Almost large enough to be considered a theme park while remaining free to the public, Terrace Park is rumored to have been the site of the Grand Hollowheart's defeat, leading to the Hollowhearts first accepting a pact with humans. (+2 Fame, +2 Endurance)

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Slot #5 Jackie125 & kabuto_rocks

Postby jackie125 » 05/18/2011 6:12 AM

Claw was pulling up claw fulls of grass as he ran. Basket bouncing against his side, he was looking for Easter Eggs. He saw many other pets roaming around the field."I hope they haven't taken all the eggs", he muttered to himself. He looked around the field to try to find someone that would be a strong partner. "Anyone want to be my partner?", he yelled.

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Re: Slot #5 Jackie125

Postby kabuto_rocks » 05/18/2011 12:18 PM

She hadn't intended to join in the hunt. It wasn't that she was against it per say, but it just wasn't the sort of thing which would interest her. However, she had inadvertantly found herself in Terrance Park and now she was there the whole thing looked rather intriguing. She was enjoying watching people and pets alike scrabbling to find eggs. They all seemed rather hopeless at it in her opinion. She was sure she could do a much better job.

She was just getting geared up to leave when Vol heard a cry. Glancing around, her gaze fell upon a brightly-coloured Werecain. Some kuhnas might have been afraid of encountering such a creature but she was never one to be scared of anything. Hesitating slightly, she weighed up the pros and cons in her head.

What harm could it do?
"I'll be your partner." She smiled, doing her best to look as friendly as possible. Like the sort of person who would be good at finding things. Who knows-this whole thing could turn out to be quite amusing

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Re: Slot #5 Jackie125 & kabuto_rocks

Postby jackie125 » 05/18/2011 3:09 PM

L~5 P~22

Claw was surprised to have someone reply so fast. He looked to the direction of the voice to see a Berry Kuhna walking towards him. He was excited to have a partner. "Hello! My name is Claw.", he said as she was walking up to him. He hoped she was good at finding eggs." Come on, lets get out into the field. The other teams will get all the eggs. " Claw was running out to the field then he remembered. "Oh, What your name? I forgot to ask you earlier."

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Re: Slot #5 Jackie125 & kabuto_rocks

Postby kabuto_rocks » 05/18/2011 3:15 PM

'Claw'. Interesting name. Mind you, she could hardly talk. Her owner's choice had indeed been unusual. Not to mention a little insulting, once she'd found out what it meant.

"I'm Volatile. But you can call me Vol," She purred a greeting, giving her partner the once over. Not bad. He should be able to do a fair bit of digging with those claws if necessary. Hopefully between them they'd have a fair range of skills, "Where shall we look first? I suppose checking the ground levels would be the most sensible idea." Careful not to stray too far, she walked to the closest flower bed and began poking around. She had no idea what the eggs would look like, nor how big they'd be. Probably quite small if they were well hidden. Small enough to fit into a flower bed at least

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Re: Slot #5 Jackie125 & kabuto_rocks

Postby jackie125 » 05/18/2011 6:13 PM

L~5 P~23

Claw saw Vol heading towards some of the flower beds, so he decided to check a fallen log in the other direction. I wasn't to far, but he made sure he never got out of shouting distance from Vol. He rolled over the log hoping to find something. Once the log was moved it smelled like decayed leaves. "Hey Vol, I think I found some!"Claw inspected the log to find a small, brown and green egg. "I Got one!, he yelled excitedly. He put the egg in his basket, well not really a basket more of a bag, but still.
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Re: Slot #5 Jackie125 & kabuto_rocks

Postby kabuto_rocks » 05/19/2011 2:33 AM

Pulling her head out of the flower bed, she wrinkled her nose as she saw it stained with pollen.
"Really? Awesome! Nothing here but I'll check this bush. It looks nice and roomy." Now she had seen what one of the eggs looked like, she imagined her job would be a lot easier. Wiping off the pollen with her paw, she bounded over to the bush. It was thickly grown over but there was a slight gap in the front.

It took her a minute or two but she had soon wriggled inside. It was very dark and smelt somewhat of cut grass, but her keen eyes could make out a rough shape. A minute later she had emerged with her prize, a white egg with brown spots. Hopefully it wasn't just a bird's egg!
"I got one." She beamed proudly

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Re: Slot #5 Jackie125 & kabuto_rocks

Postby jackie125 » 05/19/2011 6:25 AM

L~5 P~24

"Wow, good job Vol!" Claw looked around for a spot where there wasn't any teams of egg hunters. The trees? Nope someone there. The rocks? Someone there too. "Hmm... How about if we go check in the long grass over there? It looks like a good place to find some eggs. I can even pull the grass apart with my claws." He looked around to see if any other teams were hidden in the tall grass. Nope, no one.
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Re: Slot #5 Jackie125 & kabuto_rocks

Postby kabuto_rocks » 05/19/2011 11:28 AM

Vol was more than happy to shove someone else out of the way if necessary, but she supposed that was against some kind of moral code. Pity. Oh well, they could comb over those areas later and nab any ones people with less keen eyes could have missed.

"Thanks," She purred. This fellow wasn't so bad, "The long grass seems good." She nodded in agreement before strolling over, glancing around as she did so. Her own claws may have been smaller than the Werecain's, but she could still use them to some effect. Crouching down, she began prowling through the long grass. It was hard to see anything clearly but she didn't doubt that if she ran into an egg she would be able to see it.

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Re: Slot #5 Jackie125 & kabuto_rocks

Postby jackie125 » 05/19/2011 2:54 PM

L~5 P~24
Claw Saw that Vol was heading towards the grass and followed a bit behind. Happy that she had agreed with his proposal, went to search for some more eggs. The long grass was a good place, not many teams have searched here, if none.

Claw was flatting all the grass in one area so it could be easier to search. After the grass had been flattened, he carefully inspected each patch. A small green egg was nestled in one of the patches. The only reason he found it was because he had stepped on it. "Ow... I found one." He placed the egg in his bag and continued searching.
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Re: Slot #5 Jackie125 & kabuto_rocks

Postby kabuto_rocks » 05/19/2011 3:03 PM

She couldn't help but giggle when he stepped on an egg. Purring with amusement, she quickly apologised. She didn't want to seem cruel after all.

"Sorry. Are you okay?" Pushing aside a few bits of grass with her own paws, she was delighted to spot a glimpse of yellow. Quickly scrabbling, she managed to produce a reasonable-sized egg, pale yellow in colour like a newborn daffodil. It took a bit of work but eventually she dragged it out fully. Phew! Hopefully they wouldn't get any bigger or else she wouldn't be able to lift them. Sometimes being a small Kuhna had its disadvantages

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Re: Slot #5 Jackie125 & kabuto_rocks

Postby jackie125 » 05/19/2011 3:50 PM

L~6 P~25

"Yeah, I'm fine." Claw picked himself up from he prickly grass, and noticed that Vol had found an egg. "Wow! That's a big egg. Do you need any help with that?" Vol picked up the egg with a little difficulty, but managed it. He continued to look through the grass for a little longer, then thought about the log that was right by the field of grass. "I'm going to look around the log over there, shout if you need my help. 'Kay?"

Claw dragged his long legs and claws through the tall grass that was pulling at him. The log was collapsing a bit, but didn't stop Claw from rolling it over. The shape of the log was imprinted in the ground, but no egg was there. "Ahh... No egg." He rolled it back over being more careful for eggs, and notice a odd noise. He looked in the log and saw a little brown, pink and green egg. It must have been wedged in one of the knot-holes and fallen out."I found one!" Now they had five eggs.
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Re: Slot #5 Jackie125 & kabuto_rocks

Postby kabuto_rocks » 05/20/2011 7:37 AM

"Er, I think I'm okay. But in future I'll let you get the monsters." She smiled back. She was in a fairly nice mood today, unlike her usual snappy self. It was probably being in a place like the park which was making her act like that. Plus the fact she wasn't too shabby at this hunting lark. That was good. She would have felt like a bit of a failure if she was the only Kuhna who couldn't hunt.

While Claw was checking the log, Vol wandered over to a tree. It was of reasonable size, not too large but no twiglet either. She reckoned she could probably climb it, but she would check among the roots first. She just narrowly avoiding cutting her paw on a rogue stump when she caught a glimmer of blue. Shoving her paw through the largest hole she could find, she dragged out a little blue egg. Bingo! It hadn't been easy to get though. She looked rather forlornly at the snagged fur on her leg. Oh well. She was sure Kabuto would brush the tangles out of it later.

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Re: Slot #5 Jackie125 & kabuto_rocks

Postby jackie125 » 05/20/2011 3:51 PM

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Claw was finished looking through the log the chances of there being two eggs in the same area were very slim. So he decided to head towards Vol. She was looking around a tree, and by the look on her face she must have been successful in her search. He came until he stood next to her. "I'm guessing you had some good luck?" Then he saw some of her fur snagged on the stump. "You okay? You seem to have lost some fur."
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Re: Slot #5 Jackie125 & kabuto_rocks

Postby kabuto_rocks » 05/20/2011 4:26 PM

"Yep," She nudged the blue egg out of the way with her nose proudly, "Just a pity I had to have a run in with that root in order to get it. Still, my fur will be fine." Stepping back, she gazed up at the tree. Hmm...she could climb pretty well. And it wasn't that big.

"I think I'm going to go up. Do me a favour please-if I fall, try to shove something soft in the way." Vol grinned to show she was only joking. Hopefully it would remain a joke. Crouching down, she quickly sprang up and dug her claws into the bark. For a minute it looked as if she might slip, but then she regained her grip. Okay, that was the hardest part over. Now to climb.

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Re: Slot #5 Jackie125 & kabuto_rocks

Postby jackie125 » 05/20/2011 5:12 PM

L~6 P~27

Claw watched carefully for any sign of danger as Vol scaled the tree. He searched the small area around him for anything soft, just in case. He managed to find some leaves, small bushes, and some long grass. He placed it in a pile around the area of the tree she was climbing. "'Kay, I got some padding down here. Be careful!"

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