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Truths Not Lies [Private; E]

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/05/2012 6:25 PM

[This is my "interview," roleplay. Many of my characters will be interviewed here and will answer quite a few different questions, even spilling things they wouldn't normally. Please enjoy.<3]

A man, probably somewhere in his mid-thirties, straightened the papers over and over on his desk, followed by the tie around his neck. It was a vicious cycle and he was close to choking himself out by now from tightening the damn tie just too many times. This was one of the biggest gigs of his career which, in the reality of it, was terribly sad. With so many different people lined up, he was sure that they could get quite a few views and, with any luck, quite a few good reviews, too.

When it was announced that the cameras were rolling, he cleared his throat and smiled his very best smile. "Good day, Evelonians! It is my great pleasure to announce that I will be hosting a series of interviews of some of the wonderful, strange, and maybe not so strange Evelonians across the Lands! Maybe you have heard of them, maybe you have not, but I've got the scoop!"

What the poor little man didn't know, was that the events to follow were never going to air, and he probably wouldn't remember any of this when it was all said and done. It was all just rigged, to gather information for those that wanted it, and he was just a pawn in the game of things.

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Re: Truths Not Lies [Private; E]

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/06/2012 12:34 AM

- Bunny -

"Right, well, what is it that you do for a living?" The question had already been asked, possibly a hundred times over, but no matter just how worn out the answer was, Bunny, the person that said question was directed toward, would always smile.

"I suppose you could call me a summoner, but that isn't quite what is important," but she was cut off anyway, despite her words.

"A summoner?" The man in the chair across from her interjected.

Bunny sighed. "A summoner: a person that is able to create a binding, non-physical contract with other beings and summon them to do their bidding."

"Okay, go on," the man urged.

"I, as a summoner, and with the use of my self-taught weaponry skills, vanquish all things evil, monstrous, or downright nasty."

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Re: Truths Not Lies [Private; E]

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/06/2012 12:36 AM

"What is that you summon?"

"Monsters, of course. What better way to take out monsters than with monsters? People really ought to keep up with these things. You know, only a diamond cuts a diamond."

The man shook his head, a disbelieving look coming to his face. "You have monsters on your  side?"

"Well, yeah, though they aren't evil or otherwise nasty. Monstrous, sometimes, yes, but that isn't always their fault."

"Can you explain what sort of monsters that you have in your arsenal?"

"Sure. A couple demons, a couple werewolves, an undead, the soul of a cat inside a rabbit - not so monstrous, but still. I haven't gotten my hands on a vampire though, which is pretty funny, since they seem so darn popular in this world." Yes, she intentionally left out that she was also harboring an ex-secret agent.

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Re: Truths Not Lies [Private; E]

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/06/2012 12:39 AM

"And how did you go about... binding them?"

"I already told you, though they are monsters, they are not monstrous. They're pretty much just like you and me, just with a few strings attached. For beings that I make contracts with, I generally seek out all things dark, unusual, or otherwise evil-looking, but that aren't actually the way people assume."

"Would you care to explain that a bit more?"

"All right, I'll use my bodyguard for example, then. He's a werewolf, right? Well, wererabbit, actually, but he's completely misunderstood. He can't control when he transforms into his 'were-state,' and he can be quite unpredictable and dangerous when this happens. However, outside of that state, he isn't even close to a violent person. In fact, he's more shy around people than anything else. Get it?"

"Right," the man said, trying to wrap his head around the thought of some "monsters," actually being good. "Now, you said you have some skills with weapons, that you taught yourself?"

"That is, indeed, correct!" Bunny managed to smile again. "So, my job is pretty dangerous, as you may be able to imagine. Being a monster hunter isn't exactly a frou frou sort of job. In order to protect myself I came up with a few special weapons." Here, she lifted the cane that she had held onto so tightly since her arrival. "See this?"

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Re: Truths Not Lies [Private; E]

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/06/2012 12:40 AM

The man nodded.

"This little beauty is a gun and, not just any, but one that shoots specially crafted bullets that can actually hinder all sorts of creatures. I never leave home unarmed. You never know when you're going to run into something and need protection."

At that point, the man seemed to grow uncomfortable.

"Oh, don't worry! If you're not a vicious monster, you shouldn't have any problems. I also have different ones, some modified to be blades. And, whichever I don't have as a cane, I have as shoes," she said, glancing down at her feet, which were wrapped in high heeled boots.

"Now, just to clarify, people also call you the lethal bunny?"

"Yes, or the lethal fuzzy bunny."

"Are you aware that there is a band that has the same name?"

Bunny cocked an eyebrow. "Uh, no, 'fraid not."

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Re: Truths Not Lies [Private; E]

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/06/2012 12:42 AM

"'Uh, right then, next question. Do you have a... special someone?"

Bunny recrossed her legs, switching which leg was resting on top of the other. "Well, that's not something I can really say."

"And why is that?"

"Because it's complicated," she replied, her voice flat.

"Do you have children?"

Bunny looked down, for once, her confident resolve wavering just slightly. "Brain children."

"Brain children?"

"In... a dream, I fell in love with and married an angel that had been possessed by a demon. We had two kids and I watched them grow up. When I woke up, there they were, but there was no angel Enigma, and I have never seen him otherwise."

"So you haven't really fallen in love?"

Bunny shook her head and she forcefully held back the frown and the tears that wanted to show themselves. "I still love him, even if he isn't real."

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Re: Truths Not Lies [Private; E]

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/09/2012 12:32 AM

- Strages -

"I've been told that your name is Latin?"

The man that asked the question leaned in, hovering over his desk, as he peered at the man in the seat across from him now. It was strange, given that the man sat properly, like one might have expected from a woman but, despite the corset that he could swear he saw under his jacket, Strages looked too, well, manly to sit in such a manner.

Strages, who seemed rather bored by this entire idea, nodded his head. "Yes, my name is Latin. My mother's native tongue was a version of Latin."

"Could you tell us what your name means?" The man urged.

"Strages translates to 'Bloodbath.'" He stated dully in return, sending a shiver down the interviewer's spine when he realized just how eerie his guest already seemed to be. "And I don't suppose that it could be any more accurate."

The interviewer gulped. "A-and why is that?"

"Well, when you kill for a living, and enjoy it, you might as well have a suitable name."

"O-okay. Well, I was told that you have interesting... parents?"

"My dear mother is a princess and lead mage of a forsaken kingdom whose prince walked out on her. My father, wherever the hell that bastard is, was a criminal when they met. I think he was a murder, or something such as that. I've been told that my sickening obsession with blood and pain may have been inherited. It's like a disease, so my mother once said. I used to lose myself a lot, nearly killed my twin brother more than once. The 'Regalis' part of my name, it's a title, though, to signify my royal bloodline."

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Re: Truths Not Lies [Private; E]

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/09/2012 12:33 AM

"Uh... So why are you really here?" The other man finally managed. If he was this sort of person, than what reason did he have to be here?

"My boss told me that it would be a good idea to get some information about myself on the record. Got a problem with that?"

"N-no. Um, I've heard that you are... gay."

"I fell in love with a man, yes."

"S-so you are gay?"

"I don't like men that way."

"But you just said..."

"I'm asexual," Strages cut him off, his tone growing annoyed. "If you opened a damn dictionary, maybe you'd get it."

"Well, could you explain for us...?"

He huffed. "It means that I'm not sexually attracted to anyone. My physical attraction only stems from emotional attraction. So, if you wanted me to fuck you, for instance, unless I liked your personality, we wouldn't get anywhere."

Yeah, the interviewer was uncomfortable now.

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Re: Truths Not Lies [Private; E]

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/09/2012 12:34 AM

"Would you... tell me about the man you fell in love with?"

Strages glanced sideways and was silent for a moment before speaking, "His name was Aaron. I was going to kill him, when we met, until he keeled over for no reason of my doing I had been... trying not to... Well, I was trying to change, so I took him in. Turns out, he was sick. When he regained consciousness, I suppose you could claim that he had become of a victim of love at first sight. Unfortunately for him, my feelings were in no way reciprocated." He paused a moment, to take in a sharp breath.

"Then how did you...?"

"I was getting to it. At the time, I thought I had loved my childhood friend, Ace, or, well, Niti, as she decided to be called when we were no longer children. I had not laid eyes on Aaron since I had sent him on his way that day, though I received a letter from him, from the war front of the Purine and Imperialist war. He was dying from the poor medical treatment there, and I was the only person he could reach out to, apparently. I did the only thing I could do, to get him a leave, and that involved what most people around here call breeding."

"So it was then that you fell for him?"

"No," Strages shook his head. "It was only after Niti and I...did the same." It was only here that he faltered, thinking about how much he had gone and hurt Nitidus. He loved her, too, but not the same way.

"Nitidus was newly pregnant, in the hospital at that blasted center, when I scented the blood of one of my sons. I would rather not get into details, but he was almost killed, and I beheaded his killer, Hawk, right there in one of those lovely little rooms. Nitidus almost killed herself by giving up her lifeforce to my son, who she had only just learned existed. My would-be son-in-law was there, too, Canvas. I really ought to have been nicer to him."

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Re: Truths Not Lies [Private; E]

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/09/2012 12:35 AM

"Your son-in-law?" This seemed to perk the interest of the interviewer some, and helped him put aside the fact that he had just heard that his guest had beheaded someone.

"That's another complicated story," Strages stated, crossing his arms. "Nor is it my story to tell."

"Uh, right." He decided, quite easily, not to push his luck. "How many children do you have?" That seemed like an innocent enough question, right?

"Fifteen. Ten with Aaron, five with Niti. Seven daughters, eight sons, though most have taken their own paths."

"Is it true that you didn't raise your children from Nitidus?"

Strages swallowed. "Primarily... yes. I was already a single father, Aaron was hardly ever around, because of his illness and the... other Aaron."

"Other Aaron?"

"His body shared a spirit with another, a God, or some ridiculous bullshit like that. I didn't like that Aaron, but I willingly place the blame on him for my fiance's death."

"Oh, so you two never married?"

"No," Strages snapped. "He vanished before our wedding. I assume him dead. Now can we drop the damn subject? It isn't particularly my favorite one." The dangerous glint in his eye and the clenching of his clawed fists was enough to have the interviewer sitting as far back into his chair as he possibly could.

"So, what do you do for a living? I mean, anything... other than what you said before?"

"I'm an actor." Strages was blunt.

"An actor, of all things?"

"Yes, have a problem with that?"

"U-uh, no. Of course not! You just don't look like..."

"Do you really think I would dress like this if I wasn't some sort of eccentric?" He gestured toward the corset beneath his coat. "What kind of fully sane man wears a bloody corset?"

"I would rather not answer that question," the man uttered in response.

"Of course you wouldn't. Oh, and before you ask, I usually take on the roll of the hero, given that my boss likes to play the villains."

"Fabulous. Do you have a favorite... play?"


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Re: Truths Not Lies [Private; E]

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/09/2012 12:36 AM

"Oh, well, what is it that you do when you're not working?"

"My second job. I have thrown myself into my work since Aaron's disappearance. My "disease," had been started to get better, though even I spilled some of his blood on more than one occasion. But, now, it... it is all I have."

"What about your children? Aren't they... worried about you?"

Strages merely shrugged. "I don't see why they would be. I've always torn myself apart for them. Ever since my first children were born, I have done nothing be work and raise them. Functioning on less than four hours of sleep day in and day out, it's what I do. And murdering people can be relaxing, for a man like me."

"Y-you know, you never said how you really fell in love with Aaron..." Yeah, he was going to revisit the subject for an answer.

Strages sighed heavily. "I was in conflict. 'Do I love Niti or do I love Aaron?' I asked myself that all the time. Being intimate with both made it obvious. While I love Niti with all of my heart, I don't love her the same way that I loved him. I wanted to protect him and it was he who soothed my temper, not her. For him, I found that I would do anything, even carrying the children. I would thrown my life away for his. Not that it matters, anyway. Niti realized she didn't love me, in the end. She married my brother, who is a doctor of all things."

"Whoa. Wait. You're telling me that you took on the role of the mother?"

"In the sense of carrying the children, yes, other than that, he was the 'mother.' It would have killed him had he carried more than our first children.

"Did you have any unusual cravings?"

"I didn't want to eat anything but chocolate cake." Strages actually chuckled, much to the other man's amusement.

"Does that you mean you love chocolate cake?"

"Hell no. I ate so much of it then, there is no way in hell that I will touch it now."

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