. Or was he? She was approaching him purposefully, and Static froze, not knowing what to do.
"Father? What is it?"
Static ignored his son, and Terra came right up to Static, who was completely freaking out now, unsure what to do or say. So he just said the first thing that came to mind, with as much venom as he could muster in his confusion.
"What are YOU doing here?"

Achlys was confused, and though she didn't want to admit it, scared. She didn't know where she was or where her father and brother had gone. She could smell fish very strongly, and seawater, and she could smell one of the revelate kuhnas very near. She couldn't tell what his intentions were in her fear. She hoped he wasn't going to try and steal her-
All at once, Achlys couldn't feel the boardwalk under her anymore. She flailed wildly but was unable to catch her footing. She was going to fall into the water, and her father and brother were nowhere around to catch her.

I listen to the wind
to the wind of my soul
Where I'll end up well I think,
only God really knows
I've sat upon the setting sun
But never, never never never
I never wanted water once
No, never, never, never

I listen to my words but
they fall far below
I let my music take me where
my heart wants to go
I swam upon the devil's lake
But never, never never never
I'll never make the same mistake
No, never, never, never

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Re: Unexpected Reunion ((Cynder and I))

Postby Knightdaniru » 11/10/2009 11:20 AM

Terra was only almost surprised at Static's reaction to her. She should have known as much, as she remembered he had that ever annoying habit of building a wall around him. "Oh. What a kind greeting. Nothing much. Looking for a couple of young kuhnas at this point. You?"
Despite the fact that her tails twiched in slight annoyance to the venom, she kept her normal kindness in her voice. She looked expectantly at the two males, half hoping for an introduction to the son that she hadn't seen since he was just a new kit, with out hinting for it too much.

So close...
Thios thought to himself as he approached the booth where they were selling the fresh-caught fish. He walked over causually, an act he had perfected over time, after hearing of it by... What exactly? Knight telling a story? The silly, twisted, humaniod should know better than to trust these two around such tales, but she didn't really care about what dangers she helped to cause. The thing is, this trick worked so much better with two. If only Mark wasn't so curious and jumpy, he would've been of some help.

Mark watched as the darkflame fell off the edge of the docks in front of him. He didn't want to assume she could swim and leave her, but wasn't quite sure what to do. He was a thief, a rebel, not used to helping people. But the revelate had enough of a conscience to not wanna watch an innocent drown with out doing anything. So it was a spit second decision and he felt himself running over and leaning over to catch her. He got her just barely by the scruff of the neck, still a quick hold due to her age, and dug his claws into the wood, trying to back pedal and hoist her up. Then is when the fear caught up. He was strong for his age, but still a kit. Probably about the same age as the darkflame, so there was no way he was strong enough to hold her weight. His claws were holding him up for now, but if he was to slip while he tried to walk backwards to bring her back up, they would both fall into the water. And he could swim, but just barely, and he really didn't want to get wet right now.
You may call, you may call
But the little black cats won't hear you.
The little black cats are maddened
By the bright green light of the moon;
They are whirling and running and hiding,
They are wild who were once so confiding,
They are crazed when the moon is riding
You will not catch the kittens soon.
They care not for saucers of milk,
They think not of pillows of silk;
Your softest, crooningest call
Is less than the buzzing of flies.
They are seeing more than you see,
They are hearing more than you hear,
And out of the darkness they peer.
With a goblin light in their eyes!

The Bad Kitties
By Elizabeth Coatsworth

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Re: Unexpected Reunion ((Cynder and I))

Postby Cynder » 11/12/2009 11:51 AM

Once again Static was taken aback by Terra's apparent immunity to his nastiness. Didn't it bother her at all. Somehow it cheered him slightly that it seemed not to.
"I'm...just walking." As always, he clammed up at the prospect of socialization of any kind, and looked wildly around for a distraction so he could avoid a drawn-out conversation. What he found instead was that Achlys was nowhere in sight. "Auxibio. where's your sister?", he asked.
The calamikuhna shrugged and walked a little closer to Terra. "Father probably isn't going to introduce me, knowing him. Who are you?"
Static was beginning to bristle even more than usual. Where was Achlys? The emotion consuming him now wasn't like the usual anxiety of being around too many people, it was more like a panic. "Where did you leave Achlys?", he snarled at Auxibio. "She could be anywhere by now." He had completely forgotten about Terra by this point.
Then all at once, Static spotted his daughter. There was a young Revelate kuhna dangling her over the edge of the dock, and in another moment they were both going to fall into the water.

Instead of feeling the cold grip of the ocean, Achlys felt teeth in her scruff. It was one of the Revelates. At his touch, she felt something she hadn't felt before. She had met this Kuhna before. Not only that, she knew him. But from where? She pushed this out of her mind as she felt the pulse of raging emotions surrounding this kuhna. He was nervous, not quite afraid, but nervous of falling into the water. She was, too.

As soon as Static had spotted Achlys, Auxibio had, too. But not being paranoid like Static, he saw it for what it was; this Revelate had saved his sister from falling into the water, and now he was struggling not to fall in himself. He looked kind of pathetic scrabbling around like that, and Auxibio chuckled to himself. But he trotted over to edge  of the dock. "Need some help?", he asked smugly.

I listen to the wind
to the wind of my soul
Where I'll end up well I think,
only God really knows
I've sat upon the setting sun
But never, never never never
I never wanted water once
No, never, never, never

I listen to my words but
they fall far below
I let my music take me where
my heart wants to go
I swam upon the devil's lake
But never, never never never
I'll never make the same mistake
No, never, never, never

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Re: Unexpected Reunion ((Cynder and I))

Postby Knightdaniru » 11/12/2009 8:01 PM

Static distracted himself, as was pretty normal if she remembered. Knowing him, his mind was probably turning cartwheels just by seeing her again. He was wondering about the whereabouts of one named Achlys now. Their daughter?
The calami, who Static had called Auxibio, moved to talk to her. He asked who she was, and was probably right when he said Static wouldn't introduce him. But by the term 'Father' Terra seemed pretty sure her guess had been correct. "I'm..."
But she trailed off as she, and appearanty Auxibio as well, followed Static's line of vision, though it may not have been the easiest task in the world to do. "Markandeya!" She called, seeing her son. She instantly, by a breif glanced around, saw that Static had probably assumed the worst. While she loathed to admit that she wouldn't put it past her sons to threaten one by dangling them off a dock, it seemed too unlikely for Mark to such without his brother, and he seemed like he was strugling to keep the darkflame up, not about to drop her.
She wanted badly to run over and help, but she didn't want to cause more harm, as she was distressed and thus without much since to keep her graceful.
But the Calami had calmly walked over to help. Hopefully that was his intention.

Mark was getting splenters under his claws now. Not a good sign. There was no way he could keep this up for much longer. Why'd he even bother. She had a familiar spark, but it wasn't like he actually knew her. What happened to the good ol' days when the villian stayed the villian and the hero played heroics. Villian desides to be hero and everything falls into an unstable state of chaos. Chaos was never a good thing. Never. The young revelate knew that much.
Another approched. Judging byt the sound of the pawsteps, Mark assumed it was a kuhna, but he couldn't exactly look up right then to tell. But the newcomer asked if help was needed.
All Mark could do was give his tail a violent twitch in irritation. What did this creature want him to do? Nod? Say yes? He couldn't exactly do either right at the moment.

Thios ran, dodging between people's legs. His distract-the-merchant-and-run type strategy worked everytime. He had a big juicy fish and had lost his persuers. Yes, yes, this was good.
But before he headed back to the ally they had promiced to meet up, he noticed his brother wasn't in there. Oh, no. Mark was in some sort of a mess. Figured.
You may call, you may call
But the little black cats won't hear you.
The little black cats are maddened
By the bright green light of the moon;
They are whirling and running and hiding,
They are wild who were once so confiding,
They are crazed when the moon is riding
You will not catch the kittens soon.
They care not for saucers of milk,
They think not of pillows of silk;
Your softest, crooningest call
Is less than the buzzing of flies.
They are seeing more than you see,
They are hearing more than you hear,
And out of the darkness they peer.
With a goblin light in their eyes!

The Bad Kitties
By Elizabeth Coatsworth

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Re: Unexpected Reunion ((Cynder and I))

Postby Cynder » 11/16/2009 12:42 PM

Achlys coughed and spluttered, struggling to breathe. Though she was still basically a kit and had enough of a scruff for it to be a hold, she was starting to feel like she was being suffocated. Her brother was there now, the idiot, with his smugness and superiority. He was crazily strong and could probably pull her up without even trying. But instead he was wasting time messing with this revelate. So like him.
"Auxibio, you jerk, help me up!", she snarled, though it came out weak and shaky, not at all how she liked herself to sound at a time like this. "He can't hold me for much longer." Indeed, she could feel the revelate's resolve weakening, and even thought she had detected a hint of a thought to just give up and let her go. But she could be wrong about that, she hoped.
"No need to be so snappish with me", Auxibio said smoothly. "You're the one who keeps getting yourself into this sort of trouble. Sometime I'm not going to be there, and you're going to have to get yourself out of it." So Auxibio just continued to stand there, waiting for the revelate's reply. If he wanted help, he would give it, for sure. He wasn't heartless.

Static was fuming. Was Auxibio simply chatting with his sister's tormentor? What was the matter with him?! He was sure Achlys couldn't swim, and he would never forgive himself if she drowned. Come to think of it, Terra would probably never forgive him either. After all, she was Achlys's mother. So Static found himself travelling in leaps and bounds over to where their daughter was being dangled over the ocean, and without thinking about possible consequences, slammed his body into the revelate kuhna and grabbed Achlys by the scruff before she fell, leaving the poor revelate struggling for his balance.

I listen to the wind
to the wind of my soul
Where I'll end up well I think,
only God really knows
I've sat upon the setting sun
But never, never never never
I never wanted water once
No, never, never, never

I listen to my words but
they fall far below
I let my music take me where
my heart wants to go
I swam upon the devil's lake
But never, never never never
I'll never make the same mistake
No, never, never, never

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Re: Unexpected Reunion ((Cynder and I))

Postby Knightdaniru » 11/16/2009 3:35 PM

Mark righted his balance quickly, staring wide-eyed at the rejection, not quite sure what had happened. One second he was trying to keep both him and the darkflame out of the water, the next the rejection came in and nearly knocked him off the edge, but grabbed the darkflame. Something in the revelate felt greatful the rejection had came in, but something told him that the newcomer wouldn't have cared if Mark feel off the ledge.
"Thanks... I guess?" Mark said, knowing he should use some of that odd thing his mother called manners in a situation like this.

Terra's mind recalculated at a split second. Markandeya had regained balence and the darkflame was safe and she would no longer cause any damage from being clumsy. So she ran over to them, and greeted the revaltate happily, giving him a swift lick on his head to show she was happy he was safe. He pinned his ears and tried to back out of it, but gave up when his back paw touched the edge of the dock. But Terra desided to be nice and stopped. Just as a thought entered her mind. "Where's your brother?"
"Thios?" He asked, though he knew it was the only answer and continued, "He's somewhere. We kinda split up..." The revelate glanced around as if his twin would appear out of the crowd. But was surprised when he did.

Melanthios watched the scene unfold. All of the characters seemed familiar, even besides his mother and brother. But as his brother made eye contact, Thios knew his presence was summoned. The revalate sighed, but held his head high as he padded over, still holding his catch.

((Thios and Auxibio seem to have a tad in common actually.))
You may call, you may call
But the little black cats won't hear you.
The little black cats are maddened
By the bright green light of the moon;
They are whirling and running and hiding,
They are wild who were once so confiding,
They are crazed when the moon is riding
You will not catch the kittens soon.
They care not for saucers of milk,
They think not of pillows of silk;
Your softest, crooningest call
Is less than the buzzing of flies.
They are seeing more than you see,
They are hearing more than you hear,
And out of the darkness they peer.
With a goblin light in their eyes!

The Bad Kitties
By Elizabeth Coatsworth

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Re: Unexpected Reunion ((Cynder and I))

Postby Cynder » 12/10/2009 7:09 PM

--note to self: Achlys and Auxibio gain a level--
"Are you all right?" Static asked gruffly. He set his daughter down on the dock and looked her over. Her fur was a little ruffled, but she looked alright. She was tough, though she didn't look it.
"Fine, Static. I'm fine."
"Good." Static nodded, feeling awkward. Should he be acting like more of a father? He wasn't sure what type of father Terra expected him to be. Should he inspect her further to make sure she wasn't hurt at all? He glanced at Terra a little guiltily, momentairily breaking his prickly, tough illusion.

Achlys promptly sat down and began to lick the fur on her chest ((lol, I almost typed 'chest hair')), trying to restore herself to a semi-decent appearence. She tuned in to the rush of emotion around her. Pride, annoyance...that was Auxibio, he always felt like that. Relief, apprehention, that was probably the revelate who had initially kept her from falling in to the water. And was the other revelate back? Smugness from him, like Auxibio, but also a hint of guilt...had he stolen something? And then she turned her attention to the presence in front of her which she knew to be her father and beheld a rush of emotions so torrential she could barely comprehend them. A wave of nostalgia overcame the usual worry and anger and prickliness, and the sadness that usually lingered deep down seemed to be diminished a little. There was a happy leaping sensation that she would normally decipher as cheerfulness, but she knew Static. He was never cheerful. But what was with his crazy emotions now? Unnerved, she let her conciousness drift until it caught hold of another mind, warm and caring and open. Achlys's heart faltered a little bit, because she had felt these emotions before, long ago, upon first entering her world of darkness.
At Achlys's words, Auxibio's head snapped around to stare at the Preluhna. His mother? No, that wasn't right, was it? The only type of female his father could ever possibly get along with would be another silent type like him. There was no way Static and this graceful Preluhna had parented kits together. This was just another rediculous thing of Achlys's.
And yet she smelled familiar. Like warm milk and soft fur and mewling siblings. Auxibio found himself staring at the two revelates, one having jsut arrived, as he thought this.

I listen to the wind
to the wind of my soul
Where I'll end up well I think,
only God really knows
I've sat upon the setting sun
But never, never never never
I never wanted water once
No, never, never, never

I listen to my words but
they fall far below
I let my music take me where
my heart wants to go
I swam upon the devil's lake
But never, never never never
I'll never make the same mistake
No, never, never, never

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Re: Unexpected Reunion ((Cynder and I))

Postby Knightdaniru » 12/10/2009 9:31 PM

Terra and Mark didn't hear Achlys speak, but as Thios walked by he did. And he didn't know why, but something about that word in such context stoped him in his tracks. He turned his head to look at the darkflame. His eyes held a calculating glare.
She had odd eyes. The oddest shade of blue. That normally ment they were blind. Ooh, blinds were easy. Just becareful not to do anything their other sinces could pick up, as those were sharp, they couldn't see a thing. Not that this one had anything of worth on her at the time, it it wasn't like he'd steal from a kit almost his own age if not exact. At least... Not infront of his mother.
She looked scrawny and sick, a state of being that he couldn't see how anyone could live with them selves in. Her flames, the part of her breed he had always admired and wanted to see closer out of purest interest, were pathetically low and unimpressive. But at the same time, Mark had been right. Something about her, and the calami not far from her, did seem oddly, eirily familiar. He couldn't place it, but it was the type of familiarity that confused him. Like instict told him to be nice to these. They were close. He snorted, turning away from the unknown pair. That was so against his nature.
Mark noticed his twin holding a large fish, and couldn't help but smile. That was his brother, always successful in their feats, with or without Mark. And boy was it a catch. But their mother seemed to have a different idea, as she turned to the young revelate who was aproaching and scowled. "Now I don't suppose you can be telling the truth when you tell me you fished that up all yourself."
Thios layed it down at her paws, and mark ran over to check out the quality of such find. Only to be pushed away by the still angry preh.
"Return it. Or pay for it. I'm not going to have you two running around fetching everything you see in another's possesion." She continued.
Thios stood his ground even to her, and Mark, grumbling, walked around her to take his normal place of ranking behind his brother. "I don't even remember which vendor I got this one from." Thios shrugged. "Guess its too late. May as well eat it. Plenty for all of us, including your new friends, Mother."
Terra felt the fur on her  back rise. She didn't know how to respond. It was all she could do to controll her self and not toss their false earnings into the water away from them. While it was probably a good option, as the vender didn't have it or the money for it, her kits shouldn't either, but she didn't want to make a display  of anger. They probably did remember the vendor. Almost defianlty. But there was no way to get that information out of them. Even Mark, who seemed to yet have some good in him, could fool a lie detector with every false word uttered from his mouth. She sighed, digging her claws into the wooden planks and lowering her head. "You two... I just don't know..."
You may call, you may call
But the little black cats won't hear you.
The little black cats are maddened
By the bright green light of the moon;
They are whirling and running and hiding,
They are wild who were once so confiding,
They are crazed when the moon is riding
You will not catch the kittens soon.
They care not for saucers of milk,
They think not of pillows of silk;
Your softest, crooningest call
Is less than the buzzing of flies.
They are seeing more than you see,
They are hearing more than you hear,
And out of the darkness they peer.
With a goblin light in their eyes!

The Bad Kitties
By Elizabeth Coatsworth

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Re: Unexpected Reunion ((Cynder and I))

Postby Cynder » 01/03/2010 5:08 PM

Achlys's ears twitched. Liar. He did remember the vendor. What a stupid, sneaky individual he was, to think that nobody could see through his illusion of innocense. She bet that even Auxibio could tell he was lying. Thieves. She hated thieves. As she fumed, she began to realize that what she really hated was the fact that her two other siblings besides Auxibio (for they must be her siblings if the Preluhna was her mother) were just as mean and hard to get along with as Auxibio. They'd probably ignore her, too. Or at least try to take advantage of her. Well that wasn't going to happen. Hiding her anger, she turned her head to where she could hear the preluhna, frustrated at her thieving sons. "You're our mother." It wasn't a question.
Again, Static thought, she knows things she shouldn't know. I've never talked about Terra in front of her. "How do you know that?", he asked unnecessarily. Achlys gave him a blank look and ignored the question, waiting for Terras affirmation that she was indeed the mother of Statics kits. Not like she needed it.

Auxibio snorted. He couldn't care less who his mother was. What was of more interest to him was these two revelate kuhnas, who may or may not be his brothers. They had interesting skills, to have stolen that huge of a fish from right under a vendor's nose. Interesting and useful. Might as well get to know them. He padded over. "I thought I might share the fish with you two. Those three will probably be caught up in conversation for a while." Or so he hoped. He needed to find out about these two, see if they were controllable. "I'm called Auxibio. You are?"

I listen to the wind
to the wind of my soul
Where I'll end up well I think,
only God really knows
I've sat upon the setting sun
But never, never never never
I never wanted water once
No, never, never, never

I listen to my words but
they fall far below
I let my music take me where
my heart wants to go
I swam upon the devil's lake
But never, never never never
I'll never make the same mistake
No, never, never, never

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Re: Unexpected Reunion ((Cynder and I))

Postby Knightdaniru » 01/03/2010 6:01 PM

Terra's ears perked at the question. She was surprised to hear it, as was their father, appearantly. It seemed like such a sure guess from the younger kuhna, especially for not being told. "Yes. I am... I.." She looked to Static, almost glaring but her eyes held a joking question as well. "I'm surprised you haven't been told. But I guess I'm not too much better." This time her eyes travel to the revelate twins, talking now to the Calami.

"Sure sure." Thios said as the calami came to join them. Mark was completely oblivious, catching sound of the others' conversation. It was more important to him than to his twin, but both boys found it interesting and both were listening, Thios with less attention though. Some how both the boys had always wondered who their father was, and who their siblings who had been lightly mentioned were. But to meet them? Just randomly like this? Too odd.
"Huh?" Mark looked up as the question was asked, but before he could place himself in the boys' conversation, his brother spoke up.
"I'm Melanthios. Most call me Thios, though. My twin here is Markandeya. Call 'em Mark."

((Kinda lame post compaired to the others. Sorry.))
You may call, you may call
But the little black cats won't hear you.
The little black cats are maddened
By the bright green light of the moon;
They are whirling and running and hiding,
They are wild who were once so confiding,
They are crazed when the moon is riding
You will not catch the kittens soon.
They care not for saucers of milk,
They think not of pillows of silk;
Your softest, crooningest call
Is less than the buzzing of flies.
They are seeing more than you see,
They are hearing more than you hear,
And out of the darkness they peer.
With a goblin light in their eyes!

The Bad Kitties
By Elizabeth Coatsworth

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Re: Unexpected Reunion ((Cynder and I))

Postby Cynder » 10/05/2010 2:11 AM

Auxibio noted the way Thios spoke first rather than letting his brother introduce himself. That was interesting, and potentially a problem. Thios struck him as a leader type who didn't like to be told what to do. That could be changed. Auxibio would just have to convince him, befriend him. It would take time, but it would pay off in the end. He could use their skills. He took a mouthful of the fish and nodded at Thios, swallowing before he spoke. "Nice to meet you. And you, too, Mark." He didn't look at Mark when he said this, however. Thios was the twin to win over. It didn't help to think of these revelates as his brothers, either. And anyway, it was strange and difficult to process.

Static shuffled his paws, trying to shove away the embarresment he was feeling. She shouldn't be telling me what to do! It's my decision whether they know who their mother is or not! Not that he had any choice now. He noticed Achlys glance at him strangely, one of her blank looks that still managed to convey emotion somehow. He realized he was being to open with his feelings.

And what were his feelings, anyway? Why should this preluhna mean anything to him?

Achlys was beginning to get a headache. This dysfuncional family reunion was full of too much emotion to process. Between the whirlwind of confused feelings raging in Static's mind and the diabolical thoughts of Auxibio and Thios, it was really too much to bear. Time to keep on moving. Slapping her tails against the wood of the dock, she hissed, "Well, it was nice meeting you, mother. And brothers. But we really do have to get going now."

I listen to the wind
to the wind of my soul
Where I'll end up well I think,
only God really knows
I've sat upon the setting sun
But never, never never never
I never wanted water once
No, never, never, never

I listen to my words but
they fall far below
I let my music take me where
my heart wants to go
I swam upon the devil's lake
But never, never never never
I'll never make the same mistake
No, never, never, never

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