Almost large enough to be considered a theme park while remaining free to the public, Terrace Park is rumored to have been the site of the Grand Hollowheart's defeat, leading to the Hollowhearts first accepting a pact with humans. (+2 Fame, +2 Endurance)

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Let's check out Terrace Park! (Done)

Postby Zoophilos » 06/23/2010 12:50 AM


It was fine day at Terrace Park.  The sun was shining and the sky was clear, but there was a brisk breeze blowing that kept it from becoming too hot.  A small army of humans, in all different sizes, was marching down one of the main paths deeper into the park. The Jonison family was out in full force.
   Jared lead the pack, just as he always did.  At his right side was Jason, carrying a thick book in one arm and some kind of small pet carrier in the other.  On his left side was a Blaze Cavallion, snorting and glancing behind itself as it walked along.  Audrey could be seen walking about two meters behind them.  Behind her was an assortment of children, ranging in age from fourteen to seven.  At the tail of the pack walked Therese, firmly holding the hand of a scowling little boy who looked like he was two or three, and carrying a round-eyed baby in the other.
   Jared left the path, walking into a wide, grassy field that had a few picnic tables under a shelter and a wonderfully large playground at the far end.  Reaching the picnic tables, Jared stopped and said "This looks like a good spot.  Why don't you set up the food and stuff here, Therese?"  The children flooded the picnic tables, setting up coolers, paper bags full of foodstuffs, plastic bags filled with paper plates and plastic ware, and such.

An evildoer forgiven and saved by Jesus' sacrifice.

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Re: Let's check out Terrace Park! (Semi-self, open)

Postby Zoophilos » 07/01/2010 9:19 PM

Jared took the Blaze Cavallion to one of the Park's many paddocks to get settled, before returning to eat lunch with his family.  Lunch was sandwiches with sliced turkey, ham, and various cheeses, as well as a fruit salad.  Jason frequently pushed bits of food through the bars of the door of the pet carrier; half a grape, a shred of turkey, a lump of cheese, a piece of cookie. Lunch didn't last long, as everyone was eager to explore the park.
Eric, a hyperactive ten-year-old, was the first to finish.  As soon as his parents let him, he bolted from the table and tore over the field toward the playground.  The other children quickly followed; they had no intention of being left out of any fun!  Some white, black, and orange creature could be seen bounding among them - Radar was also infected by the children's spirit of excitement.  Only the parents, and Audrey and Jason, remained behind to clean up.
Once everything had been put away, Jason picked up his book on mechanical engineering - and the pet carrier- and headed toward a tree.  What he had anticipated the most on this day was a long, lazy afternoon just sitting around and reading.  His parents had been telling him and the rest of the kids that this would be a great chance to "really stretch your legs" and "get some exercise", but what he really wanted was some quiet time to relax.  Things had been busy during the school year, and he had never had time to sit down and just read a book for the fun of it.  Even when school was over, the house was always busy and hectic, and he didn't often get a chance to spend most of an afternoon reading.
He settled into the grass under the tree, with his back against the trunk, and opened the door of the pet carrier.  Out trundled Ralphy, who was filling pretty lazy himself, after having a large lunch.  Jason scratched the Rattegan's head and opened up his book.  Ralphy curled up near his knee in the grass, occasionally sniffing about at the grass stems.

Meanwhile, Jared had decided he had better get to work with that Cavallion.  They had bought her recently to help with their traveling around Evelon; traveling on foot with a family as large as theirs could get tiresome very quickly.  He wanted to do some riding exercises with her so they could get used to working with each other.  He walked to the paddock where he had left her over lunchtime.  She was standing at the edge of it, her head under the fence so she could get at the grass outside, apparently having decided that if everyone else was going to stop and eat, she would too.
"Glow!" Jared called.  She lifted her head toward him in response, but didn't move from her place.  Jared fetched the saddle and bridle and went into the paddock.  Glow had been trained to both pull a carriage and carry a rider, but her training had focused more on pulling and less on carrying.  Jared wanted to try to make up for that.
Glow accepted the bridle and saddle, but became less sure when Jared climbed onto her back.  He directed her through the basics, turning, walking, trotting, cantering.  This was a refresher for him as much as for her, as it had been a while since he had done horse-back riding.  She responded well to his commands, but when he tried jumping, she balked.  She wouldn't even go over a post only a foot off the ground.  Jared was willing to bet it was because she had more training as a carriage Cavallion then as a riding Cavallion; jumping over obstacles wasn't a great idea for a creature pulling a wagon behind it.

An evildoer forgiven and saved by Jesus' sacrifice.

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Re: Let's check out Terrace Park! (Semi-self, open)

Postby Zoophilos » 08/09/2010 10:54 PM

Erik was having the time of his life.  He had never been to a park this awesome before!  There was no park with a massive jungle gym set like this near his home in the world he lived in.  He ran wildly under monkey bars, over a balance bar, up a ramp, over a bridge, through a tower, down a slide, and into a swing! He swung back and forth, hanging from his stomach, with the sling around his midsection.  Yes, this would be an awesome day!
       Radar darted past him, out into the field.  He had been running with him up to that point.  But now he charged forward alone, an orange and gray streak above the grass.  He was filled with a desire to run, not to just play and frolic, but run.  The wide open space of the park called to him to stretch out his legs.
       Whitney walked up to the paddock where her father was riding Glow.  She had wanted to ride Glow herself at this park.  Whitney loved horses and horseback riding, and when her parents had acquired this horse-like creature, she was thrilled!  She now watched her father try to coax Glow to jump over a log instead of going around it.  Glow hesitated a moment, but then lengthened her stride and jumped over it.  Jared then directed her towards a larger jump, but this time Glow swerved away at the last minute.  Jared leaned to the right at a precarious angle, then suddenly was rolling over on the ground.  Whitney ran in and took hold of Glow's bridle.
       "You alright, Dad?" she asked.  All Jared could manage in reply was "Oof."  Whitney led Glow to the fence to tie her to it, so she would be free to help her father, but Jared managed to get to his feet on his own.
       "I think I'm getting too old to do this!" he grunted.
       "Can I try?"  Jared considered.  He was a bit worried about her riding the nervous animal. However, Whitney had taken horse riding lessons a lot more recently than he had, and had a knack for handling horses - and presumably, horse-like creatures.  Furthermore, she was fairly experienced, having taken said lessons since she was nine.
       "Alright, dearie, have a go.  But be careful, she's a little flighty."  Whitney smiled and eagerly turned toward the Blaze Cavallion, who was trying to get at the grass outside the fence again.  "C'mon, girl," she said. "Let's go riding."  She led Glow from the fence with a little coaxing, and climbed onto the saddle.  Then the two of them took off.  Jared leaned against the fence, watching them.
       Glow seemed unsure of her newest rider at first, but Whitney soon had her confidence.   In fact, Whitney soon had Glow carrying her as if she had never done anything in her life but carry a rider.  Jared couldn't help but smile in admiration.  Yep, his daughter sure had a way with horses.

An evildoer forgiven and saved by Jesus' sacrifice.

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Re: Let's check out Terrace Park! (Semi-self, open)

Postby Zoophilos » 08/25/2010 11:16 PM

After some time practicing exercises, Whitney was ready to do more than just trot and canter round the corral.
       "Dad," she asked, "can I take Glow out on one of the riding trails?"
       "Okay, but start on a short one that doesn't go far from here."  Jared opened the corral gate, and Glow cantered into the open fields.  Trotting Glow over to the trail map, she picked out a riding trail that led in a wide circle around the area, which looked like it would keep her in sight most of the way.  Glow seemed eager to please; she was very obedient and attentive to commands.
       "You're really not all that challenging, once you get used to your rider," Whitney told her.  Glow flicked her ears back and forth and snuffled.
       "I think we could have a lot of fun together.  Once you get used to the rest of us, you and my younger sibling could enjoy riding together, and we would take you with us if we take any trips around Evelon."
       Glow walked at a steady place.  She wasn't as intelligent as some of the creatures that inhabited Evelon, but she could still sense it was a fine day.  The saddle, which she was not yet fully used to, was strangely warm and heavy on her back, but the fresh breeze kept her comfortable.  The grass gleamed brightly and invitingly in the sun, and while Glow was content to walk for the moment, she desired to soon taste and see if it was as good as it looked.

       Jared watched them from the corral.  Yes, Whitney certainly knows how to handle that Cavallion, he thought.  He felt quite proud of her.  He began walking back to see what the rest of his family was doing.  Arriving at the picnic site near the playground, he found his wife scolding Jason for sitting around reading instead of getting up and getting some exercise, with Ralphy squirming in his hands.  As soon as his mother finished, Jason tried to explain his reasons for reading instead of running, but he was interrupted by his father.
       "Why don't we all take a walk?  We can see what more is in this park.  It's quite large.  Legend says that the ruling dragon, the Grand Hollowheart, was defeated here, and thus he made a pact to serve the pet trainers."  Jared continued the story as he led Therese and Jason down the path, which headed towards the riding trail Whitney had taken.  Jason walked along with his book under his arm, feeling a little disappointed.  Ralphy perched on his shoulder, feeling much more cheerful.  He had had a nice nap, and was eager to explore after sleeping off his large lunch.
       Radar, who was still bounding about over the lawns, saw them and rushed toward them, running in circles around them and wagging his tail.  Jared gave him a few pats on the rump when he slowed down a little.  Radar dashed between them and the playground, where the children were, as if trying to be with them both at once.  As the parents and Jason moved further away, Radar ran after them, racing ahead like a space body that had broke loose from its orbit and was being slung shot away.

An evildoer forgiven and saved by Jesus' sacrifice.

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Re: Let's check out Terrace Park! (Semi-self, open)

Postby Zoophilos » 08/25/2010 11:28 PM

As the three (four?) reached an area where several trees grew, they met Whitney walking up the path, leading Glow. Radar pranced about alongside Glow.  Whitney was wet, and her clother were splattered with dirt and mud.
       "What happened?" Jared asked.
       "I tried to get her to jump over a little creek out in the woods," she gestured backwards where the trees grew thicker and more numerous.  "Instead of jumping, she plunged into it, and I guess the water freaked her out, because she stopped short and got out of the creek as fast as she could!  I fell off in the process."
       "Into the water?" Therese asked.
       "Yep."  Glow looked a little concerned and sheepish.
       "Guess I got carried away, and asked her for more than she was ready for."

       After Glow and Whitney's minor accident, they decided to give Glow a break and set her loose in the pasture, so she could graze and enjoy the grass.  Therese, Jared, Jason, and Whitney took a long walk through the park, trying to find out what all it held.  They never found the full extent of it.  They traveled past large ponds, fountains, courts and fields for various sports, more playgrounds, and long stretches of country with only trails, evidently meant for hiking.  By the time they got back, even Jared was ready for a nap.
       "I had no idea this park was so large," Therese said, as they walked back to the picnic tables.
       "Seems more like a small country than a park!" Jason added.
       "And we can come here anytime!" Jared finished.  "Right now, though, I'm ready to take a nap in one of those hammocks we saw.  Anyone want to join me?"
       "I would prefer to sit down and read," Jason said with a glance at his mother.
       "I have to check on Jilli," Therese said.  Jilli (pronounced 'Jilly') was the baby, about 4 months old; she had been left in Audrey's care.  Her name was actually Jillian, but her family liked to call her Jilli.
       Therese, ever the busy, loving mother, went off to find Audrey, and Jared in another direction for his nap.   Radar followed him, seeming to have finally run out of energy.  So Jason got to lie around reading his book after all.  He went back to the same tree and settled himself under it again.  Ralphy, pleased to have a chance to stretch his own limbs, began scrabbling up the tree.
       By late afternoon, Therese had joined Jared in the hammock, having returned Jilli to Audrey's care again!  Jason had fallen asleep under his tree, worn out by the long walk.  Ralphy, having not had to do the walking for himself, felt energetic, and had been busying himself with climbing for some time.  He found himself to be quite adept at it.  Ralphy like the view he got when high off the ground, and his little claws clung to the cracks and small rugosities in the tree bark so well.  This could be habit-forming.
       Eric had eventually grown tired of the playground, (though that took quite a while), and was walking around checking out the various sport fields.  He wasn't very good at most sports, being woefully unco-ordinated, but he still often enjoyed playing them.  Aaron went with him, as did Radar; a brief nap sharing the hammock with Jared seemed to fully restore his energy.  The two younger children had remained at the playground; they weren't tired of it just yet.  Glow was thoroughly enjoying her own free time, not only grazing in the warm sunlight on juicy grass, but also taking a roll in exposed dirt, getting to know the other Cavallions, Penticorns, and Tuskows in the park, and generally doing horsey things.  She had never had a day quite like this before.

An evildoer forgiven and saved by Jesus' sacrifice.

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Re: Let's check out Terrace Park! (Semi-self, open)

Postby Zoophilos » 08/25/2010 11:30 PM

Well, all good things come to an end eventually.  Even Radar didn't seem to have enough energy to play for more than six hours.  The younger children became fussy, and the older ones weary.  The sun dipped low enough to almost touch the horizon.
       "Well, kids," said Jared, "I think it's time to go."
       "Already!?  We haven't been here that long!" Eric yawned from his position sprawled across a park bench.
       "It's getting dark!" his mother responded.
       "And we need to eat dinner," his father added.  "We can come back another day."
       "I'm hungry!" Sherry whined.
       "We're going to get something to eat, sweetie," Therese said. "I don't think we can come back that soon, Eric."
       Collecting all the kids and animals took a while, as everyone was spread out over the park.  Aaron was still wandering down one of the hiking trails, and Jason had disappeared completely.  Jared found him when he went to get Whitney and Audrey, who had been spending time with Glow; apparently Jason had decided to join them.  Finally they were marching toward the Park exit, all the children lined up in order of age, with Therese again bringing up the rear.  Radar drooped alongsided the line, being truly worn out now.  He had had a wonderful day, full of racing about and playing with his new family, but now he was played out!  Ralphy was curled up in Jason's coat pocket, fast asleep.  He too, had had a wonderful day, having discovered a part of the world he had never seen during his life in the city.  Out of the whole troop, only Glow didn't seem ready to drop.  She had been fooling around just like everyone else for most of the afternoon, since no one had worked her through any more riding exercises.  Apparently, though, her idea of fooling around involved expending far less energy than what the others had.  So she alone was still light of foot and holding her head high.
       And so the weary horde marched off, ending the day at the Park.

An evildoer forgiven and saved by Jesus' sacrifice.

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