Possibly the rainiest place on Evelon, Baian stretches for miles along the southern coasts. Thanks to the moist soil rich in minerals, wildlife here have developed unique adaptations. To travel through this thick, muddy area, most either take specially designed boats. (+2 Offense)

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Return to Baian Swamp

Give Into Sin [Self. M/E]

Postby Middy » 01/17/2012 4:55 PM

Why had he come back to this place? This same place where he had seen his comrades fall in battle. The  toxic gas that caused them to write in pain, flesh melting off their skin as they were gasping for air from suffocating on their own vomit. The gurgling noises they made from the putrid water filling their lungs before succumbing to a painful death. Driscoli could only watch in horror, for he felt no ill effects of the toxin. No… it was because he was not mortal. A ghoul… a doll…

Before he could retreat he had been grabbed by one of his fellow soldiers… no it was only a twisted shell of him. The man had changed, fungal spores and mushrooms growing out of him, saliva dripping from his mouth in a hungry scowl. He did his best to fight him off with the butt of his bayonet before more of the malformed soldier rose from the swampy depths.

They had become the undead. Wretched, filthy undead. He had to retreat, there was nothing he could do for them now. He had to run back to the rest of the living troops as soon as possible. He had run far from the swamp, never looking back, for at that time fighting Napoleon’s army was more important then grieving for the fallen.

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Re: Give Into Sin [Self. M/E]

Postby Middy » 01/17/2012 6:43 PM

Now after hundreds of years since then he stood at the very same swamp, the events of the past seemed to replay before his eyes. The undead monsters were at rest, their gurgled screams silent. He sat still on a rock going over the memories in his head. Something didn’t make sense that day… no normal toxin could have done so much damage. He took his bayonet and swirled the tip in the water, watching his own reflection distort in the mossy green liquid.

“Recalling some memories are we?”

Driscoli remained silent, seeing a man behind him in the reflection. Tall, long black hair, fine facial features and brilliant red eyes. He knew who was now talking to him. Faust… his stalker. He continued to ignore the man, attempting to frustrate him.

Faust motioned towards Driscoli, placing a black gloved hand on his shoulder. He felt him shy away from the touch with a growl. Faust smiled at the reaction, “You know, I haven’t seen you in so long my little Toy Soldier, so why do you show yourself now?”

Driscoli swatted Faust’s hand away with a hateful scowl, “Away from me demon, I have no dealings with you or your kind.”

"Is that so? I thought you would love seeing me again, after-all... I did have that proposition remember?"

"Not in your lifetime," Driscoli spat back getting up from the rock. "Why would a ghoul ever do anything with a demon? Let alone make a pact..."

Faust simply grinned back, moving in front of Dris, teeth bared so that his fangs showed, "Pact? I merely want you to become a part of my inner circle. A... ah, consort of mine if you will." Faust paused holding his twisted expression, noting Driscoli's widened eyes.
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Re: Give Into Sin [Self. M/E]

Postby Middy » 01/17/2012 7:28 PM

“You… can’t be serious. I am a doll now. You can’t possibly think that would work.”

Faust crept closer, brushing the two feathers in Driscoli’s top hat. “You know I have the power to turn you into a human… and not be so artificial although,” he backed away looking the doll over, “I do like the perfect features and immaculate skin. Would that transfer over if you were human?”

Driscoli paused taking a look at one of his hands, he really hadn’t noticed it before. Although gloved, he could see how perfect the shape was, “I don’t see why I am so… coveted by you. Surely a Demon Lord such as yourself could find someone of your own kind…” he held back another growl, knowing that being aggressive would only make Faust more attracted to him.
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Re: Give Into Sin [Self. M/E]

Postby Middy » 01/17/2012 7:29 PM

Faust sat down on the rock with a mischievous grin, he stared for a moment before reaching out and grabbing onto Driscoli to pull him down on his lap earning a panicked squeal from the younger. “You do know my harem is extensive, and demon gals are a dime a dozen in “hell”… I want something exotic. A ghoul…”

Driscoli tried to get up but was immediately shoved back down, ”I’m male… or is that the whole idea now..”

“Don’t most people consider same sex pairings a ‘sin’? If so… then it suits me perfectly. I am after all, the Fiend of Sins.”

“Right… and I am but a guardian and soldier to Lady Eva, Fiend of Theatrics. Tell me this must be out of spite as well.” He did feel disgusted sitting on another male, but he refused to outwardly show it. “Let me go… now.”

Faust wrapped his arms around the doll’s smaller frame, tracing the bands on his uniform, “Eva hmm? Interesting. As for letting you go…” he snickered brushing his lips against Driscoli’s ear, “I will let you go for now. Although, I am giving you 1 week to decide, and I am sure it will be a yes.” Faust dumped Driscoli off of him and stood up on the rock, unfurling two large demonic wings. He took one last look at his prey before jumping off and flying away from the swamp.
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Re: Give Into Sin [Self. M/E]

Postby Middy » 01/17/2012 9:30 PM

Day 2

White Chapel, this place served many historical purposes to him. He had been here many times and had witnessed the infamous Jack the Ripper killings. This place hadn't changed much either, just like the swamp. It was still a filthy, low income part of town. Driscoli passed by many of the townsfolk, they knew him as a famous toymaker and had often come to his shop that was situated in the main city. A few prostitutes giggles and waved at him beckoning him over, but Driscoli just tipped his hat to them and continued on.

The words from Faust resonated in his head, about forcing him into being something of a sex slave to him. That he could force him into being a human, since he already knew the demon could turn him back into his true form. He realized he had 5 days left to decide, under any other circumstance it would be a solid "NO" but... since Faust didn't state what would happen if he declined then it must be something terrible.

Could he... no... he wouldn't dare hurt Lady Eva would he? His head spun at the thought, he needed to regain himself quickly and play his cards right. He backed into a nearby shop to regain composure. Dealing with demons wasn't exactly his strength.
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Re: Give Into Sin [Self. M/E]

Postby Middy » 01/17/2012 10:00 PM

The shop was warm and quiet, with a dark lit atmosphere. The shop was also filled with the heavy aroma of sandalwood and fragrant flower scents. At the counter stood a woman dressed in a flowing black dress, her raven black hair cascading down her back like a river. Her eyes shone with a brilliant violet hue, to him, she look sensational.

"Greetings customer, may I interest you in anything?" she smiled at him placing her delicate hands on a crystal ball, leaning forward to get a better look at him.

Driscoli smiled looking her up and down again. "Just browsing..." he replied calmly.

The woman chuckled back at him, "You look like you came in here in a hurry. Are you sure you didn't pick some random shop to hide in dear?"

"Well... yes.. I'm sorry madame."

"No, no issues here dear. I get many who need to hide from the cold. If you should know, this is a... well, 'magic shop' of sorts. Tricks, potions, scrolls, trinkets... I have it all. Or, I can do fortune readings or tarot if you wish."
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Re: Give Into Sin [Self. M/E]

Postby Middy » 01/17/2012 10:08 PM

"Interesting... well, I too have a shop in the main city," Driscoli replied with a smile, "I make custom toys, the children love them. I even get some big time collectors now and then."

The woman nodded, "That sounds wonderful my dear, oh, maybe we need a proper introduction? My name is Amuse Farcaller. What might your name be my dear?"

"The name is Driscoli," he replied bowing and tipping his hat to her. Something was surely coming over him, this woman had some sort of mysterious hold on him. "I wouldn't mind taking a look around the shop, things like this intrigue me."

"If you need any help just come to me, I will be glad to direct you to anything, and answer your questions as well. Per usual, be sure not to break anything."  Amuse said brushing her hair out of her face with a seductive grin on her face. It was hard for Driscoli to really look away from her, but as usual, he kept his thoughts and feelings hidden.
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Re: Give Into Sin [Self. M/E]

Postby Middy » 01/17/2012 10:19 PM

Amuse watched Driscoli carefully, taking note of some of his rigid movements and slow speech. She mused to herself of what he could be, a ghoul was a given. She could sense it from him, she took her time to grab a book from the shelf and plopped it on the counter, flipping to a specific page right away.

Ghouls: Two realms exist on Earth, The Human Realm, and The Demon Realm, but many do not know of the realm in between. The Ghoul Realm. Creatures in this realm are dangerous twisted creatures of both worlds combined into one horrific beast. Their power can rank slightly below a demon, but the most of them rank higher in power. The realm itself is one that not many human nor demon has survived.

Amuse grinned, he was one! So rare to see one in the Human Realm... and he seemed to be neutral much unlike his savage brethren. They were intelligent creatures yes, but they were also extremely unpredictable and violent. "Driscoli right? May I ask where you are from?"

Driscoli halted at the question, so he had to make up a lie again, "Italy... before I moved to London and became a soldier," he made a weak smile hoping she would buy it.

"Mmmhmm... I see. Fascinating."
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Re: Give Into Sin [Self. M/E]

Postby Middy » 01/18/2012 3:31 PM

Something was telling Driscoli that Amuse didn't completely believe his little bluff. He sat nervously watching her until he saw a smile spread across her face, she picked up the book she had dragged out and placed it back.

"Italy huh? I heard that place is gorgeous, what is it like there, Driscoli?"

She did buy it! He couldn't help but smile in reply. He had of course been there, that was no lie. "It is a beautiful place, good food, good people, and fine wine. There is also quite the history and rich culture behind it too. If I could take you there I--" he paused. Was he trying to pick her up on a date?

Amuse jumped up in joy, "R-Really!? Oh if you could that would be wonderful! But..." she paused and placed a finger to her lips, "I am so busy here... unless you want to plan a trip in the future?"

Driscoli walked up to the counter and placed his hands on it, "I think that would be lovely."

Amuse blushed and looked into his eyes 'A... doll? I see... he IS part of Eva's court. Although, he is so charming... and him being a Ghoul. He could go into real human form.... "Just the thought of a handsome soldier like you taking me out fills me with joy."

"Then allow me to take you, but this doesn't mean we can't go on a local... date... right?" he had almost choked on those last words and felt more nervous by the moment.

Amuse leaned in towards him batting her eyes, "I would love a date with you," she placed her hands on his and leaned in close to his face, pressing her lips against his.
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Re: Give Into Sin [Self. M/E]

Postby Middy » 01/18/2012 7:02 PM

It had turned evening by the time Driscoli left the shop with Amuse for their date. He was still nervous and had been fumbling with what words to say to the woman who was leaning against him with her arms around his. He began to wonder if he really was a doll now, and if so, just what kind of doll was he? He still had feelings, retained the 5 senses, but he didn't need to breathe and eating and sleeping was just for fun. However, he did retain the ball joints, seams, and some rigid movements and slowed speech.

"Is something wrong soldier?" Driscoli's thoughts were interrupted by Amuse who was looking up into his artificial eyes. He shook his head and caressed her cheek lovingly. Amuse giggled and cuddled up to him more.

He kissed the top of her head and held her closer, "No, nothing is wrong. Just thinking about where we should go. I'm not very hungry... but I am leaving you to decide, if you don't mind."

Amuse blushed and nuzzled his chest, "I know a perfect spot, it's on a hill overlooking this city. It will be a great view of the eclipse tonight."

Driscoli almost gasped when he heard about an eclipse, such things always fascinated him but much of the time he could only witness them alone, "That would be lovely."
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Re: Give Into Sin [Self. M/E]

Postby Middy » 01/18/2012 7:08 PM

The couple had made their way to the top of the hill, the view of White Chapel was both amazing and depressing. Driscoli had spent his time looking at the certain spots where the Jack the Ripper killings took place, only because he had remembered seeing them in person. Again his thoughts were interrupted by Amuse pulling him down to the ground onto the snow covered grass.

"It's snowing," she whispered to him, kissing him on the cheek. She brushed his hair from his face and took his top hat off to set it beside them. She leaned against him, her head resting on his shoulder. "It's so beautiful... almost surreal..."

He smiled and leaned his head against hers. The moment was almost perfect. All that was left was the eclipse. This meeting of theirs had been so.. random, but right now he didn't care.
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Re: Give Into Sin [Self. M/E]

Postby Middy » 01/18/2012 7:25 PM

"Dris... the eclipse is going to happen soon... but there is something I need to tell you," Amuse gripped onto him with a deep sigh, "Promise you won't run from me? Promise you will stay?"

Her sudden words confused him, she was hiding something too? Was it as horrible as his secret? He held her closer in a long embrace, "I won't leave.. I promise."

With that Amuse pulled herself away and stood up. The sky had started to darken as the eclipse was moving in, Driscoli was watching in anticipation. "I'm not who I say I am... in actuality, I am the familiar of the Dark Lady... Midnight... I'm sorry I didn't say sooner."

Driscoli got up, he should have suspected given the weird name.. but he was still in a bit of shock from hearing this. But, was he that much better? He sauntered over to her, taking her back in his arms, "Forgiven..."
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Re: Give Into Sin [Self. M/E]

Postby Middy » 01/18/2012 7:25 PM

"What?" Amuse replied in confusion.

"I am a Ghoul, not even human. I am in the form of a doll, and ran into your shop to escape Faust. A demon who is infatuated with me... so, I am not angry at you. In fact, I feel like a bigger liar."

The eclipse came in full, darkening the skies in pure black and enshrouding the couple in complete darkness. Amuse opened her eyes and looked up, her eyes now glowing a brilliant violet. "I knew what you were, I was expecting you. I was asked to keep you safe from Faust, by order of Midnight."

"Amuse..." Driscoli hugged her tight, "Will you promise to protect me?"

Amuse nodded, holding onto him once more and dragging him back down to the ground, "I promise, if you promise to give me the company and pleasure of having you. We may have just met today, but I feel like we mean so much more to each other then we think."

Driscoli embraced her with a kiss. "I cannot grant you what you wish with this artificial body of mine, but I can be here for you."
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Re: Give Into Sin [Self. M/E]

Postby Middy » 01/18/2012 7:33 PM

The whole time he was with this Familiar of Midnight's had been strange, he never would have had feelings for something other then his own species. No, that would have been beyond him. When had he ever cared about something else other then his own creations, maybe she held some sort of control over him.

Driscoli had returned Amuse back to her shop after the eclipse had ended, bidding her farewell and heading back to his shop. He didn't know if he wanted to pay her back a visit or not, he made sure to let her know that he couldn't do anything physical with her beyond kissing and hugging. This again was not true, he would take on a real body given he was an organic being to begin with. He was first and foremost, a Ghoul, and even if he took the form and feel of a doll, he could revert back to being like a living creature at any time.

He just chose not to.
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Re: Give Into Sin [Self. M/E]

Postby Middy » 01/18/2012 8:42 PM

Driscoli had returned to where the last victim of Jack The Ripper had met her end, Mary Kelly. He had often come back here to think, although most people would think this as being morbid; it only came natural to Ghouls to return to areas where horrific deaths took place. He sat against the corner of the room taking off his top hat and running his white gloved hands through his hair. To think... a human and a Reaper did these killings... and yet no one will ever know," he drew a smile over his artificial lips and stood up. A shame he couldn't locate said Death God to chat with him. He found their kind very facinating.
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