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Contest: Freezair

Postby Freezair » 12/31/2007 5:34 PM


"Does anyone know a good story?"

Yep, folks, Freezair is holding and sponsoring a contest! Originally, the prize was going to be this fellow seen above, but then I made the mistake of giving him a name, and now I can't bear to part with him. XD So, instead, Edgar is now my assistant in this contest. Can't ya just FEEL the excitement!

So what is the contest? Well, my Eddie here is looking for inspiration! He wants to read a wonderful, fantastic story filled with amazement, and he's looking to YOU, clever Evelonians, to find one! As a prize to the person who writes his favorite story, he's offering up $20 USD to spend on Evelon as they see fit!

Oh, and did we mention that the stories are based around his favorite book?

Yes! Perhaps you've heard of it. The Mysteries of Harris Burdick, a famous picture book by Chris Van Allsburg, contains fourteen pictures, fourteen titles, and fourteen single lines of text. Edgar has picked his four favorites. He wil show you the pictures and the text. He's what you have to do:

1) Write a short story, minimum of 500 words, about one of these four pictures. The story must have the same title as the picture and must use the provided line of text at least once.

2) Your story may or may not be Evelon related. You certainly can use Evelon-related things if you want, but they don't have to be bound to Evelon.

3) I don't know if anyone would be compelled to do this, but just in case, please no fanfic for anything except Evelon! You can't really judge fanfic for a fandom you know nothing about. :/

4) You may PM your finished story to me, or you may write it here.

5) I sholdn't have to say this, but absolutely NO plaigarism! If you do it, I WILL find out, and you WILL be immediately disqualified from this and any other writing contests I may hold EVER! Seriously, folks, don't do it. It's illegal.

6) The submission deadline date is January 31st, 2008!

7) Oh, and one more thing I forgot to add. If you actually OWN the book "The Mysteries of Harris Burdick," you can talk to me if you want to do a different picture. XD

Now, here are the story/picture combinations you have to choose from!

Another Place, Another Time
If there was an answer, he'd find it there.

A Strange Day In July
http://hrsbstaff.ednet.ns.ca/davidc/6c_ ... ngeday.gif
He threw with all his might, but the third stone came skipping back.

Archie Smith, Boy Wonder
http://hrsbstaff.ednet.ns.ca/davidc/6c_ ... arris1.GIF
A tiny voice asked, "Is he the one?"

The Harp
http://hrsbstaff.ednet.ns.ca/davidc/6c_ ... k/harp.gif
So it's true, he thought, it's really true.

Go go go! X3

The Mysteries of Harris Burdick (C) 1984 Chris Van Allsburg.

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Postby ~Ryuu chan » 12/31/2007 7:00 PM

I'll enter =D

so we have to write a minimum 500 word story based on one of the pictures?
.::Xai::. .::Hakujou::.
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Postby GrayGriffin » 12/31/2007 9:26 PM

I want to do the picture with that vine growing out of the book! But I don't remember what it is exactly... Can you find it for me?

This contest is cool!
Crossing my heart
Open wide
You're my crystal and clover
All of me
Is dedicated to hold you

Swear to God
Double knot
What would you do if I stole you tonight? (Ahh ahh)
Why waste time? (Ahh ahh)

'Cause the world goes on without us
It doesn't matter what we do
All silhouettes with no regrets
When I'm melting into you
'Cause I belong in your arms
I belong in your arms

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Postby ~Ryuu chan » 12/31/2007 11:09 PM

imma do the harp pic
.::Xai::. .::Hakujou::.
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Postby Mojave » 12/31/2007 11:26 PM

I think I'm gonna try this. ^^ The harp pic and caption inspired me. I'll put my entry here once it's done.

DONE! I hope Edgar likes wild, depressing stories that end happy. ^^

[center]In the breast of the wild,
hidden from eye, thought, and time,
a maiden strange awaits a fate unknown.
She plays a harp of ivory and gold
hidden deep in a shadow realm.
A summoning note emits
from strings of mischief and mystery.
A purpose dark and one unknown,
and man will come
seeking truth
satisfying curiosity.

It was a verse Lucas had memorized, hearing it from the age of a small lad. It had been is obsession. Every game and thought were devoted to the tale of the harp. Thus he passed his childhood away in bliss. But now... those days were gone, washed away in blood and tears of his fellow countrymen. Lucas had been forced to grow up. No more adventures, no more ignorant bliss. Now he carried sword and sheild, protecting hearth and a home far away that he would never see again. It was a harsh, and unsympathetic reality. As much as he despised it, he knew that it was something that everyone faced- the end of innocence.

A thud of metal hitting ground extracted Lucas from his reverie. Looking up, he was met with the grinning face of Whistler, his best friend since the times had changed. "'Allo chum." was the hearty greeting, as Whistler sat down beside Lucas, offering a bowl of stew. "Tis weak venision stew again today. Poor beast was 'alf starved itself. Won't go far in feedin' the lot of us." "When is that any different than any other night?" Lucas sighed as he accepted his ration. He looked around at their thirty strong group. All of them were scruffy, dirty, and tired. "I wish this nonsense would end. I miss home and family." Lucas sighed again. "Well I miss decent food and hearty ale." Whistler grumbled with his mouth full. Lucas nodded in agreement, but said nothing. A loud voice interrupted them, "Get some sleep men! We march early tomorrow and it looks like rain." Their general commanded them.

The next day proved rainy, and they all marched through it, their bodies aching with the damp and cold. Beside Lucas, Whistler began to cough. "Don't fall sick, mate. You won't be any good against the opposing troops if you're ill." "Don't worry about me." Came the gruff reply as Whistler sneezed. "I'm never sick."

A week later showed Whistler's health failing with several others'. To make matters worse, the enemy had been sighted, and they were marching closer. Another week passed as they drew closer. The men became nervous, losing sleep and appetite. They wasted valuable strength, drawing sword and rushing into the undergrowth to find small animals only. All of them feared a nightly skirmish, an ambush, death.

Lucas cared for Whistler as best he could, but all the medicines were gone. The towns they came upon were beset by disease and illnesses and the townsfolk hoarded all their supplies. No amount of coin could pry it from their hands. All of this worked hand in hand with their over stressed, undernourished and tiring bodies, leaving them a sad bunch when they finally met the enemy.

It was a quick battle, and quickly lost. Lucas and Whistler escaped into the forest, their fortunes placing them closest to the trees. They kept away from places that would leave behind tracks, and soon they discovered a cottage, hidden away from the world.

Inside lived an elderly man, his wife long gone to fever, the children moved off to have their own families. He took them in, cared for their wounds and fed them. They in turn did common housework and repairs, caring for a mangy cur that had arrived days before them.

They were splitting firewood one day, when brigands arrived. They followed the invading army, looting as they went. They had chances upon the cottage and it's inhabitants taking a shortcut to catch up to the armies. But this was too easy prey to pass up. The skirmish ended with Whistler and the old man's deaths, Lucas fleeing the scene as there was nothing he could do.

He mourned his friend deep in the forest, cursing his inability to save them. Shortly the next day, the cur found him. Clinging to the small dog, Lucas was glad of some company. And so, he led the dog away, to find some other shelter and home away from the troubles of the world. They followed a stream that flowed quickly and full of fish for days. And then, he heard it.

Devine musical notes from a harp met Lucas's ears, the dog perking up and whining with the sound. It took several minutes for the location and the sound to click, but once Lucas remembered the tale of a harp and it's player hidden away in a forest, he ran ahead. The landscape changed from smooth to full of hills. He grabbed a sturdy stick to help him, and soon crested the hillock.

Before him sat a creature strange indeed and distictly female. One could call her a mermaid for her gills and webbed fingers. She gasped at sight of him, and disappeared into the pond that had formed between four hills.

"So it's true." He thought. "It's really true." All the years of hoping and dreaming, all the hours he spent trying to tell himself it wasn't real... and here she was. With the harp, no less. He ran down the hill, around the edge of the pond, and fell to his knees beside the harp, clinging to it while sobs wracked his body.

Curious, the mermaid surfaced and inquired, "Why do you weep?" Lucas brought himself under control after some time, the mermaid waiting patiently. "Because you're real. I've day dreamed about you and this harp since I was a lad. I've been through so much.. I've lost so much. And yet to find you exist is like getting a second chance at life." The mermaid tilted her head to the side.

"You heard the call of the harp. You came to find me. Please tell me this, is there anything you wish in the world?"

"To be happy. Somewhere, sometime, with someone." Was his simple reply. "To be safe while being happy." He ammended.

"That is easily fixed. You would be both here, and my companion. I could show you new worlds, new wonders, and other things besides. Would you join me?"

"Of course." Came the reply. She winked at him and disappeared again. Lucas waited a fortnight before she returned with a flask. She handed it to him, and motioned for him to drink. "This will allow you happiness and safety from the outside world and all it's toils." Lucas drank, and instantly changed. He was no longer human, but a male version of whatever species she was. He joined her in the water, and they both disappeared.

They returned daily to the cur that had accompanied Lucas there. There was no way to change him, like Lucas had. But over time, the strange hollow affected him, prolonging his life and increasing his size. Soon he had reverted back to the wolf, and guarded the sacred hollow where the two merfolk lived. Many adventures they shared, and many wonders they discovered. But those, I'm afraid, are different stories.
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Postby Kitsune_Beauty » 12/31/2007 11:54 PM

I'm almost done with my entry. I'm doing The Harp. I would've been done tonight but unfortunatly my narrow-minded mother is dragging me against my will to my dad's house even though she knows i'v had a headache all day and she's had the IBuprofens with her. Isn't she courtius?
How can you see into my eyes like open doors,
Leading you down into my core where I've become so numb,
Without a soul my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold,
Until you find it there and lead it back home...

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Postby robopup24 » 01/01/2008 12:15 AM

I'm entering :p
I'm doing Another Place, Another Time. It so really re-sparked my muse. So far it's...erm...sorta depressing in my opinion XD
*Evil laugh*

Done! Anyway, the beginning isn't that depressing as I thought :3

Another Time, Another Place

"What is freedom?"

The teacher stopped cold in her tracks, her spectacles nearly falling off. She cleared her throat, found herself still unable to speak, coughed loudly, and faced the boy who boldly asked the question. "Freedom? Well, you could say that it is a lack of restrictions, independence, free will. Does that answer your question, Roger?"

Roger hesitated before quietly answering, "Yes, Missus."

Missus visibly relaxed and returned her attention to the blackboard. "Now, returning to our history lesson. Matthias, our emperor, was born in 1709 D.W..." Her voice droned on as she got into the same rhythm that every teacher drone went into.

Roger tried his best to pay attention to the lecture, yet his mind was unsatisfied by the answer Missus gave him. He felt a new feeling swell in him...what was it? It made him feel all tensed up, eager to get out of the classroom as soon as possible. "Impatient." Roger muttered the word under his breath. "Annoyed at waiting, unwilling to wait." Even that didn't describe the emotion that was stirring his thoughts. Time seemed to tick by slowly as the teacher went on and on. He lightly tapped his fingers across his smooth, metallic desk, trying to get that feeling out of him. At last, when it seemed like forever, the bell rung. All the students promptly exited the room in a single file line, chatting briefly to each other before heading to their classes. Roger lagged behind, dispirited by the confusing sensation whirling inside him.


The Earth had been plagued by a nuclear war not long ago, bringing mankind almost to complete destruction. It was called the Great War, the only war that had almost brought the planet to its death. In the end, the great general Matthias and his army wiped out all other resistance and declared a new empire. Order was restored to the world. There was a problem though: resources were extremely scarce. Therefore, Matthias commanded that all humans who did not meet the requirements will be terminated. There was no room for mercy. There was defiantly no room for weaklings. Every person had to be perfectly uniformed, fit for their station.

Nobody has questioned this new form of governing. Who cared as long as they had peace? From then on, all nuclear weapons were banned. No war could be started. Those who did so...died.


Roger threw the stone as hard as he could, trying to vent out his emotions in that tiny pebble. It landed into the misty waters below, rippling its calm surface. The thin boy stood on the cliff, teetering dangerously close to the edge. He didn't seem to think about that. Instead, Roger closed his eyes and felt the cooling sea breeze wash over him. The waters of the planet have been recently cleaned of all pollution, mostly from the efforts of the environmentalists. Freedom. What was it anyway? Could the emperor give it out? He opened his eyes and saw, with surprise, that he wasn't on a sea worn cliff anymore. He was standing waist-deep in chilly water, strangely feeling rather...warm. Ahead of him, the mist still hung, but he could still make out the outlines of mountains. In the distance was, as Roger noted uneasily, the City. How did he get here? Why was he here? Roger clutched his head. Was he going mad? If so...then he could be...

He pushed the thought out of his mind. Roger stumbled out of the sea and promptly tripped over railroad tracks. He bit back a cry of pain as a sharp stone embedded itself into his arm. Gingerly, Roger pulled it out, wincing as the salt water slapped against the wound.

A bell rung in the distance. The sound of wheels grating the rusty tracks filled the air. He jumped back, just as a strange vehicle rolled up.

It seemed like a half go-cart, a half boat. It was worn and dusty, despite that it must have been at least sprinkled with a bit of water. Four other kids were in the vehicle, their eyes tired, but clear as the sky on a summer's day.

Roger and the others silently stared at each other, an unvoiced conversation going on. One of the boys suddenly motioned for Roger to come in. Roger hesitated. Time seemed to stand still. Nothing existed anymore. The only noise was the quiet rustling of wind and the rumble of thunder from afar. At last, Roger shook his head and stepped back.

The boy opened his mouth as though he was going to say something. The others, though, simply seemed saddened by Roger's decision. With some strange power, the vehicle began to move once more, sluggishly at first, but soon picked up speed and sped out of sight. Roger's world literally exploded.


"Roger, wake up."

Roger reawakened to the sight of his mother bending over him, a slight crease in her forehead. The familiar scents of his house anchored him to reality, calming his senses. "Mother?"

"What were you doing on that cliff?" She gently pushed back his hair. "They found you sleeping there."

Roger flushed. "I was...studying the ocean." It was a simple lie. Still, it made him uneasy, uncomfortable. Since childhood, he had been told to never lie. To lie was like...a crime, if you could call it that.

"Is that so? Well, rest for now. I'll cook something for you. Dinner shall be ready in almost no time."

"Thanks, Mother."


Freedom. The question still haunted his mind, day and night. Every day he would go to that cliff and experience the same vision. And every time he would refuse the invitation that the boy gave him.

Roger did not dare ask his teachers or parents. He didn't even tell his friends, seeing that they would not understand. As the days dragged by, the world that had used to seem so comfortable to him became a sort of prison. For the first time in his life, he realized the monotony of his schedule. Roger soon became restless, uneasy. What was this? Was this what they called freedom? What was really freedom?

The cliff. It was his refuge and prison at the same time. Roger had no idea what they wanted from him, where they wanted him to go. Something bond him to go there, to experience the same vision over and over again.


The ocean. The tracks. The boy.
Roger was here again, seeing the boy motion for him to come in. There was something different though. The sky, normally so clear, was covered with clouds, lightning rolling in their dark masses. The water was whipping up into a fury, soaking everything. There was something entirely different though. It changed everything. The boy broke the sacred silence and spoke.

"Come." The boy's dusty eyes were pleading, begging. His hand trembled as he held it out, ignoring the howling winds that were battering the tiny vehicle. "Please. Come."

Roger blinked away the salty water that was pelting his eyes. He now realized that he sorely wanted to get on, to ride away to that strange land, away from the City. Something held him back though. Roger was about to step back when the boy spoke again.

"Come, please! Come to freedom. Away. Away." The boy softly chanted.

It was all clear to Roger right then. If there was an answer, he'd find it there. He'd find it in the place far away. With a last look at the City in the distance, Roger climbed into the vehicle. Almost instantly, the storm seemed to calm, ruffling the sail with a gentle breeze. The boy smiled as the other children echoed his expression.

As they sailed off to the distant land away, Roger felt as though some heavy weight on his soul had fallen off. He looked at the others around him and let out a joyous whoop that resounded through the watery land.

He had found freedom.

Can I die? Can I die?
I'm just waiting 'til I die
Never dreamed a single dream so kind in my entire life
No one knew, even cared for this fleeting fairy tail
Then it slipped into seething sun and soon it sailed away...

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Postby Freezair » 01/01/2008 4:42 AM

The questions:

Yes, Ryuu-chan, that is exactly what you do. =3

The picture GrayGriffin thinks of is Mr. Linden's Library. Picture:

http://www.nisk.k12.ny.us/iroquois/harr ... linden.jpg

Text: "He had warned her about the book."

Glad to see someone else knows this lovely book. :D

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Postby GrayGriffin » 01/01/2008 8:33 AM

Good! Now to think up a story...

Mr. Linden's Library

He had warned her about the book. Many, many times. Nonetheless, his mother had insisted. But Joe knew...much more than his mother Daisy.

Joe knew Mr. Linden had another intent when he stroked Daisy's cheek tenderly and whispered in her ear. Joe knew the librarian's intent in offering her the book. "It's such an interesting book," he had said. He was right, but not in the way one would expect.

Every night, Joe crept into his mother's bed. Snuggled against her, as if he could protect her somehow, he watched in horror as the book slowly flipped to a single page, one covered with a design of vines. There was a picture in the center, but he never managed to figure out what it was. The vines would extend from the page, and search around the bed, but never did they do anything else. Whenever they came out, he grabbed her hands and pulled them to him, as if he could protect her this way. When he voiced his suspicions, his mother would sigh and glare at him.

"Now, Joe, I know you miss Daddy, but Mr. Linden is so nice! Why can't you be nicer to him?"

And he would sigh, and wish for her to understand. Mr. Linden acted nice to him, always letting him walk about freely in the library, but each time he had gone off without his mother, he had seen shadowy shapes darting around in the shadows of the bookcases. Several times, he had nearly been grabbed by them, and had run to his mother for protection.


Then came the horrible day when Mr. Linden removed that golden ring, and slipped it onto his mother's finger.

"Will you marry me, Daisy?"

"Why, yes, yes, of course, Tommy."

Now since when had they been on a first-name basis? thought Joe. This was terrible! This was worse than terrible! Who knew what the eccentric, no, evil, storekeeper had in mind for his gentle, innocent mother?


That night, the book flipped open once again. The vines came out, and reached towards his mother. Joe grabbed her hands, but the vines came closer, finally wrapping around her chest. They seemed to reach back, and finally pulled a golden, glowing shape out of her, which they dragged into the book.

His mother was still there, but Joe somehow knew her soul had been taken.

For the rest of the night, he lay awake, holding his mother's hands. His breathing was shallow and ragged as he thought about what might have happened. When the sun finally peeked in through the window, he grabbed the still-open book and stared in horror at the picture.

His mother was standing there, a surprised but happy smile on her face, holding Mr. Linden's hand. She was dressed in bridal clothes, and the pari was walking towards an altar in the distance. Joe felt his heart drop to his knees, and his jaw as well. Forcing himself to stay calm, he considered that this picture may have been in the book all along. But then what has the vines taken?

Later, his mother stirred. Looking blankly at him, she spoke in a monotone voice, "Good morning, Joe. What would you like for breakfast?"

"Er...cereal," he said at last.

"Okay, honey."

Honey? Honey? His mother would never call him that. Here was final proof that whatever was walking down the stairs was merely a shell, and not his real mother. Turning back to the book, he pressed his hand forcefully against it, as if willing it to take him. For a moment, nothing happened. And then he fell...


He landed softly on the grass, then looked around. He was standing next to the path Mr. Linden had forced his mother up, probably! Anger boiling within him, he started to search for his mother. Around him, he could see forests, and many people wandering among them. But not one of them was his mother, so he continued on.

And then he saw her, sitting next to a wall. The wall was made of a papery substance, that moved as if it was breathing in and out. And it brought a chill to Joe's very heart.

"Mom?" he whispered softly. Her head snapped up, and she stared into his eyes.

"Joe! You shouldn't have come! But you can get out...just tear apart this membrane and you'll be free..."

"Mom, why don't you come with me?"

Smiling ruefully, she held up her hand with the ring. "The ring. As long as I have it, I can't escape. But when you do...burn this book. All of us will die, but many of these women should already have died..."

"Mom!" cried Joe, horrified. How could she ask him to do this?

"There is no other way. It's the only way to defeat Mr. Linden. Joe...be brave, okay?" She hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, then pushed him into the membrane. It tore, and he was falling again...


He lay on the bed, the book opened beside him. Slowly, he picked it up in his hands and carried it outside. Finding a dry piece of land, he laid the book down and returned into the house. His "mother" was making cereal, pouring it out, completely unaware of him. Feeling guilty, he started towards the cabinet, then removed the bundle of matches.

Later, outside again, he picked up a match and struck it. It burst into flame, and he held it to the book, incinerating it. The pages crumpled before the flames, turning yellow and than black, and finally dissolving into ash. Finally, all that was left was the cover, which seemed to be refusing to burn...

"What do you think you're doing?" asked a deep voice from behind him. Turning around slowly, Joe saw Mr. Linden looming over him.

"You-you didn't die!" he cried, horrified. In desperation, he seized the cover of the book, ignoring how it burned him, and thrust it at the librarian. For a moment, nothing happened. Then, suddenly, his body erupted in flame, engulfing the man into a pile of ash. Joe stared in horror, but finally got up. It was finished...too bad his mother was-

"Joe! I have your favorite, Irish stew?"



"Coming, Mom!"

Crossing my heart
Open wide
You're my crystal and clover
All of me
Is dedicated to hold you

Swear to God
Double knot
What would you do if I stole you tonight? (Ahh ahh)
Why waste time? (Ahh ahh)

'Cause the world goes on without us
It doesn't matter what we do
All silhouettes with no regrets
When I'm melting into you
'Cause I belong in your arms
I belong in your arms

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Postby Kittyms » 01/01/2008 1:30 PM

Mmm, I'mma gonna do 'The Harp', I think. I'll post my entry here once I start workin' on it.. xP

Edit: On the other hand, I am extremely busy this week, and my brain has gone on shut down. I would LOVE to write a story about the picture, but I just don't have the time, muse, or skill to beat the other entries..

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Postby AmberGlaze » 01/01/2008 4:46 PM

Everyone's doing the Harp, so I'll do Archie Smith, Boy Wonder!
With us, there is no such thing as individulaity...

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Postby Freezair » 01/01/2008 7:45 PM

Sure, I s'ppose. Go ahead. :P Way back when I was in 4th grade, it's the one I did, too. XD

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Postby Azura Rayume » 01/02/2008 3:59 PM

I was going to do the Harp one, but everyone's got that one. I'll have Another Place, Another Time. -has wonderful idea-

Boys and girls of every age
Wouldn't you like to see
Something Strange?

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Postby Banister » 01/03/2008 6:06 PM

Count me in.


I'm so loving that "A Strange Day In July" pic.
Reminds me of Kipper.

Anyways, I'm finished, man. @-@;

A Strange Day In July

A small July fortnight breeze ruffled the boy's hair, his palm gripping the few last throwing stones for the evening, calling him weakly from the wind. A small child, a girl in fact, kept up with the fellow child's trot until they came to the final stepping stone. A special they could stand on, smooth and flecked with small dish-water rainbow swirls of river-water droplets that had jumped from the afternoon rushes. Her whisper came hoarsely in the dim glow of sunset, barely skimming the tops of the trees.
"It's dinner," informed the small female youth, "And your mummy wants you to wash the dish-pans for the veggies." as he stroked the stone in the hollow of his hand softly. Why not? It would only take a second, if not a fraction, just like what they had earlier been learning in the local schoolhouse. He liked school. Especially arithmetics.
"I'll be right there..."
His voice trailed off, mind wandering the alcoves of books and the chilled lemonade his mother had prepared for him. A giddy feeling arose in his mind, almost able to taste the luscious sour-sweetness of the iced drink trickling slowly down his chin. It would only take a moment. Christopher, as we shall now call the young child, pondered the final stone in his hand, throwing it in lazily, preparing to turn around in the path of his small summer cottage and flee the forest. He was ready, shoes tied, the wet ends of his yellow-brown locks slicked sneakily behind his ears, all set and fixed to leave and dash and run, huffing and puffing in the strange rebellious joy that all small children loved doing to their superiors. He was turned around, the back of his red and slightly water-splattered sweatshirt facing the pond, sneakers itching, waiting for that plop to send him and his female friend on the way. The boy looked like a competitor in a 100k race, waiting for the man starting gun to pull the trigger and gallantly shout the numbers from one to three, except he and herself were waiting for a spray of water to signal the start of the race to home.
Get ready.
Look down and make sure your shoes are tied.

Quickly, the simple-minded child did a turnabout and stared at the pond. There was no plop. The plop, like all children knew, signaled a round yet flat stone skimming the surface of the slightly rushing waters of the pool and finally coming to rest in the mossy beds below. Suddenly, the idea rushed to his little head: there wasn't a plop. There was absolutely, positively, no plop. No plop signifying that the round yet flat stone skimming the surface of the pool finally coming to rest in the mossy beds below. No plop meant... his mind went in a dazed jitter. The small blond girl was standing next to him, her thoughts in a similar fritz of strange emotions clashing in a maniacal ball pit.
Their feet, almost controlled by a different force, pushed themselves to the edge of the pool, soon planting themselves at the pebbled rim. And there, there near the very centre of the great puddle, sat the stone. It wasn't a special stone in the least. It had one brown stripe, one tawny stripe, one grey stripe, and a regular mottled tan base, yet there it was, sitting there, an imaginary and so smug grin. The two children were positively astounded. It just could not be real- it hadn't any magical symbols on it, nor insignias, not even a nick. It was only a normal and smooth stone. That was eerily staring back at them, hovering three inches off the rushing exterior of the large puddle. They both knew that he, Christopher William MacDonald, witnessed by Amelia Josephine Wilier, had just committed one of the odder events of the day. The stone quickly came pushing, crawling, walking forth to them, like it was pleading for a small reward of sorts from the presence of the children.
The two youths turned on their heels and ran, like a return from hell and back, for they both knew that something out of the ordinary in this strange Yorkshire suburb had just happened. It wasn't normal. They both knew that wasn't supposed to happen. They both knew that it was either the wok of the devil or the work of a firefly, they both knew that they would be late for their pressing dinner conference.

They both also knew, not matter how hard he tried, no matter how hard he tossed turned and skipped...they both knew that the young male, blond, normal, and decked in a sweatshirt and the more common gap jeans was not normal in himself. This was all because of a simple incident where he threw with all his might, but the third stone came skipping back.
It wasn't right. Besides, they had most likely already missed the small Danish shortbread cookies his mother made for dessert.
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