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Silence Is Golden (P, Elektra and I) [L]

Postby Remedy » 04/09/2012 12:14 AM


Now, how did he end up here...?
Andrew wasn't going to kid himself- he was lost.  Very, very lost.  For the past few hours, he had been trailing one of his uncle's more secretive and suspicious friends, trying to find more information on who, exactly, this man who seemed to be so close to his family was.  He'd had a bad feeling about the man for a while, one what made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up whenever he was near.  Drew wasn't quite sure what he was up to, but he knew that he didn't have any normal office job.
Only about fifteen minutes ago did he lose the man's trail, and now after desperately trying to pick it back up did he realize that not only was he lost, but also in a rather unfavorable part of town.  The buildings lining the street consisted of a run-down apartment building, a boarded up gas station, a row of very dingy looking houses, and what appeared to once have been a small church that looked as though it hadn't been set foot in for years.  Many of these buildings suffered from broken windows, tarps acting as a temporary covering for the roof, and graffiti defiling most available wall space.  It hardly seemed like an inhabitable neighborhood, but Drew did spot a few unfortunate souls peeking out from behind the curtains on their broken windows.  They were, no doubt, staring at this new boy with clean clothes, freshly cut hair, and an over all appearance that screamed 'richer than you.'  Some looked at him with sad eyes, some greedy.  They all knew he wouldn't last long here if he didn't leave soon.

Watching his surroundings closely, Drew continued down the street.  Unfortunately, he didn't make it far before a group of teenagers that couldn't be too far older than him emerged from the gas station just across the street from where he was standing.  They all were laughing and seemingly having a fine time, a few carrying fresh packs of cigarettes.  However, all noise stopped when they spotted Andrew who was watching them cautiously.  They turned to him with strange expressions, pocketing their newly bought items and reaching for hidden switchblades in their clothing.  
One, who looked to be their leader, stood out and spoke.  "What the hell are you lookin' at, kid?"
He said this in a tone that made it sound as though he was trying to be menacing, and puffed out his chest a bit to be intimidating.  Drew almost laughed, and would have, if he had not been so keen as to notice one crucial fact about this group of rowdy teens that made his stomach churn.
They all wore red and black, and their clothing was decorated in some place with a spade marking.  
Fuck.  That was the single word that ran though Drew's mind as he took a step back.  They were all looking at him expectantly, waiting for an answer.  Realizing the situation, all Andrew could do was shrug.  
"You think you're smart, kid?" The leader asked angrily, taking a few steps toward him and into the street.
Andrew began to panic a little as he realized that, because he was in front of the large apartment building, the nearest alleyways and therefore methods of escape were too far away for him to run to without being caught.  Sure, his added instincts might help him, but he could tell- just from appearance- that the person advancing upon him was abnormal, somewhat like himself.  Running would only cause more trouble.  A fight would also only increase his problems, as most of the teens following behind this kid also seemed a little off-human.  Infected.  Just one, he could take.  With all of them- five, to be exact; four infected and one not- he wouldn't last long.
Fuck!  He thought again, more frantically this time as his back hit the wall to the apartment building.  He stood silently, watching nervously as the group advanced upon him, maniac grins spread on their faces.  He was in trouble now.

(... I sure write a lot... I didn't really mean for it to turn out this loong.  XD  Also, Drew's in his human form right now.  o3o  Poor boy... He's strong, but not invincible.)

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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Re: Silence Is Golden (P, Elektra and I) [L]

Postby Elektra » 04/09/2012 10:56 PM

"Hmph.  What a pain in the ass..."
Inside the dungy apartment that Andrew was currently backed up to sat a girl around 18 or 19, a thick book in hand.  She had dazzling white hair clipped to the back of her head, and her deep gray eyes were focused intently on the text printed on each page.  She finally looked up, and when she heard more noise coming from outside, she got up and headed toward the nearest window.  Leaning out, she spotted a group of local kids, and then one new one that she'd never seen around these parts.  He looked to be of decent social status, and wasn't wearing the normal attire of the Slums.  He did spark some interest though.  And, it certainly wasn't every day that they would get to witness a fight that wasn't over territory.  To be honest, she didn't really understand why these humans had such serious confrontations over trivial matters like who lived where, but that was beyond her comprehension now.
"Yoruichi!  Come see this!" she called out, hoping not to alert the boys to their presence.  A sleek, purple haired woman came down the stairs, a puzzeled look on her face.  "What's up Tsuki?" "There's some poor Medicai-born kid out there.  Looks like the local boys got a whiff of him to."  The second woman looked at her quizically, unsure of what her sister was hoping to achieve by telling her this.  "Well, what's your point?" "Uh.  Well, I mean, shouldn't we do something?  I don't know.  But he's gonna get seriously cut up out there like he is right now."
Tsukiko hadn't been here for that long, for about a year and a half, but she knew the basics when it came to humans, and the basics when it came to living among these types of humans.  Stay down low, and mind your own bussiness.  However, she just couldn't really do that in this situation.  "C'mon, we have to do something!" "Like what?  We go down there, and we'll get involved in all this to.  It isn't like living in that Jawaan place anymore."  Yoruichi had begun to stay something more when Tsukiko launched out the window, and scaled the wall.
Yoruichi just stayed where she was, cursing under her breath at her sister's stupidity.

(Libra is just a place-holder)

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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Postby Remedy » 04/09/2012 11:32 PM

Andrew was on the verge of panic.  Usually in tough situations, he was able to keep his cool, but unfortunately these circumstances were vastly different than ones he'd experienced before.  There was no one to help him 'explain' to these people, though it didn't seem like they would be willing to listen if anyone tried.  His uncle had warned him- no, strictly forbidden him from straying too far from home, as it may result in dangerous situations such as the one he was in.  It had been a couple years since his uncle discovered the cure for the infections in Andrew and his sisters' blood, but for various reasons they had refrained from letting the public know.  Now, if he were to fight with these kids and bite one of them or be bitten, it would become a huge problem if they walked away healed and he walked away seemingly uninfected.  It would raise questions.
It likely wouldn't matter though, or maybe it would.  Chances are they would beat him up pretty badly and either kill him quickly or leave him there, on the sidewalk, to slowly bleed out.  He may be able to do some damage by himself, but he'd seen a whole group of these people attack in the past.  It was like a swarm.  Short, quick, and horribly painful just to watch.  However, he also knew that these people, these poor teenagers standing before him, were not so merciful and innocent as to attack only when overcome by an episode.  They were part of a gang, one that he was far too familiar with, one whose members saw death everyday and treated it like a game.  If their minds were clear, this would no doubt be a slow, dreadful experience.

Just as he had bared his teeth threateningly- or so he hoped it seemed; he probably just looked like some dumb idiot mimicking a cat as they wouldn't be able to sense his own infection- he saw something move above him.  He hardly had time to look up, however.  He couldn't let himself get so easily distracted, especially if it involved craning his neck to be in a so very vulnerable position.  Instead he directed his attention to the group in front of him, four staring at him with hungry eyes and the fifth, the normal one, watching from across the street where she could stand safely, knowing she wouldn't be mistaken and bitten during the brawl.  She looked at him with amused eyes, which he caught for a fraction of a second, just long enough for there to be a spark of recognition.  That was when the leader moved, quickly and suddenly, as the others followed his lead.  They were coming in for the attack, but Andrew knew all hell would break loose if he tried to defend himself with his teeth.  The odds did not seem to be in his favor here.

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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Re: Silence Is Golden (P, Elektra and I) [L]

Postby Elektra » 04/10/2012 12:05 AM

Tsukiko watched intently as the group debated, and hardly had time to react when the lunged.  She knew better than to get involved at that point, but she couldn't stand by and watch when she had already made her way down.  Letting out a growl, she reached down instinctively to grab Xue'ya from her sheath, and cursed as she realized that she was not dealing with hollows, and her Zanpakuto would be of no help.  She did however, have an array of switch blades with her on the inside of her jacket. Stepping away for a moment, she grabbed two, and then headed not for the group, but for the woman standing out of the way.  She slashed at her furiously, allowing her battle instincts to take over at that point.  Something told her that this woman, whoever she was, held an important role in their group, and that taking her down, or at the very least endangering her, would draw the others away from the poor boy.  She could only hope that he would be strong enough to hold them off until she could get their attention.

(Your post scared away my muse big time.)

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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Postby Remedy » 04/10/2012 9:30 PM

It happened so fast, Andrew could hardly believe it.  Only seconds ago, he was confident that his life was about to end in the most dreadful way possible- but the threat was gone before his quiet life could flash before his eyes, not that much would be there.  It took him only a few more seconds to grasp the situation as he stared, dumbfounded, at the person that had just... appeared out of thin air.  The four attackers wasted absolutely no time in directing their attention when they finally noticed this person, and- more importantly- this person's target.  Speaking of which, he directed his attention to the girl who had been quietly watching him from across the street merely seconds ago.  It appeared she was prepared for the attack, and had drawn what looked to be a hunting knife in the blink of an eye.  The knife, from what he could tell from where he was standing, looked rather off-colored.  Andrew then realized that it was rusty and old, and probably very dull as well.  Despite this fact, she seemed to be blocking attacks with ease.  
Taking this chance to further inspect the girl herself, he realized that she really was who he thought she had been.  He'd seen her before, always in the midst of trouble that involved his sisters.  She always had that look, that amused glance that sent shivers down his spine and made him think she knew more than she should.  It always felt like she was playing with him.  To make things more interesting about her, it seemed that even though this gang was notorious for 'throwing away' its members, she held some importance to the group.  They all immediately fought to protect her, and what's more- they all made an effort to keep her uninfected.  There was something special about her, even to those monsters.  That girl was fucking creepy.

Within the next five minutes, the whole group had fought and finally fled, but not without a few casualties.  One of the abnormal ones had, just as was predicted, mistaken the girl that they were supposed to be protecting and attacked her.  That was the problem with these people; this drug, infection, disease.  It was supposed to bring out the primal instincts in a person, increasing their ability to fight and survive.  However, when someone was overcome by what was known as an "episode", they had a tendency to attack anyone around them who was not of their kind.  Luckily for that human girl, the others protected her and they all made it away.  Even after the whole ordeal, Andrew was still in the same place he had been before, eyes wide, pulse and mind racing.  His mind finally cleared, and he realized, again, where he was and what had happened.  This person, this... magical being, quite possibly, had just appeared out of nowhere and saved him.  It may have been unintentional or for her own personal reasons, but Drew still felt a bit of gratitude and debt towards this life saver.  However, he kept in mind that he was still in a dangerous place, and although this person didn't look infected, she may have just scared the others off to prey on him alone.  That thought brought his defenses back up, and he decided to wait until she made some move of acknowledgement towards him.

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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Re: Silence Is Golden (P, Elektra and I) [L]

Postby Elektra » 04/11/2012 12:52 AM

"Shit..." she muttered as they ran off, that weird girl still unscathed.  Even with the advantage of two weapons, and ones that she was familiar with, she still failed to actually take down a single one of them.  This gigai, it made her weak, weaker than she preferred.  Wiping the light trickles of blood that were coming from the small cuts up her arms, she made a mental note to have Yoruichi look at that in a little bit, since she'd noticed the girl's rusty knife a short time after their fight had begun.  
A few seconds later, she remembered that the boy was still standing there against the apartment complex.  He hadn't made any move to attack or retreat, which puzzled her.  "Hey, you.  Wipe that look off your face, it's kind of annoying..." she said nonchalantly.  "You wanna come in?  This whole place is ours, so as long as you aren't planning on trying to kill us all once you get in, I guess you're welcome to stay for a little while..."
Turning around, she decided that scaling the wall really wasn't worth the effort, and instead she took a deep breath, and landed a solid kick on the boarded up door.  As soon as it connected, the board went down, dust and nails flying everywhere.  She coughed, blinking to get rid of the particles that had gotten in her eyes.  Motioning for him to follow, Tsukiko made her way up, and then in to the study and lab rooms.
"Yoruichi!" she called out.  There was a little wait, and then a small black cat appeared.  "What do you want now?" it said in a deep voice.  "Well, for one, change back into your original form.  There's a kid here, and he kind of needs help..." she said, frustrated.  However, she corrected herself immediately, and just in time to.  "No no no, go to another room and change back, you idiot!" she said.  "Huh? Oooh!  Sorry, kinda distracted right now.  I'll be right back."  And with that she left for another room.
"Sorry, she's my sister.  I'm Tsukiko, and that's Yoruichi."

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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Postby Remedy » 04/21/2012 6:05 PM

Andrew jumped when he heard the woman talk; though he was expecting something, he hadn't thought she'd sound so... normal. He quickly closed his mouth, as it had been hanging open before in surprise, and thought over what she had said. His defenses spiked when she offered for him to come inside, since he most certainly wasn't going to trust anyone from these parts. However, he knew that if he stayed here, or even if he ran off and got lost again, he would probably end up in more trouble. He knew that the group of teenagers belonging to the Spade gang would not sit by quietly after having been attacked. They would, without a doubt, come back with reinforcements to get revenge on the person who had made a fool out of them, along with any witnesses. If he ran off and got himself stuck in a dead end and their murder club caught on to his trail, it would definitely result in his death. Drew wasn't so foolish as to expect to get that lucky twice in a row.

Seeing as the woman had already entered the house (by kicking down the door), he made up his mind and followed quickly. He most certainly didn't want to offend this woman who had just fought off four infected teenagers and that bitch blonde girl who he is much to familiar with for his liking. Hopefully, by sticking around her, he'd be safe when the reinforcements came- or he'd at least be able to escape during the fight.
Following her into the apartment building, he couldn't help but gape at the lab room and study that they had entered.  This whole place was bizarre; it really did seem that this woman owned the whole building.  
Just then, yet another bizarre thing occurred.  A cat appeared, and spoke.  Things around here were just getting stranger, and Andrew contemplated leaving while he could.  However, recalling the dangers awaiting him outside, he decided to stay put.  
Letting his mind wander, he began to think that perhaps this woman was a scientist of some sort and had found a way to make cats talk.  However, hearing her say the cat was her sister just made him all the more confused.  Perhaps she's crazy... he thought, accepting this as a suitable explanation.  Hopefully not serial killer crazy, though.  He made a mental note to watch out for any signs of this.

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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Re: Silence Is Golden (P, Elektra and I) [L]

Postby Elektra » 04/21/2012 6:45 PM

Tsukiko made her way through the door to their living room, and sat down on one of the three couches in the corner.  She could tell the boy was nervous, and bring Yoruichi into the equation probably wasn't her smartest idea.  Sighing, she rubbed her temples slowly.  Just then, Yoruichi stepped out into view, wearing a tank top and extremely short shorts.  However, her tail was still there.  "Hehe, this better Tsuki?" she asked, sticking her tongue out.  Tsukiko looked at her, horrified, and apologized to the newcomer.  "So, what's your name anyway kid?  And why are those punks after you?" she asked.

While she waited for his answer, she got up and opened up a drawer near her, and pulled out a small first aid kit.  She took out the bandages, some disinfectant, and walked back over.  She tended to her own arm first, and quickly cleaned the gash that girl had caused with her rusty knife.  Hopefully she wouldn't end up sick because of it.  Then she turned to the boy.  "They slash you anywhere?" she asked, offering him the bandages.

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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