Most of the southern region of Baa'sek is cut off from the rest of the continent by the dense, dangerous Tengel Rainforest. Much of what isn't forest is swamp lands, with the Baian Swamp covering the majority of the coast. Most cities exist along the edges of the rain forests, particularly in a divide just on the eastern limits of Baa'sek. Lamenolai lies to the north while the Slums lie to the south.

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Past and Present Collid (Private; Wyvern and I) (Done)

Postby auntslappy282 » 03/13/2011 2:31 AM

Twilight walked along the edge of the bridge, trying to decided if it was a good idea to cross it or not. His un-wanted companion, Spike, had followed his every steps, every once and a while flying above overhead. Twilight finally snapped. He turned around and screamed, rather loudly, "WILL YOU QUIT FOLLOWING ME?!? I'M SO SICK AND TIRED OF FEELING LIKE SOMEONE IS WALKING RIGHT UP MY BUTT EVERY FREAKING FIVE SECONDS!!!!" He saw Spike shrink back slightly. Twilight sighed. "Okay, I apologies. But please just back up slightly?"

Spike looked up hopefully at Twilight. "You really mean it? You really are apologizing?" The hopefulness that filled Spikes eyes made Twilight scoff in disgust. Spike smiled. "I have a great idea! Lets cross the bridge, and if something bad happens, we can jump over board and swim back here!" Twilight was about to strangle the boy. Spike smiled so wide, he closed his eyes. He fluttered with his wings so he could see higher around the area. It really was a breathtaking view. This trip was gonna be so much fun!
This is gospel for the fallen ones,
Locked away in permanent slumber,
Assembling their philosophies,
From pieces of broken memories.
If you love me let me go,
If you love me let me go,
Cause these words are knives that often leave scars.
The fear of falling apart,
And truth be told, I never was yours.
The fear, the fear of falling apart.

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Postby Wyvern » 03/13/2011 2:48 AM

Several, evil laughs were heard around the bridges. There was a Gyrraptor, pacing around the place back and forth. "Fun trip, huh..." A voice from the Gyrraptor was heard. "My, my, what is this...?" Flandre said, she was sitting on the edge of a bridge, staring at the water. She slowly turned to a Fenling and a Ferrikoon. "Hmm... how familiar... but, no, maybe it must be my imagination..." It was hard for the Gyrraptor to renember things. Its been a while since she headed outside of where she lived, but she came here, wondering, trying to hopefully find something better to do. Its not like Flandre could stay locked back at the Mansion forever. She smirked, as she started to walk towards the duo. "Why, Hello there." Flandre said, smiling.

(Could not think of anything else to post.)

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Re: Past and Present Collid (Private; Wyvern and I)

Postby auntslappy282 » 03/13/2011 2:54 AM

Twilight faced the voice. It was odd to see something like this out here in the mi-. Thats when it hit him. "Who are you?" Twilight said, trying to keep calm. The resemblance was stunning. Was it really her? He turned toward Spike. He didn't seem to surprised by the turn of events. He was, of course, locked up in a house for the entirety of his first years of life. Twilight sighed. He needed to keep a calm collected composure if he wanted to get anything done. Anything done correctly that is.

Spike fluttered above everyone. He smiled as the new Gyrraptor spoke. "Why hello there! It's very nice to meet you! I hope you're okay with us being here, I mean, I'm pretty sure we were here first to begin with, and you also don't have a say in the matter as to weather we stay or not, but I don't want to make anyone mad or anything, so I hope your okay!" Spike smiled and flew around in small circles, obviously pleased with himself.
This is gospel for the fallen ones,
Locked away in permanent slumber,
Assembling their philosophies,
From pieces of broken memories.
If you love me let me go,
If you love me let me go,
Cause these words are knives that often leave scars.
The fear of falling apart,
And truth be told, I never was yours.
The fear, the fear of falling apart.

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Postby Wyvern » 03/13/2011 8:01 PM

"Who... who I am? I am... Flandre. Why do you ask...? Have we seen each other before?" Flandre asked. She turned to the Ferrikoon, watching how he kind of, tried to cheer up the Fenling... "No, I dont really mind if you come across here. You can stay if you wish, Im not really the one who watches over this place." She replied, smiling.

The Gyrraptor sat again on the edge of the bridge the duo were on. "So, I just came for some fun. I believe you two came to start a trip somewhere, arent you?" Flandre asked again. She sighed, then looked at the clear blue sky, trying to renember. Who could them be...? She said to herself.

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Re: Past and Present Collid (Private; Wyvern and I)

Postby auntslappy282 » 03/13/2011 11:38 PM

Twilight looked at the Gyrraptor. No she couldn't be. Could she? He looked at her. He shook his head in disbelief. No It's impossible. There are other fish in the sea.... But the chance of this being the same Gyrraptor he had met 7 years ago, what was the possibility of this? Twilight swallowed and thought of what he could say. What would he say? 'Hey, whats up?' No. That was stupid. He would leave Spike to the talking for now.

Spike fluttered toward Flandre. "Hello! My name is Spike! It's very nice to meet you! This is my companion Twilight. And yes, were about to go on an amazing adventure!" The excitement in Spike's voice made Twilight frown. Spike flew around in tight, fast circles, then spun out and then smiled very wide. "This'll be amazing!"
This is gospel for the fallen ones,
Locked away in permanent slumber,
Assembling their philosophies,
From pieces of broken memories.
If you love me let me go,
If you love me let me go,
Cause these words are knives that often leave scars.
The fear of falling apart,
And truth be told, I never was yours.
The fear, the fear of falling apart.

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Postby Wyvern » 03/13/2011 11:53 PM

Flandre stared at Twilight, who was in confusion. She smirked, and looked back at Spike as she jumped from the bridge´s edge. "Spike and Twilight, huh..." Twilight seemed like he tried to say something, but he couldnt. Flandre wondered what was he trying to...hide. She decided to leave that question for later. "Amazing, you think...?" Flandre was thinking on joining them on... well, their trip. She felt a bit jumpy because of the Ferrikoon´s exitement, it was quite contagious. Instead, she just smiled, lightly moving her fragile wings.

(Flandre doesnt have wings, but she has fake ones she made for herself. She cant use them to fly, but of course. Ill try to show you what she really looks like later...)

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Re: Past and Present Collid (Private; Wyvern and I)

Postby auntslappy282 » 03/14/2011 12:08 AM

Twilight didn't like the way this was going. It wasn't going well. He shifted uneasily on his paws. He needed to man up, or he was gonna end up dead, or something worse. He closed his eyes, took a sigh and said, "Hey. Do I even ring a bell in your head?" It was weird to say that. It seemed like he was hitting on her or something. Or very stalkerish. He didn't want to be like Edward who Auntie ranted about every couple of days. He wasn't from the Twilight books. He looked at her, knowing his face was getting, very, very red.

Spike looked at Twilight after he asked the question. He tried not to laugh. He plummeted to the ground and fell into a heap of laughter. Once he caught himself just enough to quit laughing. "Haha. Nice way to sound like such a weirdo there Twilight!" Twilight glared at him, and Spike picked himself off of the ground and sat up.

(I'll look forward to it. :3)
This is gospel for the fallen ones,
Locked away in permanent slumber,
Assembling their philosophies,
From pieces of broken memories.
If you love me let me go,
If you love me let me go,
Cause these words are knives that often leave scars.
The fear of falling apart,
And truth be told, I never was yours.
The fear, the fear of falling apart.

~This is Gospel- Panic! at the Disco~

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Postby Wyvern » 03/14/2011 12:15 AM

"Uhm...w-what?" Flandre asked, as she started to laugh a little. But she had to take thi seriously, she tried to understand what he really meant. Maybe what he said was about making sure if she really cant renember Twilight, but who knows. "Twilight... I know you might look like one, but you´re not that weird." She said as she laughed a litte louder, but stopped and said, "Is there something you really need to tell me? Because... You look like you want to say something, so go ahead." She said as she smiled at Twilight sweetly, of course, she didnt wanted them to think badly of her, since she actually hides many things.

(Okies then.)

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Re: Past and Present Collid (Private; Wyvern and I)

Postby auntslappy282 » 03/14/2011 12:25 AM

Twilight bit his lip. He looked away. This was awkward. It must just be his imagination. It's impossible. Not likely. "Haha. No you're fine... Forget I said anything. It would have been impossible anyways. I mean, look at you... Ha..." Twilight turned to face the sun. He closed his eyes, and let his dark fur suck up the rays. He looked back over at Flandre. He could tell she was desperate for information.

Spike looked at the two of them. He was utterly confused. He lowered his head slightly and then smiled. Maybe Twilight had a crush on Flandre. He laughed slightly at the thought. Then he snapped back to his senses. Their had to be a deeper meaning to this whole thing. Spike balanced on his two legs and stroked his chin thoughtfully like he'd seen Layton do all the time.
This is gospel for the fallen ones,
Locked away in permanent slumber,
Assembling their philosophies,
From pieces of broken memories.
If you love me let me go,
If you love me let me go,
Cause these words are knives that often leave scars.
The fear of falling apart,
And truth be told, I never was yours.
The fear, the fear of falling apart.

~This is Gospel- Panic! at the Disco~

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Postby Wyvern » 03/14/2011 11:45 PM

Flandre ended up being the confused one. But she shaked and scratched her forehead, trying to just forget it. She didnt wanted to be persistent and insist Twilight to answer the question, she knew he had trouble saying what he needed. She just walked around in circles, flapping her wings and wondered what to do next. "So where are you heading to, then?" She asked them, trying to just change the odd conversation. She just wanted to give some time to Twilight. Of course, since Flandre has never said many things about herself, she doesnt really need others to do the same.

(Sorry for the late post, I had to go to sleep. xD)

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Re: Past and Present Collid (Private; Wyvern and I)

Postby auntslappy282 » 03/15/2011 11:50 PM

Twilight looked over at Flandre, with an almost smug look on his face. He laughed slightly, attempting to lighten the mood. "I'm sorry if I'm mistaken, but did I hear you say we? I'm pretty sure this is a one man show and has been since I left the forest." He smiled and stood up. He balanced himself and walked forward toward Flandre. He ignored Spike, whose face was rather disappointed.

Spike watched un-happily as Twilight passed him. He frowned. He looked up at Twilight with a mischievous look on his face. He flew up in the air and smiled. He dive bombed Twilight, from his right side, and flung him over the bridge. "So much for a one man party now!" Spike laughed meanly as Twilight splashed into the depths of the river.

(I totally only, just recently realized that Fenlings only have 3 legs. XD *is so sloooow*) ((That's a lie! XD Whoops. I'm sorry 'bout that. XD))
This is gospel for the fallen ones,
Locked away in permanent slumber,
Assembling their philosophies,
From pieces of broken memories.
If you love me let me go,
If you love me let me go,
Cause these words are knives that often leave scars.
The fear of falling apart,
And truth be told, I never was yours.
The fear, the fear of falling apart.

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Postby Wyvern » 03/16/2011 8:55 PM

Flandre sighed, dissapointed. She ran and jumped over the bridge, landing near Twilight, attempting to help him stand up. "A-are you allright?!" She yelled as she turned to the Ferrikoon. "Spike, what was that for?" She said as she and Twilight stood up. I think he meant that only Twilight is actually going somewhere, not Spike... She said in deep thought as she slipped and fell into the river again.

She growled, mad at seeing herself getting dirty. But she only smiled, hoping Twilight´s okay. She stood up again, flapped her wings and cleaned off the patches of mud and dirt on her dress and feathers. She didnt wanted her mood to worsen on such a time like this. "Im sorry, maybe its all my fault."

(I didnt knew that, honestly... I thought their other leg was behind the one shown or something...)

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Re: Past and Present Collid (Private; Wyvern and I)

Postby auntslappy282 » 03/17/2011 7:43 PM

Twilight looked up at Flandre. "No, it's not your fault. It's my fault." Twilight stood up. He wasn't happy with the train of events that were going on. he stood up, staring at his feet. He closed his eyes. He shouldn't have said that. Why is it that he is so stupid? Why can't he realize the things he says hurt people? Twilight turned to Spike. "You're completely right Spike. This is not a one man show. However, this is a two man show, with one woman." Twilight made sure to add Flandre into this so he wouldn't leave her out and get his butt kicked like he did so many years ago.

Spike frowned at Twilight, but when he apologized, he sprung a smile up from the bottom of his heart. He ignored Flandre, because, now it seemed rather obvious why he threw Twilight into the river. A mischievous look fell on his face. He turned around and ran as fast he could off the bridge and landed in the water, causing a large splash, next to Twilight and Flandre. "Guess our adventure start here!"

(Whoops. Bree needs to quit slacking off on me. XD)
This is gospel for the fallen ones,
Locked away in permanent slumber,
Assembling their philosophies,
From pieces of broken memories.
If you love me let me go,
If you love me let me go,
Cause these words are knives that often leave scars.
The fear of falling apart,
And truth be told, I never was yours.
The fear, the fear of falling apart.

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Postby Wyvern » 03/18/2011 12:54 AM

Flandre sighed, trying to get up. However, Spike jumped into the water, making her all wet again. She smiled, glad to see they werent mad at each other anymore. She started to hop around happily along with Spike. "So then! If that´s so, then, what are we waiting for?" Of course, Flandre was thinking on just heading somewhere else, just for some fun. She stopped jumping around the river, and started to look around at the rest of the bridges. Hmm... where to go?

(That often happens to my muse, Lol. Anyway! Dont you think we can throw them somewhere now? and sorry for the failish post. xD)

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Re: Past and Present Collid (Private; Wyvern and I)

Postby auntslappy282 » 03/18/2011 8:16 PM

Twilight turned toward Flandre. He smiled slightly at her enthusiasm. He looked down the river to see nothing but bridges. "We have two choices at this point. Either we can go down or up stream or get back up and take a bride. I guess it's your guy's choice. I'm not picky." Twilight didn't want to start anything that might make them look down upon him as "selfish" or "jerky." He appeared to have already given her that impression, though Spike already knew he was a jerk long before this.

Spike smiled at the fact that Twilight appeared to be getting along with Flandre. He still wondered, though, who exactly she was to Twilight. did he know her prior to this event? Spike made a note to put his thinking cap on from some very serious thinking later. "I think going any way would be fine! Oh! Flandre! How about you choose! You're the guest!" Spike smiled. He felt so gently manly like.  Layton would be proud.

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