Variety seems to be the style of the western region of Desuna. Much of the south is exceptionally flat and has aptly been named the Vast Plains, as the land seems to roll out endlessly. If you reach the northern ends of the plains though, trees begin to appear, growing larger and thicker until you're surrounded by the Roraldi forest. Trees get more sparse toward the north, unable to grow in the surrounding permafrost.

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Re: Out of the Shadows || .:Open:.

Postby Rabid » 12/29/2009 10:02 PM

It's a pleasure to meet you, Echo! So, what brings you to this lovely bridge? Kin took a seat to one side of the bridge, in case someone needed to pass by. What a curious fellow. He thought, a little confused by Echo's behavior. He acted as though the leumoo didn't trust him. Well, he didn't trust him very much, but wasn't the point. He generally believed what people told him, unless they were a shady sort. Echo, though a bit odd, certainly wasn't shady. He was sort of like a lightbulb; bright, but not quite the same as a ray of sunlight. And he was less effective at charging solar-powered calculators.


There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: Out of the Shadows || .:Open:.

Postby Chacal » 12/29/2009 10:26 PM

"Journeying, of course! It you can't decide where to go, here's the place to be! In my opinion, the purpose of this whole place is to slowly tear apart would-be adventurers who can't decided where to go into pieces, then put those pieces back together and send them packing!"
He paused for a moment, and added:
"I'm heading to Basantha Shrine myself... those mechanical hyena-things are...."
He trailed off, eyes losing focus as his jaw snapped shut with a clack. A series of clicks and whirrs issued from inside his body, finally finishing with a loud boing.
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Re: Out of the Shadows || .:Open:.

Postby Rabid » 12/29/2009 10:53 PM

Kin had been planning on mentioning the two ladies from his home that were adventuring in Basantha - though they were searching for those lion things, not one of those mekkayenas that the mistress fancied - but he suddenly... Broke. And in the middle of his sentence, too! How unfortunate, to be cut off midst one's excited speech.

Echo? Are you quite alright, sir? He would have been getting in the yonyuu's face, but he chose to stay back. Again, he hadn't interacted with any of the mistress' mechanical beasts; they were all programmed by either herself or one of her crackpot friends, and simply could not be trusted. Well, most of them could, but the one he'd run into wasn't exactly friendly, so he assumed the rest of her machines would be monstrous. Echo seemed friendly enough though. When he wasn't falling into big pieces, that is.


There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: Out of the Shadows || .:Open:.

Postby Chacal » 12/30/2009 8:45 AM

"Oops! It seems I've had a system failure again- didn't mean to get too overexcited, but there you go."
The strangest part was, Echo's tightly clamped jaws didn't move at all. The voice was issuing from inside his chest.
"Good thing I have a backup, er, loudspeaker, in here," he continued, "It didn't seem to have frozen up like the rest of me."
Echo paused for a second, and pondered, in his odd way, what to do. Finally, he came to a conclusion.
"I will run virus scan. Yes, I will, take my word for it. I probably have the flu."
And he said this without giving the slightest hint that he was joking.

That's five posts!

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So.... is that how it works?
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Re: Out of the Shadows || .:Open:.

Postby Rabid » 12/30/2009 6:40 PM

Kin nodded and watched as Echo ran his scan. He was a tad confused; weren't machines supposed to be immune to anything? Wasn't that what they were built for? To be almost invincible? He decided to voice his confusion.

I do apologize if this sounds insensitive but aren't machines built to be, well, very near invincible? And, if this is so, why have I heard of so many that don't work they way they should? Poor Raphael; he barely used a telephone, and even that was an ancient tool of the family trade.

There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: Out of the Shadows || .:Open:.

Postby Chacal » 12/31/2009 12:01 AM

"... you mean you've never heard of computers? They crash all the time, but at least they don't fall into pieces... Haha! That was a joke. That I made. My joke."
After a series of whirring and beeping noises, a final ding! rang out clearly. A bit stiffly, Echo slowly stood up, his joints sometimes emitting a couple of sparks but otherwise operating well. He trembled,and coughed violently, his chest spasming. He coughed again, even harder, and out of his open maw flew a small metal object. Pleased with himself, he sat back down on his haunches and gently pawed the metal object. A small lose screw.
"This seems to be the answer. A system failure becuase of a itty-bittly lose screw... makes me seem a bit badot, doesn't it?"
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Re: Out of the Shadows || .:Open:.

Postby Rabid » 12/31/2009 12:12 AM

No, I'm afraid I haven't. He chuckled at his own lack of knowledge. The leumoo jumped back an inch or two at the sight of the sparks, and nearly commented on Echo's cough. He stared blankly at the screw.

Heh, it's always the little things that cause the most damage, isn't it? He let out a burst of laughter. Really, people died from things smaller than that screw! Fascinating, sort of.


Gah. I shouldn't watch TV while RPing. xD

There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: Out of the Shadows || .:Open:.

Postby Chacal » 01/01/2010 3:33 PM

"People die of all sorts of lovely things." Echo said cheerfully. "I once knew a fellow who died of of inhaling a butterfly. It was quite terrible actually- all the fluttering and wheezing and gasping. Actually, I didn't know that fellow. In fact, I think I just made that up. Oh, and-"
Echo didn't bother finishing the sentence. He stood up, shook himself off, shedding a couple of screws as he did, and trotted off in the direction where imagined a sunset would be. Echo cut and odd figure- a thin, jerking figure occasionally losing a coupe of screws or a spring. His erratic footfalls were soon swallowed up by the distance, leaving only a black speck on the horizon, until that disappeared too.
(Don't worry... company is on the way.)
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Re: Out of the Shadows || .:Open:.

Postby Chacal » 01/01/2010 3:37 PM

The small Hydrokuhna bounced along merrily, giggling to herself cheerfully. She giggled all the time, and sometimes she would burst into a wild torrent of laughter at the sight of a tree or a fallen leaf. Once, a the sight of an odd-coloured boulder left her gasping on the ground for breath.
With a delighted laugh, she noticed that there was a leumoo not too far away from her. After she had recovered enough to walk without wobbling, she trotted off in his direction, still giggling cheerily.
(Poor Kin... he ends up talking to all the weirdos.)
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Re: Out of the Shadows || .:Open:.

Postby Rabid » 01/01/2010 8:38 PM

Well, at least he's a gentleman? xD I should get him a monocle, just for lols~

Kin watched, quite confused, as the yonyuu padded into the... Distance, really. It wasn't that late just yet, and thank goodness for that; he would've been the one leaving, albeit in a less sudden manner.

What a strange fellow... He whispered to himself. Then he heard tinkling laughter fill the air, just as he was about to give up on getting any living company and leave. He looked over to the source, watching a watery shape heading towards him. Goodness, pets today! First there are enough oddballs to fill a mansion, and now there are enough to overfill that mansion! Goodness me! He shook his head in disbelief, then dutifully put on his gentleman face. Deep, kind eyes, a small smile, and a bit of a mysterious tilt that people seemed to enjoy for whatever reason.


There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: Out of the Shadows || .:Open:.

Postby Chacal » 01/01/2010 9:10 PM

Mia gathered all the self-control she could, sucked in a deep breath, and attempted to introduce herself.
"H-hi... my name is... Mia..."
She was beginning to giggle again, and she tried to shut her mouth tightly to keep them from escaping. However, a couple of muffled laughs escaped, causing more to build up inside.
Then, she exploded.
She howled with laugher, losing her balance and crashing onto the ground. Than only made her laugh harder, and as soon as she felt a bit better, she shakily looked up at the leumoo and gasped;
"Sorry... I laugh... and ....oh!"
She burst into another torrent of giggles, this time less severe. However, it still left her ribs aching once she had shakily sat up.
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Re: Out of the Shadows || .:Open:.

Postby Rabid » 01/01/2010 11:15 PM

Oh dear. Kin thought. I'm beginning to question my luck. He retained his gentleman face, though it probably withered a bit as Mia continued to giggle. Doing to best to ignore these outbursts, he spun his hoof as he gave her a small, sitting bow.

It is a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Mia. I was named Raphael Kinstle VI at birth, but most simply address me as "Kin". He really hoped she wouldn't laugh. Although, with the way things had gone thus far, she probably would.


There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: Out of the Shadows || .:Open:.

Postby Chacal » 01/02/2010 9:36 AM

Kin... she thought, that's funny.... oops!
Mia realized she was giggling again, and before it could turn into a full-fledged laughing fit, she clenched her teeth and attempted a tight lipped smile. She sat there, smiling, until she felt better.
"That's a nice name... I have a problem... with... oh, not again...."
Quickly, she attempted to cover her laughter with a badly-faked cough, although that just made it seem funnier, and soon she resorted to clamping a paw over her mouth to keep her laughter in.
After a while, she lowered her paw again and asked meekly;
"So... where did you get your accent?"
Mia was hoping for a long lecture that wouldn't offer breaks for conversation... it didn't seem like she could manage a sentence yet.
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Re: Out of the Shadows || .:Open:.

Postby Rabid » 01/02/2010 3:48 PM

Kin hoped she could calm down soon; he was tolerant of many things, but continuous laughter might break him. For like, a second, but it would still snap him in half. That was a lie; he was much too tolerant to snap at someone.

My accent? He would've told an extensive story if he had one, but, alas, he had none. Well, my family's had it for generations; I was always with my father, so I picked it up the same way he did. He gave a nonchalant shrug as he said this, figuring it was no big deal.

There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: Out of the Shadows || .:Open:.

Postby Sappheara » 01/03/2010 10:56 PM


Adohi a Bleached Sheilupe and Amina a Treasure Hollowheart walked towards the center of Lambastia World Bridge. They didn't know which side to exit. There were to many places to choose from. Humm... Which way should we go? Adohi thought to himself. Looking right at Amina Which way should we go? asking her for her opinion.

Amina looked at all the driection, she wasn't sure where she wanted to go. Should find somewhere to get some food. I'm hungry. She sent her thoughts to the Sheilupe. The Hollowheart's tail was moving back and forth. She spotted a couple other animals. Maybe we should see what they're doing. Signaling to Adohi Look at them, we should see what they're doing. Amina lifted her large clawed hand at their direction.

Adohi looked at the direction Amina was pointing. He boobed his head in agreement. He was never a social creature. He know that the Hollowheart was. The both slowly walked towards the other creatures. Adohi wanted to be careful, he didn't know how they would react to them.
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