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Buying a Dreamsnare Yonyuu (Done)

Postby Zoophilos » 08/26/2010 10:48 PM

Jared Jonison had taken his wife down to the Dead Coast for a short break away from all the kids.  After a few weeks hassle of moving all their stuff and all their family members to their new house at the Evelon Zoo, Therese needed a break.  Jared was also looking forward to a few days respite.
    They had driven up to the Coast just yesterday, and today the whole day was just relaxing, enjoying the beach, and spending time with each other.  There weren't a lot of people out yet this morning.  They were walking along the beach alone, both barefoot, Therese in a short skirt and sleeveless shirt, and Jared in khaki shorts and a plain white shirt.  They walked just close enough to the water so the waves broke over the tops of their feet.  Walking along, presently another person appeared on the beach.  A swarthy man wearing patched-up trousers and a rather grungy looking tunic stood next to what looked like a crate.  Upon seeing the couple, he began eagerly trotting down the beach toward them, breaking out into what sounded like a salesman's spiel.
    "Hey, you!  Would you like to own a rare, exotic animal?  You can buy your very own rare Dreamsnare pet today, for a bargain price!"  He continued prattling eagerly in that manner as the Jonisons walked closer.  As they did so, they could see the pet he was trying to sell them inside the crate.  It appeared to be a wolf or fox-like animal, black or darkly colored, with strange greenish, almost glowing markings all over it's body.  It was so different from anything Therese had seen before, she came closer to investigate, despite her desire to avoid getting entangled in a long sales pitch from the seller.  As she approached, the animal within raised its head to look directly at her, revealing a pair of dreamy pale green eyes that were definitely glowing.  Therese stared as if hypnotized.  Jared peered at it carefully.
    "A Dreamsnare Yonyuu, huh?" he said, responding more to his wife's interest than to the salesman.
    "Oh yes!" the seller spoke more eagerly than ever, "A rare Dreamsnare Yonyuu, from the wild jungles of Barakka!  And it can be yours for the low, low price of-"
    "Oh, boy," Jared couldn't help rolling his eyes.

An evildoer forgiven and saved by Jesus' sacrifice.

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Re: Buying a Dreamsnare Yonyuu (Open)

Postby Zoophilos » 08/27/2010 2:01 PM

Therese seemed to break from her trance enough to look the creature over.  It was thin, with its ribs showing, and its fur was dirty and matted.  The crate it was in also looked like it hadn't been cleaned in a while.  Its eyes blinked once, shining clear and returning her gaze.
"Its beautiful," Therese said.  Jared pressed his lips together as the seller heartily agreed with her, saying what a real gem this animal was, how much they would love having it, and it only cost so much, and so on, and so on, and so on.  Normally Therese was even more resistant to salesmen than he was, but this time it looked like she had been taken hook, line and sinker, without any effort on the seller's part!
"Do you think we're ready for another pet already, dear?" he asked her.
"Oh," she seemed to remember he was there, "no, I suppose not.  We've already a few , and we're sure to have a lot more without me having one..." Her gaze returned to the crate, with that look of longing that Jared had learned to recognize over their 20 years of marriage.  He turned to the seller, who already had a look of triumph on his face.
"How much did you say again?"

An evildoer forgiven and saved by Jesus' sacrifice.

I know I'm not on as often as some of you; I spend most of my time at other websites. But if I get in a RP with you, I'll do my best to be sure respond quickly!Image
Zoo Pen My wishy-washy wishlist, for what it's worth
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Re: Buying a Dreamsnare Yonyuu (Open)

Postby Zoophilos » 08/28/2010 10:26 PM

After paying the seller (what Jared thought was an awfully high "bargain" price), he opened the crate to let the Yonyuu out.  The creature, however, didn't come out.  It stared through the opening at the world outside, but remained put.  Therese knelt in front of the crate and carefully extended a hand.
      "Come here, honey.  You can come out now.  Wouldn't you like to come with us?"  The creature regarded her carefully, but didn't move.  Therese continued coaxing.
      "Come out to us!  You'll like being with us.  We have a nice, large house near a place where there are many others of your kind you can visit, and we have lots of kids and another dog for you to play with.  The kids can be noisy, but they're very good, and they love animals."  The creature pricked its ears forward, and eyed Therese attentively as she spoke to it.  Then suddenly it leaped out of the crate in one smooth move and stretched out carefully.
       "It likes you," said the seller.  "But you'll want a leash on it, to keep it from runnin' off.  I have an assortment of leashes available for just such a purpose and I can sell you-"
       "Thanks, but we'll manage," Jared interrupted, searching his pockets.  He eventually came up with a bit of string to tie around the Yonyuu's neck.  Not great, but better than giving the seller a whole bunch more money.  The yonyuu didn't seem eager too run off just yet, though, seemingly as entranced by Therese as she was by it.  She continued speaking to it, and carefully and gently stroking its fur.
         After a bit, Therese stood up, thinking they should take the creature home and get it cleaned up and fed.  Jared agreed, and tied the string around its neck, making sure it was neither too tight nor could easily slip off.  The makeshift leash seemed to make it uncertain and nervous at first; it began to back away.  Therese kept speaking gently, coaxing it.  The yonyuu stopped, hesitant.  Therese took a few small steps forward, trying to encourage her to follow.  For a moment, the yonyuu remained uncertain - but then she seemed to know what was expected of her, and began following Therese calmly and steadily as if she had done it all her life.

An evildoer forgiven and saved by Jesus' sacrifice.

I know I'm not on as often as some of you; I spend most of my time at other websites. But if I get in a RP with you, I'll do my best to be sure respond quickly!Image
Zoo Pen My wishy-washy wishlist, for what it's worth
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Re: Buying a Dreamsnare Yonyuu (Open)

Postby Zoophilos » 08/31/2010 11:20 PM

They walked back down the beack to town, bringing their newest pet to the inn where they were staying.  One thing the Jonisons greatly appreciated about Evelon was that the hotels were much more welcoming and open toward pets than the ones back at their home world.  The inn staff willingly helped them get food for the Yonyuu, while the Jonisons gave her a bath and a good brushing.  Jared thought that it was ironic that they went here to get away from the kids and animals so they could focus more on each other, only to get another animal that needed their attention.  But after the bath and dinner, the Yonyuu actually required very little attention; she curled up on one of the chairs and slept throughout the evening, letting the couple have the time to themselves.  The Jonisons enjoyed perusing the small tourist shops in town while she napped, and later, a long soak in the inn's jacuzzi.
       Late that evening, eyeing the still sleepy Yonyuu watching them prepare for bed, Therese asked her husband, "So, what should we call her?"
       "Hmm. Audrey's the one really good with names" Jared replied.
       Therese though it over while waiting for Jared to finish changing clothes.  When he was done, they settled on top of the bed to pray together, a habit they had started when they first married.
       Once they both had settled into bed together, Therese asked, "What did you say she was?"
       "A Yonyuu.  A Dreamsnare yonyuu."
       "It's a rare type of coloration, found in many different species in Evelon.  Dreamsnare creatures are said to have power over dreams."
       "Wow!...  I've heard a saying that dreams are the stories our hearts write when we sleep.  We could call her Night-tale."
       "Night-tail?  Is it T-A-I-L or T-A-L-E?"
       "Either one would probably work." Therese smiled.
       "Alright, then.  Good night, Night-tale, and don't get too rambunctious with our dreams!"
       The only reply was steady breathing.

An evildoer forgiven and saved by Jesus' sacrifice.

I know I'm not on as often as some of you; I spend most of my time at other websites. But if I get in a RP with you, I'll do my best to be sure respond quickly!Image
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Re: Buying a Dreamsnare Yonyuu (Open)

Postby Zoophilos » 09/04/2010 4:40 PM

The next day it was time to leave the Dead Coast and return home.  Jared was a little sad their holiday was over so soon, but Audrey had been told they would be back today; they couldn't make her take care of the kids too long!  Well, they could come back some time with the whole family, and spend a day at the beach.  If Therese was at all sorry their holiday was over, it was completely eclipsed by her joy in having Night-tale.  As she packed, she eagerly told Night-tale all about the family at home waiting for her, the children, the pets, the nice house with a big yard to run around in, the nearby zoo with other yonyuu, etc, etc, etc.  Night-tale appeared to be listening with rapt attention, ears pricked toward Therese and staring at her intently.  Jared couldn't help but smile at the sight of it.
       The yonyuu was a very fine creature, there was no denying that.  She still looked a little thin and scruffy, but the previous day's bath and brushing had brought out some shine in her fur.  When they had her fattened up and at full health, she would no doubt be a stunning sight indeed.
       Jared frowned at the memory of how bedraggled the creature had looked when they first saw her.  The dealer hadn't taken very good care of her.  He wondered if they had unthinkingly bought from one of those smugglers who captured rare animals from the wild to sell in the cities.  Perhaps they should report him.  At any rate, they would have to be more careful in the future, as they didn't want to provide support to such people.
       They were soon finished packing - a two day trip didn't require much!  A quick check through their room to make sure they had forgotten nothing, then they were in the car and off.  The dry, dusty landscape gradually faded behind them into greener scenery. In the distance, to the South, could just be seen the dark shadow of Whisper Forest, close to the Evelon Zoo and Aldrect City.  Night-tale was carefully tied up in the backseat; a leash tied her to the door, and she lay lengthwise in the seat with a seatbelt around her torso to keep her from flying forward in the event the car made a sudden stop.  Therese frequently looked back to check on her, but she seemed to take to the car ride easily. She watched the passing landscape calmly, sometimes turning forward to see the road ahead.  She never looked back.

An evildoer forgiven and saved by Jesus' sacrifice.

I know I'm not on as often as some of you; I spend most of my time at other websites. But if I get in a RP with you, I'll do my best to be sure respond quickly!Image
Zoo Pen My wishy-washy wishlist, for what it's worth
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