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Postby Kyrit » 05/02/2011 10:20 PM

As much as she felt that she was more at fault than Beltain for carelessly picking up the eggs, Atayura knew that there was no reason to continue to cycle back and forth trying to take the blame from one another. That said, she decided to just go ahead and go along with the Lucain, since it was true that it had all been just a mistake. It was all taken care of and in the past now, so there was no reason to be worrying about it now. She said nothing and just let it all pass, instead just following along behind like usual. It seemed as though Beltain caught scent of something though, and soon the two of them were off at a quicker pace than before. She felt a twig or something scratch against her leg but said nothing as she tried to keep up, not knowing that if they weren't careful they could land theirselves in to yet another terrible situation. "Do you think an egg is nearby? I hope someone hasn't gotten to its hiding spot before we have."
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Re: Slot 4: Draiz and Mojave

Postby Mojave » 05/02/2011 10:27 PM

I don't smell anything else, just faded scents from people and other things passing a long time ago. So maybe we'll get lucky this time! With that said, Beltain took off at a full run, only having been trotting at first. Unless Yura was a fast runner, she was soon left behind as Beltain gained a good yard or so of distance.

In her haste, Beltain failed to notice a rabbit hole until one of her paws landed in it. Her momentum carried her forward, and she ended up falling on her face, her back end pushing her over again, causing her to roll. Her paw was yanked painfully from the rabbit hole, causing a minor strain, but she was unable to stop her momentum, and ended up rolling into a blackberry bush, nose first.

Yelping in pain, Beltain managed to extract herself, squished berries coating her fur to mix with the blood brought on by the tiny, razor sharp thorns smothering the vines. Limping on her strained leg, she retreated a good few feet away from the bush, running her forelegs over her face to make sure no thorns were stuck in her flesh. Almost growling with the pain, her entire face felt like it was on fire and she wondered if changing back to her human form would alleviate the pain.
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Postby Kyrit » 05/02/2011 10:50 PM

Atayura was certainly far from the fastest when it came to running. She lacked the muscles of a great runner, adapted to a life that did not require great strength of any particular type of muscle. Her strongest body part would probably be her wings, and that was due to having to learn to cope with part of them being made out of metal. Keeping up with Beltain was pretty near impossible for her. Even though they weren't going particularly far, she was already losing her breath and quite a good bit behind the Lucain.

When the canine's body started tumbling, she faltered for just a split second, eyes looking to make sure she wouldn't fall in to the same hole that Beltain had - or a similar hole in a different place for that matter. Once she caught up to the yelping Lucain she bent down next to her, worry showing in her eyes. "A-Are you alright, Beltain? Do you need me to try to pull any thorns out or anything?"
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Re: Slot 4: Draiz and Mojave

Postby Mojave » 05/02/2011 11:44 PM

Uggggghhh She groaned as she ascertained that no thorns had fixed themselves in her face. No.... I need to change back into my human form, I shouldn't be injured in that form. Shakily, she got to her feet and retreated behind some bushes. Once she was finished with her transformation, she returned, bruised, but not bleeding and only slightly limping. I'll have to change back to my natural form once I get home to get everything taken care of. But for now, this will have to do. I'm sorry, I shouldn't be such a klutz. And now I don't even remember where the scent trail is or how to even follow it again.

She sat down on a rock, chin resting on her hand as she surveyed the area in a hopeless manner. She had gone through hapless incident after another, finally getting hurt enough to retreat to this human form and now she was useless. Ready for Yura to ditch her, she sighed as she waited for the exasperation, disappointment, and anger to be directed at her.
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Postby Kyrit » 05/02/2011 11:52 PM

That was rather... odd. Not the fact that she had managed to stay thorn free, but the fact that turning in to a human meant that she would not have as many injuries. "I wish I could turn in to a corbine and suddenly have fewer injuries. Or the other way around." It wasn't something that she would mention, but she wondered if she had tried to change in to her animal form as a child to escape the burglars that took everything previous from her. Even if she had it wasn't like she'd remember. She wouldn't remember the event at all had she not been told about it.

Sitting down in the grass on her knees in front of Beltain, Atayura looked up at her and asked, "Is there anything that I can do for your leg at least? I'm sure I could find something out here to make a makeshift brace out of for the time being so that it doesn't get injured more from walking on it. We could also take a break here for a while if you'd like. That looked like a pretty bad fall."
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Re: Slot 4: Draiz and Mojave

Postby Mojave » 05/03/2011 12:11 AM

If Yura had asked, Beltain would have assured her that she wasn't being healed. Even her human form had some bruises, but she would be suffering for the next few weeks while her lucain form healed as she would have to remain in that shape for her body to recover. This was a band-aid, something temporary until she could get the proper treatment necessary.

It's not really hurt all that bad, feels like I landed on it wrong and it'll buckle under me. It won't really, that's just how it feels. But a break would be nice, thank you for offering. She smiled at Yura as she sat down again, looking around them again to see if she could determine where she had last caught the scent she had been following. So what now?
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Postby Kyrit » 05/03/2011 12:18 AM

What now...? That was a very good question. She hadn't planned out anything for this hunt and everything seemed to be going wrong for them so far. More-so for Beltain than Atayura. First attacked by a crayfish, then a polly, and now the run in with the blackberry bush. "I... wouldn't supposed you'd like some blackberries for a snack?" Her tone was pretty much the same as usual, though one could easily assume she had meant that in a joking way.

She shifted a bit so that she was sitting with her legs still tucked in but to the side instead of directly under her so that she wasn't cutting off the circulation to her legs. "I could go see if there is a spring near by or a fruit tree to find something to snack on though. Or we could just sit around and talk for a little while. Despite the troubles we've had I find this place... relaxing. Kinda feels like home, even though it's nothing like where I actually live."
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Re: Slot 4: Draiz and Mojave

Postby Mojave » 05/03/2011 12:25 AM

In response to mention of food, Beltain's stomach growled fiercely. While she had thought ahead enough to bring baskets, she hadn't thought of food and was empty handed. I definitely don't want blackberries. She shook her head, her tone a tad disheartened. I had hoped there would be catering for the event since it's in the park, but I bet everyone else thought ahead to bring a picnic. Gods what she'd do to be smarter, she thought to herself, never mind the fact Yura didn't have any food either. So, where do you come from? She instantly hooked onto the conversation opener, being a colloquial creature herself.
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Postby Kyrit » 05/03/2011 12:30 AM

At the reply about the blackberries Yura did give the tiniest of smiles, which for her either meant she was really happy or her form of almost laughing. At least it was the expression of some sort of expression. The smile faded as she was asked where she came from, though it did not turn in to a frown. She supposed that they could always find something to snack on after they rested a bit if Beltain wanted to sit and talk for a little while first. "Well...," she started out, looking up at the trees, "I don't exactly know where my original home was. Since I was really young I was raised in a castle. Not my family's castle or anything like that, mind you. I'm sure my family didn't own anything that amazing. Probably a small house somewhere. I was taken in a long time ago though and it's not like I remember anything from before then anyways, so I guess it really is my real home."
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Re: Slot 4: Draiz and Mojave

Postby Mojave » 05/03/2011 1:02 AM

It wasn't a conscious decision to choose conversation over much needed sustenance, but Beltain was something of a jabbermouth and could never find the will power to pass up a conversation for later. Thus, her stomach continued to rumble as she worked her voice box instead of her body.

Yura's story sounded very similar to her own, but Beltain wasn't much to talk about her home life. Instead, she kept to questions concerning Yura and her life. So where is your castle located? And how many residents do you live with? And... are you happy there?

Now that she was sitting down, not running around, and doing the listening, she realized Yura didn't seem as... emotional as herself. And she wondered why.
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Re: Slot 4: Draiz and Mojave

Postby Kyrit » 05/03/2011 4:51 PM

"Ah... Well, I'm not so sure Lord R'cai would like it if I told someone I barely knew where the castle was. I know he does have a few enemies and though I doubt you are connected to any of them I still do not know how he would react if I were to tell...." It wasn't that she didn't want Beltain to know where she lived. In fact, she wouldn't mind telling her and possibly getting to see her again in the future. It was pretty rare that she got to know anyone outside of those living in the castle. It wasn't that she wasn't allowed to but just that she didn't really try to get to know others usually.

She paused for a moment now, as if trying to think of how many people lived in the castle by now. After a while she shook her head and said, "Sorry, but I can't remember really. People come and go as they please, so it's hard to get to know everyone. Especially when Lord R'cai has so many children himself to keep up with the names and personalities of. They're all grown now, but they still usually stay around home. Life has been pretty nice there though. He raised me as more or less his own child."

There was another pause for a moment before Atayura asked, "Are you sure you wouldn't like for me to try to find us something to eat?"
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Re: Slot 4: Draiz and Mojave

Postby Mojave » 05/03/2011 9:11 PM

Oh, well I certainly don't want to get you in trouble! But that sounds similar to my life at The Manor. So many people coming and going, living away from the estate proper, and... being busy. She nearly mentioned the abuse she suffered through most days, but being the self depreciating character she was, she managed to catch her tongue before she said anything bad about her family.

At mention of food, her stomach growled louder this time, and she blushed, Yeah, I am pretty hungry. I can help though! She stood up to follow Yura, but her movement was too sudden and a flash of pain shot up her leg, causing her knee to buckle. Gasping, she fell back onto the rock, unable to hide her reaction from Yura. I can walk, I promise! I just stepped on it wrong. She stood again, this time moving slowly and testing her weight on her foot before she stood on it. She made a few agonizingly slow steps, and unaware she would be more of a hindrance by going with Yura, she smiled. See? Now let's go find some grub, what do ya say?
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Postby Kyrit » 05/03/2011 9:56 PM

Though they sounded similar in a way, Atayura's life at the castle she lived in was vastly different. She did not suffer the abuse that the Lucain woman did. In fact, things were really quite different. If someone so much as thought of laying a hand on her R'cai would probably kill them. Wouldn't be the first time based on what he had told her of her previous life before waking in his castle. But she wouldn't have to speak of that, since she didn't get to hear of the things Beltain went through.

"Are you sure you'll be alright? I'd be fine on my o-" her words cut off as Beltain fell back down. She watched the other move around a bit, waiting to see if she'd be able to walk around normally on her injured leg. "Well, if you say so... I can't make you stay here after all. Just be careful not to make it worse."
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Re: Slot 4: Draiz and Mojave

Postby Mojave » 05/03/2011 10:36 PM

I've been through worse! She claimed cheerily, The heat of the day in Wilt'No makes this look like a tiny prick on your arm. Especially when you don't have water. And even that's not as bad as being locked-

She had said it before she realized what she was saying, and instantly fell quiet, nervous that Atayura would question her. While she didn't enjoy the treatment she received, she honestly believed she deserved it- why else would everyone back home treat her that way? Because of this, she refused to say a horrible thing about them- even if it meant her own death. Thus, her nerves were showing as she continued to limp around, trying to find the most efficient method of walking.
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Postby Kyrit » 05/03/2011 11:11 PM

"So you live in Wilt'no...? I've never been out there before, but I have been told about the heat. I don't see how anyone could bare to live out there..." Her words trailed off as she realized what it seemed like Beltain was about to say. Or at least that the cut off sentence didn't seem like something good about where she lived. "I take it you have to deal with more than just the heat out there though, right?"

She left her wording open, not wanting to pressure Beltain in to speaking about anything that she didn't want to. With how she had asked it she could have easily meant dealing with the wildlife in the area.
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