With temperatures rising over 143°C (289.40°F) in most areas, the only relief is during the nights when it is much cooler. All travelers are advised to keep to the local towns on the desert's outskirts and avoid traveling too far from civilization. (+3 Endurance, +2 Defense)

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Re: !Temple of Mysteries - Contest!

Postby Jessari » 12/21/2010 12:17 AM

((Sorry about the wait, guys! Christmas shopping and work have pretty much chewed me up and spit me out this past week. :oops: ))

As poor Kisa cowered against his shoulder, Viktor scanned the darkness. He'd worked with several men and women who had 'special powers', but he couldn't keep himself from being unsettled by the unseen creature. His lips pressed into a straight, thin line as he settled a comforting hand against Kisa's back. Then Viktor gently pried her arms from around his neck. She whimpered in protest, wriggling as he settled her on the ground and stood protectively above her. "Be still, sweet," he said, his voice firm yet soft, and she instantly fell into a frightened silence. Her small body pressed against his leg as she wrapped her arms around herself, and he could feel her trembling.

Viktor didn't like letting her go any more than she did, but in the case that this mysterious creature proved violent, he'd need both his hands free to keep her safe. "Are you so deformed that you fear to show yourself?" His voice was level, but there was a hidden threat in his tone.
Feed me chicky nuggies and chokky milk.


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Re: !Temple of Mysteries - Contest!

Postby Shieba » 12/21/2010 12:46 PM

Hakai and Ashur had quickly put out their little fire before the smoke threatened them and afterwards set out to explore the new hallway and where it led to. After finding no immediate exit, they checked the walls for riddles again, but found none.

"Well, well." Ashur sighed. "No way back and seemingly no way forward. What do you suggest, Hakai?"

Hakai snorted. "If you ask like that, you already have a plan and just want to tease me. Just spit it out already. You know I'm not exactly having fun here. This stinks. It's boring."

"How is being in a deathtrap in which we will suffocate before long boring?" Ashur sighed. "But very well. As you can see, there is this beautiful robe here, unaffected by time unlike everything else. So I suspect there might be some magic woven in there. Maybe we should take it down and put it on you?"

"On me? Are you crazy? I'm not gonna wear some old rag! It's made for humans anyway!" Hakai growled at Ashur. What the Seraphent had wasn't even allowed to be called a plan - Hakai had figured out that something was odd with the intact robe himself, thank you very much. He just wasn't as arrogant as his Spiritbond partner to make it sound like something foolproof when it wasn't.

"Well, it certainly is too small for me." Ashur carefully took it down and simply tossed it over Hakai's head. "Now we wait a bit. Either something happens or we pick up one of our other possibilities - namely using one of the knifes to make another blood offering, however much I despise that and have also lacked to see a place to do so. Or we go back to the room with the riddle. Theoretically, a sun can be associated with fire as well. Maybe something else will happen when we return with the robe with us."

At least that sounded more like a plan. "Alright, let's wait for a bit first then." Hakai sighed and tugged at the robe draped over him. This sucked so much. He hated this place.

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: !Temple of Mysteries - Contest!

Postby AnimeTheia » 12/25/2010 8:41 PM

A quick reminder to everyone to please keep track of the contest and post within your 3 day time limit, I have already let a few late replies slide but they do hold up the roleplay. I understand that this can be a busy time of year so if you know you can't reply in time then get in contact with me and we'll sort something out. I am going to wrap the contest up soon so you don't need to worry about it too much longer. Thank you.



The creature that had been following the Lucain dove quickly into a pile of sand as she turned around at the dead end. A pair of eyes blinked out of the pile at her, clearly the lucain had spotted the creature, but how well had she actually seen it? The pile of sand giggled, and a young female voice spoke "If you can guess what I am, i'll help you get out of here" it said giggling again, "I'll give you some clues! I can hover, my birthday is the 25th of December, I used to be much smaller but then I grew... and after that I grew again, now I have arms and legs and a tail and I love them!" the pile of sand wiggled and shook slightly as she spoke, as if the creature itself was wiggling in happiness.



As it hears the frantic calls of the girl, the creature in the lake changes course, heading for the strange noise. The ripples spread out across the underground lake, reflecting light around the cavern. Once it reaches the shallows the mysterious creature leaps out of water. It Lands before Rowan in a woosh of cold water.


"Hey" The Pingune greets you, "Could I join you guys? I was swimming with my mates and I found an underwater tunnel which led me here, and now I can't find it again!" it explains, it seems friendly but anxious as though it has been stuck in this lonely cave for a while. "There's a ledge over the far side of the lake, but I can't reach it, I think it may be a way out". The Pingune shuffles around a bit waiting for a reply.

***Congrats AuroraSky, you have found a lonely Pingune, I will send the pet over soon. You may make a last post to roleplay your pets leaving***



Amunet barely smiles in response to Adi's answer. Suddenly she charges at Adi, her wings folded tightly against her body, her muscles bunching and relaxing. As she nears Adi she leaps, extending her forepaws and claws towards the female. Just before she would have impacted with Adi however, she vanishes into thin air leaving no trace. The far side tunnel is now left wide open for Adi to pass through into the room beyond.



Back down the tunnel a door appears in the side wall, opening wide to allow Creet to exit the Temple then closing behind him leaving no trace of where it had been.

Back in the garden room the creature continues to peer through the bushes, watching the newcomer with keen interest. Somehow it felt it would have preferred being alone in the room with Creet to this new fellow. In it's interest to get a better look at this Code guy it shuffles nearer, it trembles causing the plants to rustle quietly. It snuffles gently at the air, trying to get a better feel for the stranger and whether it could maybe trust him.



Behind the Throne a  door slowly opens. The scuttling creature is startled and runs from behind the Throne directly into Grace. Alarmed it stops still.


The tiny little Scorpinch V3 stares up at Grace unsure of what to do. It had been quite happy wandering the Temple taking readings and measurements and generally doing exactly what Scorpinch V3s do. But lately it had seemed like the Temple didn't want it here anymore, maybe it had got too close to finding out something important or maybe the Goddess Amunet just didn't like arachnids, at any rate the Scorpinch had been forced more and more to the outskirts of the Temple until it had ended up here, where it had been left to itself for several days until Grace had turned up.

Below Grace and the Scorpinch a trapdoor opens up, dropping the two onto a long winding stone slide that deposits them outside the ruins.

***Congrats jobiehanna you have found a Scorpinch V3 that seems to have no choice but to go home with you, I will send you the pet soon. You may make one last leaving post***



The laughing did not cease at Viktor's brave words. If anything it actually increased into hysterics. Until suddenly it stopped. The creature abruptly popped into sight just a few feet from Viktor and his young charge.


The ghouls ethereal face was contorted with rage. "How dare they!" Musim the Bargest screamed. "My robe! They put on my robe! I am the Head Devotee, not they!". It seems that the Bargest could sense one of the other trespassers in the Temple fiddling with his stuff, and it had put him into a terrible rage. Around him gusts of cold wind blew up and whistled around the catacombs, his chains rattled violently and his eyes glowed. Well, at least Viktor knows what he is dealing with now...



Although the robe fitted Hakai so poorly, it definately had an effect. Shortly after it was put on him one of the empty walls began to slide silently open. It lead out into the Main Temple, the Throne room of Amunet. Before the door was the back of the Goddess' Throne, above them was a Suncheeka like statue, set in an Alcove. Large steps led down from the Throne, around the room were many huge Pillars and firelit Braziers. A creature scuttles away as the door opens, it joins one of the other contestants and both vanish abruptly.

The room appears empty now, and apart from the crackle of flames it's almost silent. From behind a pillar a Slydra appears. It approaches Hakai and Ashur, "I wouldn't let Musim catch you wearing his robe if I were you" it says mysteriously, glancing around itself fearfully, "I wish I could find a way out of here, Musim scares me".


Come down from the mountain, you have been gone too long

The world is alive now, in and outside our home

You run through the forest, settle before the sun

Darling, I can barely remember you beside me

You should come back home, back on your own now

Song: Fleet Foxes - Ragged Wood
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Postby Remedy » 12/25/2010 10:07 PM

Kira looked at the pile curiously.  She hadn't gotten too good of a look at the creature before, so it may be tricky to find out what pet this was.  December...?  It must be one of those pets that suddenly shows up in the winter time.  She recalled meeting and hearing about a few of those.  Hm...  It could hover?  And it grew?  She couldn't think of many that grew, or at least not many that grew twice.  Actually, only one came to mind.  "Um... now I could very easily be wrong... But are you that Shinzo thing?  I think it has a long name...  Um... Fuyu...zakura?  Yes, I think it's called a Fuyuzakura Shinzo.  Is that what you are?"  Kira asked, still doubtful on her answer.  She was anxious to get out of here and a little impatient, but she tried to calm down some, since this was probably the fastest way she would be able to get out.

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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Re: !Temple of Mysteries - Contest!

Postby AuroraSky » 12/26/2010 12:23 AM

Squig barreled into Rowan's chest, nearly knocking the young girl over. His master gripped him tightly and pulled him into her chest as she raised her wand, ready to command the waters. But just as she opened her mouth to recite the spell, the Pingune came out of nowhere.


As it approached them, seemingly friendly, Rowan couldn't help but feel a little nervous. How was she supposed to feel when this strange creature was popping up out of some very intimidating temple. But she was too kind to refuse his offer. "Er...okay." She said quietly. Rowan took a little look around. "But let's get the heck out of here. This place...gives me the creeps."

Squig buzzed in agreement and the trio exited, guiding by the bead of light.


((They have left. Thanks so much!))

I know you
I walked wi
th you once upon a dream
I k
now you
That look in y
our eyes is so familiar,

a gleam...

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Re: !Temple of Mysteries - Contest!

Postby Nyxia » 12/26/2010 1:07 AM

Adi lifted her gaze to the creature, watching in muted shock as Amunet came straight for her. "A fine thank you." The hound growled spinning from the wall to face the coming opponent. She was braced for the impact the large creature would make crashing into her, prepared not to go down or back down. The next second there was nothing before her, just empty space and a hallway beyond. She didn't trust it at all, not that the creature was gone or that this was safe. Spinning around, the hound woman eyed the dark corners of the room with deep set suspicions; the muggy still air was all that greeted her though. "A goddess who plays games..." Adi mumbled to herself shaking her head back and forth with shock, what had she gone and gotten herself into. Wondering if Grom would soon be out looking for her, Adi made her way carefully to the next room; now on higher alert than before. She wasn't sure the game was done just yet, but she swore she wasn't going to be so lax in her guard again. With a deep breath the hound entered the doorway once blocked by Amunet, with a muttered prayer to several old gods that this would be worth her while.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

We Don't Have to Dance - Andy Black
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Re: !Temple of Mysteries - Contest!

Postby HunnyBun » 12/26/2010 1:16 AM

Code took his cigarette from his mouth and held it in his hand, looking the room over.
"There is nothing here." He said to his self out loud.
There was a slight rustle, Code turned his head. He didn't see anything, and shrugged. Must have been the wind. But is there wind in here? He wasn't sure, there were plants growing in the middle of the desert, there could be wind.
"Creet and I might be the same as in we like traveling, but this is something I just don't do. Examining weird, empty temples. No sir! There's no reason to be here. Just an empty dead end." Code sighed, dropping his cigarette and crushing it under his dirt stained bare feet.
He shrugged again and slowly made his way back towards the dead room, he wasn't going to stay in an empty dead end any longer.

We're waiting every night
To finally roam and invite
Newcomers to play with us
For many years we've been all alone

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Re: !Temple of Mysteries - Contest!

Postby jobiehanna » 12/26/2010 12:57 PM

Before Grace had much time to think she was falling, falling down some kind of tube with a Scorpinch V3 beside her. She had hoped to learn more about the goddess, but seeing as she couldn't stop herself, it wasn't likely. They soon reached the bottom where they were outside the tomb. Grace brushed herself off and made sure she had everything. And the little creature looked around, unused to the blinding light. "Let's go," she told the creature. She began the long walk home with the creature following her closely. It was a little way to the closest village, and Grace was sure she could find it. She'd been stuck out in the desert so many times, this was just another day at this point.

And I was runnin' far away
Would I run off the world someday?
Nobody knows
Nobody knows, and
I was dancing in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain

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Re: !Temple of Mysteries - Contest!

Postby Shieba » 12/29/2010 4:05 PM

Hakai and Ashur were still looking in the direction in which the other contestant has suddenly vanished with the other creature when they were suddenly approached by the Slydra. Hakai's eyes lit up when he listened to the other pet. "Is that so? Maybe I should speak with this Musim-person then..."

"Hakai, don't pick any battles now." Ashur's voice was soft, but held a tone that made clear that Ashur just said that because, quite actually, he said it every time without it ever having an effect. Hakai just loved to start fights. He turned to the Slydra. "We would love to leave this place ourselves. The way we came is definitely blocked, though. So you don't know of a way out yourself? That's too bad, especially since you seem to be from around here."

"Maybe Musim can help us, since his robes opened up this stupid door?" Hakai suggested. "Let's go find that guy." He grinned. "Gonna give him his ugly robe back and all that." He adjusted the robe around his neck some more with his paws, getting the dirt from the ground on it fully on purpose.

Ashur just sighed. "While I apologize for my companion here, I can assure you we will protect you from harm - simply because Hakai will be the one others will concentrate on hitting." He chuckled. "Do you want to join us on our search for a way outside? That said, with Hakai around, it might not be without troubles."

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: !Temple of Mysteries - Contest!

Postby AnimeTheia » 01/07/2011 1:48 PM

Sorry for taking so long to reply guys, i've been busy with planning moving and being ill and then I got loads of crud thrown at me a couple of days ago that i've been having trouble dealing with.

Please note the new posting order:


The pile of sand giggled and quivered, the creature hiding in it sprang gracefully out, twirling to throw the loose sand particles off of her body.


She was indeed a Fuyuzakura Shinzo. She curtsied to Kira and, with a big friendly grin on her face, introduced herself politely "Pleased to meet you, my name is Acenath. As you guessed what I am correctly i'll help you into the next room. It's actually one of my favourites in the Temple, along with the Garden Room". Acenath hovers over to a corner and swiftly digs away the loose sand there. She doesn't seem to reveal anything other than more stone floor, but she seems to know what she is doing. Once she is happy the floor is cleared enough she puts her two front paws on the smallest flagstone and pushes down. The stone moves slightly and the wall that had before seemed to be a dead end grinds slowly out of the way. "Follow me" Acenath calls to Kira, leading her into the new room. Daylight floods the room from high up windows that have either escaped being buried by the giant sand dune or been cleared by some diligent little creature. One side of the room is taken up by a large and luxurious looking pool, the other side has low stone benches and beds placed around it. The floor is an intricate mosaic with gold detailing. "This is the Day Room, i've been trying to fix the place up since I got here. There is still a lot of work to do, but it's quite a beautiful place" Acenath burbles happily to Kira.

Suddenly a quiet splashing sound comes from the pool, breaking the serene atmosphere, Acenath goes to investigate. Inside the pool a Ringed Tricky is swimming.


Acenath is aghast, this room wasn't meant for ordinary creatures to just go about and do as they pleased. Permission had to be sought from the Gods or their trusted Devotees. She had no idea where this Tricky had come from, it would be quite baffling to try and work out how a creature that relied so much on water could manage to make it's way out into the desert, but that didn't matter to the Shinzo. The only thing that mattered was that it wasn't supposed to be there and therefore it had to be got rid of. Tears rolling down her face the Shinzo berated the Tricky uselessly, it didn't seem to be able to hear her under the water. She had worked so hard to fix the Temple up for her adoptive parents the Goddess Amunet and the ghost Musim, they were supposed to have been the first to use the pool.



The next room is plain and simple, it contains nothing more than a few stone tables with stone stools set around them. Upon one of the stools sits a Coloured Kuhna, it looks up as Adi enters.


"Are...are you real?" it asks. Regardless of whether Adi is real or not it continues to talk on, seeming as though it needs someone to talk to, even if that someone might just be a figment of it's imagination. "I was wandering around in the desert a few days ago and I fell through the sand and ended up here. I think I may have hit my head or something because weird things keep happening and I just want to get out" It's voice takes on a slightly panicked edge as the kuhna sits and rubs it's head delicately. "I think I found a way out through there" the Kuhna pauses to point back to yet another hallway to one side of the room, "but it's high up and I feel so weak, I can't reach it, so I've been trying to find another way or at least some water or... or... something..." the Kuhna trails off.

Congrats Nyxia, you found a Coloured Kuhna, I will send the pet shortly. You may post one last post to leave. Thank you for participating!



The creature realised that Code was leaving the room. It hastened to follow him, in it's haste it rustled the plants around it loudly and dropped back down to the floor with a small thump. Although it tried to keep close to the wall as it followed behind Code, it didn't really have any cover now it was out of the greenery. The sparquill (for that was what it was) pattered quietly behind him, quivering with trepidation whilst snuffling in curiousity.




The Slydra nods it's big caped head at Ashur and Hakai, "Yesss, I'll join you, hopefully between usss we can find a way out." He thinks briefly before responding to Ashur's previous question regarding a way out "There's a doorway over there, but it's blocked up with stones and I haven't the hands to try and open it" it explains pointing to the side wall nearest them with it's tail, "Though they may very well be too heavy and wedged in place for even you two to move either, other than that I don't know of a way. I don't even know how I got here...".

Musim senses Hakai's wanton acts upon his robes, his anger intensifies and he vanishes from the Catacombs leaving a deathly silence and calm in his wake. A great wind and clangour of chains announces his presence in the Temple Room, the braziers are blown out plunging the place into darkness. He appears before the trio, his pale green ghostly form now giving off the only illumination in the room.


"How dare you!" He growls at Hakai, a deadly gleam in his eye and a ferocious scowl on his face. The Slydra moves behind Ashur and Hakai "I told you you shouldn't anger him" it hisses quietly.

Come down from the mountain, you have been gone too long

The world is alive now, in and outside our home

You run through the forest, settle before the sun

Darling, I can barely remember you beside me

You should come back home, back on your own now

Song: Fleet Foxes - Ragged Wood
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Postby Remedy » 01/08/2011 9:27 PM

"It's nice to meet you too, Acenath.  Thank you so much for your help," Kira said as she followed the Shinzo.  When they entered the room, Kira saw that it really was beautiful; she could see why Acenath liked it so much.  "Wow, it is amazing in here,"  she said.  
She was surprised to see the Tricky in the water, though.  At first she thought that Acenath might know this creature, but apparently not.  She saw that Acenath was very upset about this, and tried to comfort her.  "It's all right... don't cry...  I'll help you get the tricky out, if you'd like."  she said.  She wasn't quite sure how she would be able to get the Tricky out until it resurfaced, since obviously Acenath didn't want anyone in the pool.  Instead she walked around the pool, trying to get to a spot where the Tricky might look up and see her.

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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Re: !Temple of Mysteries - Contest!

Postby Nyxia » 01/08/2011 10:45 PM

Adi's eyes caught on the movement, and she stopped in the doorway to see what it might be. Assured it wasn't something that could do her much harm, the hound carefully made her way to the small kuhna. "Yes, I believe I'm real. Last I checked I was." She told the kuhna taking a look at the wound at the back of the poor thing's head. "Doesn't look like it would be fatal." She told the kuhna before following the direction it's paw pointed to with her dark eyes. Nodding slowly Adi crouched down and scooped up the small creature in her arms, "No worries, I can get us out of this place." She was quick to move through the room, not hiding her natural abilities as she entered the next doorway. That was when she could see the doorway she'd entered through, well no better exit at least she'd be able to get back to the tavern. Shifting the kuhna in her arms as she made her way back into the desert without a look back at the temple.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

We Don't Have to Dance - Andy Black
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Re: !Temple of Mysteries - Contest!

Postby HunnyBun » 01/10/2011 5:11 PM

Code stopped, there was sounds coming from behind him. He didn't move, didn't turn round, just stood there listening. It sounded like something was coming towards him. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up as he prepared his self for an attack. Spinning around, he didn't see anything.
"Hm..." Code hummed lightly, this place must have been getting to him. "I think it will be better to just get out of here and back on my path." He said softly out loud, nodding to his self.
He turned back around and started towards where the door had appeared for Creet.

We're waiting every night
To finally roam and invite
Newcomers to play with us
For many years we've been all alone

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Re: !Temple of Mysteries - Contest!

Postby Shieba » 01/11/2011 1:38 AM

"Well, let us take a look at the wall then", Ashur decided. "While we both lack hands as well, we might as well try, seeing as it seems to be our best shot for now." The little group turned to where the Slydra had pointed and started to make their way towards it when suddenly, the lights went out and Musim appeared before them.

Hakai grinned widely when Musim adressed him. "How dare I what? Get dirt on these ugly robes? Gee, I dunno, some moron decided to make them a key to the doors, so a certain someone shouldn't be surprised that they get a bit...damaged."

Ashur sighed. "You are Lord Musim then, I presume. I apologize for my companion here, he is lacking the ability to be mindful of other people's belongings a bit. I assure you, he is sorry--" "I'm not!" "--and that we will stop bothering you or further damage your belongings as soon as we find a way out of here. Would you perhaps know of a way?"

"Damn it, Ashur, do you ever shut up?!" Hakai growled slightly. "That guy just wants a good fight, which matches with my intentions pretty well!" Hakai managed to get the robes over his head and just tossed them into the dirt.

Ashur just sighed and turned to the Slydra. "Well, I think Hakai messed up the 'not anger him' bit quite a lot...he tends to do that. Don't worry, I have healing magic, should things get messy. And they always get messy with Hakai."

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: !Temple of Mysteries - Contest!

Postby AnimeTheia » 01/16/2011 1:25 PM

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Acenath looked up at Kira with hope in her eyes, “Would you really?” she asked wiping tears from her face with the backs of her forepaws. She watched Kira walk around the pool whilst she assessed what she could do. After a short while she realised that Kira would probably need to enter the pool to get the trespasser out, but to do that she would need permission. Of course as the adopted daughter of the Goddess, Acenath would be able to give her that permission. “You may enter the pool if you need to” she said. The fact that a Tricky had already despoiled the pool by entering it meant that Acenath would have to change the water out anyway, so Kira entering it now would make no real difference. “And once you've got the naughty Tricky you can do whatever you like with it, it broke Tradition and I will no longer allow it to remain in this temple!” the young Shinzo called to Kira vehemently, anger at the Tricky sparking in her eyes.



The Sparquill stopped still as Code turned around to look behind him. It trembled as it waited for Code to continue on his way.

The Temple seemed to sense Code's desire to leave, the door through which Creet had left miraculously appeared again and slid open. It stayed open just long enough to allow Code to pass through and of course the little Sparquill too.

Congrats, the Sparquill has decided to go with you, I will send the pet over shortly. You may make one last leaving post if you wish. Thanks for taking part!



Musim fumed silently at Hakur, he seemed to glow ever more brightly as his wrath intensified. At the mention of a fight however Musim began laughing maniacally. “Fight me? Hahahahaha, You couldn't even touch me!” he grinned, showing off his all too solid looking teeth whilst the rest of his body faded and became translucent. He lowered his head, flexed his muscles and raced at Hakur, his body passing harmlessly through any and all obstacles in his way.

Meanwhile the Slydra made it's way over to the blocked up doorway, away from the scary ghost Musim and potential danger, fresh air could be felt breezing through the gaps between the rocks.

Come down from the mountain, you have been gone too long

The world is alive now, in and outside our home

You run through the forest, settle before the sun

Darling, I can barely remember you beside me

You should come back home, back on your own now

Song: Fleet Foxes - Ragged Wood
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