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Re: Running from the Past (Private; Shadowstiches & I)

Postby ShadowStitches » 10/22/2011 4:41 PM

(sorry...I've been at the uni all day today, and worked my a** off, same will be tomorrow.
I'm on some sort of seminar if you where wondering what the hell I am doing on a weekend at the uni...
its fun tho :P just exhausting. so prepare for an extremely bad t post :P)

Daren smiled, then answered "You dont discomfort me...but if you insist, you can sleep on that pesky couch...
we'll see when you'll reconsider" with a wink.

all tho Daren had went to sleep when Queeny rested too, he only had a few hours of sleep, before
getting kicked out by his, in years and years of perfecting, precise inner alarm clock. It was the next day, and arround late noon. Thanks to being only half vampire, Daren was able to dwell in daylight, tho it was not really confortable either...however, it allowed him to do his duties as a Butler. He silently got ready, and once done
and properly dressed, snuck past the sleeping girl, who indeed chose the couch for now (I really hope its okay that I decidet that for her...if not, let me know, and I'll re write it :D) and left his home. He left her a short note, reading "Good evening Queeny. I had to go to work, but I will be back at 8 PM. make yourself at home, if you're hungry, more blood is in the fridge. Daren" He guessed that she would still be sleeping when he would return, but he did not want her to worry or even panick if he wasnt home if she indeed would awake early.
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Re: Running from the Past (Private; Shadowstiches & I)

Postby jobiehanna » 10/23/2011 1:43 PM

((It's alright. :)))

Queenie smiled at the man, "It's alright, I'm fine staying on the couch," she said. After Daren went to sleep in his bedroom, Queenie lay back down on the couch and tried to rest. She was still awake for a few hours after he left, because her mind was still spinning with the events of the day. Serkan, Rasul, Daren... Where was Rasul? Was the little ttee okay? Had he hurt himself during the distraction? When would she hear from him? She had no way of notifying the ttee that she was okay, which really drove her nuts.
Serkan, on the other hand, had her worried about whether he would find her or not. Would he personally come after her after he had the situation under control? How long would she have to be taught and gain her strength? That train of thought led her to thinking about whether she could be trained or not. Would Daren have the patience to teach her? Would she be able to stick with it?
The last thoughts that ran through her head were about the training that would commence soon. Just before sunrise, her breathing evened out and she was asleep. Though, it wasn't technically sleep. It was more of a trance where she just rested, kind of like when she passed out, but faintly aware of her surroundings. She didn't wake up when Daren left though, as she was just too tired to pay attention to her surroundings. And she slept until it began getting dark, around seven thirty. She awoke and looked around her, a little confused as to where she was. But then her memories came back to her, and she remembered Daren and the blood.
She sat up and looked around, but the kind man was nowhere in sight. Then she noticed the note, and read it. At the thought of blood, her stomach growled. She groaned and stood up, then wondered around his house until she found the fridge, which didn't take long. She warmed some up in the small microwave she found. Then she poured it into a cup and went to sit on the couch  She curled up on the couch and sipped at the hot liquid, waiting the remaining 20 minutes or so until Daren was expected back.

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Re: Running from the Past (Private; Shadowstiches & I)

Postby ShadowStitches » 10/24/2011 5:43 PM

Daren had a rather uneventfull working day. His ears where perked tho, to find out if anyone saw or heard anything of the events of last night on the mistress ground.Obviously tho, they where lucky, and no one even got an slight idea that there was a 'blind pasanger' around the mansion.

He went up to his own home and unlocked the door. closing it carefully behind him "Queeny? its me, Daren!"
he called out, to prevent her from getting frightened in thinking it was Serkan or someone else. He found the
young Woman where she was when he left. "Good 'morning'" he smiled "I hope you slept well, and that the couch was not too mean to you." smirking, but with alert eyes, he said. "If you're ready and you want to, we can
get off and go for some training already...dont worry, just some easy stuff at the beginning"
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Re: Running from the Past (Private; Shadowstiches & I)

Postby jobiehanna » 10/24/2011 7:32 PM

Queenie nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard the door open. But then she heard Daren's voice, and she calmed down considerably. She would have been screwed if Serkan had found her, and so soon too. "Good morning," she greeted him. "It wasn't too bad," she continued.

At the thought of hunting, Queenie was a little nervous. What if she couldn't do it? What if she made a fool of herself? She swallowed the lump in her throat and set the cup down on a coffee table before standing up and brushing herself off. "Well, ah, if you're up to it," she said. "Since you've been working all day... I don't want to exhaust you with training me and working... ah, wherever you work." She finished with a shy smile.

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Re: Running from the Past (Private; Shadowstiches & I)

Postby ShadowStitches » 11/01/2011 7:07 AM

Daren smirked slightly "no, I'm all good. Work was not that stressfull today. And to answer your unsasked
question, I work as a...Butler one might say." he looked at her, a slightly concerned look in his eyes. seeing that she was slightly nervous about the whole hunting and training made him remember his...earlier days too. "dont worry, we'll take it easy tonight. If you dont want to go hunting at the first training day, thats fine...we can start with some other usefull things. It's up to you" he said warmly, wanting to calm her down a little.
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Re: Running from the Past (Private; Shadowstiches & I)

Postby jobiehanna » 11/07/2011 8:37 PM

Queenie tilted her head. "A butler? That's gotta be better than a servant," she said in a low tone. She hated that she was a servant of such an evil man, she wondered in the person Daren served treated him fairly or not. "Is your, ah, employer nice?" She asked the question slowly, because she wasn't sure if she should refrain from asking or not. She hoped he wouldn't find her rude asking such a question.

She swallowed once more, thinking of hunting. She hadn't ever been taught, and was afraid she would make a fool out of herself. "Well, I guess we'll just see how it goes?"

((So sorry for the late reply.  :oops: ))

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Re: Running from the Past (Private; Shadowstiches & I)

Postby ShadowStitches » 11/11/2011 4:46 PM

Daren smiled slightly at the shy question "Yes she's a nice woman...a little...scatty at times, but really,
I cant ask for a better employer" he said with a wink. He looked at her encourangingly. "sounds good to me"

While they made their way to the nearest bigger village, he said "dont worry too much. It takes years to be a true 'master' in hunting, so please dont let some failed attempts get you down."  before they entered the village,
he stopped, looking at her. "okay. first things first. As you may or may not know, we are naturally good seducers, but we usually actually sort of hypnotize our 'victims', or a mixture of both. I would suggest we work on those skills first, and the actual feeding later...because that is the really scetchy part" He again smiled at her, before leading her to the first bar that came to sight.  while approaching it, he insctructed her in a low voice. "I would suggest you pic someone who already drank a little more then he should, because those are a lot easier to manipulate. To 'hypnotize' your victim, you simply have to actually imagine that you control them" he paused,
thinking "it sometimes helps to imagine him or her literally as a puppet while you do so. dont worry, it comes naturally...so first 'lesson' is to get one of these gentlemen or ladies your attention, and lead them out of the pup." he opened the door to the bar, light and warmth streaming out, and loud laughter. "I'm right behind you" he said softly, and with that, they entered the bar.

(hope thats okay^^)
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Re: Running from the Past (Private; Shadowstiches & I)

Postby jobiehanna » 11/29/2011 7:36 PM

((It's alright. And I'm sorry about my lateness in replies.  :oops: ))

Queenie followed Daren until they reached the village with the bard. She had never been to such a place, mainly because of the stories she heard about them. At Daren's words, Queenie nodded, nervousness flooded her features. She closed her eyes and took several deep breaths. "Okay," she said after a few minutes. "I can do this." At her last words, she closed herself to the feelings of failure. She was a vampire, after all, a powerful predator. She glanced back at Daren before sliding the door open and slipping inside.

The smell of alcohol mixed with human sweat assaulted her the moment she was inside. Soft, fast past music was coming from the speakers in the pub, and there were men at the bar and men at the tables. There was a game of with cards being played over in the far corner. The few women there were either waitresses of flirting with the men. Queenie took a few calming breaths before seeking out someone to seduce.

As she walked toward the bar, she stole glances around the entire place, watching for any sign of Serkan. She felt confident he wouldn't be here, but she couldn't take any chances. As she was concentrating on that task, a hand touched her shoulder and she spun around, ready to run. But the man before her smelled of alcohol and looked a little tipsy. "Heyy there, young lady," he drawled out. "You look a nervous, I can help you relax," he added with a wink.

At first, Queenie was a little shocked and nearly froze, not knowing what to say. She glanced around for Daren, but she couldn't find him. She glanced back at the stranger, looking into his eyes, hopping that would help her cause. "Well, mister, I don't need any help, relaxing," she said smoothly with a cool look in her eyes like she knew what she was doing.

The man smirked at her, then pulled her closer, "I'm most certain you do," he said huskily.

Queenie scoffed and pulled away, glaring at the man. This wasn't right. She couldn't do this. She couldn't make him listen to her. She couldn't just take away someone's free will. So she backed away from him, hoping he wouldn't follow her. Then she spun around to look for Daren. Where had he disappeared to?

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Re: Running from the Past (Private; Shadowstiches & I)

Postby ShadowStitches » 11/30/2011 2:38 PM

As soon as they entered the pub Daren mixed himself among the people. he would keep an steady eye on Queenie, but he wouldnt linger too close to her. partly because it would might scare away potential victims, partly because he wanted her to do the first steps on her own...or well, partly on her own. He did not want to be mean, but he believed that learning by doing still was the best lesson.
And he did not wish to distract her. Thus he was not particularry hiding, but just keeping out of direct eye shot.
And he was very good at hiding in 'plain sight'

However, he could see that she was far too nervous now. He shifted his position slightly when she looked at his direction, making himself more visible and eye contact. After considering it for a split second, he used an other trick he discovered to be quite usefull. He used some sort of thought speech...and he dearly hoped she would freak out

//Queenie, its me. Now stay calm, you're doing better then you think.// he smiled slightly at her direction //just try to lure the guy out. I promise you, he wont get hurt. If you absolutely cant do it, or dont want to,
just move towards me, and I'll help you out of this// while normal thoughtspeech was at the pace of a normal conversation, this was as if it actually where her own thoughts projected into her brain, thus  a much faster way to deliver information.

The guy frowned playfully, trying to grab Queenies arm "aw c'mon little girl. Dont be scared, i wont bite" he slurred, obviously not giving up jet
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Re: Running from the Past (Private; Shadowstiches & I)

Postby jobiehanna » 12/01/2011 11:15 AM

Queenie finally had eye contact with Daren, and then she heard the voice in her head. It startled her at first, and she began to push it away, until the word Daren came into it. She listened to what he had to say, and wondered how he was doing it. She just nodded her head that she understood him, then put her concentration back onto the man.

She pulled back from the man's grasping arm, then flashed him a flirty smile and batted her eyelashes. Whether he knew it or not, Queenie was quite nervous about this and wasn't all that confident, but to the drunken human, it appeared that she knew what she was doing. "Well, I guess you could come with me," she said, forcing her wishes onto the man. She lifted a hand to his chin, looking into his eyes, urging him to do what she wanted. After a few seconds, he blinked, then nodded.

"Okay," she said with another smile. "Let's go," she added with a wink, then she headed off to the back door with the red exit sign above it. As she did so, she glanced to where Daren was and smiled, then pointed to the man that was following her like a lost puppy, then nodded to the door she was heading to.

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Re: Running from the Past (Private; Shadowstiches & I)

Postby ShadowStitches » 12/04/2011 5:49 PM

(sorry just a very short one today...busy busy...)

Daren smiled when he saw that, obviously, Queenie handled her 'task' just well. he had to say that he was afraid that she would pull back for a second there, but here she was, leading the guy out. He followed both of them shortly after, happy to get out of the smelly bar. He kept his distance tho. Even when someone was so under the influence of someone, and so drunk to top it off, The guy still would get suspicious if he lingered arround too close. //Alright, you did very good// he told her over thoughtspeech, while leaning 'innocently' on the stone wall of the pup. //Now its up to you. if you feel ready for it, I can teach you on this guy how to feed without killing someone...it is a little tricky tho. If you want to, look over to me once. If not, just sent him in the alley over there to sleep his buzz off, and we'll coninue with something less nerve-racking//
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Re: Running from the Past (Private; Shadowstiches & I)

Postby jobiehanna » 12/06/2011 10:24 PM

Queenie swallowed hard at Daren's suggestions. Feed on him? She glanced at the drunken man quietly standing beside her with a blank expression on his face. She didn't know how she was doing it, but the man was obeying her. Maybe it had been so easy because he was already so impaired. But, she didn't want to feed on this man, no matter how foul he was. So she tapped his shoulder, then encouraged him to go sit against the wall and wait for his drunkenness to ware off.

After watching him do just that, she drug her eyes away from him and back to Daren. Then she walked over to him and leaned against the wall beside him. She let out a loud sigh and closed her eyes. "I can't do this," she whispered softly.

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Re: Running from the Past (Private; Shadowstiches & I)

Postby ShadowStitches » 12/11/2011 6:13 AM

(ugh sooooo sososo sorry for letting you wait :(
there where like...pretty much all my friends wanting to visit me all at once it seemedXDD
must be the christmas spirit or something like that)

Daren looked over at her, giving her a re assuring smile. "Don't worry. I can understand that, it is...
not nice, to say the least. And like I said, its quite hard to do too." he said softly, leaning a little bit forward.
"I have some other things that I'd like to teach you...for example how I communicated with you in there"
he looked up when some people stumbled out of the bar, looking mildly annoyed. "but we should search a
quiter place for that...

They made their way to a little less lively part of the village, closer to the woods again.
"Alright" he began, looking at her "This special kind of thought speech is quite usefull, and with a little
practice easily mastered. The interisting thing is that 'our' thought speech really are thoughts, or part of them, and not words...this of course, enables us to send information much quicker then when we had to 'speak them out'. It only works at relatively short distances tho..." he tilted his head slightly "its easy, but you have to concetrate. All you really have to do is to try to imagine you giving me acces to the thoughts and information you want me to hear." He tilted his head slightly "lets start with something simple. just...think of a word or a picture, and try to 'send' it to me. dont worry, the worst thing that can happen is you getting a headache" he grinned.
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Re: Running from the Past (Private; Shadowstiches & I)

Postby jobiehanna » 12/18/2011 3:22 PM

((It's alright. I've left you hanging a few time.  :shy: Life happens. :3))

Queenie nodded. She laced her fingers together, a little nervous about what they were to do next. Talking through thoughts seemed a little unusual as well as difficult. But if she ever wanted to be something other than a servant to a mean man, she would have to learn.

She followed Daren to the outskirts of the town and listened intently to what he had to say. "Er, okay," she said with a hint of nervousness in her voice. I can do this, she told herself as she tried to imagine something to send to Daren via her mind. A picture of her good friend, Rasul, popped into her head. She tried to send the image of the gray ttee with light pink stripes on both of his sides, the green, slight-like eyes, light pink hair tuft and fuzzy ears that had a greenish yellow curly ends to Daren. As she tried to do so, she felt a sharp pain in the front of her head and lifted her hand up to the spot. She continued to try to send the image, but the pain grew worse.

She winced in pain and opened her eyes that had been closed when she was concentrating. "It hurts," she said weakly.

And I was runnin' far away
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Re: Running from the Past (Private; Shadowstiches & I)

Postby ShadowStitches » 12/29/2011 4:32 PM

Daren furrowed his head slightly, both upon seeing that Queenie was in pain, and to 'understand the picture'.
It was a little fuzzy at first, but suddently got very clear, surprisingly so. It was gone again tho when she broke the connection. "Hey take it easy" he said soothingly, looking at her worried "This takes some practise to get to perfection, and it surprises me that you managed to send this at the first try...no wonder you've got a headache"
he tilted his head slightly. "it should go away soon tho..." he stopped, before asking "If you dont mind me to ask...who exactly was that?" It must have been someone who ment something to her, if she was able to picture him that detailed
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