With temperatures rising over 143°C (289.40°F) in most areas, the only relief is during the nights when it is much cooler. All travelers are advised to keep to the local towns on the desert's outskirts and avoid traveling too far from civilization. (+3 Endurance, +2 Defense)

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Return to Wilt'no Desert

Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 5:57 PM

"He was being annoying and it was aggravating me."grumbled Martin, who was still grouchy about his wet ears. Sethor sat up the oasis and spluttered. "What was I-" Martin glared at him. "Just be friendly! God!" Sethor scowled. "Like Barikor was, you mean?" Martin rolled his eyes. "Barikor wasn't being friendly, he was being Barikor." Sarah took a deep breath and padded up to the Fellox, extending a paw. "H-hello... M-my name's Sarah, and y-you're Ida, right?" Martin and Sethor stared at her.

[[Sethor: 23 | Sarah: 23]]
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 5:57 PM

Ida slowly pulled away from his owner and looked down at the feline. "Idzuna. My name is Idzuna, no matter how many times someone calls me Ida."

Velia stood up and walked over to where the Khimera and Magma Creeper were. "So... why are you guys out here Martin?" she asked as she picked Talbot up into her arms.

Talbot gave a smile, happy to claim his usual spot in her arms. Otiephu was still laying down, her tails swaying back and forth.
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 5:58 PM

"O-oh. Sorry." mumbled Sarah, her paw wavering slightly, her fur failing to hide the embarrassed flush that swept across her face as the Fellox glowered at her.

"Sethor wanted to train out in the desert, and we dragged Sarah along so she'd stop just hanging around the pen moping." explained Martin, glancing over the Lucain, which had stood up and was shaking itself off, shooting Martin a hateful look. "So, uh..."

[[Sethor: 24 | Sarah: 24]]
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 5:59 PM

"You don't have to fear me.." he muttered, laying down. "I'm not about to attack anyone without reason..." Idzuna let his head lower to rest on his paws, his ears lowering against his head.

"We're here for treasure!" Velia spoke with a smirk, her tail wavering about. "There's supposed to be a hidden tomb somewhere out here in the desert."

"That's what we're here for?" Otiephu muttered with a sigh. "Figures..." Talbot smiled and chimed out, "Treasure sounds good."
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 6:02 PM

-Treasure Serraptor Image here once I find the code-

Tempest's head cocked to the side, a chattering whistle of sorts coming up from her vocal cords as she watched with silver eyes the admittedly odd antics of the group by the oasis. These sounds were kept to herself as a brisk desert wind blew grains of sand into the fine white feathers swaying a bit as the sand blew through and into them. An arched talon tapped the hot sand beneath as he tail gave an rather unsavory lash, feathers making a small sound as they whipped through the humid air.

What a cold-blooded reptile was doing in the desert would make for quite an explanation, but her reasons were her own. Said personal reasons being that she merely wanted to explore, and after traveling by night and hiding in the shade of, and deep within the dunes in the cooler hidden sand during the day, pacing herself as she went from oasis, following the scent of water through the Desert as she added to her list of places she'd visited, this being the first place after she'd left the safety of her pen. She missed her small pack, yes, but she also wanted to know, being the curious raptor she was. The temperatures outside were brutal, but she'd done pretty good for herself thus far, and quite frankly, she was darn proud of that. She'd have one more tale to tell Amulet and Koal.

Giving her tail another last, the gold and white raptor trotted closer, maw closed and usually arched talons placed firmly against the sand, a small gesture of peace to the now calming group(contrary to popular belief, Serraptors are actually capable of lowering them). She had two reasons for coming near them: one being that she was impossibly thirsty, and in need of a dip to cool herself off, and the other being that she was curious. She wanted to know who they were.

Silver eyes flickered between each member as she stood for a moment, watching silently, waiting for a chance to speak. When it finally came, she spoke up, head cocking to one side as she watched while she spoke, being quite versed in the human tongue. "Where is this treasure?" Her nostrils flared as the tantalizing scent of precious water teased her olfactory senses. She was just waiting for her opportunity to bask in its cool waters and store reserves for however long it would take to reach the next one. "I'd like to hunt for some treasure." Her head swept from one side to the other once more in quick, snappy movements, as was raptor nature, to remember their faces. She was quite good with that, though names oftentimes escaped her.

Tempest: 1
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 6:03 PM

Sarah finally dropped her paw, embarrassed at the fact that Idzuna had declined to shake it, before turning, flustered, to the new arrival. "Wha?"

Sethor leapt from the water and landed between Martin and the new comer, hackles raising as he growled, ready to protect Martin. He usually was- for all his coldness and unkindness, he was loyal at least, and constantly ready for a fight. Fighting was one of his personal preferred sports. "Who are you?" he growled, shifting to give Idzuna an opening. As reluctant as he was to make friends, he did take possible allies into account when he was feeling threatened. And a raptor materializing out of the sand was pretty threatening.

[[Sethor: 25 | Sarah: 25]]
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 6:04 PM

Idzuna didn't bother to move an inch. His tails flailed back and forth slowly as he watched the raptor, eyes set.

Otiephu had known before it was in sight that the serraptor was approaching, just as she had known of Martin and the others drawing near. She saw no threat as of yet though, but if it approached her or her owner that would be different.

Talbot smiled and pulled out of Draiz's arms, flying over to the reptile. "This one means no harm, do you?" he asked softly.
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 6:05 PM

The Serraptor's head drew back and cocked to an angle with a curious flurry of clicks and chatter at the Lucain. Slitted pupils stared at him from between silver irises, studying the mammal for a moment as the crest of feathers atop her head raised. She was a creature of dignity and pride just as much as she was of curiosity, and to have her presence challenged, here at the only oasis her olfactory senses had picked up on since she left the last one was beyond rude. However, she had put up with creatures who tested her patience far worse than a simple questioning of who she was and a display of warning. The Fellox and..what was that large thing with the doll? She'd never seen one of those before..showed her no open hostility, but merely watched her with a suspicious curiosity. She glanced to them in turn, returning none of the suspicion.

"I believe it's obvious who I am, but the question is, what, exactly, are your names?" Her being alone, a lone raptor traveling in the desert, at that, should have made it quite obvious that she was merely a traveler. Her reasons for traveling and her name were never asked of her, therefore she never gave it. In return for the hostility, albeit defensive and rather understandable, she still mocked the Lucain.

However, in return for the kindness the magma creeper showed her, she showed kindness. Her scaled lips curled upwards into a reptilian smile, bearing some serrated fangs, though her crest of feathers lowered and her tail stayed straight to show it was all in good nature(as well as help keep her balance on the uneven ground). "Of course not. I'm merely passing through on my adventures." One taloned hand raised to gently, and carefully, pat the little magma creeper. "What harm would a lone Serraptor plan, let alone do to a group as large as this one, anyway?" Serraptors usually came in packs of clever dinosaurs, but she was clearly alone..no other Serraptors were around. None that shared a similar scent to hers, anyway.

{Tempest: 2}
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 6:06 PM

"Well we didn't see you coming, did we? Your friends or your pack could be hiding around us, ready to jump out." but Sethor didn't really believe it, so he relaxed slightly. Sarah sighed. "Hi. I'm Sarah." she said cheerfully, not reaching for a hand shake this time. "I'm Sethor." Sethor said gruffly when Sarah looked pleadingly at him. "And catboy over there staring at the fox is Martin."

[[Sethor: 26 | Sarah: 26]]
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 6:07 PM

"See! I was right! I was right!" Talbot chimed happily before fluttering back over to Velia to snuggle back into her arms.

The human form Yonyuu looked over at the raptor and gave a soft smile. "I'm Velia and this little guy in my arms is Talbot. The Khimera over there is Otiephu and my fellox companion is Id-"

"Idzuna." he cut in, knowing she was just going to say Ida.

Otiephu shook her head. Boy was Ida grumpy today.
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 6:08 PM

"I can imagine..gold and white against sand is fairly hard to see." Her head gave a jerky tilt towards the Lucain, her throat twitching as she cooed a small chatter of sorts softly into the air. "There very well could be more hiding, but for the time being, all you can do is trust my word and your nose."

Tempest's attention turned to the girl, her crest raising then falling a bit in curiosity as she looked the girl over. "Hello, Sarah, Sethor.." her head bobbed a courteous nod to the two before she looked to the feline, "..Martin."

Tempest looked down at the bubbly little Creeper, her head tilting to the side at a small angle as her tail gave a slight flick, moreso out of habit than anything else. Again her attention was tugged elsewhere, thus she looked to the other female, her nostrils flaring a bit as a hot breeze blew their scents right into her face. "Velia, Talbot, Otiephu, and Idzuna." She repeated the names to herself again, hoping it would help her remember them better before introducing herself. "It's a pleasure to meet you all. My name's Tempest. Now what about this lovely little treasure?" Treasure hunting sounded like a lovely little adventure.

{Tempest: 3}
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 6:09 PM

"Yeah, what treasure? This place seems pretty empty." pointed out Martin, blinking at Velia, before adding, rather belatedly "A-and I'm not staring at her, Sethor!' Sethor rolled his eyes. "Well, what about that sword. That's treasure...sorta... and you found it here, didn't you?" Martin nodded. "I guess..." Meanwhile, Sarah's thoughts had drifted back to Raul and the normally cheerful kuhna had slipped back into melancholy.

[[Sethor: 27 | Sarah: 27]]
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 6:10 PM

"I don't know exactly here it is or else I'd already be there." Velia muttered, her ears lowering against her skull. "But there's supposed to be a hidden tomb somewhere out here in the desert." Her tails wavered a bit and she added, "And I'm going to find it!"

"If she doesn't pass out on us again." the khimera muttered, resting her jaw on her plushie. Her tails her lashing about, the blades digging into the sand every time they struck the ground.

Idzuna stood up and looked out into the distance. "At this rate we'll all die from heat strokes before we ever find this tomb... I think it's best if we only travel at night."

"B-But it gets really cold out here at night!" the little magma creeper exclaimed, speaking out the truth.
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 6:12 PM

Tempest eyes the Kuhna for a moment, the raised crest and alert position displaying curiosity at such a trivial exchange of words between the Lucain and Kuhna. Her throat twitched and vibrated with a very hushed murmur of sounds before her attention turned back to Velia's group. It sounded as if they were talking about something that wasn't her business.

"Who would burry something out here?" Her crest of feathers going down the center of her skull fell and rose once more as her head bobbed in agreement to her own words while listening to the chatter that went on among them. "I've been able to travel at night..just keep moving and you'll stay warm when you stop to rest." She was exothermic, one who depended on regulating internal temperatures via sunlight.

"But now that there's more of us, we should keep close together for body heat, the strongest of us on the outside to keep the weaker ones safe should anything attack." She was the alpha of her pack, alongside Koal. She was good with orders and coming up with plans. "I've been following the scent of water through the desert, I suggest we stick to that idea. Or, if we must veer off, never get too far off the scent of it..one of us should always be able to detect the scent of water at any given time." Her tail gave a flick as the talons on her feet rose again, her head raising from a calm state, to a high, proud position. Her head turned to the side to focus on each one of them through a silver eye in turn before it faced forwards again to take in the whole scene at once.

Finally, her gaze fell on Velia, a penetrating raptor's stare that seemed cold and ruthless, even if the owner was as sweet as sugar. "Do you have any idea where this tomb is? Any general direction? That would be better than running off to some random place."

{Tempest: 4}
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 6:13 PM

"Sarah." Sethor voice, gentle but firm, shook the Kuhna out of her thoughts. "A-ah Sethor..." Sethor frowned. "Stop thinking about Raul. He'll be fine." he said softly, rubbing his nose against her head. Sarah smiled weakly. "O-okay..." she said, ducking her head slightly. Martin, meanwhile, pulled the sword out of his belt and examined it. "Hmmm... it is rather ornate, isn't it..?" he said, turning it over and examining the sparkling gems on the hilt. "Wonder what kind of gems these are..." he said, staring at them. "Could just be shiny rocks..."

[[Sethor: 28 | Sarah: 28]]
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