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Postby Jaykobell » 01/16/2010 12:29 AM

From the looks of it, this Dez wasn't interested — for now — in getting information about Dez himself, but rather about why Elixir herself was here with him. As well as who she worked for, and other such things that really had nothing to do with Dez himself. But it was only for now; once he would get all the information he wanted about her specifically, he would ask about Dez. She had no idea what sort of questions this Dez would think of, but she would be naive to think he would just accept her answer and then drop the subject.

She gasped for breath for a moment when he pressed harder against her stomach. He was so much bigger; she couldn't ignore the weight of his paw. She could with small Kuhnas, and those that were average in size. But Dez was huge. But things were going her way without this Dez really knowing it. She saw her chance when he lowered his head towards her, his face getting in the right position for her to jab him in the head. But first, she had to make him feel like he was winning... "I work for no one," she started with. "I was told to come here to meet another Kuhna. Nobody told me the reason why, nor did I know Dez was the one I was going to meet." It was usually how those meetings worked: you just got told that you were supposed to go there and meet with another Kuhna, or another one of your breedable species. "Also, I think we're disagreeing here. The monster here..."

Before her sentence was over, her forepaws suddenly shot forward. One paw aimed for Dez's muzzle, while the other aimed for an eye. It hurt her to try to hit Dez's eye. When he would come back, he might find that pain in his eye. But her claws were sheathed, so hopefully just a hard jab there wouldn't blind him in that eye, if she did manage to hit this Dez. But only after she had tried to hit did she continue her sentence. "... is not Dez, but you!"
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Re: Just Sleep Already! (P)

Postby Moofius » 01/18/2010 7:47 PM

Who said nor? Clearly she was rehearsing or lieing or something, something was being hidden from him and he pressed down on her belly a bit more, claws moving past fur and pressing against the skin hidden beneath.
Look, he growled as he flashed his teeth between the stitches in his lips, I don't have time for this. Either you tell me what exactly is going on or I'll...

Apparently she was useless to him, for whatever reason she wasn't getting the message. He could hurt her, but that demonic creature was just on the other side of the door; if she screamed he'd have to fight that thing again. He may never escape iof that happened which meant...
Elixir had to be disposed of. He couldn't say he was upset because, quite frankly, she was being stubborn and considering her lack of professionalism and inability to keep him off of her for even a moment meant, at least to him, that she was of a lower rank and unworthy of knowing the information he so required.

They'd disagreed on something?
Frankly, my dear I don't-!!! Bright spots of pain assualted his mind and some of the feeling passed through the mental connection, though the Dez-who-was-not-Dez experienced the worst of the pain for obvious reasons. He stepped away, freeing Elixir and letting out an angry snarl. The stitches were stretched, making the fallen luhna's muzzle bled and he rubbed one paw against his face. What on Evelon had she done to him? She'd hit his nose, not what one would consider a vital spot and here he was in so much pain...
What sorcery is this?!
This voice was loud and frustrated in her mind, trying to intimidate her; but there was confusion in that voice aswell. What had she done? Was it magic or some science he didn't know?
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Postby Jaykobell » 01/19/2010 10:37 PM

Thankfully, the trick had worked. She hit the pressure point she'd been aiming for, and this Dez had stepped away from her and taken his big paw off her. She felt relieved to be out of his grasp, at least for now. Clearly he was losing his patience and waiting for the chance to dispose of her, or to hurt her rather badly. Either way, it meant to her that she could die at the paws of this Fallen Luhna. The thought made her shiver.

She quickly back onto her paws after he had let her go, and she watched as the Luhna stepped back because of the pain. Her fur was standing on end from the (rather) quick fight; she didn't even want to think about the consequences, had she not hit her mark. And while she wasn't surprised from this Dez's reaction from the hit, he was clearly baffled, and even confused, about what had happened to him. Her ears drew back against her skull when she heard that forceful voice into her head, and she shivered slightly when Dez's mouth started to bleed from the pulled stitches. Still, she had to keep her cool, as much as possible, and to do that, she had to keep herself from thinking about bad scenarios. "I hit the pressure point in your nose. Those points are all over your body at very specific spots. When they are hit, they cause extreme pain, as well as attacking your nerves." She would at least tell him that much. "Unless you really know where they are, you most likely won't hit them, unless it's a lucky hit. Most medical pets and humans know about those specific points." And so did a select few fighters who fought with this sort of style. Needless to say it was a great technique for self-defense.
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Re: Just Sleep Already! (P)

Postby Moofius » 01/21/2010 4:04 PM

His face tingled unpleasantly; as if it were asleep. He'd never heard of a humans face falling asleep, or any being for that matter. As she spoke she explained her weapon. For the most part explaining how you fought was usually the dumbest thing you could do and whoever was occupying Dez knew that and managed a smile.
Feh... So then all I need to do to make you unable to harm me again is hold down your paws. Is that right?

He laughed at her; poor thing, really. She didn't know anything. She had to be rather low level in Einsor's labs to have not known how to fight. Poor thing, poor poor thing... He smiled and found it... difficult to control the action. The tingling that had started at his face had moved across the back of his skull and down his neck. He felt tired and weak and...
Tch! Not yet! I'm not done here! the fallen luhna snaped, though the words didn't seem directed at Elixir but at... nothing. The experiment pet turned his head, bitting his shoulder. He can to keep himself here, he couldn't go back! He didn't have his answers!

The bite didn't work and he turned his attention to Elixir as the blood started to mat in his fur.
You...! When I get out again if you're anywhere near me...! The weakness he felt as he was returned to whereever he was from made his threats a little less intimidating as they were softer and dream like around the edges. His feeling of hatred was still there but the blow wasn't as harsh as his previous words.
The fallen luhna fell to the ground, his head lolling to one side as his hateful yellow eyes closed.

And then they opened again to groggy and tired.
Uh...? Dez wrinkled his nose, My face feels funny...
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Postby Jaykobell » 01/24/2010 6:31 PM

It was only when he replied to her that Elixir realized her mistake. You couldn't really hit anything if your paws were down, right? Well, her hind paws were still available to hit him, but using your feet really isn't the same as using your hands. Like how humans don't drive or write with their feet? It just wouldn't work. Elixir would be able to kick his stomach, or something, with her hind paws, but hitting a pressure point would be awkward. She'd been lucky with this hit; but there was no telling if she'd be lucky a second time. And apparently she wouldn't, since this Dez knew how to counter her technique now.

She braced herself, expecting this Dez to dash at her and pin her down. She was still smaller and faster than him, so she could only rely on that. So long as he didn't get to her paws, then she could try for more counterattacks of her own. Maybe the pain would eventually get him down.

Elixir's ears twitched when she heard this Dez just talking to himself. She blinked when he started to gnaw at his own shoulder. Was Dez, the real Dez, trying to wake up? This Dez seemed to be trying to keep himself in control of this body; but why gnaw his shoulder? She tensed a bit when she saw the blood oozing out of Dez's shoulder, the blood tangled into his fur into a big mass. His next comment was directed at her, and she noticed the softer, more dream-like tone of his voice. She could still feel the hatred and the evil tone to it, but this Dez seemed to be... falling asleep? She figured it made sense; that was probably why he'd started biting at his shoulder. The pain would keep him awake.

As this Dez flopped on the floor, Elixir made a few steps forward. His yellow eyes slowly closed down, and then suddenly they were opened again, this time to softer eyes. Groggy, tired eyes; but much gentler than the other's eyes. Even the voice in her head coming from the Luhna was different; it definitely felt more like the real Dez. "Dez?" she called, taking a few more steps forward, but not going too close to him, mostly so she wouldn't surprise him. "Ah, your face. I'm sorry, I had to hit you there... It'll go away in no time. ... Did you... get any sleep at all?"
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Re: Just Sleep Already! (P)

Postby Moofius » 01/25/2010 1:15 AM

Lips twisted into an awkward smile, the smile of somebody who had just come out of the dentist’s office after a filling.
That’s good to know... And then her words hit him and Dez frowned, Wait... You had to h-hit me? I told you it was dan-dangerous. A panicked swirl of colours and jumbled, sleepy thoughts hit Elixir from Dez.

Are you hurt? I didn’t hurt you, did I? You should have gotten Nani. She’s just outside, she could he-help... Pushing himself up Dez realised that his shoulder hurt something fierce, worse then his face. It wasn’t a numbness or a tingling but a real pain, Tch! Ow my shoulder...!!! Did you do this? he asked, trying to lick the wound clean, only to be hindered by his stitches.
How could Elixir have done it? It was a pretty bad... whatever, considering the amount of blood which was trying to scab over but not doing a great job. Blood still dribbled down his shoulder and into his fur but it wasn’t as bad as it had been. Well, Dez assumed the whatever it was, the cut, wasn’t as bad with all the blood that was there matting his fur. He’d have to get nani to clean him... again... like he was some newborn and couldn’t take care of himself. Maybe he’s stop being such a wimp and bathe in a lake. That would probably wake him up, at least.

You look alright... And the room looks... Well it still has four walls... Dez said with a small yawn as he scanned the room. Four walls, most of the pillows were intact (some ripped, others bloody but generally intact) and Elixir wasn’t a pile of blood and broken bones. All in all a good day.
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Postby Jaykobell » 01/26/2010 4:23 PM

Well, nobody would like to get hit, right? Elixir herself didn't like hurting others; but in this case, the other Dez was trying to hurt her, so it was either her or him. Now she felt bad for Dez, the good Dez, since he hadn't deserved this pain. ''Dez, do you... know what happens when you're asleep?'' It wasn't just him sleepwalking and doing physical damage to things. It was more than just unconscious actions. They were far from being unconscious actions. ''I didn't have any time to get to your friend... But I know she's nearby. But I'm not hurt. A bit shaken, but I'm fine.'' That's what mattered, right? So long as she was safe, and that Dez was okay.

Ah, his shoulder! ''Ah! Dez, actually... no, I didn't do this. It would take a while for me to do an injury like that. But this is related to what goes on while you're asleep...'' Maybe Dez knew about it, and he hadn't told her. Maybe he really knew, but he figured telling her something else would protect her. Either way, if he didn't know, she figured he had the right to know. But, of course, only if Dez wanted to really know... ''I don't think I can patch this up with what I have in this room, but I can try to clean the blood away... Licking the wound might be enough to close it for the time being.'' It was the least she could do, right? Do her best to heal his injuries from this unexpected encounter with the other Dez.

''Nothing got damaged too much, save for a few pillows,'' Elixir assured him, sitting down and relaxing. With the good Dez back, she could relax again. ''Everything's fine.''
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Re: Just Sleep Already! (P)

Postby Moofius » 02/01/2010 6:48 PM

Dez frowned and shook his head, ignoring his shoulder, at least for the time being. His main concern was not his shoulder but what Elixir was talking about.

Besides the wake of destruction I seem to leave every time I fall asleep, no... I-I have no idea. Is something happening outside of me destroying things?

All Dez knew was what Nani told him and all she'd ever told him was that he'd fall asleep, then he would wake up again and start attacking her and making a huge mess while they fought. After a moment of private thought the fallen luhna decided that Elixir should know this too; maybe that was the only thing going on. Either way he passed this bit of information to her through the connection he’d established with her earlier.

All I remember, Dez continued, is falling asleep and... Just darkness... There was a flash of white and then darkness again and then I woke up. Dez shrugged, the action making him wince.
And I don't need to licking this, I would feel terrible about asking you to do that. Besides this wound is larger than a bloody nose. Perhaps we should leave and get this looked at. The fur was dark and the usually blue and yellow pastel of his markings was a slightly lighter shade of red compared to his dark grey fur.
It is a pretty bad shoulder wound... I mean it's still bleeding...

He frowned, wondering who could have done this. If it wasn't Elixir it had to be himself but he could not for the life of him remember doing it. Even if he was unconscious or sleeping, you'd think something like that would have woken him up.
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Postby Jaykobell » 02/12/2010 7:15 PM

So Dez truly had no idea about what really went on while he was asleep. Judging from her meeting with the other Dez, she could now imagine why his Panzer friend had had to burn him to wake him up. The other mind seemed to be quite clingy and determined to stay in control of Dez's body, when it could control it. So some strange way, then, there were actually two minds inside Dez: Dez himself and then an evil mind. The more Elixir thought about it, the more surreal it seemed. "Ah, yes, there's more..."

Before continuing, she listened to Dez's account of how things had unfolded for him. Only darkness, and then a flash, and then more darkness. So while the other Dez seemed to know about the existence of Dez, Dez himself didn't know about the other character in his mind. As he explained his vision, Elixir noticed the box of tissues in the corner of her eyes. Oh, perhaps the tissues would be enough to patch Dez's wound, at least for the moment... She noticed him wincing from the shrug due to the injury. "Ah, your injury is bad, and still bleeding, yes," she meowed as she got up. "If shrugging hurts you, maybe let the pain settle down before we go anywhere... Here, let me patch it up a little." She went for the tissue box, grabbing it in her jaws and then bringing it back, setting it down on the ground close to Dez. She picked a few and pressed a few layers on his wound, the white sheets quickly turning blood red. She pressed them against the wound gently with her muzzle. "Here. This should be enough to stop it from bleeding, at least." She stepped back a little once that was done, and sat down again. "As for what happened... When you're asleep, Dez, there is... a second personality that takes control of your body. There seems to be another personality in your head, and it is... malicious. It mentioned something about laboratories and.... the name Einsor, I think..." Which she knew nothing about, but the other Dez had been fairly pushy about the whole 'labs' and 'Einsor' things.
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Re: Just Sleep Already! (P)

Postby Moofius » 02/12/2010 11:02 PM

The way she said that there was more to all this, to his black outs, it made him worry a little. Dez also felt curious to finally figure out this mystery. The excitement thrummed inside him as Elixir moved about to patch up his shoulder temporarily. He wanted to yell, to tell the other kuhna to tell him now and to ignore his shoulder; his impatience was more than he was use to having. He bit back any harsh words or thoughts and lowered himself down to a comfortable level for the smaller Elixir.
He knew she was just trying to help him but Dez wanted to know what the heck was wrong with him!

When all was said and done in regards to his shoulder (at least for the moment) Dez sat up. He may have gotten some sleep, but he was still tired and the fallen luhna did not want to fall asleep again; especially since he still did not know what was happening while he slept. Then Elixir told him what was going on and he couldn’t believe it.
Labs? Einsor? Dez was starting to wish he’d paid more attention during the time he was being “transformed”.
Einsor is... He’s the man who owns the medical clinic... That’s where I was changed I... He shook his shaggy head, tongue running along the black thread that kept his mouth shut; his mouth and lips felt dry, I don’t really remember my stay there. When I first got there I didn’t care enough to know... I was... lazier than I am now... Less aware of things... So I really don’t remember it much at all.
Well he felt that he had been helpful... NOT!

Does... Are you sure of what you are saying? Some other... personality? This idea seemed to be rather disturbing to Dez, but then again most would be disturbed if somebody informed them that there was somebody else living in their head.
How did it get there? It’s... malicious is it... intelligent? Or is it just violent? Nani never mentioned another person, she just said I would wake up, look around and then attack her.
Dez shrugged, fresh pain invading his muscles that he decidedly ignored. He looked uncomfortable, nervous, unsure and confused. What was going on with him? Maybe he was crazy?
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Postby Jaykobell » 02/13/2010 10:19 PM

While it was important for Dez to know what was going on with him, from Elixir's point of view, taking care of his shoulder had to come first; she couldn't let him bleed himself out. If she had sensed or seen anything close to irritation from Dez, she didn't let it show, nor did she say anything about it. The patching had been fast and accurate, so at least Dez didn't have to wait too long.

Medical clinic? And this Einsor was the one... who changed the pets? Was that it? It seemed like Dez didn't have a lot of details about the clinic in itself. The clinic in itself, though, probably didn't matter. "From the sound of it, it was more like a 'laboratory'... I think that would explain how pets can... turn out the way they do." Experiment? That was the only word she could think of. Still, the thought was... horrifying. Could you imagine being taken to a clinic, and then coming out... so different. What a horrible thought.

Dez's reaction to learning that he had a second personality was to be expected, Elixir figured. If someone told her, out of the blue, that she had some other personality living in her head, she would be shocked and doubtful, too. "Yes. It clearly wasn't you talking. Ah. I couldn't tell you how it got into your head... But yes, it is intelligent. He clearly knows about you, and he knows about your friend as well. I think he believed he was still in this Einsor's 'clinic', and that I worked for him, or something to that effect." The other didn't talk to the Panzer? Hmm. "But I can assure you... there is... definitely a second personality in your head. Perhaps... this is a side effect of the surgery you had." What else could explain it? Even that was farfetched, Elixir thought. Poor Dez looked nervous and uncomfortable about the whole thing... and it was understandable. In a case so surreal, however, Elixir had no idea what to tell him.
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Re: Just Sleep Already! (P)

Postby Moofius » 02/14/2010 2:52 AM

Frowning tightly Dez stood on all fours.
I find it strange... he spoke carefully, with an unsure tone in his voice, that Nani never mentioned another personality... This other... me... thing... whatever, it spoke to you?
Yes it had it had “mentioned” things. Obviously it had spoken. Why, though, had this other personality not spoken around Nani?

I do not think I can find any answers here... Dez stressed the singular; just him. He started to turn away from her and head towards the door to this room. It had been nice and she had helped him a little but he could not drag her further into this mess. It was dangerous. He was dangerous. Dez did not know Elixir well, but he knew her well enough to know he did not want to hurt her further. Looking back he smiled at her warmly, sleep in his eyes.
Thank you for helping me, Elixir. I... I really appreciate it.
He couldn’t hurt her; he did not want to hurt anyone though it may be unavoidable but Dez could at least keep Elixir from danger.
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Postby Jaykobell » 02/14/2010 3:06 AM

Elixir couldn't blame Dez for finding this so strange, as well as slightly unbelievable. She had only heard of strong personalities from books, and usually those were only stories. They weren't real stories, they were fantasies. To think that such strong personalities could be hidden in the mind, it was... surreal. One would think Dez could've been playing a trick on her, letting his personality take a full turn from innocent and caring, to malicious and dangerous. It was hard to imagine, however, that Dez could have the right state of mind to attack anyone.

Another thing that was hard to believe, or rather, to understand, was that this other Dez had seemingly never spoken with Nani, Dez's Panzer friend, but her had spoken with Elixir. Why? "Yes. We wrestled a bit, and apparently, he wanted information." Which, of course, she didn't give, nor did she have any information to give. She had met Dez only a few hours ago, so how could she possibly know anything about him? But the other Dez had pressed, despite the fact.

She blinked when Dez mentioned how he couldn't find answers here; but the surprise was when he turned and headed for the door. Was he leaving? Clearly, yes, he could find no answers here, in any way or form. She felt a pang in her heart when Dez looked back at her and thanked her for the little help she had given him. A simple Kuhna turned into what most would call a 'monster'; yet, this so-called 'monster' was clearly no different from any other Kuhna. She was still sitting as he made his way for the door; but shortly after he had thanked her, she got on her four paws and made a few steps forward, towards Dez. "Dez! I would... like to help you more." To help him find out just what had happened to him, and why he had a second mind within his head. She didn't know how, but she wanted to help him. "Let me help you figure it out."
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Re: Just Sleep Already! (P)

Postby Moofius » 05/06/2010 6:53 PM

Information? Dez shook his head, wondering what this other... thing could want and what, exactly Elixir planned to do.

It’s too dangerous, Elixir. Or rather, I am too dangerous. I can’t risk you like that.
He swatted at the door handle, pushing it down and opening the door to see a wide eyed panzer.

“What happened?” Nani growled, hot breath in his face, smelling of molten rock. He wrinkled his nose, swatting at her muzzle. Her soft growled made Dez frown. Okay, no joking.

I fell asleep and Elixir met another personality. Did you ever speak to me when I was in that... state? Dez asked, scooting out of the room to leave room for Elixir to exit. The spot was quickly filled with a curious panzer who stuck her head in the room, sniffing. Blood? Dez’s blood?

Her attention turned to Elixir, ears back, “You hurt him? And you spoke to him when he was asleep? What happened? Tell me, both of you!” Dez felt the air around him heat up and watched in horror as the fur on Nani stood on end.
Hey, HEY! Nani, calm down. She didn’t hurt me. I hurt me... or... something did. Calm down and we’ll explain, aright?

The last thing any of them needed was Nani on the loose. She was just as bad as Dez when he fell asleep so-
“I could burn that wound shut, Dez.” Nani said, cutting off his thoughts as she swatted at the injured shoulder, pain ringing through him, his mind fuzzy and filled with pain for a moment. Nani wasn’t known for being sensitive.
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Postby Jaykobell » 10/11/2010 10:51 PM

Elixir stood on all four, staring at Dez and waiting for an answer. How many times had she pressed him so he would let her help? She was maybe a bit naive, thinking she could help Dez fight off his second personality, whom was also a Fallen Luhna: a Kuhna much, much bigger than little Elixir. She could hit pressure points, but this was far from being a helpful attack. It would take more than that to be helpful in any way. Elixir specialized in healing, not battling. If anything, she was going to be a burden to Dez; and deep down, she was aware of it. Still, her desire to help him pushed her forward, and pushed her to insist about helping him.

Dez finally gave her an answer, and again, he refused the help. "You're not dangerous!" the Litchi Kuhna insisted, as she walked over to Dez quickly. Helping was a synonym of healing; psychologically, it was inconceivable to stop insisting. Dez himself wasn't the 'monster;' she held no negative feelings towards him. The real Dez wouldn't hurt a fly.

As she reached Dez, she saw yet another one of the Metamorphose Kuhnas, this time a Volcanic Panzer: Dez's friend. Elixir didn't feel like she had anything to be afraid of — considering Dez was there — but when Nani turned to her, curled her ears back and accused Elixir of hurting Dez, the Litchi Kuhna stepped back slightly. She lowered her chest and adopted a submissive pose when Nani's fur started bristling, and when the air around them started heating up. The latter phenomenon couldn't be natural. Fortunately for Elixir, Dez spoke up first and managed to calm the Panzer down, if only enough so she wouldn't burn the Litchi Kuhna to a crisp. Elixir stood back on her paws, a bit tense and nervous, seeing just how terrifying those 'monstrous' Kuhnas could be. Nani didn't look like the type to necessarily rip something apart for no reason — but Elixir didn't know her, so she couldn't judge accurately — but the power she had was enough to put anyone into submission. Quite literally.

"Ah!" She couldn't help the gasp when Nani swatted at Dez's shoulder, burning his wound shut. Dez didn't retaliate, and he didn't explain anything, either; but Elixir would've kept quiet if she had been swatted with a burning hot paw, too. "I— I didn't hurt... him," she started with, stammering a bit from Nani's presence alone. That was one Kuhna you didn't want to enrage. "Dez fell asleep, and a second personality took control of his body. He wanted information from me, because... because he thought he was still in the clinic, and he thought I worked there." She breathed a bit. "He attacked me, so I tried to keep him at bay. I stabbed his nose, but the second Dez bit his shoulder to keep Dez from waking up." She paused for a brief moment. "That— That's all that happened." Unconsciously, she remained close to Dez as she talked, if only because he was as big as Nani, so if the Panzer didn't like the answer, Dez might be able to protect Elixir. Maybe he wouldn't, but just being close to him gave Elixir security. Her tails were still and her muscles tense. How uncomfortable...
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