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.:Winter Tournament JAN 2012:.

Postby Kodai » 01/05/2012 7:15 PM

The crisp, cold air of winter was filled with the joyful shouts of children playing with their recently-gained toys and the well-wishes of people still trying to adhere to their New Year's resolutions. Even though the holidays were over, the sense of goodwill hadn't quite dissipated. Generally everyone was still in a pleasant mood, thinking about all the fun they'd had over the past few weeks and trying to delay the return to mundane life.

One place, however, was really trying to avoid that return.

The battle dome half-hidden within the stone walls of Lamenolai, instead of lying dusty and dormant as it had done since… well, since whenever it had last been used for a tournament (and honestly, no one could remember when that had been), was now bustling with activity. "Winter's End Tournament" read the sign over the entrance, followed by the smaller message "Let's start the new year with a bang!"

"May I help you?"


The feminine voice came from the lone Lusikross seated at the registration desk. Her brilliant blue eyes tracked every potential entrant, waiting for someone to approach so that she could fulfill her duty.

"Yes, zhis is zhe Vinter Seasonal Tournament. Ve apologize for zhe delay, and hope zhat you vill still join us for zhe proceedings." Her accented voice held a hint of the apology she was giving, as if she personally felt sorry that there had been such a wide gap of time between tournaments. "Please be sure zhat you have read and understand zhe rules before entering. If you are interested in entering, zhen please give me your information. Even if you do not join zhe tournament as a participant, please feel free to vatch." Pausing, she gave a polite nod. "Vhatever your final decision, I hope you have a pleasant day."

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Re: .:Winter Tournament JAN 2012:.

Postby Kodai » 01/05/2012 7:16 PM


.: Entry Rules :.

ONE (1) entrant per person.
Roleplay your entry post.
– Your entry post must include your pet's Level, AP, Element (if it has one), Diet (if it has one), stats (Offense, Defense, Precision, Endurance, Speed, and Fame), and Battle Traits.
– No whining.

.: Battle Rules :.

– When you are paired with a battle partner, please begin the battle as soon as possible. You do not need to make introductory posts with your pets' stats; that is what the Stat Bank is for.
– You have THREE (3) days after your partner's last post to reply to the battle. If you do not post after three days, you will be disqualified and the win will go to your battle partner.
– Each battle has a maximum of FIFTEEN (15) rounds. If both pets are still standing at the end of the fifteenth round, the pet with the highest percentage of Endurance remaining wins.
– For a general overview of battling, please refer to this thread.

.: Restrictions :.

– This will be a four tier single-elimination tournament. There is room for EIGHT (8) fighters total.
– Your pet's OFFENSE stat must be between 10 and 20 (inclusive). Traits are not counted for this restriction.

.: Prizes :.

1st Place:
ONE (1) Editless Non-Breedable Custom (Markings Accepted) OR ONE (1) Alonia Ranch Pet OR 1000KS
2nd Place:
ONE (1) Elder Kuhna OR 750KS
3rd Place:
ONE (1) Seasonal Pet (Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas) OR 500KS

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Re: .:Winter Tournament JAN 2012:.

Postby Kodai » 01/05/2012 7:28 PM

Tournament Grid
The bolded player attacks first.

:. Round 1
Ameer vs. Souretsu
:. Round 5

Ameer vs. Chaotic


:. Round 2
Fuyuki vs. Chaotic
:. Semifinal Round

Ameer vs. Pankajar

:. Final Round

Chaotic vs. Mira Mizaki

:. Round 3
Muse vs. Pankajar
:. Round 6

Pankajar vs. Mira Mizaki


:. Round 4
Clawzore vs. Mira Mizaki

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Re: .:Winter Tournament JAN 2012:.

Postby Kodai » 01/05/2012 7:29 PM

Stat Bank
All entrants' stats are listed here; please do not repost them in battle. They are listed in alphabetical order by player.

Firetra / Muse
Level: 5
AP: 15
Diet: Sonusphagous
Element: Energy / Air (strong against Earth, weak against Ice)
Endurance: 22 (+5 Fame)
Offense: 15 (+3 Extended Claws)
Defense: 8
Precision: 12
Speed: 23
Fame: 25
– Aero (Air Elemental Attack - 5 damage/5 AP, ignores Defense)
– Blindsense (50% to hit Go Ethereal)
– Extended Claws (Offense bonus)
– Forceful Barrage (Energy Elemental Area Attack - 5 damage/7 AP, ignores Defense)
– Lunge (+1 damage/3 AP)
– Sharp Hearing (+20% to hit)
– Soundproof (Negates Horrific Moan, Horrific Wail, Rousing Speech, and Sonic Waves)
– Windstorm (Air Elemental Area Attack - 5 damage/7 AP, ignores Defense)

jackie125 / Clawzore
Level: 8
AP: 15
Diet: Carnivore
Element: Ice (strong against Air, weak against Fire)
Endurance: 20 (+2 Fame)
Offense: 22 (+4 Powerful Jaws)
Defense: 11
Precision: 14
Speed: 15
Fame: 14
– Icicle Rain (Ice Elemental Area Attack - 5 damage/7 AP, ignores Defense)
– Powerful Jaws (Offense bonus)
– Puncture (+2 damage/4 AP)
– Spiked Body (deals +1 damage when hit physically)

jobiehanna / Pankajar
Level: 10
AP: 20
Diet: Saccharovore
Element: Energy
Endurance: 29 (+4 Fame)
Offense: 13
Defense: 14 (+3 Guerrilla Fighter)
Precision: 16
Speed: 15 (first move Guerrilla Fighter)
Fame: 20
– Burst Spin (deals damage to everyone on field, 6 AP)
– Energy Siphon (regains 1/4 Energy damage taken)
– Guerrilla Fighter (Defense bonus and first move)
– Lunge (+2 damage/4 AP)
– Forceful Barrage (Energy Area Attack - 6 damage/8 AP, ignores Damage)
– Sharp Vision (+10% to hit)

Kitsumi Mahon / Ameer
Level: 6
AP: 15
Diet: Carnivore
Element: None
Endurance: 25 (+4 Combat Endurance, +4 Fame)
Offense: 16
Defense: 18
Precision: 12
Speed: 14
Fame: 22
– Combat Endurance (Endurance bonus)
– Lunge (+1 damage/3 AP)
– Power Sap (Opponent loses the amount of AP you use for this Trait)
– Sharp Vision (+10% to hit)
– Soundproof (Negates Horrific Moan, Horrific Wail, Rousing Speech, and Sonic Waves)
– Spiked Body (deals +1 damage when hit physically)

Rebel_the_Proud / Souretsu
Level: 11
AP: 20
Diet: Carnivore
Element: Earth (strong against Acid, weak against Air)
Endurance: 21 (+4 Fame)
Offense: 21 (+4 Extended Claws)
Defense: 13
Precision: 18
Speed: 16
Fame: 21
– Earthquake (bonus with Earth ally)
– Entangling Roots (Opponent cannot move and must roll to break free, 8 AP)
– Extended Claws (Offense bonus)
– Fissure (Earth Elemental Attack - 6 damage/6 AP, ignores Defense)
– Mother Nature's Son (halves Earth damage)

Shieba / Chaotic
Level: 13
AP: 20
Diet: Mentivore
Element: Dark (strong against Light, weak against Light)
Endurance: 30 (+5 Combat Endurance, +3 Fame)
Offense: 24 (+4 Extended Claws)
Defense: 24 (+3 Guerrilla Fighter, +6 Tough Hide)
Precision: 25
Speed: 25 (first move Guerrilla Fighter)
Fame: 15
– Combat Endurance (Endurance bonus)
– Extended Claws (Offense bonus)
– Guerrilla Fighter (Defense bonus and first move)
– Horrific Moan (opponent has 40% chance to hit, One-Use)
– Shade (Dark Elemental Attack - 6 damage/6 AP, ignores Defense)
– Sonic Waves (opponent has 50% chance to attack itself for 3 turns, 9 AP)
– Spectral Strike (negates Go Ethereal)
– Tough Hide (Defense bonus)

Thunder / Mira Mizaki
Level: 12
AP: 20
Diet: Piscivore/Carnivore
Element: Ice (strong against Air, weak against Fire)
Endurance: 34 (+4 Fame)
Offense: 23 (+4 Extended Claws)
Defense: 26
Precision: 16
Speed: 20
Fame: 24
– Balanced (Negates the effect of Earthquake Stomp and any "x% chance opponent will miss its next turn" effect, halves the damage from Bull Rush, Earthquake Stomp, Powerful Strike, Staggering Strike, and Tail Sweep)
– Blizzard (Opponent's Speed reduced by 1/4, One-Hit)
– Extended Claws (Offense bonus)
– Frost (Ice Elemental Attack - 6 damage/6 AP, ignores Defense)
– Sharp Vision (+10% to hit)

zapdragon555 / Fuyuki
Level: 7
AP: 15
Diet: Omnivore
Element: Light (strong against Dark, weak against Dark) / Ice (strong against Air, weak against Fire)
Endurance: 31 (+4 Combat Endurance, +3 Fame)
Offense: 16
Defense: 17
Precision: 16
Speed: 17
Fame: 16
– Blade (Metal Elemental Attack - 5 damage/5 AP, ignores Defense)
– Blinding Blaze (Light Elemental Area Attack - 5 damage/7 AP, ignores Defense)
– Combat Endurance (Endurance bonus)
– Dodge (Opponent has 25% chance to miss on next attack, 5 AP)
– Flame Resistant (half damage from Fire)
– Frost (Ice Elemental Attack - 5 damage/5 AP, ignores Defense)
– Inferno (bonus with Fire ally)
– Pyro (Fire Elemental Attack - 5 damage/5 AP, ignores Defense)
– Ray (Light Elemental Attack - 5 damage/5 AP, ignores Defense)

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Re: .:Winter Tournament JAN 2012:.

Postby jackie125 » 01/05/2012 8:12 PM

Name: Clawzore
Gender: Male
Element: Ice
Diet: Carnivore
Level: 8
AP: 15
Offense: 18/100
Defense: 11/100
Precision: 14/40
Endurance: 18/100
Speed: 15/100
Fame: 14/40
Battle Traits: Powerful Jaws, Spiked Body, Icicle Rain, Puncture

Clawzore was bored, wandering around with nothing to do. He had looked in all the shops, all the bakeries, everything. There was nothing to do. He turned a corner, nearly falling over on the ice, and saw a sign. It read:
.:Winter Tournament JAN 2012:.

He thought a tournament would be fun and exciting. Winning didn't matter, he was just looking for something exciting.
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Re: .:Winter Tournament JAN 2012:.

Postby Shieba » 01/05/2012 8:19 PM

Name: Chaotic
AP: 20
Gender: Female
Element: Dark
Posts: 64
Level: 13
Offense: 20
Defense: 15
Precision: 25
Endurance: 22
Speed: 25
Fame: 15
Battle Traits: Shade, Sonic Waves*, Combat Endurance, Horrific Moan, Tough Hide, Extended Claws, Guerilla Fighter, Spectral Strike
Diet: Mentivore

"Ooooooh! I knooooow this!" Chaotic bounced into the dome. It was really a miracle that she remembered, given how long it had been, but she had indeed been in the last tournament that had taken place here as well. "Last time had been sooooo chaotic! I wanna do it again! And again and again and again!" The fact that she just barely fit the rules and that this would probably be her last tournament didn't seem to register in her brain, just like most other things. "This will be fuuuuuun! I'll jooooin!"

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: .:Winter Tournament JAN 2012:.

Postby Thunder » 01/06/2012 11:30 PM

Name: Mira Mizaki
Diet: Piscivore/Carnivore
Element: Ice
Level: 12
Posts: 60
AP: 20
Offense: 19
Defense: 26
Precision: 16
Endurance: 30
Speed: 20
Fame: 24
Battle Traits: Extended Claws, Sharp Vision, Blizzard, Frost, Balanced

Mira hadn't been in battle for a while, but that didn't mean she wasn't fit! She was excited to hear about a winter tournament and begged Zears to let her compete, though the Albie kept on worrying about her getting hurt. She had just laughed and reminded him that she was a warrior too and had quite a bit of experience from the war of old.

So here Mira was now, waiting to register. She strolled up to the Lusikross and gave the creature a smile. "Hi!" she chirped. "I'm here to sign up for the tournament!"

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Re: .:Winter Tournament JAN 2012:.

Postby Kitsumi » 01/07/2012 12:12 AM

Name: Ameer
Diet: Carnivore
Element: None
Level: 6
Posts: 30
AP: 15
Offense: 16
Defense: 18
Precision: 12
Endurance: 17
Speed: 14
Fame: 22
Battle Traits: Combat Endurance, Lunge, Power Sap, Spiked Body (racial), Sharp Vision, Soundproof, this looked like something that Ameer would be interested in. He hadn't been in a good tournament since he had left his home-world of Mirlando. It would be good to fight again, even if the customs and such were different in this world. At the very least, it would be getting some long-needed practice; his skills were probably quite rusty at the moment.

"Yes, excuse me?" Ameer bowed politely. "I would like to sign up for the tournament, if I may? I'm not exactly sure of your customs, but I have read the rules, and they seem simple enough to abide by."

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Re: .:Winter Tournament JAN 2012:.

Postby zapdragon555 » 01/07/2012 5:43 PM

Name: Fuyuki
Diet: Omnivore
Level: 7
AP: 15
Element: Light, Ice
Offense: 16
Defense: 17
Precision: 16
Endurance: 24
Speed: 17
Fame: 16
Battle Traits: Flame Resistant, Inferno, Pyro, Blade, Blinding Blaze, Frost, Ray, Combat Endurance, Dodge

Fuyuki was back again.
He had come close to victory last time. Very close. And for some reason, some stubborn streak inside of him wouldn't allow him to just leave it at that. The Kuhna man walked up to the arena, hand on the hilt of his sword, a smile tugging at his lips as he remembered the last time he had been here. The thrill of the fight, but no kill; just his style. And hopefully this time, he'd preform just a little bit better.

His breath billowed in the air as he entered and walked up to the registration desk. "Hello, miss." He nodded politely to the girl behind it. "I would like to enter this Winter Tournament of yours..." he murmured, his right hand only leaving his sword hilt to write down his name and information. "There. There's my info," he said with a smile. "Thank you very much." He walked into the main waiting area of the arena, the expression on his face stoic and thoughtful. Good luck, boy, he thought to himself. You're going to need it.

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: .:Winter Tournament JAN 2012:.

Postby jobiehanna » 01/07/2012 10:56 PM

Name: Pankajar
Gender: Male
Level: 10
Diet: Saccharovore
Element: Energy
Offense: 13/100
Defense: 11/100
Precision: 16/40
Endurance: 25/100
Speed: 15/100
Fame: 20/40
AP: 20
Battle: Energy Siphon, Forceful Barrage, Burst Spin, Sharp Vision, Guerrilla Fighter, Lunge

What were his chances of winning? Slim to none, especially compared to other opponents. But the little cake kuhna wanted to try his chances, he could use the money for his family after all. Pankajar padded toward the place where he was to enter. He had his slip of paper with his stats on it, ready to go. "I'd, uh, like to enter this here, tournament, thing, please?" He didn't sound like he was the battling type at all, but he was going to try. He handed the slip of paper over, then anxiously awaited the tournament to begin.

And I was runnin' far away
Would I run off the world someday?
Nobody knows
Nobody knows, and
I was dancing in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain

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Re: .:Winter Tournament JAN 2012:.

Postby Firetra » 01/07/2012 11:24 PM

lifemate: None
Close family: None
Art: None
Diet: Sonusphagous
Post count:20
Element: Energy/Air
Offense: 12
Defense: 8
Precision: 12
Endurance: 17
Speed: 23 (was in vast plains)
Fame: 25

Passive Traits: Fearless, Keen Hearing
Battle Traits: Extended Claws – Automatic, Sharp Hearing – Automatic
Personal Passive Traits: Lifesense, Recognize Impostor, Ageusia, Human Speech, Keen Scent, Partial Blindness, Synesthesia, Mimic
Personal Battle Traits:Forceful Barrage - 7, Aero - 5, Blindsense - Automatic, Soundproof - Automatic, Windstorm - 7, Lunge - 3

*Yawn*, great woke up in some random place again. Some days his music would put him instantly to sleep and he would forget where he was. Today he seemed to have woken up on the side of a busy street. People were crowding around this on building and he wanted to know what was going on. He forced a sound wave from his mind and he quickly made note on where everything was. He then walked past everyone and soon his footsteps gave way to a more hollowed sound. He was now on some type of ceramic tile.
He gave his mind a little push and got a quick look of his surroundings. Which were a little bit blurred from all the talking that pushed his sound wave around. He soon found a desk and he went up to it. He saw a piece of paper with writing on it. He pushed his head closer to the paper and soon saw all the words on it. It was a sign up sheet for something. It had few names on it so he decided to add his own name to it. as soon as he was done a round of applause came from everyone. He then learned of his mistake as two people dragged him across the floor, one of them said, "thank you for signing up warrior, hope you have a fun and fair fight." And those words sank deep, very deep, into his mind.

Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me;
The carriage held but ourselves
And Immortality

- Emily Dickinson

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Re: .:Winter Tournament JAN 2012:.

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 01/08/2012 10:17 PM

Male Wood Taigra
Level: 11
AP: 20
Element: Earth
Diet: Carnivore
Offense: 17
Defense: 13
Precision: 18
Endurance: 17
Speed: 16
Fame: 21
Battle Traits: Extended Claws (breed trait) ;; Earthquake ;; Entangling Roots ;; Fissure ;; Mother Nature’s Son

The young taigra bounded up to the battle arena. A sensation of both thrill and nervousness boiled within him. This would be his very first fight. If he won, Daishou would be so proud of him! Daishou had tried the last one and didn't win, though Souretsu knew he'd tried his best. Souretsu was here on a mission to try his absolute best. Of course, he was a tad over-confident, and gung-ho about going through with this. Tail twitching with excitement, Souretsu grinned and bounded up to where he was to sign up. Apparently to Souretsu, size didn't matter.
"Hello! I'd like to sign up for battle please!" With an affirmed nod, Souretsu stood with his chest out, trying to make himself look serious and official. "I'm ready to fight!" Unable to hide his enthusiasm, Souretsu beamed with a grin, his nervousness fading away. He thought that this was just going to be so much fun.

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

I'm gonna get it all back
I'm gonna make a comeback this time
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Re: .:Winter Tournament JAN 2012:.

Postby Kodai » 01/08/2012 10:59 PM

One might not think that a lizard's claws would be of any use for writing, but the Lusikross receptionist was surprisingly deft at her task (and apparently left-handed, too). Pen flew across paper, displaying the name and statistics of each entrant in crisp and tidy letters. Eventually, eight creatures had signed up, signaling the end of the registration process and the beginning of the tournament.

"All right, entry is now closed. Please refer to zhe tournament grid for your match-ups. Zhose in bold have zhe first attack, and so are responsible for beginning zhe fight. Remember, you have zhree days to respond to your opponent's attack before you vill be disqvalified. Each round is fifteen turns. If bozh combatants are still standing, zhe vun vith zhe highest percentage of Endurance remaining is zhe vinner." She gave a polite nod to the participants. "Zhe best of luck to you all."

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Re: .:Winter Tournament JAN 2012:.

Postby Kodai » 01/16/2012 1:48 PM

After a little over a week, the tournament was finally over. Some matches had been a bit one-sided, others had been exceptionally close, but hopefully all of the participants had had fun. The only thing left to do now was formally announce who had won.

"Your attention, please! Zhe battles have been decided and zhe vinners are ready to be announced!" the Lusikross called. "In zhird is zhe Lucain, Ameer! In second is zhe Purine Rexxel, Mira Mizaki! And in first is zhe Fellox, Chaotic!" She gestured to the prize list posted beside her. "Please decide vhich prize you vant and zhen message Kodai vizh your decision. Remember, you may only choose vun of zhe items listed." Turning to address everyone, she added, "I hope you have enjoyed yourselves. Zhank you for participating, and ve hope to see you again."

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