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Return to Wilt'no Desert

Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 1:05 AM

"Hm. Well, then I was mistaken." said Barikor, "Incidentally, doesn't it occur to you that you might want to get her under some shade? Maybe even into an oasis pool, if she's severely overheated."

Sethor let out a low growl in response, ready to face both Fellox and Khimera, before Martin snapped at him "Sethor! Enough." glaring up at Martin resentfully, Sethor quieted, still ready for a fight. Sarah looked helpless between Sethor and Barikor, wondering why she was even here. She almost considered going to the slums, but that would just upset Raul more... if he was still alive... "Barikor's right. Is there an oasis around here anywhere?" Martin asked, scanning the horizon.

[[Barikor: 13 | Sethor: 8 | Sarah: 8]]
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 1:06 AM

"That's what we've been looking for. Talbot's no help though for he can't fly very fast." Ida murmurer with a sigh. "If it were up to us she'd be under some shady tree in a desert oasis..."

Talbot looked down at the ground, his body slowly sifting downward. "Sorry... I try to help... I truly do..." Oh dear... It was time for a mood change now.

Otiephu was glad to be a safe distance from them all. She wanted to get going again so that they could find a place for Velia to rest.
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 1:09 AM

"Then let me be of some assistance." said Barikor, taking flight once more and searching for an oasis from the air, circling the group with large and larger rings.

Sethor scowled heavily at the Fellox, lip curling as if to growl, but making no sound. Sarah sighed heavily. Why did Sethor have to be so unfriendly to new people? He was never like this with her or any of the other pets he'd gotten to know...

Martin looked at Velia, lying on the Khimera and then at Sethor, who did not seem fond of the Fellox. "Why is it every time we meet our pets are at each other's throats?" he muttered, glancing up at Barikor.

[[Barikor: 14 | Sethor: 9 | Sarah: 9]]
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 1:15 AM

"None of us are looking for fights. You just have to understand that we don't always trust other. Otiephu isn't about to allow anyone that she doesn't know to come within a yard or two of her. That's partly why Velia is with her, that and the fact I can't carry such a dead weight." Idzuna pointed out, standing and walking over to the Khimera.

Talbot was still sulking, sitting on the desert floor with the bottle of soda. He heard Tie try to speak through her plushie, telling him to put the bottles back up before they get hot. He scuttled over and did as told.
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 1:16 AM

"None of us are looking for fights? I wouldn't say that. Sethor seems to be hoping one of you will attack so I'll let him try to maul you." grumbled Martin. "Man, why does it have to be me? If it was the Gatekeeper, or Max, then everyone would behave, but they just ignore me half the time." This was obviously not particularly related to the situation at hand so much as it was a long standing dissatisfaction.

But before Martin could continue his tirade, Barikor swooped down and said dryly. "Aladdin, we found Agrabah." Which Martin took to mean that Barikor had found an oasis. Or a city, but that seemed unlikely.

Sarah hugged Sethor's leg, surprising the hostile Lucain. "Sethor... Do you think Raul's okay?" she murmured. Sethor, distracted from his anger, patted the Kuhna on the head and said softly "Sam's gone to get him, and he's tough. I'm sure he'd be back to hit on you in no time." Sarah smiled weakly.

[[Barikor: 15 | Sethor: 10 | Sarah: 10]]
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 1:18 AM

"Yes... Well my point is that none of us are just going to jump on you with no reason. If that lucain attacks anyone though he'll find himself against three opponents at once though, two of which are already a match for him alone." He looked over at Barikor and spoke out, "Lead the way bird-brain and we'll follow. The sooner we get her some place that she can cool off the better."

Talbot hopped onto Otiephue's back, sitting down on Velia's chest. "I'll make sure she doesn't die on the way. She's still breathing, so we're good." The khimera looked as though she was ready to just get going.
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 1:19 AM

Sethor would have made an angry response, but Sarah, thinking fast, squeezed his leg and distracted him again with a sob. Not a fake one- she was truly worried about Raul's safety- but a purposeful one.

Barikor gave the Fellox an odd look and started to fly towards the east, Martin following after, sending uncomfortable glances back at the Khimera as Sethor followed next to him, Sarah padding along beside the lupine creature.

[[Barikor: 16 | Sethor: 11 | Sarah: 11]]
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 1:21 AM

Idzuna followed a few yard behind them all, Otiephu walking at his side. The chains about her left ankle drug in the sand, shifting it about and making different noises.

"Hey Tie... Who do you have a broken chain around your ankle? Velia has never had you tied down." Talbot mentioned, scooting up so that he was on her neck.

Only a growl came from her, as if saying she didn't feel like talking about such thing. "Leave her alone Talbot... Not everyone jumps to speaking about their past.." Idzuna muttered with a sigh.

(2011 author's note; I forgot about the mention of the chain in this RP. As well as Tie being able to speak to others other than Talbot. So just as a head's up, in future RPs the chain did not come about until toward the end of the Imperial/Purine war, and only Talbot can understand what she says and has to translate. This is what happens when half of your RP is lost for what you believe to be forever. XD)
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 1:22 AM

Soon, Barikor flew above a spot in the distance, circling and waiting for the others to catch up. Martin, struggling through the sand, which was starting to be looser and deeper, let out a curse. "Blasted sand." he muttered, watching as Sethor and Sarah, who weighed less, easy walked across the surface without sinking. Scowling, he pressed on towards the dot of blue on the horizon.

[[Barikor: 17 | Sethor: 12 | Sarah: 12]]
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 1:24 AM

One would think that since Otiephu was already bulky enough to weigh just about enough as a human already that with the added weight of Draiz and Talbot she'd have more trouble then Martin was having. She wasn't faultering in her steps in the least though, her paws distributing the weight evenly to help her trudge onward. "Almost there! Almost there!" the little magma creeper chimed from on her back.

"I think I can smell it now..." Ida muttered, looking upward at Barikor. "So I guess he's not just seeing things..."
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 1:27 AM

As the he clambered over a huge sand hill, Martin saw the oasis before him and grinned. "Come on, it's just over here!" he called, rolling down the hill as Sethor walked down, Sarah rolling after. Barikor had landed in a tree, watching Martin with mild amusement on his face. Martin ran up to the pool and turned, calling to the Khimera. "Hey, come on! There's shade and water here!" Sethor smiled slightly. "Ah. So that's what you meant by Agrabah, Barikor." Barikor smirked. Martin, confused, turned and looked at the pool. In the center on a smile island, a curved scimitar was embedded in the wet sand. He scowled. "Haha, guys." he muttered, as Barikor and Sethor burst out laughing. Striding through the water, he grabbed the sword and tucked it into his belt. "Happy now?" he asked. "Very." answered Sethor, laughing.

[[Barikor: 18 | Sethor: 13 | Sarah: 13]]
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 1:28 AM

It was a funny sight when all of the sudden the huge cat began running toward the water. She didn't end up in it though, but instead came to a sliding halt, spinning a bit in the process. The fox girl on her back went flying off, landing in the cold water with a splash. Talbot clung to the Khimera's fur for dear life, screaming out not to get him wet.

Idzuna shook his head and slowly walked down the hill, walking over to the edge of the water. Upon hitting the cold water, Velia had woken with a great deal of shock, letting out a shrill scream about how cold it suddenly was. "Stop your wailing woman. At least you're still alive." Ida grumbled.
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 1:29 AM

"Yeah, would someone tell me why I was the only one who was worried about that?" said Martin, looking at the Fellox with a raised brow. "Anyway. Good morning, Velia. Why on earth were you wearing a pitch black cloak?" he asked, standing in the water and leaning over Velia, smiling widely. "I'm glad you're not, by the way. Dead, that is." Sethor raised a knowing eyebrow, stepping into the water and starting to lap up water. Barikor landed next to the Fellox again. "Good method. It seemed to work, anyway." shrugging, he spread his wings idly. Sarah jumped into the pool, rolling herself into a ball and diving in, splashing Martin and Sethor.

[[Barikor: 19 | Sethor: 14 | Sarah: 14]]
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 1:32 AM

The girl's eyes widened at the sight of Martin, and within seconds he had zipped up the coat instead of leaving it unzipped to under her belly button ring. Her bandages were soaked now! How could they just carelessly throw her about like that. "Uh... Thanks? I wear my coat because I don't travel without it."

"In other words she wanted to get herself killed." Idzuna muttered before beginning to lap up some of the water too. He needed it too. The sun was too much for his black pelt.

Otiephu was laying down in the shade, her plushie resting on her forepaws once again. On her back was the odd magma creeper, curled up asleep.
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 1:35 AM

Martin blinked at Velia's sudden action, straightening up. "Um...But wasn't getting heat stroke kinda predictable when you're wearing a huge black cloak? And now after you've passed out from the heat already, you're zipping it up? Are you like, trying to catch yourself on fire or something?" he asked, scratching his ears in puzzlement as his tail flicked back and forth- until the splash hit him and he froze, tail and ears drooping as a hiss started deep in the back of his throat. He HATED getting his ears wet. Sarah's eyes widened and she sneaked away before Martin figured out who had splashed him.

Barikor looked at Idazuna impassively. With his powerful hearing, he had heard Idazuna's dislike for talking about his past, so he chose to remain silent and let him start any conversation he wished to have.

Sethor, meanwhile, laid back on the sand and, staring up at the sky, considered the group they had met with. Were they enemies or friends?

[[Barikor: 20 | Sethor: 15 | Sarah: 15]]
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