These woods are nice for a casual walk or even if you have a more adventurous urge. Bubbling hot springs lie just around the bend, fruits can be found to suit every taste bud, and rumor has it there are talking Tali who can speak Lambastian! (+2 Precision)

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Return to Roraldi Forests

Wanted Dead Or Alive {P; Wyvern & Sapph}

Postby Sappheara » 12/09/2010 1:09 AM

The young male stopped as they entered Roraldi Forests. The camper's bag was heavy on his back. Sweat dripped down the Common Kuhna's face. The city folks of Medicai City chase after their group when the supected that his companion, the Hydrokuhna, Cocheta, was a vampire. What made Chato worry was, who else would come after them, if they found out the Cocheta really was a vampire. He knew that they shouldn't have stayed out of the sun for to long. Even the magic their caretaker, Sappheara, place over the Hydrokuhna, to keep her from burning alive in the sun wouldn't last forever. Trying to steady his breathing, Chato took two large breaths before speaking to his friends. Looking at every single one of them. "We should be safe for now. I'm not sure for how long, we may have others after us." Chato could still smell the burnt flesh of his beautiful companion. Her arm was a grayish color, at least it hadn't turn to ash.

"How is your arm, Cocheta?" Chato spoke in a soft loving voice. How she hated to get Chato into this kind of mess. This would of never happened if she stayed home until nightfall. "I am fine, Chato, thankfully I heal fast." She said in a soft low voice. Cocheta wasn't sure if the others even heard her. The Hydrokuhna didn't looked at anyone as she spoke. "I apologize for the problems that I have caused for everyone." She cleared her throat, Cocheta felt like crying. "I hope none of you were hurt in all this." The Common Kuhna walked towards Cocheta and gave her a hung. He whispered soft words in her ear. "Don't worry about us. We are more worried about you, since everyone is after you. I think others would agree that we should find a form of shelter for now." Chato turned, facing Rai and Xi'je. "Does anyone disagree?" The Hydrokuhna put her hand on her companion. "I believe I should go my own way. It would be safer for all of you." She pushed him away from her. This wasn't suppose to happen.

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Postby Wyvern » 12/09/2010 9:38 PM

Xe´ji and Raivis walked between the tall trees of the forests which blocked the last rays of sunshine. Xe´ji, after hearing the small conversation between their 2 friends, she started to worry about Cocheta. However, the 2 didnt knew the truth about her, they didnt even knew that people might be searching for them. Rai only knew that some people of the city often leave to give chase to those sinister-looking creatures, but he did not, too, knew the truth about Cocheta. He lightly patted Cocheta with his wing, he was starting to worry as much as Xe´ji. "Someone might be chasing us, Rai..." Xe´ji said in a low voice to Rai. "Someone? We have not done anything, to anyone, why would people follow us into this?" He said to his friend as he looked around searching for what could be possibly following them.

" have not done anything, yet. Is there something you have to tell us? We cant just leave you." Rai said to Cocheta as Xe´ji nodded in response of what Chato said. "Yes, we should rest here for the night. We cant travel further in this forest this dark." She placed her bag on the ground and started to set up a tent for Chato for him to stay in.

(I have....failed.)

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Postby Sappheara » 12/15/2010 1:28 AM

Her arm was almost black in color when the sun rays starting burning her arm. The sun's rays would of finish the job if they hadn't found the shade in time. Cocheta could still smell the burnt flesh that came off of her arm. Looking up slowly as Rai asked his question. "Is there something you need to tell us?" She had several things to say, but could see trust them with this dark secret? The Hydrokuhna just meet Rai. This kind of secret wasn't something you just tell someone you meet. She then looked at Xe'ji, she trusted her and she deserved to know the truth. "Can I trust you Rai? Don't get me wrong but secrets aren't giving freely. We just meet and I'm not sure where you loyalties are." She looked at Rai as she spoke than at Xe'ji. "Sorry, I know his is your friend." Cocheta knew that they deserved to know, since she's the one who got them into this mess.

The Common Kuhna looked at both Rai and Xe'ji. After a moment he looked at his companion. "Everything will be ok." He watched his lovely companion as her eyes turned into anger. "How can you say everything will be ok, Chato! The city people of Medicai City are ready to kill us because of this!" Cocheta pointed at her grayish arm. She turned to look at Rai and Xe'je "Do you want to know the truth?!" The Hydrokuhna said through clenched teeth. Chato lightly grab her hands as she started to become hysterical. "Cocheta, you must be calm. This is not helping any of us if you become hysterical." Cocheta shoved the Common Kuhna away from her. Chato was shock at how Cocheta was acting. She never acted like this before, she was always the quiet and calm one, even shy at times. "Cocheta, you are scaring me. We are in this together, if they are after you than they are after us."
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Postby Wyvern » 12/15/2010 1:50 AM

Xe´ji and Raivis looked at each other. He nodded. He looked back at Cocheta. "You can. I have been through many similar moments with other friends. In the past, we, too, had many problems...sigh..." Xe´ji walked a little closer to Cocheta. "Its okay...I know what you mean. But now, please believe in Chato...we will find a way to solve this. Yes, we will." She turned at Chato and Rai. Rai couldnt say anything, he was somehow depressed, but not because of Cocheta saying that she doesnt trust him.

The People of Medicai...want to kill us? Why?! What has Cocheta done? Those people know something about her...wait...her arm...the light...It cant be...

Raivis said in deep thought. Without saying a word due to his sudden depresion, he walked to Cocheta and blocked the sunrays that were somehow burning her arm. He somehow knew what Cocheta was hiding. He has once learned many things about Vampires. After hearing Cocheta saying angrily about what Chato said was wrong, he started to worry even more.

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Postby Sappheara » 12/29/2010 11:44 PM

The Hydrokuhna was shock that Rai was shading her from the sun. She couldn't believe what she heard from Rai. They been through this before? WTF? Cocheta looked at Rai very closely. How was she going to say it? The Hydrokuhna started to walk back and forth. Her light blue paws crushing dirt beneath her. A small twig snapped in half, making Cocheta kick it in frustration. "This is not easy!" She scream at the top of her lungs. She could sense Chato standing close to her. She stopped by a large tree, that had some kind of hanging from it. Steering beyond the forest of trees and bush, Cocheta spoke in a soft voice. "The reason that the Medicai City town people are chasing us is because they believe me to be a vampire." She started to laugh, it wasn't a laugh of happiness but sadness and frustration. Cocheta didn't dare turn around to face her friends. She was just glad to get over with. Both Rai and Xi;je deserved to know the truth about her. The Hydrokuhna looked at her burnt arm. The arm started to look better, now it looked more and more like a bruise than a burn. "I been a vampire a little over 100 years now." She took a deep breath, Cocheta didn't know why she told them that.

A million things went through his mind. He was suppose to protect her. The Common Kuhna was doing a good about that, wasn't he? He shook that thought from his mind as he continued to watch his beautiful companion. Chato didn't move from where he was standing. He watched his companion was she told their friends what she was. It made the Common Kuhna sad to see her in such pain, both mentally as well as physically. What hurt the most was that he was falling in love with her. He know that she didn't feel the same way about him. She was in love with other. The other male is a vampire just like her. As he thought about the other male, he started to growl deep in his throat. Clitching his fist, Chato looked at Rai and Xe'ji. He had a feeling that Rai already knew what Cocheta was. The Garagnir was to calm about the situation. Most people would panic about what happened,. Especially when they saw Cocheta arm starting to burn. He couldn't believe that the Hydrokuhna had her back towards them. Taking a deep breath, the Common Kuhna walked towards her. "We'll understand if the two of you wish to go your separate ways. I know that this is Me and Cocheta's battle."
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Postby Wyvern » 12/30/2010 12:51 AM

We, they will. There´s nothing we can do. Not at all. Only they can end all this. We cant interfere much now.

Raivis said, again in his thoughts. What Chato said is true. They could no longer help them, since the two were vampires. "Sigh...allright, I guess we have to go on our own ways for now..." "There is something im more afraid of..." Rai responded in a little voice, he shivered. He couldnt stop thinking about his old friend in Nabias. He renembered the loss of his other friend. She was still alive, however, she was kidnapped. He was the only one who knew about that.

"Cocheta, will you be allright without us? Honestly, Im worried..." He said as he walked back a little, he still had to do what Chato told to them. "Xe´ji...we must."   He said as he was thinking on what to do now. For him, there was no hope.

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Postby Sappheara » 01/23/2011 10:06 PM

Hearing Xe'ji say that they should go their own way, made Cocheta feel some relief. The Hydrokuhna moved away from her companion as she started to walk back and forth. They bright yellow sun started to set, making a rainbow of colors light the dark blue sky. "Yes, yes, you must go your separate way." Cocheta started to bob her head up and down, her head went with the rhythm of her steps. "There is something im more afraid of." She heard those word come out of Rai's mouth. What could he be a afraid of? That was a laughable question. There were a million and one things to be afraid of right now. The Hydrokuhna started to laughing hysterically as so much unwanted thoughts crossed her mind. "Isn't life just grand?" Not talking to anyone particular. Yes, it did seem like that Chocheta jumped into the deep end of the pool. She was drowning in her own hell, and the fire was burning her alive as time passed.

Chato looked at his companion for a moment. He didn't want to go near her right now. Something snapped in her mind, she lost her shy, calm attitude. Hearing what Rai said, the Common Kuhna turned to face the other male. "What are you afraid of?" Well... beside having a hole group people who wanted to kill them. What scared Chato the most was the fact that the lovely Hydrokuhna started to laugh hysterically out of nowhere. What the hell was she thinking that made her laugh like a crazy woman? He didn't know, but that made him worry on a hole new level. What could Rai, Xe'ji and him do to get Cocheta back? He looked at Rai and Xe'ji for a moment before speaking. "We have to do something quick before she drives herself mad." Not waiting for the others to reply to his questions, the Common Kuhna walked towards his companion. "Cocheta you must calm yourself so we can help you." The Common Kuhna slowly approached her, then looked at Rai to answer his questions.
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Postby Wyvern » 01/23/2011 10:49 PM

We cant just leave her, but, we must...we can try to do something...but, what? Raivis had this question spinning around in his head since Cocheta started acting oddly. "Yes, we must, Chato." The Slikey started to slowly walk towards the Kuhna. On the other side, Rai was endlessly thinking on what to do next. it? Really? For Rai, it  seemed that Cocheta didnt had a good life. Xe´ji stopped, and turned at Raivis. "What´s the matter, Rai? Something wrong?" The Garagnir didnt wanted to tell anything to Xe´ji, his friend didnt wanted someone else besides him to know what happened. "N-no, its just that--"

That..., maybe Cocheta is right...But...why...  

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Postby Sappheara » 01/27/2011 12:03 AM

Cocheta started to walk back and forth some more. Her light blue fur was a mess with dirt and mud suck on her front and back legs. Her beautiful  fur was everywhere, as if she just woke up. It look like she hasn't been taking care of herself for months. The memories of what her mother had done to her, came back full force. The memories of how her beloved mother tormented her for years. Chocheta howled from the painful memories. This wasn't supposed to happen, she push all that anguish to the back of her mind. Why did the Medicai City people have to bring back the memories that was once buried? "This wasn't suppose to happen!!" The Hydrokuhna didn't sound like herself. Her voice was deeper than normal with so much anger. She stopped in her tracks, turned and faced her friends. "What the hell are you guys still doing here?!" She spoke in a tone of hatred. "This wasn't my fault!" Both  Cocheta's hands grab a fist full of her hair. "Why are you doing this to me?!" Her voice started to get louder. "I have never ask to be what I am." The Hydrokuhna voice became a whisper, as tears started to slid down her face.

A flash of memory came back. Her mother was dragging her a cross the hard wooden floor. Chains were hammered into all four corners of the table, her mother chaining poor Cocheta's wrist and ankles. The older female started stabbing her with a knife, once, twice, many more time. Chocheta lost count after 130 times. She lost so much blood, she couldn't even keep her eyes open. Then the memory disappeared as if it never happened. Her nails started to turn a brownish black color, her teeth started to elongate. As her eyes turned a burning bright red. Cocheta's breathing started to become uneven. This wasn't the same Hydrokuhna everyone knew. This was Cocheta's demon that she tried to keep at bay. Now, it was out and all hell was going to break lose.

The Common Kuhna watched, as his companion started to paces back and forth once again. He was confused on what was going on. He didn't know much about the Hydrokuhna's past, just what she was willing to give. Chato wish there was something more he could do, just like his two friends. They were all perplexed about what was happening. Frustration started to build up, like a hot water boiling over a pot. How in the hell where you suppose help someone, when you don't know where to start? The Common Kuhna turned back to faced Rai. "Just what Rai? If it's something to help Cocheta, we must know now." Chato didn't have ideas left, so he prayed that Rai would figure something out.

Before Chato cloud hear what Rai had to say, Chocheta started to yell. It seem like she lost her mind, since the Medicai City people stated to chase them. He than heard her say, "This wasn't my fault!" Soon, after she started babbling more, which Chato thought she was just crazy. Chocheta said something that made the Common Kuhna stop breathing. "I have never ask to be what I am." What the hell was going on in her mind? He was clueless, he looked at his friends, then back at the Hydrokuhna. The minute he looked at Chocheta, he saw her changing into something ugly. This wasn't the same companion he traveled with. This was something that when on a hole new level. "Xe'ji, Rai, I think we have a larger problem on our hands." Chato said as he took a few steps back.

What was this odd feeling calling him into Roraldi Forests? It was a weird feeling that made goosebumps form on his arms and legs. As the Arkuhna passed by an odd looking fruit tree, the feeling got stronger. Was this the call of his mistress? That couldn't be, since her call had more of darker feel to it. That was hole other story, that he didn't want to even think about. The things that he did for love. Catahecassa looked around the forest to see what was around. He just hated the small of the forest, trees, flowers and the dirt. Even the sent of the water evaded his sense of smell. Carahecassa continued on the path of the pull, turning left by a bush full of blue and green flowers. Why in hell did the humans want to save a place like this, it was beyond the Arkuhna. How he wanted to destroy this very place with his bare paws, now wasn't the time. He had to figure what this pull was.

(This is the longest RP I ever written. I'm so proud of myself ^-^.)
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Postby Wyvern » 01/27/2011 12:28 AM

(Incredible, I must say! Congratulations, Sapph! xD)

Xe´ji nodded at what Chato said. The two friends were completely worried, the only thing they were able to think of, was the wonders of what has happening to Cocheta. The Hydrokuhna couldnt stand it anymore. "What..? What have we...done?" Xe´ji was in complete confusion. She was about to say something, but her fear forced her to drown her words in deep thought. She didnt knew what to say next, The Slikey was completely speechless, she had no idea why Cocheta started acting so differently than before.

As for Raivis, he had his face down, looking at the ground, wondering. Sigh...Everything was my fault...Xe´ji brought Chato and Cocheta to Medicai with me, so the hunters saw us...Why, but why...what can we do now? He had no choice. Like Cocheta, he often had nightmares about what happened to his old friend at Nabias, But he couldnt renember much. He suddently lifted his head. He heard something, or somebody coming, walking towards them. It could be his imagination, or just coincidence. "I..think someone´s coming, Chato..." He said to the Kuhna in a small, weak voice. "But...who could it be? Something tells me...It cant be..." He alredy had a idea on what could the strange presence nearby could be.

(Keiden appears now....?)

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Postby Sappheara » 03/13/2011 2:09 AM

She looked around the beautiful, moon lite forest. Instead of seeing the naturally beautiful colors, her vision saw only black, gray and red. Cocheta's breathing was shallow, the change was not easy for her small body.  Speaking as if she was out of breath. "Are... you... happy... with... what... you... done...?" She gave the three creatures a crooked smile, as if she didn't recognized them. Lifting up her front right paw, her fur color change from a light blue to a dark blue. Cocheta's fur became almost a foot and half long. Her long nails was black as a raven's wing. If only she could see herself now, she would be horrified. Laughing at the reaction of the Common Kuhna, the look on his face was priceless. "What? You don't like the new look?" Cocheta started to walk towards Chato.

Chato couldn't believe what he saw, clearing his throat he tried to speak. He looked at Xi'je and Rai for a moment, until Chocheta started to speak. "Are... you... happy... with... what... you... done...?" He looked straight at the Hydrokuhna. He took a deep breath before he spoke. "We have done nothing to you." He spoke the truth even if she didn't believe him. "Your a lair, Common Kuhna" Waving her right index finger in front of him, as if this was some kind of game. She was close now, close enough to touch him. Chocheta started to trail her fingers on Chato's left front arm. Goosebumps started to form on his legs and back. The Common Kuhna couldn't stand the touch of this creature. This was not his companion, this was a creature from the deep, dark depths of Hell.

He keep following the call. The calling change from a soft light energy to a deep dark energy. What on good earth was going on? The thought formed in his mind, as he passed a creek that had fish swimming in it. This was not a place he would call home, preferred something more demonic looking. Carahecassa had to follow it since it was pulling him inside this forest. This place remind him something from one of those Disney movies. That was pretty funny, since he never watch them before. In front was a tree with pink flowers all around it, it remind him of a Cherry Blossoms. He turned to the right of the tree, almost tripping over a large log that had fallen over some time ago. Walking over the large log, he continued on his way. As he continue, the dark energy became stronger, he was getting close.

(You can bring, Keiden, out whenever your ready.)
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Postby Wyvern » 03/13/2011 2:31 AM

"C-cocheta...W-what....what have you b-became?!" Raivis said in a very weak voice, shivering. He was able to feel the dark, evil energy from what he though was a vampire. "S-so Cocheta really was a vampire after all... and... Rai, I think that presence is coming closer... does it has to do with what has just happened to Cocheta...?" Xe´ji asked, as she felt a shadow behind her. A growl was heard from behind. "W-what are you d-doing here... knowing the risks you can get to take if you trespass?" It was a Fellox, A Temple creature that was surrounded in a shadowy aura. "Y-you?! Who are you?... Why does your voice just sound, so familiar...?" Raivis said as he turned to the unknown Fellox. "Me? I am... Keiden. Leave at once, you are not welcome. Dont you see, in front of you...?" The Fellox responded. "K-keiden... it is I, Raivis! We know what are we doing, our friend there is Cocheta. So, Keiden, you live on this forest... you know everything about it... then, do you know, why is our friend here being turned into... a Vampire?" Raivis said. "That question has no answer. I am, too, a Vampire, renember? In some point of our lives, we get turned into...this." Keiden said as he lifted his paw, pointing to Cocheta. "So, Keiden... what will happen to Cocheta? Like any other vampire, will she try to take away our blood, and forget us?" Xe´ji walked to him and asked.    

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