Once a grand cathedral dedicated to the Holy Triumvirate, all that remains now are ruins ever since the religion was rejected strongly in 1823. While the religion is back in favor, the cathedral was never restored. (+3 Defense, +2 Offense)

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Return to Lya Pointa Cathedral

Seeking the Past (P)

Postby Kitsumi » 06/02/2011 6:23 PM


I'lanae slunk towards her destination, keeping to the shadows. She didn't want to risk being seen. She knew that no one would recognize her; she just didn't want to have to speak to anyone. Her tails swishing in impatiance, she tried to remember where she was heading...or why she was even heading there! The only clue she had to finding the parents who had abandoned her was written on a scrap of paper: Lya Pointa. Now she simply had to hope that she was in the right place, and that someone would recognize her mother's name.

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Re: Seeking the Past (Open! Please Join!)

Postby Mousen » 06/03/2011 3:14 PM

Between days of chasing after Erin Campbell, and arguing with a werewolf and a barmaid, and trying to make sure that he didn't get drunk infront of anyone that would rat him out to Erin's father (no mean feat, considering Maddox was the kind that knew everyone) Drake Hargate had decided he needed to clear his head. As it was, days and weeks were becoming hazily entwined together in his memory. The man figured it was the filthy air of the city, it must be polluting his mind aswell as his lungs. Why he'd chosen Lya Point was a bit of a mystery, even to himself. Though the night air was cool and refreshing, he drank it in, trying to ignore the dark atmosphere it seemed to have. Atleast from here he could see the stars, you couldn't see the stars back in his town, the smog and muck from the factories seem to have blocked out the light.

Drake's thoughts were occupied with everyday thoughts as he walked toward the cathedral. He was thinking about how pretty Erin Campbell was when she wore her hair down, and if Emery and Alanna were ever going to get married. They should, they were a good couple. He wondered if he'd be invited if they did decide to get married. He also thought about if he should apologise to Emery before the full moon, an angry idiot he could cope with, but an angry werewolf? He'd rather not take the risk, thank you very much.

That was when the cathedral came into view, and for a moment the dark furred lucain stood in awe. The ruins were slightly outlined against the darkening sky, and soon the outline would disappear completely. It must have once been great, a masterpiece of it's time... Though even Drake couldn't help feel a little shiver run up his spine at the sight of it. He wasn't scared, but there was definitely something off about the place.

((Sorry for the wait. :3))

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Re: Seeking the Past (Open! Please Join!)

Postby Kitsumi » 06/03/2011 3:51 PM

((s'ok :3))

I'lanae made her way towards the ruins of the cathedral. Why her mother would be here, she didn't know. But she knew that she must be here...she had to. I'lanae grasped the piece of paper with the location close to her chest. Her heart was beating so hard she feared it would beat right out of her chest.

All these years, she had never once been afraid of anything. Even caring for herself on the streets didn't scare her. But now, the thought of finding the mother who abandoned her...well, it put her on edge, to say the least. She wanted to turn around and go back. She had a good life there.

But she couldn't go back, she knew this very well. She needed answers. And her mother was the only one who could provide those answers. Now if only someone would know her mother...she spotted another lucain not far off, and debated on whether or not she should ask him. The way he was staring at the ruins, he wasn't very familiar with this place. I'lanae was prone to be quite distrustful of strangers. But at the moment, she really needed some help...

"Hey, you!" she called out loudly. "Are you from around here?"

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Re: Seeking the Past (Open! Please Join!)

Postby Mousen » 06/03/2011 4:06 PM

For a moment Drake could have sworn he'd heard footsteps, but he'd shrugged it off as nothing.

"Hey you! Are you from around here?"

The lucain wasn't particularly startled by the voice, though the fur on his back raised ever so slightly. The voice was clearly feminine, and and annoyed-sounding. Great. The last thing he needed was to face another stubborn woman. He'd come here to get away from the damned things, not to get shouted at by one. He sighed, and turned around slowly. His odd almost violet-ish eyes focusing on her face. "No, I'm not. Though, the cathedral's been abandoned for years from what I can gather. I'm not sure there's too many people that 'are from around here'." His tone was blunt, almost verging on impolite.

Despite his annoyance, Drake was quite struck by the coincidence here. It was unusual to find anyone at all at Lya Point, sometimes groups of kids would come down here looking for ghosts or something, but most days it was empty, apart from the rats and other creatures that made this place their home. "Why are you looking for Lya Point locals anyway? Looking for a cult to join?" He asked with a wry smile. It was probably unwise to mess with the girl, especially since he knew nothing about her, though Drake was never the wisest of his kind.

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Re: Seeking the Past (P)

Postby Kitsumi » 06/03/2011 4:24 PM

A look of disbelief took over I'lanae's face. Not only was this man being of no help to her, but he was also being downright rude! At least, that's how I'lanae took it.

"Do I look like I'm trying to join some sort of cult?" She growled, stepping closer to him. He seemed to be a pretty handsome lucain, and upon closer inspection, I'lanae knew that she would have been attracted to him in the past. But the past was gone, and right now, I'lanae saw him as an arrogent problem that needed to be fixed.

"I'm looking for my m-" I'lanae quickly stopped talking. Finally, she said, "I'm looking for someone. You don't happen to know many of the people around here, do you?"

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Re: Seeking the Past (P)

Postby Mousen » 06/04/2011 4:37 PM

Drake smiled, it seemed this particular female was very quick to anger. "Well," He said. "You never quite know with people these days. It ain't-- isn't wise to judge on appearances." Darn, that was Erin's accent begining to rub off on him. While it suited her, he didn't want to particularly sound like an Ironbridge local.

He studied the lucain infront of him, for a while. While she was hard to see in the lessening light, he could easily see where she stood, she was pretty in an angry sort of way. Wild, this one definitely had a temper.

"Unfortunately Ma'am," There was a touch of sarcasm to his voice. " I haven't seen anyone here since I arrived, about five minutes before you did, if I were you I'd try going inside."

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Re: Seeking the Past (P)

Postby Kitsumi » 06/04/2011 10:13 PM

I'lanae stopped cold. Go inside? Alone? Normally, she wouldn't hesitate to do such a thing. She was fearless; a life on her streets had made her so. But this was about her mother. And this made her afraid.

"Oh...well, I dont' exactly want to go in alone." she murmured quietly, forgetting about the other lucain for a moment. Then, remembering, she quickly added, "Not that I'm afraid! It's just that the person I'm seeking isn't exactly expecting a visitor."

In an attempt to change the subject, she asked, "What kind of gentleman are you, anyways? You haven't even offered me your name."

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Re: Seeking the Past (P)

Postby Kitsumi » 06/13/2011 4:01 PM

Realizing that the male wasn't going to reply, I'lanae hugged. "Fine, then. Do what you wish, I'm finsished here." She held her head high and trotted off. She didn't have time for males who weren't going to reply. Besides, she was needed somewhere else. Meeting her mother would just have to wait.

{I'lanae out}

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